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Page 16

by Ingrid Walsh

  - After all, you are the son of the luckiest bitch across London! What else explains she chose to sleep and wake up seeing that his ugly face for the rest of your life partner? I let out a growl, but the river and had to agree. - My face is much more presentable than her, you bastard. - grind, taking the seafront promenade, heading for the buffet address, an elegant building in the San Domingo Beach border with San Marcos. - But, yeah, I'm a fucking lucky. - suavizo the tone. - Thanks man. That's thoughtful of you. - Not so, friend. its deepest tone now. - You know, none of us has come to these frills social rules, but I want to say again how much I appreciate having invited me to his wedding godfather. Dude, do not you cry, are you? - debocho. - Fuck you, Mike! - He growls, then smiles. - I could, since I've never been among royalty before. - makes a brief silence. - Listen, I want you to know you can count on me for whatever the fuck you need, right? - Right. I'll talk to Ella about dinner and call you later, mate. - guarantee and parted after briefly turn off. I turn on the sound, tuning into local radio and drumming his fingers on the steering wheel to the sound of music DragonFly. Damn, these rockers persecute me. I snort. However, restless rock me distracted from the traffic starting to get intense nearing rush hour. I'm halfway there when my phone rings again. Dam -. Speak, cousin. - I'll get it, stopping at a red light. - You need to go to the Central hospital, Mike! - he growls the words with obvious anger in his voice. I frown in confusion. - Why do I need to go to the hospital? inquiro. He lets out a series of words in Italian. - Ella, cousin! - cries, agonized. - A motorcyclist hit her in front of the building of such a buffet, damn it! What?! What the hell is he saying? My heart races, beating hard in his chest. What the fuck? As well, someone hit her? - How the hell Ella was hit, Dam? - growl, inflamed. - She's really hurt? They caught the unfortunate? - I speed, not caring that the signal is still closed and do the roundabout a few meters ahead, returning toward the center. Floor the accelerator. God can not stand the idea of my bruised wrist. I moan in agony and helplessness to still be a fucking kilometers from the hospital. Another call appears on the device. It's Harry, who is in the car behind me, not understanding why I'm coming back. I like it, briefly explaining what happened and I will talk to Dam. - Tell me, damn it! How the hell did this happen? Where was the fucking Lorenzo who did not protect? - grind, enraged. Dam sighs. - She suffered some bruises but is fine, according to Lorenzo. He said they were coming to the hospital right now. - roaring, cursing more in their mother tongue. I let my breath. Relief by taking me. She is fine. My doll is good. It was just a fucking shock. - I do not think this was something isolated, Mike. My blood freezes at the implication in his tone, relief quickly draining. - You think ... - I think that whoever is behind you found a way to get to Ella. says between teeth. - No! - let out a loud grunt, punching the steering wheel. - No, damn it! I swear I'll kill anyone who dared to hurt her! - We need to tell Ella that someone is behind you. I know I agreed to not worry her at first, but now it's a matter of safety. She needs to know to become more attentive. - exhales loudly and said in a calm voice mortally: - I'm with you, cousin. I guarantee that I will personally kill any unfortunate who dares to touch my little sister. I swallow hard. I never heard this level of anger in my cousin. - So let's get this bastard together Dam. - growl. - Because no one dares to hurt my little girl will go unpunished, I assure you. - he grunts a concordance across. - And the fucking Secret Service? Nothing yet? - snort, very pissed off about this delay agents to show something consistent. Dam is silent a moment. - They're not saying anything. However, I have a feeling that you already have something, just are not sharing with us. I snort. - I'm not impressed, Dam -. Tersely spit. He growls the other side. - You're right. I will require that we deem an update that shit as soon as possible. Cum. I draw a sharp breath and force myself to remain calm or will cause an accident. - We will talk to the agent Falconi, cousin. Today still, preferably. - I force my more controlled tone. I do not want to set off the fucking Secret Service, but I am dissatisfied and frustrated that we're not going anywhere until some fucked behind me. - He seems more accessible. - My father will not be pleased that it is slipping in Ella for incompetence of the agents. - he grunts. - I have to call him now, Mike. See you in a bit. - See you at the hospital, cousin. - I say brief, off and stepping on the accelerator all. I need to get to my girl and see that's really good. Fear is like a crawling worm. He has always been lurking since the matter was published by Angliotti fucked. I loud sigh. Damn, now, it is gaining more and more space. What is this, my Holy Mother of God? Who is, or who they are? What do you want from me? I honestly do not remember being annoyed someone about to suffer a fucking chase like this. It seems to me that are wanting my leather free. Exhale, distressed. Questions. Just fucking questions are what I have.



