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Prime Imperative (The Prime Chronicles Book 3)

Page 20

by Monette Michaels

  “When we get to our rooms, I’ll probably scare you a little more.” He nuzzled her neck and scented the heat of her arousal coming through her pores. “Or maybe not.”


  He growled. “When Prime warriors come off battle rage, we get very aroused. The sex resulting from that can be rough.”

  “Uh-huh, that makes sense. High stress hormones and all that.” She licked his neck over his pulse point and his cock twitched in the confines of his uniform pants.

  Diew. “Bria, if you keep doing that, I’ll end up taking you against my ground shuttle.” He looked down at the most precious being in the universe. She looked interested. He touched her surface thoughts. She was. “Lubha, what I want to do to you should probably be done in the privacy of our bedroom.”

  “Okay.” She scrunched her nose. He had to kiss the tip, she was so cute. “But maybe someday, somewhere isolated we can try the fucking against the ground shuttle thing?”

  “I’ll add that to my list.” He rubbed his nose alongside of hers.

  “You have a list?” She touched his mind and even that gossamer sensation had his cock throbbing. “Oh my!” She blushed and coughed and closed her eyes. “Iolyn…”

  “Yes, peata?” He carried her out of the elevator and into the subterranean garage. He increased his pace.

  “If Prime warriors get erections after riding the batel rabia wave, what do they do when there are no women around to, um, take care of their needs?”

  Iolyn shook his head. Only his little scientist would ask such a question out loud. Other women would just think it. “We suffer or we handle it ourselves. And before you ask, I’ve done both.”

  “I’d like to watch you handle it yourself, sometime.”

  At her words, he stopped in the middle of the garage as a wave of lust threatened to take him to his knees.

  “Diew, I bakking need you more than I need my next breath.” He kissed her lips, biting, licking, and sucking at them until the two of them gasped for breath. He broke off and whispered against her now-swollen mouth. “The sex will be rough at first. I’m afraid of hurting you—shocking you.”

  Bria's essence twined through his thoughts—the ones where he wanted to keep her on the precipice between pain and pleasure for hours…feed on it…and then send it back to her doubled, tripled, until they couldn’t handle the sensations any longer and they both exploded, sending them into a spiraling free fall.

  “Oh…” She swallowed and looked into his eyes. Her gaze held molten heat, excitement, and desire to match his own. “Yes, I want—no, need you like that, too. So, so much.”

  She trembled in his arms.

  “You scared?” He hurried to his vehicle and placed her gently into the passenger seat, then buckled her in.

  “A little. But I trust you.” She leaned into him before he backed away to shut the hatch and kissed him, a sweet, hot kiss of sexual hunger that matched his own.

  He broke away before he pulled her out of her seat and bumped up sex-against-a-shuttle to number one on his to-do sex list. “I’ll never hurt you. Never. I’d kill myself before I hurt you.” He caressed her cheek with his hand.

  “Well, that might be a bit extreme.” She rubbed her cheek against the palm of his hand like a kitten. “Take me home and fuck me, my warrior-gemat. You’ve got me all hot and bothered—and you have to fix it.”

  * * * *

  Several standard hours later, Caradoc Estate

  Bria couldn’t move even if she hadn’t had Iolyn’s weight lying over her. His cock was still inside her, and when it twitched, her vaginal sheath responded with another round of small orgasmic explosions. She moaned. Iolyn bit and then licked her shoulder. She grunted when his actions sent another wave of bliss over her body.

  “Diew, peata. You’re going to kill me,” Iolyn muttered against her throat.

  “Me?” she gasped out the word. “You…you tortured me with pleasure. I thought I was gonna die from orgasming.” She tried to lift an arm to shove him off her body, but couldn’t. Her bones had turned liquid. She tried to lick her dry lips, but her mouth was arid like the Great Cetan desert on Oz. She must’ve sweated off a liter of water. “Off. Please. Heavy. Water.”

  Iolyn chuckled and rolled to his side taking her with him. They were still joined. His cock pulsed rapidly inside her, and she had yet another mini-climax.

  Then he looked into her eyes. “You really scared me today.”

