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Omega Rising

Page 14

by Joshua Dalzelle

  Hearing some more noises Jason looked over to see that Twingo and Doc had removed three aliens from their stasis pods and had them laying down on the floor. The trio of newcomers were coughing and writhing around in apparent pain as Doc checked each of them over. When the pod he was standing in front of beeped he had to hustle out of the way as his friends rushed over to start pulling out the strange being he had been looking at.

  "He's looking good. That's four for four," Doc murmured.

  "Hopefully our luck keeps up," Twingo said. Jason was starting to get the hint that being stored in one of these upright coffins didn't always mean you were coming back out alive. That fact only solidified his resolve for what he knew was coming up.

  "Jason! You may need to give us a hand with this guy... bring your gun." Doc was staring into another open pod as the four recently released prisoners started to sit up and lean back against their pods. Jason jogged over and nearly fell down from the double take he did when he laid eyes on their fifth almost-liberated prisoner. He was enormous. He had to be every bit of seven feet tall and had to bunch his massive shoulders up to fit width-wise in the pod. The heavy musculature writhed and strained under the dark, almost black skin. He sported a bony crest that started at his brow and ran up the length of his forehead before disappearing into what Jason would have swore were dreadlocks. Or would have if they weren't moving, seemingly of their own accord. “I wasn’t aware he was going to be on this load, but he’s already awake so you’ll have to deal with him.”

  The alien had a broad face that had a short, lupine muzzle that looked to be full of large, sharp teeth. His intense, yellow eyes stared balefully at Jason and the plasma rifle the human kept half trained on him. "What, exactly, did you want me to do?" Jason whispered to Doc.

  "Talk to him," Doc said out of the corner of his mouth. "He's a part of the warrior class from a world with a specific caste system. He knows I’m not a warrior, but he might respect you as a fellow combatant." Jason was highly dubious of that. He also didn't doubt that the terrifying alien had heard every word they had been saying.

  "Hey there, big guy," Jason said in what he hoped was his most charming, disarming voice. "Everything going ok for you ?"

  "Let me out and I will show you," the beast's voice rumbled out of his chest. Jason's eyes were fixated on his mouth as he talked, even with the translation he could tell the alien had to practically chew his words in a mouth that looked more suited for shredding than articulating.

  "We'll hold off on that for a bit. You have a name?"


  "Is that a family name?" Jason regretted the sarcastic remark even as it left his lips. Crusher’s roar was deafening and he threw himself against the restraints, managing to rock the stasis pod as the wide straps holding him groaned in protest.

  "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Take it easy!" Jason raised the weapon, trying to head off what looked to be a pending disaster.

  "You capture me, torture me, confine me, and then you DARE to insult me?! Know this: I will NEVER submit!!" Crusher's bellowing roar was seriously testing Jason's control over his bladder. "Do with me as you will, but one day in the future you will turn your back on me, and it will be the last thing you ever do," the giant, angry alien finished in a whisper. Jason swallowed hard, trying to regain his composure. He noticed Twingo was trembling violently and Doc was quite pale. He also saw the other freed prisoners were hiding amongst the other pods.

  "Well, Crusher," Jason began when he thought he had steadied his nerves enough to speak, "I'm hoping you'll reconsider that. You see, I'm not the guy who bought you. I'm the guy who's going to free you. This is a jailbreak." A look of bewilderment came over Crusher's brutish face as he stared at Jason and then over to Doc.

  "That's right," Doc confirmed. "We're here to set you, and the others, free."

  "Why would you do this?" The distrust was evident in Crusher's voice.

  "Because we are," Jason cut Doc’s answer off, not wanting to get into a protracted debate on the issue. "But, we're not free and clear yet. We're actually on a ship inside The Vault right now in the middle of the operation. We could use some help." He didn't come right out and ask. He sensed it would be better for Crusher to volunteer than for him to try and coerce him through guilt.

