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In the Beginning (Archangel Jarahmael and the War to Conquer Heaven, Book I)

Page 13

by John J Higgins

  From the distance Adam could see that some were like Michael, although not as large or brilliant in appearance, creatures similar to himself with a head, two arms, and two legs. Then there were creatures that were half-man/half beast with the bodies of a lion, but with heads like Michael's, and wings along their shoulder blades as well. Then there were pulsating spheres of light that were moving about in between all the other creatures, waves of light being transmitted from them to the other creatures. And lastly there were the creatures that remained hovering above all this activity, pointing and directing the others.

  They must all be Angels of one type or another, he thought as he moved closer. The first one he had met, Michael, did seem to be more powerful that the ones he saw working on this stone structure. He wanted to know what this building was, but was afraid to be seen by these creatures, as they did seem solely intent on completing their tasks.

  He would talk to Lillith about it when he returned to their hut in the center of Eden. Maybe she had seen something or knew something about this structure. He resolved to make sure he would ask the Almighty about these activities and Beings when He next came to visit him and Lillith in the evening.

  He was growing hungry and knew that Lillith would have collected delicious fruits and berries as she always did for their evening meal. That was her purpose as far as he was concerned. He was the male of the species and it was only right and fair that she serve him, do his bidding. It was time to head home.

  Chapter 20


  Lillith walked into the woods, thinking about her encounter with Jarahmael. He was the second Archangel she had met but there was something more magnetic about him then the Archangel Michael. She had never felt that level of attraction for Adam, and although he was of her own kind, this Archangel brought her alive on a more intense level.

  She was snapped out of her daydream when she heard some rustling in one of the bushes alongside the path. Looking over, she saw this strange scaly creature, tall and thin with multicolored scales and beady eyes that glowed green. She wasn't sure whether he noticed her yet. The creature had a beauty to it but was unlike the other creatures that she and Adam had encountered in the Garden of Eden. She froze and remained still to see what the creature would do, and waited patiently.

  It took a few moments but the creature began to move again, this time away from where she was standing. It had not seen her. She observed that the creature had a strange rhythm pushing itself forward along the ground, its long neck like an upright tree without any roots to hold it in one place. There did not seem to be any legs or arms on this creature, and as she watched it shuffle off she was further amazed by the wide variety of Beings the Almighty created and placed within the Garden of Eden.

  She began walking back to the hut where she was going to meet Adam, just like she did every day. She was never sure what Adam did all day but this gave her time to be by herself. She looked forward to being alone, as Adam now bored her on many levels. He certainly was not as exciting or interesting as that Archangel appeared to be and, although she had just met him briefly, she could not prevent her mind from thinking about her winged Archangel.

  As she entered the clearing, she saw Adam perched on a rock waiting for her. He had already begun eating some of the fruit that she had gathered earlier in the day for their dinner. She was somewhat annoyed that he had started to eat without her, and once again did not seem to have gathered or brought anything back with him to share with her.

  "Lillith, do you know anything about those winged Angel creatures working here in the Garden of Eden?" Adam asked.

  Lillith was taken aback; was Adam able to read her mind? She stumbled slightly as she was walking closer. Should she say something about her encounter with the Archangel?

  "Why do you ask, Adam?" she said as she tried to gauge the reason for his question.

  "You haven't seen anything out of the ordinary?" Adam questioned further.

  Better not reveal what I know or have been thinking, she thought. She stayed silent for a few moments.

  "I heard noises when I awoke from my midday nap over at the eastern end of the Garden. When I came out of the forest there, I saw a multitude of winged creatures flying about and building a large structure beyond the edge of the forest," Adam said, proud to have made the discovery himself.

  "A multitude of winged creatures? A building?" she repeated back to him.

  "Yes, it's a very large structure and there were winged creatures everywhere working on it. I have never seen so many creatures winged or otherwise in one place," Adam said.

  "Did you recognize any of them?" She asked, hopeful that she may find out where that Archangel Jarahmael had come from. Perhaps she could go there herself and find him whenever she wanted.

  "No, I thought that I might see the Archangel Michael, who the Almighty had along with him on the day of our creation. But I did not see him at all. I wanted to ask one of them about what they were doing there, but I did not have any idea about which one I should approach."

  "We should ask the Almighty when he comes back to walk with us," Lillith suggested. "Are they still working on it?" she asked.

  "They were when I left," Adam said.

  "Let's go back and see if they are still there, Adam," Lillith said as she grabbed a handful of food to eat along the way.

  "It will probably be dark before we get there and back," Adam warned. "But I would like to see if they are still there too," he said as he grabbed some fruit to take along with him.

  "Let's not waste any of the daylight. Let's go!" Lillith said as she waited for Adam to get up from his seat and show her the way.

  Adam arose and started walking down the path that headed east, with Lillith not far behind. After some brief comments when they started to walk along, they ran out of things to say to one another and walked the rest of the way in silence. In her own thoughts once again, Lillith was thinking about that Archangel. She compared the tall winged creature with brilliant blue eyes to her mate. Adam was no comparison to the Archangel, she thought. Why could she not have been created as an Archangel? They were able to fly, and so moved much more quickly than she or Adam. And they resided in the Heavens above. That would be the life!

