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The Queen's Champion

Page 8

by Whiskey Flowers

  “Well I came over here because I received a letter from my father,” Poppy said. “He is angry I fled to the Tower without his knowledge. He and my mother are coming down here during some big test in the middle of the year.”

  “It is in Vashing,” Jonathan said. “It is a meat market. I would hate to be a female there with all of the old men that will be thrown your way. I would rather be facing down the Downey.”

  “I almost forgot to tell you!” Poppy said excitedly. “I was invited to the border by His Royal Highness. There was a dragon sighting almost a year ago there. I have heard of dragons but I don't think they exist.”

  “Neither do I,” Jonathan said. “I remember when everyone was excited and terrified. A giant flying snake lizard thing that breathes fire? The people that saw it said it was too far away and they couldn't get a good look at it. If this thing could fly then it should have crossed over the border. I think the Downey are a real threat though, every map I have seen Downey has three or four times the land of Kirby and those maps are incomplete.”

  “Well they saw something,” Poppy said. “I just want to say I have been there. Are we still at war with Downey?”

  “We never were really at war,” Jonathan said. “The Downey just put a bunch of troops on their border which made us nervous. Most of our army is on that border, which is the reason our border with Raelin was left practically undefended. I think the Raelin are in league with the Downey, the Raelin have been able to fight us on a smaller scale without losing too much. All the Downey had to do was hang around the border while the Raelin did the dirty work. When are you supposed to go there?”

  “He never said,” Poppy replied. “He isn't as petty as the guy you described.”

  “You are the people he likes,” Jonathan replied. “Xalen has little time for mundanes, Xalen likes to spend time around other mages. I have seen him and his brother in the same room before and they barely speak unless it is Xalen talking down to him. Xalen can tolerate commoner mages as well, just as long as they do not try and reach above their station and play the game.”

  “Play the game?” Poppy said.

  “Play the game,” Jonathan repeated. “They should be looking for a noble to marry. There is a reason why mages are considered noble if they are married to one. The reason behind it is there has been a decent number of commoner mages who try to use their power to do illegal things. Noble mages are paid a lot more than commoners and maintain their image better as well. The men here who have been trying to woo you would never even look at a mundane, especially a commoner no matter how nice she looked. You never find noble mages stealing, robbing, ravishing or anything similar. In fact the only one I have ever heard of doing something underhanded is the King, but this isn't the place to bring that up. Going back to what I was saying, noble female mages are always in high demand. Your children will be noble and they will also be mages. Many high noble mages will be after you, you are guaranteed to marry someone rich and whatever age you want them to be. Xalen wouldn't mind facilitating the meeting, you, your husband and your children would be his allies.”

  “Well he has been pleasant, almost charming to be around and so has the rest of them,” Poppy said.

  “Really?” Jonathan asked.

  “All except for Farrah,” Poppy said. “She thinks I am trying to go after you. The one she should be worried about is Lauryn.”

  “Lauryn?” Jonathan said surprised.

  “Well she is a woman,” Poppy said.

  “How old is she, twelve?” Jonathan asked.

  “She is fifteen,” Poppy said. “She is old enough. And no matter what you think that hasn't stopped a good number of people from trying to seek her out. She has an enemy in Monica Manchin though.”

  “Why Monica?” Jonathan asked. “Lauryn says nothing to anyone. I could see Cassidy getting into it with someone or even Chloe. Lauryn keeps to herself most of the time.”

  “Because Russell Golad flirts with her sometimes,” Poppy said laughing. “Their size difference is humorous, but stranger things have happened.”

  “Blaine Gillespie,” Jonathan said, shaking his head. “He has been telling anyone who would listen that Lauryn is gifted.”

  “He also has a ranking system,” Poppy said. “Believe it or not, I rank under Cassidy, Ella, Chole, and Lauryn.”