  And his words filled with fear and his infinite love for her had her eyes tearing up. This man for all his autocratic dominance was a keeper. They were still new as a couple. It would take time, but they’d find their rhythm as partners and mates. It wouldn’t be easy, but it would definitely be worth it.

  Thank the One, God, and any other deity worshiped in the galaxy, they’d found one another.

  “I’m sorry.” She kissed his lips gently. “So tired. But I need to work.”

  “Work tomorrow.” He kissed her forehead then pulled out of her body slowly. They both moaned at the loss of intimate contact. “I’ll get us both a drink. A cloth to clean you up. Then we’ll nap. Can’t have you falling asleep tonight during the family dinner.”

  She groaned. Damn, how had she forgotten about the ordeal of the meet-the-family—plus the Council Elders—dinner?

  Lots of booty-banging sex does that to a gal. And one hell of an erotic spanking. Her ass still burned, but in a way she’d never thought she’d find arousing.

  “Yes, a nap would be good.” She yawned, closed her eyes, and was half-asleep by the time Iolyn had left the bed.

  Chapter 16

  Later that evening

  Bria stood with Iolyn, Wulf, and Mel in the great room of the Caradoc family home. It was still early in the cocktail hour. They probably had another standard hour or so before the evening meal. Guests were still arriving, many more than Iolyn had hinted at. She stiffened her spine at the sight of so many strangers and took another bracing sip of her wine. The light fruity drink wasn’t doing it for her. She needed something stronger if she was going to make it through dinner and beyond without succumbing to a crisis of nerves. She hated being on display.

  “I think I need to switch to scotch.”

  “Why?” Mel asked, sipping on a glass of a potent Valerian scotch. “Does the wine taste bad?”

  “No.” She placed the wine on the tray of a passing waiter.

  “What’s wrong, peata?” Iolyn massaged the skin exposed by her almost backless dress.

  She shivered at his touch. His casual caress brought back memories of the hours they’d spent before coming downstairs this evening. She wanted him again. Rough. Gentle. However he wanted to take her. Preferably now, so they could sneak away and she could avoid being the center of attention.

  Bria would rather face a horde of space pirates than his relatives—and, it seemed like, half the Prime Elder council members and their gemates had decided to accept her in-laws’ invitation.

  “Lubha, what’s wrong?” Iolyn asked once more and this time gathered her closer against his firmly muscled, warm body.

  She frowned. “What’s wrong? Your mother”—Iolyn’s mother had asked to be called by her name—“um, Lorinda…has half the capital city here.”

  An exaggeration but it appeared that way.

  “It was bad enough when I was supposed to face all of your relatives, but this…” She waved a hand at the mass of people streaming into the great room which had at one time seemed huge, but now felt smaller because of all the bodies taking up space. “Everyone is staring at me as if I’m some freak.”

  Iolyn gave her a gentle squeeze, kissed her cheek and then whispered, “Be brave, peata. It’ll be over soon.”

  “You’re the new Caradoc mate. Of course they want a look.” Mel smiled, her expression sympathetic. “I had to do this meet-and-greet, too.” Wulf’s mate shuddered, and Wulf placed a kiss on her shoulder. “So I understand. Just hold on, you’ll be second choice and old news once Nadia g
ets here. Nadia just commed me. She’s not speaking to her mate right now. Huw picked out her dress to make a statement.”

  Mel pulled her com unit out of her evening bag and showed it to Bria. “See the dress? No one will notice you once she walks in the room.”

  “As Cheri says ‘oh, lordy.’” Bria looked at the others. “The dress has more fabric at the bodice and back than mine, but, wow, Nadia’s dress has that huge cut-out at the waist on her right side. It’s cut low enough to show the edge of her gemate mark.”

  Mel shook her head with distaste. “I’m sure that was Huw’s plan. He’s pissed that no one believes he marked his Terran mate. Tonight, he plans to show her off.”

  Wulf and Iolyn snorted with laughter. Bria elbowed Iolyn in the stomach. Mel scowled at her mate.

  Bria rubbed a hand over her marking, which radiated the lingering effects of her and Iolyn’s marathon sexfest. “I’m not sure I’d want to show my mark off at a formal sit-down dinner. Poolside? Can’t avoid it. Exposed skin is inevitable when swimming and sunning. But here? Not so much.” She turned to Iolyn and kissed the edge of his jaw. “Thanks for keeping my mark covered.” She shivered. “But next time, I get to pick out my dress. My back is freezing.”