  "I will help," he said simply, his eyes never leaving Jason's. The human turned and cocked an eyebrow in Doc's direction, the question unspoken; Can we trust him? Doc nodded once and walked over to the pod and entered the commands to release the restraints.

  Unlike the others, who had needed a while to recover from being in the stasis pods, Crusher hopped out of the machine and landed on the cargo bay deck with a resounding thud. Once he was standing in the open and able to straighten up Jason marveled at the alien’s powerful build. Crusher looked around the cargo bay and then towards the rear door. "What do you need me to do?" He asked.

  "For now just keep watch back by the door..." Jason didn't finish his sentence before Crusher deftly snatched the plasma rifle right out of his hands and strode off towards the rear doors and the video monitor that still displayed the view from behind the ship, taking up a defensive watch.

  "Relax, his kind are incapable of duplicity. Once he says he's onboard, he'll fight to the death to accomplish his mission," Doc had slid up next to him and also observed the lone sentinel at the rear of the ship. "We're about ready back here," Doc continued, "this is where it gets dangerous." When Jason simply nodded the doctor walked back over and continued prepping the team. Jason watched as they loaded the still unconscious guards into the now-empty pods and restrained and them, it was almost time to see if they would be leaving here as free men, or die trying.

  "Everybody, gather around!" Twingo shouted after another fifteen minutes of activity. Once they were all in a loose huddle by the rear doors he continued, "We're going to lay out the rest of the plan, it's fairly simple, but lets all make sure we understand." Jason looked up and noticed that Twingo was staring at him, expectantly. He then turned and noticed everyone was looking at him as well.

  "Commander... the plan," Doc prompted. Jason stepped forward, accepting that he was technically the highest ranking member of the crew, and the responsibility that came with it.

  "Right," Jason began. "You may have noticed that only seven of you have been released so far. That's for a reason; four of you are essential to the operation, the other three were let out so we could use your pods. What we're going to do, however, is get all of us out of here." Over the next few minutes Jason laid out the details of their operation and what was expected from key players. Everyone watched him with rapt attention and nobody seemed to be hesitant, they all knew what was at stake.

  "So that' it, in a nut shell. I need one of the pilots to stay behind here and the other two pilots and the hacker to get ready to leave with us," he concluded his brief.

  "Hacker?!" The voice was indignant and unsurprisingly high-pitched considering the source; the small four armed alien. "That's a rather crude term to describe what I do."

  "I meant no offense, that's what we call those in your profession on my world" Jason offered. "What is your name?"

  “You couldn’t possible pronounce it correctly,” the offended little alien said. “You can just call me Kage.”

  "Fine," Jason said impatiently. "So if not a hacker, what do you call what it is you do?"

  "I'm a code slicer, the very best. I'm a Veran, we're naturally suited for this type of work."

  "Very well, then. As I was saying," Jason continued, "One pilot here with the gunship, two pilots and the slicer with us, and the others will hang back here." He caught something in the eye of the pilot that was staying behind that he didn't like. Never one to ignore a gut feeling, he motioned Crusher to follow him away from the group.

  "Yes?" The fierce alien asked.

  "I'm not sure how much I trust the pilot that's staying behind here, but he's all we have, unfortunately."

  "You think he may decide to just take this ship
and leave once you're out of sight?" Crusher asked.

  "That's crossed my mind," Jason admitted. "It may be nothing, it's just a hunch, but I'd like you to stay here and keep an eye on him. Either we're all leaving this rock together, or none of us are. No man left behind."

  "Most honorable," Crusher rumbled with a nod of approval. "As to our problem: a warrior never ignores hunches. Not one that wishes to live very long, anyway. I will keep an eye on our shifty pilot, Commander."

  "Excellent. Go ahead and keep that plasma rifle, not that I think you'd need it." Crusher smiled widely at that, or at least Jason hoped it was a smile. The giant let out a sharp, barking laugh and slapped Jason on the back, nearly sending him sprawling across the deck. He left Crusher and walked up to Doc, who was standing apart and fidgeting. "You going to be able to do this?"