  “I think he is working for either the Prince or the Golads,” Jonathan said. “He has watched me everytime I attempt to do magic and quickly writes down what he sees. I think he is trying to get a good feel for how many spells I have in me before I am exhausted.”

  “Well he has been hounding poor Lauryn,” Poppy said. “And he has everyone else doing so as well.”

  “Jonathan Thunder,” said the same red haired girl that wanted to fight with Monica. Jonathan had found out her name was Cara and that she was a Donnelly and a distant cousin to Xalen’s father Jeffrey.

  “You know my name?” Jonathan asked and raised an eyebrow.

  “Everyone here knows your name,” Cara replied. “I want to fight you.”

  “You want to fight me?” Jonathan said surprised.

  “I want to test myself against the Big Four and you are the only one who will not try to humiliate me,” Cara said.

  “You do know I have a reputation for hating nobles?” Jonathan replied.

  “Poppy is a noble and you have been here chatting it up with her,” Cara said. “I want to see how good you are. I have a friend I want to help me train, I want him to watch our fight.”

  “Blaine Gillespie,” Jonathan said shaking his head. “You must really think I am thick in the head. I know your real reason and they sent you over here to sweet talk me. Put your cards on the table so everyone here can take a look. What do I get out of this?”

  “Excuse me?” Cara said.

  “You know he is not an idiot,” Poppy said joining in the conversation. “He wants to know what he gets out of everything.”

  “You said something about money before?” Cara said.

  “I can take coin,” Jonathan replied. “I don't have a steady stream of income. All money is good money to me. I’ll duel whoever you want for a gold coin every time. If you want me to fight more than one that will be an additional five coins for every person on the field.”

  “Six gold coins is a lot of money,” Cara said biting her lip.

  “It is a lot of money,” Jonathan said. “It is enough money that people will leave me alone.”

  “You could always get called out,” Cara said. “I am sure one of the instructors could be persuaded to have you spar someone.”

  “And that someone would regret the encounter,” Jonathan said. “My parents were manipulated, I saw where that landed them. I would be going for the kill, why don't you ask Gerald Morningstar what happened when we dueled. If it wasn't for Russell Golad he would have probably died. In a friendly duel I can pull back a bit.”

  “I admit I was put up to challenging you,” Cara said. “But more than me would like a chance to fight one of the Big Four. We keep hearing about how great you all are and I want to test myself. I don't think I could beat you by myself but with a partner I think I can take you.”

  “That sounds like your problem,” Jonathan said then furrowed his brow. “You said a lot of people want to take me on?”

  “Everyone in my class wants to fight one of you,” Cara said.

  “Well you can tell them I said one gold coin a piece,” Jonathan said. “And when I tell them the match is over they should walk away. If they want to stay in the fight then I will have to take them down like I did Hymie.”

  “Poor Hymie,” Poppy giggled. “I don't know what he was thinking. I am sure he wants a rematch. He has been trying his luck with Ella but she keeps reminding him of his defeat and said that she would not even consider him unless he avenged it.”

  “Hymie Satherland would never lower himself so much as to beg a commoner,” Cara said.

  “In case you haven't noticed,” Poppy said loo
king around. “There are only eight single women in the Tower and only half of us are noble.”

  “You can't consider yourself on my level,” Cara said. “Neither of your parents are mages. There are levels to nobility among mages, something you would know if you were raised around us.”

  “At least you agree that you are not on my level,” Poppy replied. “It still doesn't change that your precious male friends have been practically salivating to get attention. If we never came you would have been the only female among the first years. I hear there are going to be none next year.”

  “Whatever,” Cara said. “I will let you know about your money Jonathan.”

  “Poor girl,” Poppy laughed as Cara got up. “She has been besieged by every man here and doesn't have any real friends. I have my crew, she has a bunch of married girls who are desperate to fix her up with someone. She is right about dueling you though. I would love to try it but I have to conserve all of my magical energy for the others. They can't properly fight or spar either.”