  The sun was beginning to set as they approached the edge of the forest. Lillith followed Adam as he stepped into the clearing. He pointed to the east and her eyes followed his hand to where he was pointing. There, off in the distance, was a tall structure, jagged in appearance as it was not yet finished. She could not detect any Angels flying about it, but her attention was drawn to the reddish hue that covered the structure as the light from the setting sun gave its last of its rays to keep the structure lit.

  "How far do you think it is to get over to it?" Lillith asked.

  "At least as far as we have come from our hut to get to here," Adam said in a dissuading tone.

  "Do you think that the winged creatures sleep there?" Lillith asked hopefully.

  "No, I don't think so. It looks like all the creatures have already left. There is no way to tell for sure unless we go there," Adam responded.

  "And do you think we will be traveling in the dark if we do that?" Lillith asked.

  "I am certain of that. It will be dark in a few minutes and we should head back to our own hut," Adam warned.

  "If it's going to be dark anyway . . ." Lillith began to say.

  "Yes, but we are not sure there would be any place to sleep if we got there in the dark," Adam said.

  Lillith was disappointed that she would not have the opportunity to find the Archangel or more information about him. But she resigned herself to returning back to the hut with Adam for the night.

  "Come Lillith, we need to go back before it gets too dark and we can't find our way," Adam said as he reached out and grabbed her hand, leading her back down the pathway into the forest.

  "That looks like a great structure," Lillith said to Adam. "How long do you think they have been work
ing on it?"

  "I don't know. I haven't seen it before today, but it does look like they have been working on it for a while. How long? I don't know," Adam answered.

  They walked along for a while, stumbling at times as they could not see their way as the night fell.

  "Do you know where you're going Adam?" Lillith asked.

  "Yes, I am certain of where I am going. I've taken this path many times before. It's just a little dark," Adam said with a bit of annoyance in his voice.

  As they rounded the bend just before the clearing, they both heard some rustling in the bushes near their hut.

  "Did you hear that?" Lillith asked, alarmed.

  "Yes, I did!" Adam answered. "It sounded just like one of the creatures that roam throughout Eden."

  "Have you ever seen a strange creature that is about our height . . . no arms . . . no legs with multicolored scales and beady green eyes?" Lillith asked as she thought about the creature she had seen earlier that day.

  "Yes, Lillith, actually I have. But only recently. I don't remember seeing this creature while we were first exploring Eden. And I agree that it is a very strange creature; it walks and moves in a distinct manner unlike any other creature that is here in Eden," Adam answered.

  "I've only seen it for the first time today. I don't remember seeing it before. There certainly seems to be a lot of activity going on in Eden lately," Lillith said as she entered the hut.

  Once inside Adam began to kiss Lillith and she allowed Adam to bring her down and lay her on top of the straw where they slept. With her eyes closed she thought of the Archangel being with her and certainly not about Adam. He had bored her before and now there was no comparison between him and the winged creature. As she thought further about how the winged Archangel with the intense blue eyes felt, she let the needs of her body possess her, and she rolled over on top of Adam and began to take control. Shocked that she was on top of him and in control, he forced her back beneath him. She fought with him to get back on top but was not stronger than Adam. She continued to fight with him, and tried to get him off of her altogether. But Adam did not care and continued until he satisfied himself and she was able to roll him off her as he soon fell asleep.

  Lillith was furious with him for again not allowing her to be in control for once, overpowering her and for not paying attention to her needs. She had argued with him about this before, but he seemed oblivious to anything she wanted. It was pointless arguing with him, but what could she do? Maybe the Archangel would reappear and take her away with him. She spent a long while replaying how she felt when she had met Jarahmael, and she finally fell asleep as she dreamt of meeting him again.

  Chapter 21


  Jarahmael returned to his palace in the Seventh Heaven having avoided being seen as he left the Garden of the Eden. He wanted to ask Cerebriel some more questions, but knew that he shouldn't have gone to find the creatures that live in Eden on his own and without permission. The questions would have to wait for another day.

  The last glance of Lillith's affected him. What was that look she gave me? He remembered feeling so drawn to her. Her big blue eyes looking up at him, with the slight smile on her lips also excited him. The Almighty's other creatures including his fellow Archangels had never affected him this way. I need to find out more about this, he thought as he entered his palace.

  For days afterwards, Jarahmael thought about that encounter. He wanted to ask the Almighty directly about his feelings, but once again, the Almighty was not present on the Earth or in the Heavens. Although he weighed asking his fellow Archangels about these creatures, he knew that the Almighty had been very secretive about them and he did not wish to place any of the other Angels in an awkward position or cause any problems in the Heavens.

  He also found that the passage of time was not diminishing his feelings for the female. When he found it more and more difficult to think of anything else, he found himself asking Michael after the morning ceremony what was going on with the creatures in the Garden of Eden.