  "I must. So yes, I'll be ready to do my part," Doc said without much conviction.

  "Ok, then. Let's do it." Jason turned to the rest of the crew, "Alright! We're a go!" He walked over and opened the rear doors and strode down the ramp with Doc. The pair walked casually across the hanger floor towards a cordoned off area that looked like it had all manner of moving equipment. A violet skinned being with a crested tuft of what appeared to be feathers waved familiarly to Doc as they walked by, not giving them a second glance. Jason breathed a sigh of relief as his confidence in their ability to success when up half a notch. "Friend?"

  "Not particularly," Doc glared at him. "But I have been here a handful of times as part of my indentured servitude to Bondrass."

  "Not picking a fight, Doc. Just trying to keep up an appearance of casual indifference," Jason said as they reached the corral holding the equipment. Doc walked up to a terminal and entered a numeric PIN and then selected two lowboy style anti-grav carts. They grabbed them and moved with purpose back to the ship and up the ramp, Twingo closed the inner doors as soon as they cleared the threshold.

  Utilizing the cargo bay's gantry crane, they loaded four stasis pods onto each cart. Whatever mechanism was keeping the carts off the deck whined as the weight of the pods was added. Jason looked around and took a deep, cleansing breath. "This is it," he said. "Any last minute questions or concerns?" When nobody spoke up he began pushing one of the carts towards the door as one of the pilots going with them pushed the other behind him. Doc was point man in front and Twingo, as well as the other two members of the team, walked between the two loaded carts. With a meaningful nod to Crusher, Jason departed the gunship. The hover carts' whine deepened when they automatically kept level in relation to the hanger floor as they descended the ramp.

  Nobody gave them a second look as the crossed the vast hanger area, moving towards a large, well lit archway that was teeming with heavily armed security personnel. The one in charge nodded to Doc as they approached, "You know the drill doctor."

  "Of.. of.. of course," Doc stammered as he walked over to the scanner. Jason cringed on the inside. Hold it together, Doc... we'll be dead before we even get started otherwise. If the guard noticed the doctor's discomfort he didn't let on. All six of the crew moved through the scanner and, to Jason's elation, didn't set off any alarms with the hold-out weapons Twingo had designed. He took this as a good omen. Three other security guards worked hand-held scanners over the stasis pods. After a couple of minutes they waved the crew back over to reclaim the carts, apparently satisfied that nothing dangerous was entering the station.

  "All just formality, doctor. You good making your way down to storage?"

  "I am indeed. Thank you," Doc said, waving the crew forward. They hustled out of the security area and bore left into a dimly lit passageway. Jason looked to the right through another security archway, this one much more heavily fortified, and caught a glimpse of a raucous promenade that was lined with store fronts and bustling with quite a few different species of aliens before they were fully into the passageway.

  They picked up the pace to a brisk walk that took them deeper into the station. Jason's neural implant gave him a warning that he was no longer in contact with the ship's computer as the iron ore that comprised the asteroid blocked the signal. After a few hundred meters more they came to a set of formidable looking blast doors that were flanked by two heavily armed, and armored, guards, both in red uniforms. This pair looked like real professionals, not like the others at the entrance to the hanger. These guys were protecting something of real value and the bosses were taking few chances.

  The one on the right approached Doc silently and stood in front of him, looking at the crew and then the stasis pods. Without a word, he looked back at Doc, seeming to be waiting on something. Jason's adrenaline spiked as Doc froze up like a prey animal being stared down by a predator. He fought his fight or flight response as he watched the plan begin to fall apart. The guard on the left noticed Doc's unusual behavior and began to walk over. The movement of the second guard seemed to snap Doc out of his paralysis and he began to fumble clumsily in his pockets, trying to reach his weapon. Both guards instantly reacted, the one who originally approached Doc reached out to grab him as the other began to bring his weapon to bear.