  “Well this is the most excitement that I have had at dinner since the year started,” Jonathan said. “I am used to eating alone and I have had three women come by.”

  “Well here comes your first lad,” Poppy said. “And he is beautiful. You are nice to look at and all but Russell Golad is a step above everything.”

  “And what do you want?” Jonathan said standing up.

  “You watch your tone,” Russell said.

  “You better watch yours,” Jonathan snapped back. “I still haven't forgotten what Monica said and how you jumped to her aid. Now what do you want?”

  “Your attitude is going to get you killed one day,” Russell said. “I am not Hymie Satherland, a match between us would not end in your favor.”

  “You wouldn't make it out unscathed,” Jonathan said. “Now what do you want?”

  “I think I should be going,” Poppy said as she got up. “But something about two big men fighting is exciting me a little.”

  “This wouldn't be a fight,” Russell said. “It would be a slaughter.”

  “I agree,” Jonathan said crossing his arms.

  “I came over here to see how you were doing Thunder,” Russell said. “Not to cause a problem. I have heard about some of your difficulties, my father wanted me to personally let you know that is not how the Golads conduct business. If we were coming for you, you would know it and you would know when.”

  “So you claim,” Jonathan replied.

  “You do know we do not have to be enemies Thunder,” Russell said. “My issue was with your parents marrying each other. Things ended up working out okay, you are not some criminal and you hold yourself to a high standard. You have fought admirably for the Kingdom and you have not went out of your way to start trouble where there doesn't need to be any. Your fight with the Mage Commander is a personal one, already I have seen that you are not as unreasonable as you once were. I expected you to try and kill the man when you saw him on the border, the fact you were able to walk away says a lot about your character.”

  “And yet I am still not good enough for your sister,” Jonathan replied.

  “I think you already have someone else,” Russell said as he glanced at Poppy. “If the Kingdom cannot find you both something worthy of your talents, you will always be welcomed in my lands.”

  “Me and Poppy are not a thing,” Jonathan said. “We are just friends. I am around to run away any suitors she would rather not have.”

  “You and my sister…,” Russell began.

  “Would never work and I am no longer interested,” Jonathan said. “That should appease you and your mother.”

  “Sure you aren't,” Russell said. “But you have never shown yourself to be a liar Thunder. If you say you are not interested then I believe you. I think you are letting a good fit get away from you though.”

  “And how do you know that I would be a good fit?” Poppy asked. “Me and Jonathan are just friends and will probably only be just that. I do not break the code of the sisterhood.”

  “Code of the sisterhood?” Russell asked confused.

  “Sisters before misters,” Poppy said. “Lauryn has a crush on him.”

  “The small one?” Russell said.

  “Do not pretend you don't know exactly who she is,” Poppy said teasingly. “She likes Jonathan but is too shy to show it properly.”

  “Thunder is not stupid enough to consider her,” Russell said. “I am sure she is a lovely girl, but she is a commoner and they would have too many people stacked against them and their children.”

  “And Jonathan strikes you as someone who cares about what nobles think?” Poppy said laughing. “But enough about Lauryn, let’s talk about you.”

  “About me?” Russell said confused.

  “I am sure you realize that you can have any woman you wanted,” Poppy said. “I think you are an even bigger catch than His Royal Highness. Sure Prince Xalen will be King but being a Duke is nothing to scoff at. And you look like a cold drink of water on a hot summer’s day.”

  “I think you should be worried about your own life instead of mine,” Jonathan said.

  “I have other things to worry about,” Russell stammered. “I am supposed to be going to the border to see what the Downey have been doing first hand. I need to prepare myself to fight a dragon if it ever happens.”

  “Way to change the subject,” Jonathan said. “Since we are pretending to be friendly, the first years want to spar you.”

  “I do not spar,” Russell said. “When I see a challenge worthy of my skill, I will.”

  “And I am not worthy?” Jonathan said.