  Ella sighs with her head resting on my chest. The queen finished straightening the pillows on my bed and I place my girl softly. I can feel the sharp eyes of my uncle behind me. Ella wanted to come to my room, I was not my idea, I want to tell you. Although, I can not deny the satisfaction it brings me. Damn, when did my uncle will accept that I am the man she loves? Shit. Maybe it's just jealousy same father, has nothing to do with me, the king would want to pull the balls of any bastard who threatened to take his principessa away. I'll probably be even more motherfucker when Ella give me a little princess. Damn, a little princess blonde with green eyes. My heart melts with the idea. Do not talk about children yet, but, I like three at least. Two boys and a girl, so, my two princesses will be well protected. - Grazie amore mio. - whispers, holding my face on both sides and kisses me softly on the lips. Fuck. I have to keep myself from moaning in front of my uncles. Ella laughed softly against my lips, like the naughty girl who is loving teasing me. Sigh, letting the relief flooding me. Almost provoked an accident the way to hospital, needing to see her, touch her, observe with my own eyes that he was not hurt. I slide the indicator for the delicate face. That girl is my whole world. - Rest my love. - I whisper back. Someone is clearing his throat when I think to give him one more kiss. We laughed furtively, knowing that can only be my uncle. - You really okay, Piccola? - he asks, approaching the bed. I turn away to give them room. Plays Ella's face, his eyes are dark with paternal concern. My aunt sits on the edge of the bed with the daughter and the two begin to lick their offspring. I'm just watching the scene next to Dam -. Si, papà. I'm fine, do not worry. - Ella smiles tenderly looking away to his mother. - the two stay quiet. Lorenzo told the truth. Were just abrasions, thank God. There are bandages on his elbow and right knee. What most bothered the doctor who attended was a blow to the head during the fall. Ella took four points on the scalp and spent six hours for observation preventing a concussion, being released just yet. One day shall be a mother too, my princess. - Aunt Julia says hoarsely, while tracing her daughter's face with a sweetness that reminds me of my mother. - you can not be quiet when one of our children gets hurt, dear. - I know, mamma. But I'm fine. - opens a loving smile. - you heard the doctor. It was just a scare, grazie a Dio. - Grazie a Dio, tesoro. - his father agrees with strained voice and leans, kissing her forehead. - rest now, you? - your eyes come to me, telling me he does not like the fact that his princepessa be in my bed. Uh, if he knew the things we've done in this bed ... The Dam's cell phone rings, leaving me on alert. It meets with what appears to be more of a growl than a greeting. My cousin is still pissed off about the incident and the lack of agents' answers. All this only leads me to think that Angliotti was right, or that these people are very smart and yes, dangerous. I'll be damned if let them get close to Ella again. I'll hire my own parallel investigation and pull those bastards the hole where they are hiding. I plight my ears to try to fish something low conversation Dam. It closes the connection with the twisted face. It seems furious. - They took the motorcyclist. - announces, looking at his father. - And that's not all. - his gaze lands on Ella. - they have Paolo Montessola custody. - What?! - the rest of us exclaims. Paolo? Because? -
Ella asks, moaning when settles better on the pillows. I take two steps closer, wanting to get to her, but my uncles are surrounding it. - Are you in pain, doll? His eyes soften, knowing I need to be close to her, but do not want to bring me from my uncles.