  With the element of surprise gone, Jason reacted immediately; with an effort born out of fear, he put all his strength into pushing the hover cart and it's massive load forward. It slammed into the second guard, who yelled out in surprise as he was driven into the wall. As soon as Jason felt the guard crushed between the cart and the wall he killed power to the unit and it fell to the floor with a heavy thud that echoed up the passageway. With one threat temporarily neutralized, Jason looked over and saw Doc wrestling with the other guard for control of the large weapon he carried, and was losing badly. The much stronger alien spun, with Doc still trying to hold on, and flung him into the wall. Doc had no sooner collapsed in a heap when the guard turned back towards the group, took aim, and fired. The shot resulted in a muffled yelp as someone behind Jason took a hit.

  Jason didn't look to see who it was as he drew his own weapon and took aim at the first guard. With no hesitation he fired, the energy bolt lanced out and exploded against the chest plate of the guard’s armor. The hit staggered him, but didn't put him down, and after taking a step backward he turned to engage Jason. After his first shot, Jason had immediately lowered into a crouch and raised his aim slightly, he only had one shot left. Whoever squeezed off first would win the fight. They fired simultaneously, the guard’s hurried shot hitting the pod closed to Jason, showering the side of his face with hot sparks and bits of slag. Jason's shot, however, took the guard full in the face where he wore no armor. The result was dramatic as the headless body went rigid and collapsed to the floor.

  Suddenly, more shots began to impact the walls around them; the pinned guard had freed his left arm and was now firing wildly in the passageway, unable to see where he was aiming. Ducking down Jason waved to Twingo, "Weapon!" The engineer tossed Jason his own hold-out gun without hesitation. Catching it in stride, Jason hurried around the other side of the cart, opposite the guard's gun arm, and ended the engagement with a single shot.

  After the short exchange of fire, everyone stood around, utterly stunned. Jason had to get them moving again. "You!" He said, pointing to Kage, "Get to work. Twingo, get Doc up and moving. Pilot, help me get these pods opened up." When nobody moved Jason raised his voice, "NOW! The clock is ticking, people." This got them all moving as they all went about their assigned tasks. He walked over and saw that one of their pilots didn’t make it, a smoking, charred hole in his uniform, center mass, where the guard had squeezed off a single shot. A seasoned combat veteran, Jason didn’t dwell on the loss of the individual past what it meant for the success of the mission; they were now short one pilot of the two required. They had been beyond lucky with the personnel that had been in the hold of the DL7 when they hatched this plan. He wasn’t sure where this left them.

  He moved over to the surviving pilot and began helping him unload Bondrass’ thugs and laying them out on the deck, they were all still knocked ou
t, luckily, although one had apparently lost control of his bladder while in the stasis pod. After they were all unpacked Jason turned to his helper, “Ok, now move up this passageway about twenty meters and keep lookout, haul ass back here and warn me if anyone comes down.” The pilots nodded and shuffled up to the first turn of the dimly lit corridor. Jason went and picked up the first guards weapon and then went back to the unconscious security personnel. He took a deep breath; this was the part he had been least looking forward to. He was a soldier, and he accepted that he may be called upon to kill in battle, but this was more of an execution. Methodically be began shooting energy bolts into the aliens, trying to place the shots in randomized locations. Ignoring the smell, he turned back to the others to see what progress was being made.

  “Where are we at, Kage?” Jason asked the odd four-armed being who was at the vault door control panel.

  “Almost there. The computer accepted the guard’s key card, now I’m just trying to bypass the confirmation code.” Jason noticed that the two smaller arms of the alien were pressed against the edges of the panel and what looked like streams of liquid metal were snaking out of his palms and breaking into tendrils that went through the gaps of the device. While fascinated, Jason was far too busy, and stressed, to ask about what he was doing. He walked over to where Twingo was helping Doc to his feet. He still looked shaky as he looked around at the carnage of the short, yet fierce firefight.


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