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Page 25

by Ingrid Walsh

  - Doll ... - I growl low and lean, biting his neck gently. She shudders, releasing a sexy giggle. - there is no more beautiful sound that, princess. - whisper, turning her head to look her in the eyes. His emerald eyes are very bright, his expression enternecendo. She lifts her hand, touching my beard trimmed. - Amato mio ... - mutters. I lean over and kiss her gently on the lips. - Come on, love, we'll feed her. - play the indicator at the end of the haughty little nose. We ask leave to my parents and Isaac with his wife and went hand in hand for a full table. Antonella

  Sam and Em and I entered the busy restaurant, which is located on the top floor of a new mall two blocks from the King's headquarters. Mike warned that would be involved in meetings all day and probably eat something in the same company. He is a perfectionist with his work. Ending with the girls, I'll just pass by there to check if you really fed. We are exhausted after a shopping spree along Oxford Street all morning. We mark a day of girls, as they are going back to Boston tomorrow. We walked on foot through the spacious sidewalks, followed closely by our security guards. In the last shop, a paparazzi riot formed outside and had to be escorted to the car. Taking the little episode, I'd say our adventure shopping was relatively quiet. It's not always like that. The hostess opens your best smile and takes us to a table right away, causing customer whispers and grunts who were waiting in line. Generally I do not like to be treated differently, but my feet are killing me! So I'm sorry girls, but I'm accepting special treatment, va bene? We thank the nice lady and we settled at a table near the glass wall with a view of the city below us. Here you can see some of the imposing facade of the King's house. The waiter appears and ordered a club soda before making requests. The environment here is exquisite, the clientele is basically men and women in the corporate world. Mike brought me here a few times when he wanted to have lunch with me, but as it is a workalik, did not want to be too far from the company.

  - I'll have the fish with herbs and you, In? - Sam asks looking at the menu. - I'll have the same, and this pudding truffles here. - points to the photo of dessert. - I'll salad and chops to the sauce. - My stomach growls and girls fall into laughter. - and this pudding is divine, Em! The experienced the last time I came here with Mike. They exchanged grins. - God, you two are so unctuously passionate press. - In kids. - you know how many times said Mike name just this morning? I wrinkling his brow. - How many? - I ask, a half smile playing on my mouth. They roll their eyes. - A thousand, for sure! - Sam replies. - but I told. I laugh and adds its exaggeration, shaking his head. These girls are not kidding. - We are happy, that is, materials. - defend ourselves with a silly grin on his face. - it took us so long to take our feelings. His brother, mostly. - twist the nose. - he knows to be turrão whenever. They do face. - Oh, yes he knows. - In agree. - so old-fashioned our elder brother. - complains, then smiled softly. - but we are crazy about him anyway. - Totally. Sam nods. - just do not talk often for it not to be thinking. I laugh of his youthful reasoning. The waiter putting back side, waiting elegantly do our requests. As love to eat and this is no secret, I also ask an input breaded prawns with sweet and sour sauce. The girls laugh at me.

  - What? - I raise my eyebrows. - these shrimp are indecent so good, can not help but ask. argument. They laugh more. - Press, we will never find out where does everything you eat.