  "The new Earth creatures?" Michael responded. "They are doing fine. The Almighty has made them self-perpetuating as they can mate and have offspring, just as some of the lesser creatures have been reproducing on the planet. The Simians numbers are increasing so greatly that they are beginning to organize themselves into colonies."

  "There are colonies of them?" Jarahmael asked, hiding his surprise. "I thought the only ones had been created in Eden."

  Michael laughed. "I thought you meant the Simians, Jarahmael. But wait, you were with me on at least two occasions checking up on them, weren't you?"

  "Yes, we saved Guline from the dinosaurs twice," Jarahmael said.

  Michael's face became more serious. "Did you mean the two creatures that the Almighty has placed in the Garden of Eden?"

  "Yes, those creatures," Jarahmael answered, trying to act disinterested in them, especially now that Michael was no longer laughing at the question.

  "You do realize that those creatures are very special to the Almighty, and that he has kept them from having Angelic contact. He wants them to progress on their own. However, He did assign me to watch over them, and I could use some assistance. The Almighty is very interested in how the new ones are developing."

  Jarahmael exclaimed, "I would love to assist you Michael!" Here was a chance to see Lillith again, sanctioned by the Almighty and Michael. "When can we start?"

  "No time like the present!" said Michael.

  Jarahmael thought to himself that Michael was never noted for his patience, as the two of them flew off to the First Heaven, the far eastern corner of it as their destination.

  Jarahmael fortunately remembered to let Michael take the lead and acted as if he was following. He did not want Michael to know that he had already met up and interacted with the female of the pair, Lillith. He further hoped that Cerebriel would not mention that Jarahmael had already been to the pyramid in the Garden of Eden a few days before. That could be tough to explain to Michael if he was trying to keep the location of the Garden of Eden itself a secret on behalf of the Almighty.

  Landing a safe distance from the Garden of Eden, Michael turned to Jarahmael and stated, "We need to stay out of sight!" Michael then flashed his hand, indicating that Jarahmael should become invisible, just as he disappeared.

  "The Almighty wants them to become independent. We have found with working with tribes of the Simians on the Earth itself, that once the Simians knew we existed they paid more attention to us than being focused on creating things on their own. The Almighty wants these two new life forms to be independent and creators in their own right."

  After the two Angels landed in the woods, near Adam and Lillith's hut, Michael and Jarahmael could hear the two creatures talking to one another. Now invisible, the two Archangels could move closer to the hut without being detected, even getting so close that they could see inside. Peering into the structure, they could see the two creatures kissing and embracing. Jarahmael detected much more enthusiasm on the part of the male than on that of Lillith.

  "We are here to just observe, so stay silent and invisible, no matter what you see or hear. This love making is a strange ritual," Michael whispered. "Do not be alarmed." They continued to watch as the two earth creatures began to kiss and caress one another.

  "Amazing, isn't it," Michael whispered to Jarahmael.

  "What are they doing?" Jarahmael whispered back to Michael. He could feel something arising as he watched Adam kiss Lillith, almost forcing himself on her. He could not tell from where he was standing whether Lillith was pushing Adam back to keep him away from her, or whether it was part of the reproduction ritual.

  Michael explained, "The Almighty had been allowing other creatures on the Earth to self-create offspring and decided that it would be a good thing for these creatures to do the same."

  Jarahmael had known about procreation. He had witnessed female creatures laying eggs and fertilization by the
males of various species when Luciferael had been creating reptiles and serpents. Jarahmael also recalled that Luciferael was praised by the Almighty for assisting in concept and practice of species reproduction. In fact, Luciferael had coined the phrase of procreation, which had greatly pleased the Almighty.

  Thinking back to that day, however, Jarahmael did not remember having the strong feelings and sensations that he was beginning to have now. This was far different from that process, and it was affecting him. Jarahmael's feelings increased and he wondered if there were circumstances where an Angel could procreate.

  Michael was also distracted by watching the two creatures do the dance of procreation and said to Jarahmael, "Pay attention and watch this!"

  The earthen creatures' embrace became more heated, Lillith had pushed herself away from Adam, but Adam overpowered her and soon had her solidly beneath him. Their bodies joined together and Lillith was no longer struggling against Adam.

  Then a number of things happened in rapid succession. As the two creatures moved together, Jarahmael could have sworn he heard Lillith whisper his name aloud. "Jarahmael!" Immediately afterwards Adam drowned out any other noise as he cried out, sounding like he was in pain, Lillith doing the same right after. And then both Archangels were hit with a force that was so powerful and pleasurable that the Archangels had to move a step backwards as they, too, experienced the sensation.

  Jarahmael shot a glance over to Michael, afraid that he had caught Lillith's outcry of his name, but Michael had not seemed to notice. Michael moved a step closer to whisper once again to Jarahmael that the yell that sounded like pain was actually a scream of pleasure.

  "Wasn't that great?" Michael whispered excitedly to Jarahmael, careful not to be heard by the Adam or Lillith. "That was a completed act of procreation!"

  "I have never experienced that sensation before!" Jarahmael said to Michael as he watched for any indication he had heard his name called out by Lillith.


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