  - Just a little sore, love. The doctor warned that would look like this for a couple of days, do not worry. - his face back to close while diverting their attention to Dam -. Answer, fratello because Paolo is in custody? Dam grinds his teeth. - It seems that unfortunate was behind it all, sorella. The slanderous headline, deaths and trampling her. - says look like you're ready to flay the duquezinho shit. New wave of exclamations of women and swearing by my and King. I Crispus fists, anger invading me, leaving my hot blood, buzzing in the ears. Cum! That fucking hurt my little girl. I'll rip your fucking throat! ************* Thirty minutes later, Dam, the king and I are in the elevator, going up to the twentieth floor of the building which houses the headquarters of the Secret Service, in the historic center of the island. Ella was shaken by the news that Paolo, the little shit of her ex-boyfriend, It is behind this ridiculous persecution, and may even have murdered his maid and journalist. The queen was with her as we left immediately to confront the unhappy. You can not tell which of us is more angry. All I know is what I train boxing in the face of empoladinho. He will regret having moved us. That's right. A distinguished man, bald and enclosed in a fine suit is ready as soon as the doors open. It is the largest boss, Manda-Rain Secret Service, Alfredo Bianucci. Two officers come to your side. Falconi and Cesario, I recognize them. - Majesty Highnesses, good night. - the head greets us with a bow, the others follow. My uncle growled a greeting back. He does not care about civility when angry, I identify fully at this time. - We'll have a private conversation, Mr. Bianucci. But first, take us to the Duke. - he demands, paving the way out. Dam and I followed. - I look into the eyes of that kid to try to understand why it was stupid enough to mess with the royal family. - his tone is cold, but angry. - I want everything on the Montessola home on my desk first thing in the morning. Their connections, business, leisure, their bad. I want tutto! The men in the flank with contained and apprehensive expressions, like children taking a scolding. - Certainly, sir. the ground head, trying his best not to show weakness in front of his subordinates. We walked a glass wall with doors metal detectors. The alarm is turned off as we pass and an agent to put the power immediately. The building and the security that circulates are impressive. However, they are not earning points none of us today. Followed by a huge room divided into small cubicles with tables as is common in government offices. Most of the tables are empty, with only a few agents here and there, after all, it's after midnight. We went through all the room to turn a corner, grabbing a door flanked corridor. There are glass walls, which allows us to see into the rooms, which leads me to conclude that they are rooms used for questioning. The men stop in the second room and look through the glass, my blood returning to buzz. Paolo's in there, head down, hands handcuffed on a small table.

  - He has been interrogated? - the question comes in the tense voice Dam. - how much of the suspicions confirmed? - his tone is deceptively calm. I know him too well and I know that is not having to enter the room and break the face of empoladinho. Just like me. The three men sigh, looking even more uncomfortable. - Tutto, Your Highness. All suspicions were confirmed. - Bianucci says. - the Montessola Duke is stuck to the hair root in Mike Prince smear plot and the events that followed thereafter. Son of a bitch! I grit my teeth, growling like a rabid dog. Damn, I never gave anything for this little shit. Who knew that the rejection of Ella did go so far? It really is involved in the killings? The unfortunate killed himself? The preppy does not seem in any way with someone who would be capable of an act so extreme. But perhaps I underestimated. - Majesty Highnesses, I know they are not too happy with the young Montessola. - Bianucci clears his throat, pulling his tie as if breathless. but, per favore, do not do anything that might complicate them ... Complicating us? - King growls, giving him a hard look. - correct me if I'm wrong, but this is my island. - Bianucci swallows audibly. Dam is holding a smile for his father's outburst. is my family that this kid had abused move. My will is to go there and teach you a thing or two. - his eyes pierce Bianucci. - fucking with my