  - Sam says good-natured, as the waiter walks away with our requests. - That's true, Ella. In endorse. - press, you have a killer body. - rolls his eyes. - so my brother jealous possessive bar bar caveman, not sling off more than you in those days. - says with his impertinence. I laugh satisfied. Si, we do not we drop each other at all. The works of the museum were closed two weeks ago, but still had some legal procedures that Mike had to settle with the state bodies of Ardócia and stayed a while there, only returning to London yesterday. With very little way asked mio papà that would allow me to follow my fiance. He argued that lack only a month for the wedding, to desgrudarmos a bit. I laugh softly. He's so jealous of his principessa that not trying to hide it. But my mother intervened, wondering if it has forgotten how to be young and in love, and as always, the king gave way. We'll come back in two weeks for the reopening of the museum, however. My parents and Dam has a scheduled diplomatic trip here for next week, then I will be able to give all the attention mio papà is missing. My entrée is served and I fall mouth unceremoniously. Sam and join me in a moment later, not resisting the groans that give to each portion set in the mouth. The environment is getting crowded, I realize, glancing discreetly around. We eat, talking animatedly, both relying on the two boys are courting in Boston and Mike can not even dream of it. I hear it and comment here and there, so be worshiping with them. Already I had a time we did not do something together. When our dishes arrive, we delight in still talking. We are in the dessert when I see with the eye corner two figures stopping at our table. I look newcomers and run into anyone's winning smile unless Thomas, the one Earl of York. Shit. The man is handsome. And the snob attitude, is well aware of this fact. Look away for your partner and realize it's Elise, the girl who was crying her sorrows in the dining Daniel. Looking at the well in daylight does not seem as young as I thought that night. She seems to be in his thirties, look at it more closely. It's very pretty, though. He was very kind to me when we met, but she was under Mike, so no chance of a friendship here. - But what a pleasant surprise ... Princess Antonella. - Thomas mutters, making a brief bow, his dark gray eyes burning upon me. I get up as required by label. - I knew my day was about to improve when I came here. - Good afternoon, Earl. - he holds out his hand and caught trying not to roll your eyes when kissing spitefully. I hear Sam and In bufarem. They are not as discreet. - Ella Princess. - Elise follow his example, bending a little awkward. - it's so good to see you again. - she seems genuinely happy and I feel bad for not wanting to be friendly. Forcing my jealousy away, I smile gently and compliance as well. It's my pleasure. - I tell him, pulling the hand of the Count's domain. - know Samantha and Emilly, the younger sister of Mike. Girls just tilt their chins, but do not rise. They do not care much about labels. Bad influence of Anna. - Nice to meet you, lovely girls. - Thomas does not lose the gallant tone. The girls open the more fake smiles in response. Dio! I hold myself not to laugh. - Oh, they're really lovely, are not they? - Elise says softly. They narrowed their eyes on the brunette. Caspita, my cousins are like two obstinate children, embarrassing mother. - We go to the toilet, press. - In warns, rising followed by twin. - we came back in a minute. They're gone and I almost sigh at being left with these two strangers. - I would like to thank the professional suggestions so kindly gave me, princess. Thomas makes to speak, his eyes are full of greediness over me. He did not even try to hide it. It is an abused. Just as I gave the suggestions for your gallery because I was idle this time after the works of the museum ended and not like feeling useless. In addition, he promised me he will give me credit, which will be welcome to the Master that I intend to start next year. Another point in its favor is that the Count came in contact with my personal adviser, then no fact contact between us. Mike surtaria if I spoke directly to the man. - It was nothing. - I say flatly, hoping they take their way. - Are you going to the club on Friday? - Elise question lowering his voice. - I'm not sure. Mike did not tell me anything about it. She smile. - There will be demonstrations, public scenes. All Domes and Masters will make a scene on the center stage. It freezes me from head to toe. What?! I will not make any maledeta scene in public! She seems to read my face, because smiles with understanding. - Stay quiet, Ella princess. Daniel does not require the Master Mike to do a scene with you. His training has just begun, I'm guessing. - raises a quizzical eyebrow and I come undone, but nod in agreement. - Master Mike must choose one of his old regular subs for the demonstration. My gut twists to hear the last part. This alternative is even worse than the last. - What? - I ask abruptly, panic took over me. No. Mike will do a scene with no fucking old sub! I forbid it, caspita! - I know. - she laughs as if it was nothing. - it's all new to you
, so much to assimilate. - Your tone is so understanding and smooth that makes me angrier. - that's how things work in our world, princess. The Masters always make statements. - eyes fix on mine, momentarily harder. - with your partner or not. Are rules of the club and I doubt that Daniel let Master Mike flee their responsibilities any longer. He's been away for many months. Besides, I doubt that Master Mike wants to escape from its obligations. If she says Master Mike again, I swear I'll stick your face in the pudding platter! No, that would ruin my favorite dessert. Best pour the pitcher of water on his head.

