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Page 2

by Arthur Mitchell

  It was too close to sunup to bother trying to get back to sleep.

  A cool shower helped awaken me, banishing the frightful dreams for good. I craned my head up toward the refreshing ice bullets, ignoring the hot wetness still blazing between my legs.

  II: Blood Money

  “Yes, yes. Just make sure the guys get their checks. I'll make a decision about keeping the same payroll system next week.”

  I hung up on the accounting firm with an angry tap of my finger. With a dozen things going on, there wasn't any time to use the landline and allow it to keep me chained in the kitchen.

  I'd resorted to using my own phone to manage all the calls as I hauled tail around Nichols Ranch, probably depleting my precious monthly minutes in the process.

  I'd stopped to catch my breath near the old fence. Had it really been three days since I'd taken over running the place full time?

  It felt like three weeks. Long enough to make me regret my degree in meteorology.

  I wished I'd gotten something more practical instead, like courses in business or agriculture. The glamor had worn off before I'd even completed my program. If I had another year to go, I don't think I could've finished my degree.

  Truthfully, I did it for him. Sure, I started out as a bright eyed student, ready to tackle the world and become an expert on my field.

  By the end, I did it for Pa. He'd always talked about how amazing it would be if I were the first in the family to get a degree.

  Given recent events, I was glad I didn't take that away from him.

  In the distance, my eyes caught the sun's blinding reflection shining off his roadside cross.

  My heart swelled with sadness, but only for a second. My phone blipped, announcing a new text message.

  I recognized Jimmy's simple text-speak right away. Exhaling sharply, I made my way behind the barn where he needed me, passing a couple younger guys who'd taken a break from the cattle pen.

  “Hey! Miss Nichols...”

  “Dean, right?” I stopped and squinted, noticing that the gangly man's posture seemed like he wanted to give me more than a friendly hello.

  “Yeah.” He paused, smiling awkwardly. “Sure hate to tell you this, but one of the big bulls got out this morning while we were moving 'em for inventory.”

  I cleared my throat loudly. He threw his hands up defensively while his partner gave me a crooked smile.

  “We've got three guys after him. Should be able to hunt him down before he strays too far. I'm real sorry about all this. Just wanted to let you know.”

  “Thank you,” I snapped, swinging my knees into motion, unwilling to hold up my trip to the barn with any venting.

  Christ. What else can go wrong today?

  I knew I wasn't in for good news from the minute I set foot in the barn. Jimmy leaned against the rim of an old cement trough, his rumpled cap balled up in one fist at his side.

  “Spill it, man. What's going on now?” I asked. Maybe if I got it over with fast, it wouldn't be so bad...

  I wanted my bad news to come in a single blow like a bullet. Not in spades.

  “Nothing good, I'm afraid. Combine had a blowout this morning when we fired it up. We think it might be the cylinder head. Either way, we're gonna have to get a mechanic out here pronto, or else the wheat harvest isn't gonna get done this year.”

  “At least it's still early,” I said, more for my benefit than his. “What about the cost?”

  “Hell, lady, the labor alone's gonna be a small fortune. This ain't like fixing up a Ford pickup.” He lifted his arm, running his fingers roughly through his short beard.

  “Now, the parts...that's where we can save some dough. Your Pa picked up a nice catch of machine parts a few years back, when old man McClatchy got out of the repair business and had a big sale.”

  I tapped my foot impatiently. It sounded like good news, but I sensed him holding something back.

  “Go on.”

  “Well, they're up in the loft in this building. Trouble is, it's going to take some real work digging them out. Here...just follow me. You'll see what I mean.”

  Sighing, I followed him into the barn. Jimmy ducked ahead of me.

  I watched his feet disappear up the steep ladder leading to the barn's upper floor. I couldn't remember the last time I'd gone up there – certainly not since I was a little girl.

  I hadn't gotten the time to explore it since I arrived. Sticking my head up near his made for a tight fit.