  “I have seen your skill as a mage,” Russell said. “You are ahead of Monica but not by much. Farrah is a better mage than you are and the last time we sparred I defeated her. Become the total package instead of just trying to be a fighter, then we will see. I know you travel away from here late at night to practice in solitude. It still will not make you a better mage.”

  “I don't care about healing injuries or fixing things,” Jonathan said. “There is no point to it.”

  “A mage’s job is more than just fighting,” Russell said. “Your job is to serve as protector of the Kingdom as well as its servant. There are many instances where even the sharpest blade is useless. Your father, he helped blaze a path through the barbarian lands?”

  “How did you know that?” Jonathan asked.

  “I know a lot about your family and many others,” Russell said. “I know you do not take the time to learn about anything not in your eyesight. You are not the only mage with a spell unique to your family. Take for instance the Smiths. Their family has a spell that sharpens and hardens metal. While your parents may have fought the barbarians, the Smiths did more for the border than they ever could. They helped make roads and build forts, the protection they helped put up is still there and still working.”

  “And my father is not,” Jonathan said getting angry.

  “It doesn't matter if it was your father or mine who blazed the path,” Russell said. “The result is still the same. Your parents though did many things to make this Kingdom a better place and from accounts of their accomplishments I think even they are better mages than you are.”

  “You make a point Golad,” Jonathan said. “But I don't give a shit about this fixing thing in this Kingdom and what the so called important people think. The important people sent my parents to die, for all of their accomplishments, what do my parents have to show for it? I plan on being the greatest fighter this Kingdom has ever seen. I care about the people in the Kingdom, I plan on being the hammer they can depend on when they are mistreated. Anyone can fix a road or dig a well. Not many can stand against a prepared and dangerous enemy with little resources or back up. I did though, I did and I exceeded what anyone thought I could do.”

  “You will never get it,” Russell said. “Stay away from Lauryn.”

  “Or what?” Jonathan said. “I think you just want her for yourse

  “I will marry the strongest mage I can,” Russell replied. “This is no secret. Right now that person is Monica.”

  “You would play with her emotions?” Poppy asked disgusted.

  “I am not ignorant Lady Poppy,” Russell said. “I know women are interested in me because marrying me would make them a Duchess. If I was a commoner I am sure I would get far less interest no matter how strong I am. I would be just like Thunder, someone to be scowled at in public and lusted after in private. Monica wants what I represent, she doesn't want me. If Xalen offered to marry her today I have no doubt she would be the future Queen by morning. Nobles marry according to what is best for the family and for the Kingdom. I am already at the highest level I could achieve in the nobility, I have yet to reach my peak among mages. I owe it to my future children to put them in the best place possible to succeed. It is what my father did for me and Farrah.”

  “So you will never marry for love?” Poppy asked. “Magical power isn't the only thing out there.”

  “Perhaps if a mage was found with a special skill like Thunder’s lightning magic,” Russell said. “That would possibly be the only way I would consider marrying a lesser mage.”

  “What if she was a commoner?” Poppy asked.

  “Doesn't matter to me,” Russell said. “There is no princess in the Kingdom so I have reached the highest level of nobility already. Before any of you bring up my sister, she has not. Sure she will always be well off but she will have no lands and no title. She has a chance to have both. If Earl Gillespie was not promised to another then Farrah and he would make a good match. Baron Nettleton though is not too far away and he has more money than the Earl. Farrah will be a big part of the Kingdom and so will her children.”

  “I hope both of you get exactly what you are looking for,” Jonathan said. “Both of you having a title makes the way that much easier to become Archmage.”

  “There has never been a commoner Archmage,” Russell scoffed.

  “Just like there has never been a Duke or Baroness with the title either,” Jonathan said. “I will be the first. “You only know a handful of people that could defeat me and they are all in this building and destined for some grand title. You all have to split your attention on many other things while I only have to focus on one.”


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