  - I doubt that my fiance wants to make any statement with another woman. - I can not keep the clipped tone of my voice. The woman smiled again. - Mike would never do anything so disrespectful to me. - All right, please do not shoot the messenger! - jokes, raising their hands. His eyes soften. - Daniel told me he was almost certain that Mike would do a demonstration ... - He will not do. - rebato firmly. She pulls back a little with my tone. But its mild expression does not change. - The proposal I made him still stands. I look if you need guidance, anything in this new world we are entering. I know he is training, but it's always nice to have the feminine vision of the art of submission. And it allows some advice, do not take everything too literally, Ella princess. Open your mind to see everything when the club. The statements are just that: acting. Nor is there always link between the dominant and submissive, or dominatrix and submissive. No way! Mio Mike will not touch another woman's body even if it is in a maledeta staging. Fuck this club and your stupid doctrine. - Grazie, Elise. I'll try to keep that in mind. - I force my softer tone. - Right. I'll go first to our table, Thomas. - warns and gives me a friendly smile, bowing before you go. Thomas Low laughter makes me look at him. He sticks his hand in the expensive suit and withdraw a card. The stretches for me. - My private contacts, princess. Would you like to meet her for coffee, perhaps? - his tone and look are charming. I'm sure you always get what you want using them. But this does nothing for me. I open my mouth to refuse and he continues: - to talk more about the valuable ideas that gave me, of course. I would be honored to have a few minutes in his company. I open my mouth again, but before I talk a big hand and dark seeps between us, pulling the hand card of a stunned Thomas. Oh, Dio mio ... Mike! - I do not think so, buddy. - growls, his nostrils flaring, the deadly gaze locked on the count. It destroys the card with a palpable anger and pushes the chopped the man's chest, hard, almost upsetting. - on the other hand, you can have my company. Just you and me in the parking lot. What do you say? - I choke. He is shaking with rage. - Mike ... - My voice has an appeal. People are beginning to look at the malaise in our table. - per favore ... Your head turns and dark eyes pierce into mine, making me cringe a bit with what I see there. He is very upset with me. Not only to have found the count here, but, I have provided some professional support when he was forbidden me to do it. Certainly heard that part. Without a word, dispenses me, returning to antagonize the count. - I think that Count here need to learn to respect a basic rule of survival. - his tone is low, however threatening. - do not give a conqueror up of committed women. - I think you need to calm down, man. - Count says quietly and it seems to irritate Mike further. - I'm just grateful for the suggestions that the princess gave me to reopen my gallery. The head of Mike bounces back to me at lightning speed and I see there. He had not heard this information before. A hard glint comes in onyx iris and his jaw clenches, a muscle beginning to throb in strong jaw. He again dismissal without me driving me the word if before his gaze was mortal, now he wants to slay the Count. - I think you have not understood, although it has made that clear as water that dinner. - says between teeth. Customers stopped eating and are all watching the exchange at that time. - you will not get close to my wife. You will have no contact with her fucked. - his tone is just a hiss when complete: - will not even look in her direction, his salt for their physical integrity. Holy shit! Mike went crazy. Dio, that scene. Thomas looks at him firmly, then smiled. A grin, snob. - What's your problem, mate? Afraid that she realizes that you can get something better? Caspita! He has a death wish, just might. I groan inwardly. - And that something better would be what? You? - Mike scoffs back. - Look for yourself. You are a bad joke. A rich boy who never knew what it is to work hard. - he stops, opening a cold, wicked smile. - but perhaps go now know, once your family is bankrupt. - Really? As Mike heard that? Count pales, losing a bit of arrogance. - uh, it seems that touched a nerve there, mate. The York are completely in the shit for what I've been told. Mike continues to beat the man verbally. Thomas looks at him and smiled, regaining confidence. His gaze plunges me. - It was a pleasure to see you again, princess. - mutters with seductive voice. - think again about helping me professionally in the project and how it would give him points for his masters. Mike growls, his jaw clenching again. He did not look at me, but I feel your judgment. Damn it. I should not have given any thought to this idiot and Earl convinced. Before I can deny again, my jealous boyfriend takes me. - She will not accept. - the big hand closes around my waist, pulling me against a tense body. - she will not talk to you again. - I encrespo me with the touch macho in his tone. - you know what is good for you will be away from my bride, Earl. Good day. - spits breath. So he's in maneuvering and striding toward the exit, practically dragging me. The prying eyes are still on us. What a scene it just made! I'm mad, but I count to ten, a hundred, and I hope we get out of the public eye to confront him.

  - Sam and Em are in the bathroom. - warning, gritting his teeth with his truculent attitude. I know. Harry was await them to take them home. - he growls without looking at me. We take the direct elevator to the parking. The silence weighs between us. Although his hand is still on my waist, he does not make another gesture friendly. - Where are we going? - I ask when you open the door to his Alpha Romeo for me. He does not answer, just look at me hard. - Mike ... - Get in the fucking car. - his tone is low, but is full of anger. I sigh in frustration and enter. A few minutes later, we are entering the coverage. He walks in front of me, reminding me of the night we got back Daniel dinner. - I thought I'd have lunch in the company. How did you know we were in that restaurant? - inquire, walking slowly behind him, testing the waters. - I always know where you are, Ella. Ever. -rosna, turning to me in the middle of the room. I stop playing my bag on the coffee table. He called me Ella. No doll and it bothers me. He rarely uses my name. His hard eyes fix on mine. - When going to tell me you've been talking to that pompous jerk behind my back? - then he laughs, but it's not one of your cute or charming smiles, that's sharp. - or you would not tell me? Dio, can not see how much is being caveman, Mike? - I cross the arms in a fighting stance.


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