  When he turned on the small LED flashlight he was holding, I almost lost my balance, unnerved by his mad grin. I slapped him playfully on the shoulder.

  “You ought to know better! Now, what did you want to show me?”

  “Just trying to lighten the mood. Take a good look around, Cat.” The bright light wagged through the darkness, revealing a pathway so small it reminded me a library with its shelves positioned much too close together.

  I gasped. Crates, boxes, and uneven objects draped with silky coverings were piled as high as the eye could see.

  “Yeah. I thought as much,” he whispered, switching the flashlight off.

  He let me descend first, and it was just as well. I needed some air after seeing the mess. Badly.

  “Are you sure they're up there?” I asked. He hadn't let me down before, and I'd never heard a single complaint from my Pa in all of Jimmy's years as a ranch manager.

  But this...I had to be sure.

  “Sure enough. If he'd sold off those spares, I would've known about it.” He watched me cover my forehead with my sweaty palm. “Only trouble is, like you've already figured, someone's got to go up there and dig that stuff out.”

  Yeah, someone. We both know that someone is me. I don't know what's up there, but I do know it's more than old tools and junk.

  Pa hid the valuables in all that junk somewhere. As much as I trust these guys, I can't have any old employee up there digging into it. At least, not without my supervision.

  “I'll go,” I said at last. “Any chance one of those younger guys can come up with me?”

  Jimmy's face tightened, and he looked at his phone. He'd just read a new message.

  “Don't think it would be good to pull them away right now. Damned bull's gone halfway into Hartz property. Now, we'll have get Ethan's guys involved to get that bastard back here.”

  Excitement prickled its way through me when I heard the name. I nodded coolly to him.

  The last thing I needed was to betray my feelings about our neighbor to Jimmy.

  “Maybe I'll pay him a visit myself. The sooner we get that bull home again, the quicker I can get up there and start looking for the parts this evening.”

  He shifted anxiously. “If only it were that easy. See, the missing bull isn't the only thing going down.

  I need those guys to help me fix the well pump. The regulator sending water into the troughs had some trouble this morning too. Guess it's our lucky day to have everything fall apart.”

  Fists formed at my sides. I turned away from him, staring up at the high sun instead. I wanted to explode.

  “Okay. Okay, okay, okay,” I muttered. “You worry about the pump. I'll go talk to Ethan and make sure everything is cool. Who knows, maybe he can help me sort through all that crap up there...”

  I climbed in my small Malibu and sped off toward Hartz Ranch. The drive took my mind off the recent troubles, if only for a brief time.

  Behind swaying wheat stalks and lazy cattle in the fields, the Dakota plains stretched out across the country. Flat, comforting, and free.

  I hadn't realized how badly I missed them during my time in the city. I looked up into my mirror, surprised to find my narrow eyes smiling back at me.

  You're free out here, girl. This is your chance to start a new life from these ashes, and who knows, maybe snag a hot cowboy in the process.

  Ethan's country house loomed tall, far more modern than the one I inherited. I parked next to it and stopped after getting out, staring up at the high reaching
roof tiles broken by narrow skylights.

  Least he's used to living in high places. Hm, I wonder if asking for his help isn't so stupid after all.

  I looked around his land, impatient and searching for someone, preferably the man himself. Several workers shuffled near what looked like a big garage, too distant to answer my questions.

  As if on cue, Ethan's large truck appeared along the white picket fence he'd thrown up near his backyard. I waved, smiling to him as he approached and settled his vehicle next to mine.

  “Cat Nichols! I think I already know why you're here,” he said. I grasped his big hand, slowly filling my lungs with air as his fingers tightened around mine, and then darted away.

  “Yeah, er – the bull situation. I'm guessing you know all about it?”

  “Damned straight. Couple of my guys cornered him just a few minutes ago. They're helping load him into the trailer your men brought over as we speak.” He smiled strong and casually.

  My heart dipped into a puddle. It was the kind of smile that felt like it would wash away all my worries with a magic quirk of the lips.