  Iolyn’s response was a sexy grin and pulling her even closer to share his body heat. Yes, he did make a good personal furnace.

  “Huw’s issues with the doubters are why mother and father expanded the guest list. There’s been some raucous dissent in the Elder Council. Father wasn’t happy at all and sided with Huw on the dress.” Wulf tossed back the rest of his drink. “I wouldn’t be surprised if Huw doesn’t pull off his shirt to show everyone they have matching marks.” He looked at Bria and grinned. “I’m getting another scotch. Do you want me to bring you one?”

  “Yes, please.” Bria smiled at her brother-kin.

  “Little one, do you want some more scotch?” Wulf brushed a kiss over Mel’s lips.

  “God, yes. It’s going to be a long night.” Mel traced Wulf’s lower lip with her tongue before sinking her teeth into it.

  Wulf’s low groan and rumbled pleasure incited Iolyn to fondle Bria’s bottom.

  “Later,” Iolyn whispered, “I’m claiming this.” He swept a finger along the crease of her ass.

  Biting back a low moan, Bria shuddered, whether with excitement or fear, she wasn’t sure. She clenched her thighs tightly against the rush of moisture spreading over her labia. Her gemat was sex on a stick. And deep inside she had to admit she liked being the sole focus of all that Prime male sexual desire and adoration. She especially liked him taking control in the bedroom. Something, as an independent and highly educated woman, she would’ve denied vehemently before mating with him.

  Iolyn chuckled at her reaction and hugged her. “Trust me, peata, you’ll love it. I’ll make it very…very pleasurable.”

  Bria moaned at the images she plucked from his mind. She probably would enjoy it, if she didn’t die from shock and a surfeit of pleasure first.

  Mel must’ve seen Iolyn’s gesture and heard their whispers, because she choked back a laugh. She patted Wulf on his ass. “Hurry back, gemat. The only reason some of these people don’t approach us and ask rude questions is because you’re here glowering at them. And I’m very sure they don’t need to be close enough to hear our topics of conversation.” She turned and winked at Bria and Iolyn.

  “I’ll go with my brother, peata, and help him carry the drinks.” Iolyn leaned over and brushed a kiss over her naked shoulder. She felt the light touch of his lips all the way to her core.

  “Looks like dinner might be delayed some. Mother has quite a crush. I’ll bring back some finger foods to absorb the alcohol. I don’t want you too tipsy for later, and,” Iolyn patted her bottom, “I don’t want you wasting away to nothing. I think you’ve lost weight since we mated fully.”

  Before she could respond to the inanity of his remark, the two men walked away.

  Bria turned to Mel. “Was he serious?”

  “About what?” Mel laughed. “The anal sex and you liking it? Or you having lost weight?”

  “You can’t talk about…um,” she looked around and seeing no one really close, she whispered, “anal sex here.” Her whole body flushed with embarrassment, she added, “I’m not wasting away. I could stand to lose a few pounds. My job is very sedentary, and my bottom is wider than I’d like.”

  Mel laughed and shook her head. “First, sister-kin, get used to talking about sex. Prime mated couples all have it, a lot of it, and it gets alluded to…often. Second, to our men, we’re small, dainty, and helpless. Get used to that idea, too.” She finished off her scotch and set the glass on the next tray to pass by. “Yes, it makes no sense since I put Wulf on his ass regularly in hand-to-hand combat, and yet, he insists I need his protection.”

  “I noticed he was mad at you earlier, almost as mad as Iolyn was with me.” Bria spotted Nadia entering the room and waved. “Nadia’s here. Oh my, the dress is…um…looks even more drafty in person.”

  The tall blonde’s smile seemed plastered on her face as she hurried to join them. Every person Nadia passed stopped what they were doing and stared after her.

  And no wonder. She looked like an ancient Terran Greek goddess in the long, body-hugging column of white, diaphanous silk. The infamous right side cutout was set off with exquisite gold embroidery and sparkling white gemstones, which looked even richer against her naturally golden skin tones. The edge of her mark glowed and swirled in brilliant colors.