fists! He messed with the mia bambina! Until I cringe with the deadly tone of the king. Dam sighs angry and reaches for his father's shoulder. - Papà, calm down. - he sees the Bianucci boss. - do not worry, we will not touch the unhappy there, although my will wipe the floor with his face. - growls with the same ferocity of his father, not reassuring the man at all. - but let's be civilized, you have my word. - says solemnly, then stares at me, raising an eyebrow, asking for agreement. I snort loudly, clenching my fists tighter. - I do not make empty promises, cousin. I can not guarantee I will not tear the damn brat's throat as soon as I walk through the door. Bianucci makes a disgusted sound. - So you go, Your Highness is not advisable. What? I make a sound more animalistic than human and stare at him firmly. - Try to stop me, sir. - point to the fucking duquezinho through the mirror. - that bastard hurt Ella! - Mike, calm down, fuck. - Dam touches my shoulder as he did with his father. - the agents are just doing their job. We are not barbarians, Mr. Bianucci. - he laughs, but it forced out. - can open the door. The old man nods to Falconi and the door opens. We enter the three at once and the little shit looks up, his eyes missing jump out of their sockets when they see us. Swallows, being white as a sheet of paper. Good. It's good that it is even blurring. - The king and the princes want to have a word with you, Montessola. - Falconi warns his harsh tone. The tough agent giving the guys the first time at night. Paolo sees us one by one, his face getting bolder shade. - Majesty Highnesses. - is a tense awe and holds his gaze on mine, making it clear that does not support me as I to him. - I only speak in the presence of my lawyer. The three of us growled. - The hell it will not, you little shit! - spit, trying to get closer, but I am restrained by Falconi, who gives me a hard look, shaking his head. - you will regret having planned all this shit on me. - Only in the presence of my lawyer. I have been questioned. I know my rights, they can not force me. My uncle progresses, getting very close to the unhappy. He backs wisely. - Your rights, figlio? - the affectionate treatment leaves full of my uncle's mouth sarcasm. - you and your family will be wiped out of Ardócia. - Paolo blinks, its position being shaken by the king's statement. - I do not deal well with traitors all who know me know that. I often go over them like a steamroller. - the little shit swallows, tears filling his eyes. - nothing will be left on the Montessola, capisce? Priate [9]. - I repeat, only in the presence of my lawyer. - Your voice is shaking now. My uncle is a frustrated sound, followed by Dam. - I can be alone with him a while? - I ask and Paul turns his head quickly toward me, fear filling his features fresh preppy. - No! I do not want to be alone with this asshole! - cries, looking agents. - you can not leave me alone with him, on top handcuffed! I laugh coldly. - Not at all, Duke. - ironizo its title. - withdraw the handcuffs if he thinks he will have more chances like that ... - I scoff. I can break the unfortunate in two pieces with one foot on the back and not spring up a sweat. - Mike ... - his voice full of authority of my uncle made me look at him. He sends me a silent message. - we will do all the legal, figlio ways. Nod. However, I need some time alone with that son of a bitch. I need to understand how all plotted and he'll talk. Oh yes, you will sing like a fucking parrot! - I just want to talk a little ... - I will not talk, I said! - Paolo seems to panic now, as the agents the release of the handcuffs. Dam looks at me, raising an eyebrow, as if wondering what the hell I'm doing. I just snort an ironic laugh. - We'll be outside. - Falconi says vehemently, sounding like a message to me and an attempt to calm the smelly insect before me. They leave. The air seems to get heavier as we envision. - Ella never wanted you. His flirtation was just because we had not yet settled in. - I say calmly that I can gather when all I want is to give a good right hook on his chin aristocratic thoroughbreds. - instead of accepting it as a good loser, you took a lot
of stupid decisions, right? First planted defamation in the media ... - wag his head. - So what? Celina discovered, it was why kill her? He inspires sharply, massaging his wrists, swelling like a franguinho a cockfight. - No!


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