  “Good. I'm happy to hear it.” My voice wavered. I hoped I didn't sound too grateful.

  “You bet. I'm sure the last thing you need are any more worries. I heard all about how the police dropped the ball.” He kicked the ground with one boot, sending a rock bouncing several feet away.

  “Ever since Smith took over, the force hasn't really been up to snuff around here. Damned shame.”

  I nodded slowly, unsure how to respond.

  “I'm surprised you've been following it so closely. I mean, our families were friendly, but not exactly close...”

  “Don't matter to me,” he said, giving me a severe look. “When something like that happens a couple miles from my place, I want to be a hundred percent sure it isn't gonna happen again. God, these fucking drug runners...”

  He took off his hat. Redness swirled beneath his tanned cheeks, simultaneously alluring and angry.

  “Sorry, Cat. It just burns me up is all.”

  “Don't worry about it,” I smiled. “Nice to know I'm not the only one who thinks there's more than meets the eye here. I seriously thought I was going crazy for awhile.”

  We exchanged another smile through the brief silence. The whole time, I my insides twisted, conflicted on how best to approach the question I wanted so desperately to ask.

  “I only wish the bull were the least of my worries,” I began softly. Ethan returned his hat to his head, narrowing his eyes with curiosity.

  “Our combine broke down this morning. Got a well and some plumbing to fix too. Thing is, we've got a bunch of spare parts way up in the main barn's rafters. I'm so undermanned right now it's not even funny and –“

  “You want me to help?” He said suddenly, a grin breaking across his face. “You got it! A little dust and some cobwebs never bothered me.”

  Wow, that was easier than I thought. It's heartening to see something go my way for a change...

  “That's very sweet. How does five o'clock sound, if you're all finished for the day?” I decided to set the time comfortably late for him, just before sundown.

  “Five is perfect. I'll see you then, little Cat.”

  My head automatically cocked and I focused my eyes on him. The nickname caught me off guard as he walked away. I kept expecting him to turn back, but he never did.

  The whole drive home, I wondered if he'd meant to shake things up.

  Little Cat, huh? That's quite an endearment for someone I barely know...then again, maybe he's sending me a signal.

  “Christ, a signal,” I whispered to myself. “Am I really ready for that?”

  I didn't have an answer. As soon as I drove past the silver marker for Pa, my mind turned to graver matters.

  Ethan showed up right on the dot. I'd just eaten a small plate of fruit and cheese for a snack. I waited by the main barn's entrance for him.

  He parked his truck and walked over to me, a big flashlight in one hand and a six pack of beer in the other. I shot him a quizzical look.

  “Nothing like kicking back a little while we clean that mess out, right? Don't tell me you're a wine girl?”

  “For you, I'll make an exception.” I felt like sticking my tongue out.

  He laughed and tossed me a can. I'd never been much for beer – especially the cheap stuff from the big brands – but Ethan's selection wasn't the worst in the world.

  The bitter brew tasted almost like coffee, tricking my mind into a higher state of wakefulness.

  “Follow me,” I said, tucking the can into my pocket.

  My jeans hung tight as I began to climb up the ladder. Self-consciousness sang in my veins at the thought of having such a handsome man right underneath me.

  Darkness aside, he could see everything. My whole outline.

  All the things I wasn't ready to show anyone yet...or was I?

  Who cares if he sneaks a peak at your ass? It's what men do.

  I coughed uncomfortably after pulling myself up onto the top level, and not just from the dust. Ethan stepped effortlessly over me, shining his flashlight throughout the cavernous loft.

  “Holy sheee-it!” He whistled, the sharp sound echoing back at us. “You weren't kidding about this place. Looks like it's going to be a long evening and a lot of work.”

  With a smile, he cracked his beer and guzzled several long sips. He held out his hand, cold and wet with condensation, helping me to my feet.

  “Any idea if the lights work up here?” He asked.

