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Prime Imperative (The Prime Chronicles Book 3)

Page 29

by Monette Michaels

  As their orgasms swept through their bodies and across their bond, Iolyn released her hands. She placed her arms around his neck and held on for dear life. Her mind automatically sought and burrowed within his. Her safe harbor against a raging storm. As their bodies were buffeted by mutual orgasms and they clung to one another, Iolyn’s presence in her mind soothed and cherished her. Her warrior-gemat would protect her in all things, even their turbulent lovemaking.

  Now, you’ve got it.

  As Bria rode the wild waves of their pleasure, their mind-body-spirit unity became even stronger than before. The gemat-gemate bond was something far beyond rational explanation. She was simply happy she had it. And she wouldn’t trade her union with Iolyn for all the wealth of the galaxy. She loved this man with everything in her and always would. He was her lover, her protector, her rock.

  I adore you, Bria.

  I know.


  Five Standard Months later

  Iolyn and Bria’s home on Cejuru Prime

  “Peata, that’s a flower, not a weed.” Iolyn stood over Bria and shook his head.

  “Why is it that I, the biological scientist in this family, know less about plants than the IT engineer?” She angled her head to look up at him.

  The disgruntled look on her face made him smile.

  “It’s because I was raised on Cejuru Prime and know the flora, plus, as a child, I was my mother’s gardening assistant.” He offered her his hands. “Let me help you up, lubha, and you can sit on the lounge chair and supervise. I brought you a snack.”

  Iolyn lifted her from her kneeling position. She stretched and rubbed at the small of her back. “That reaching and pulling takes a toll on a person.”

  “Which is why I came out to take over.” He kissed her forehead and rubbed a hand over the just-beginning-to-be-noticed baby bump. “How is our son behaving today?”

  Bria wrinkled her nose. “Well, he isn’t making me heave everything I eat any longer. So, I’d say he’s behaving.” She looked past him. “What did you bring me?”

  “A nice healthy fruit drink with lots of ice and a slice of that whole grain fruit bread you like.” He patted her sweet round butt. “Now, go. Sit and rest. You’ve been weeding for two hours. I’ll finish this bed and then trim the bushes.”

  “Okay, and…” She gave him a sweetly sly smile. “…later my randy, sweaty, alpha-male gardener can make love to the lady of the house.”

  Iolyn growled. “Yes, this gardener will. Then the lady of the house will get a back rub and take a nap. You’ve been working too hard. You and the baby need to rest.”

  He knelt by the flowerbed his mother and Bria had planted right after their narrow escape from Tenar. The gardens were in full bloom by the time he and Bria moved into their new home a standard month ago. The weeding was a daily chore he and Bria shared and argued over. His little menace loved the gardens, adored digging and planting, but she wouldn’t know a native weed if it up and bit her on the nose.

  Bria stretched out on the lounger and groaned. “Diew, my feet hurt.” After kicking off her sandals, she took a deep drink of the juice. “Ahh, that’s so good.” She peeked at him over her sunshades. “By the way, the baby and I are fine. In fact, all the pregnant Prime are doing well. The non-Prime women mated by Prime males who’re pregnant are also fine. There’s now officially a baby boom coming to Cejuru Prime.”

  “The majority of the Elder Council thinks the sun rises and sets on you.” The ones who didn’t were being investigated by a Prime and Alliance joint tribunal for crimes against the Prime people, women in particular. “How are you and your team coming along in narrowing down the cause of the immune suppression?”

  “We’re getting more women volunteering their tissue and blood.” She tapped out a message on her com-tablet. “Zaek’s database is getting fuller, and we can now fine-tune our queries as to common denominators among the women who can’t get pregnant, the ones who did and miscarried, and the ones who carried to term. I’ve requested more medical personnel for my team. I can’t trust the local physicians, not until…”

  She didn’t finish her sentence. That happened a lot lately. When it did, he’d often look up and find she’d fallen asleep. He grinned and checked on his adorable, pregnant peata. Not sleeping. She was smiling smugly.


  “Oh, sorry, just got an e-mail from Cissy. She says something is going on between Susa and my brother. She thought I’d want to know.” Bria laughed.

  “That ought to be fun,” muttered Iolyn as he pulled another taper-rooted weed. “What were you saying about the local physicians?”

  Bria put her tablet down. “Some of them admitted they were told by Elder Council members to ignore the symptoms or be black-listed. Those physicians are being forced to attend an off-planet refresher program and then will be required to take a licensing exam administered by the Galactic Alliance Health Administration. The ones who are denying all knowledge of wrongdoing will have to go in front of the tribunal and answer some tough questions. The Volusian doctor heading the Alliance side of the tribunal is reputed to be a tough son of a bitch. He’ll get answers, or they won’t be allowed to practice medicine anywhere in the Alliance."

  She frowned. “It makes me sick to think that healers were harming their patients by withholding crucial information and not following up on the obvious reproductive issues.”

  Iolyn stood and wiped his hands on his pants. Then he went over and picked Bria up and cuddled her against his chest. “I know, peata, but you and your team will make it all right. You’ve already helped so many women become pregnant who had no hope prior to your arrival five months ago.”

  Bria snuggled her head onto his shoulder as he carried her to large doors leading to their master suite. He inhaled her sweet, and very much aroused, scent. His gemate needed him now. He always needed her.

  “We’ll find the cause for the immune suppression.” She licked his throat, and he rumbled his approval. “And then my microbe therapy will be moot.”

  “I have faith you will.” He carried her through the open doors, past the bed, and into the master bath. “But worry about all that later. Now, all you have to worry about is how many times your hunky, randy, alpha-male gardener will make you come. We’ll start in the shower and progress to the bed.”

  “Sounds like a good plan to me." She licked his gemat mark as her hand snaked between them to stroke his hard cock.

  “Oh, lubha,” he purred, “that just got you bondage.”

  “Goody. I so hoped it would.”

  Iolyn threw back his head and laughed. “I love you, Bria.”

  “And I, you.” She scraped her teeth lightly over the underside of his jaw and squeezed his cock firmly. “Now, make love to me. I need you so, so much.”

  As he undressed each gorgeous, glowing inch of his precious gemate, he thanked the One for giving him the gift of Bria.

  The End

  Publisher’s Note

  Please help this author's career by posting an honest review wherever you purchased this book.

  About Monette Michaels

  After Monette Michaels obtained her law degree, she worked in a small general practice attempting in her own way to right wrongs and fight the good fight. Little did she realize that all those clients, opposing counsel, and the problems she handled would jumpstart the need to write fiction. First, romantic suspense, then adding paranormal, then adding a sexier side (as Rae Morgan).

  Monette is married to her college sweetheart and has one son and a cat. The cat is the boss.

  Table of Contents

  Prime Imperative


  Adapted from The Official Prime History, Volume MMXX

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10r />
  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24


  About Monette Michaels




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