  Huw must’ve teased her sexually all the way here. Poor Nadia.

  He’s teasing her now, peata. Just like this.

  Bria glanced toward the bar where Iolyn stood with Wulf and Huw, who’d joined his brothers. When Iolyn rubbed a finger over his mark, Bria inhaled sharply and just managed not to cry out. All she wanted to do at that moment was curl into a ball and howl at the tortuous sexual buildup. From her recent and many sexual encounters with her mate, she knew it would take actual intercourse to relieve the sexual tension that stimulating the mark caused.

  Well, at least, for her it did.

  Mel was correct, sex needed to be discussed if for no other reason than to see what was normal or not. Bria made a mental note to have a gemate-day-out, somewhere in private, so she could ask the other women how they reacted when their men stimulated the mark.

  She could chalk it up to research, and not being nosy. After all, the marking had been, and still was for now, important culturally in mating, but it was grounded in the neurochemistry of reproductive compatibility. And it was an adaptation, so it made sense that how the mark reacted would change over time and from couple to couple…or at least that was her hypothesis.

  Peata, even at a party and sexually aroused, you can’t stop being a scientist, eh?

  Bria shot her grinning baboon of a mate a nasty look, then fingered her marking through the thin silk of her dress in slow, sensual strokes. She was happy to notice his face flush and him rearranging his cock.

  Later, peata, you’ll drown in the pleasure I’ll give you. His mental voice was the purr of a predator.

  “Ansu bhau, Nadia.” Mel had also noted Nadia’s aroused mark. “Huw’s making sure everyone knows you’re marked and his. Sometimes I think Prime males have more in common with the lower animal life forms than the higher.”

  Mel touched Nadia’s arm lightly and pulled her fingers away when Nadia moaned. “Sorry, forgot how sensitive you still are. It does go away the longer you’re mated. How are you doing?”

  “Don’t worry, Mel. Even the silk is irritating since I’m very aroused right now. I’m lucky my legs are holding me up.” Nadia shot a glare over her shoulder, aimed at Huw and his brothers. “I told him he’d better get me a double shot of vodka for all this suffering. The perverted ass also promised if I let him demonstrate the mark was real…” Nadia took a shivery breath. “…then we’d go to his old suite of rooms before dinner and take the edge off.”

  Then Nadia shook h
er head and snorted. “He’s being an idiot. As if I care what some gossipy, skeptical, throw-back-to-the-ancient-times Prime Elders think. We know the truth.” Her lips twisted into a sneaky-looking smile. Then as Bria’d just done with Iolyn, Nadia rubbed her finger over her mark.

  All three women snickered when Huw’s shout of “Nadia!” rang out.

  Nadia, her back to the bar, looked at Bria and Mel. “Is Huw adjusting his cock?”

  Mel laughed.

  Bria nodded and smiled. “Yep. I think you might be taking a nookie break, as Cheri has taken to calling the need for frequent mating sex, sooner than you’d planned.”

  “That was my objective. I’ve been at a low simmer since we left the house.” Nadia fanned her flushed face. “Two can play at the teasing game. Enough about me, how are you doing, Bria? Iolyn’s emotions were really potent in the gym earlier. Even Huw commented on it. Did Iolyn hurt you?”

  “No.” Bria blushed and waved the two in closer then lowered her voice. She couldn’t wait for gemate-day-out, she needed to share and get their reaction.

  “He spanked me…a lot…and it was more erotic than painful.” She blushed, but she couldn’t help it. Just recalling how once they’d reached their bedroom, he spanked her bare ass, then stroked her pussy and fingered her asshole had her hotter than a star going super-nova.

  Nadia sighed. “I love it when Huw spanks me before sex. Well, I love it during sex and afterward, too.”

  Mel nodded. “Oh yeah. Go on, Bria, then what? We’re all sisters here.”

  This was what she needed. The confirmation that what she and Iolyn did was natural, and not abnormal.

  “After the spanking…oh my stars, it was amazing. He’d build me up and then deny me an orgasm. He did that for an hour. I thought I was going to die.” Both women uh-hummed. “And when he finally entered me, I had the longest orgasm on record. I swear I lost touch with reality, had an out-of-body experience, and then sort of floated on the orgiastic waves. It was glorious.”


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