  I bit my lip, unsure about it myself. Instinctively, I began to move very slowly and feel along the wall. Ethan spotlighted my hands, helping me avoid any obvious protrusions like rusty nails.

  I yanked my fingers back and shook them each time I caught the masses of cobwebs clinging to the walls. At last, I felt something, and peered through the orange glow.


  My fingers twitched, kicking the switch up, and...nothing happened. I stared at the rancher, puzzled.

  We both jumped when the sharp sound rang out a second later. Four big copper shell lamps hanging from chains sparked to life, bathing the whole cavern in a pale white luminescence.

  “Alright,” he said, softly and seemingly satisfied. “Should we get down to it?”

  I smiled, happy that we wouldn't have to struggle through the makeshift junkyard in total darkness.

  Ethan walked ahead of me through the narrow corridor formed by the big crates.

  My chest tightened. I realized that I didn't have the first clue how we were going to find the parts.

  Opening every single container wasn't even close to practical.

  “Any ideas, Ethan?”

  “Seems like a good idea to start near the back. I mean, these machine parts won't be stowed away in the smallest boxes. Why don't I test the stacks for heaviness and give them a little shove? If there's anything inside that sounds like metal, we'll hear it.”

  I digested his advice. Without a better idea, I agreed and we set ourselves to work.

  I worked on the smaller boxes filled while Ethan handled the larger containers. I was opening my third box when I gave out a happy whoop.

  He spun toward me, wondering if I'd just seen a ghost. I held up the silver plaque and he leaned in close to read the letters.

  I shivered with delight as he whistled, the shrill sound hurtling its way up my back.

  “Didn't know you were a rodeo girl. Awesome!”

  “Yeah, I stopped when I hit fifteen. Pa said he didn't want me getting hurt and losing time at school, but I think he really didn't want me getting into the men there.” I looked past him, absently smiling at the memories.

  “Can't say I blame him. I really had a thing for cowboys. Seems like the guys who were serious about it were all too many years ahead of me back at Whitmoore High...and I guess that means you too.” I looked up nervously, hoping I didn't just spill the beans on my attraction.

  “Do you still ride?” H
e asked, devastating me once again with another wide smile.

  “Gosh! It's been years...but I'd love the opportunity sometime. Horseback riding wasn't even an option while I was in school. And rodeos? Forget about it.”

  “We'll have to go out sometime.” He paused, quickly correcting his words. “Riding, I mean. I've got a few extra horses this year that I'd love to show you. These guys can go for miles, easy and really well trained. I'll ask the next time they come by. I'm sure they wouldn't mind lending me an extra ride for you to borrow.”

  “I'd like that,” I said, feeling a warm tingle ripple down my back and kindle into a full heat between my legs.

  We continued with the cleaning exploration for what felt like hours. Ethan opened another beer while I dug through boxes, sweeping obvious garbage and old nicknacks into a worn sack we'd found.

  When I came to a box that rattled with metallic sounding pieces, I thought I'd hit the jackpot. I pulled apart the flaps, reached through the cardboard dividers, and froze.

  Ethan must have sensed the jolt that ran through me, leaving my eyes watery and red.

  “What's up, Cat? Looks like you've found another treasure.”

  Swallowing my tears, I held up the shimmering dark blue bird on its little chain. It was pure stained glass, one of the many perfect glass animals Pa had made for my mother while she was alive.

  After she passed, he'd boxed up everything. Her clothes, most of their photos, and all the old tokens of his love had gone in the small wooden box at my feet, a time capsule of passions he'd hoped to lock away with his loss.

  I think he believed it would ease the pain in some way. But it didn't.

  He still thought about her, all the way up to her death. It was probably the reason why we ate with friends on the holidays and rarely spent a dinner at home at the table. For him, the table was a place for family, and when that family was missing a piece...

  Two pieces now. God, I don't know how I manage to have my coffee and breakfast there every day.

  “Pa made every last one of them,” I said, setting aside the bird and digging deeper. “Haven't seen them for years. Not since we lost Mom. Here, let me show you...”


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