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Captured Hearts (The Men of Five Nations International)

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by Quinn, Shelli

  Captured Hearts


  Shelli Quinn

  Chapter One

  Akiva Jennings worked hard to put herself through medical school and it hadn’t been easy, especially since she had to also help support her ailing mother and unruly younger sister. But she never gave up even though there were times she’d wanted to throw in the towel. Now she was finally able to enjoy the benefits of all her years in school and all of her many sleepless nights of residency.

  Thanks to a very private sector of the Government she had her very own concierges practice, and all she’d had to do was sign over her soul. Well not exactly but she might as well have, because if the names of her patients ever fell into the wrong hands there would be hell to pay. Heads would roll and by that she meant hers, she’d signed an iron clad confidentiality contract and she was pretty certain the only way to break it was death and by that she meant hers.

  Nevertheless with the salary they were paying her to do her job and keep her mouth shut she wasn’t about to argue. Besides if loose lips sank ships, she would keep hers tighter than a fresh head of braids. With the salary Akiva received she was making sure that her mother was getting the medical treatment she needed and was finally starting to get better and her sister was enrolled in one of the finest colleges in the country.

  Yeah her life wasn’t bad unless you want to count that horrible run-in she’d had a few months ago when she’d been called to treat Camille Coleman. That’s the night she met the man that has been haunting her every thought with those damned whiskey colored eyes, his reddish-brown skin tone and long muscular frame. The man had the kind of hair that most women would kill for she thought as she remembered his silky black locks hanging freely down his wide back.

  The last thing she wanted to be thinking about was Prescott Hawk and his know-it-all attitude. When she thought back to the night they’d met it made her angry all over again. How dare he try to tell her how to medically treat a patient?

  Akiva didn’t appreciate someone who didn’t have a medical degree attempting to give her medical advice. He didn’t know her like that and he’d found out real fast that he was barking up the wrong damn tree. She’d taken great pleasure in putting him in his place, which for some reason didn’t seem to faze him in the least.

  She could still see the slight smirk on his face as he’d gazed down at her, while she gave him a piece of her mind. The twinkle in his brandy colored eyes had caused a shiver to race up her spine, along with a hot, moist sensation that flooded the crotch of her panties.

  Akiva didn’t understand her instantaneous reaction to a man that had rubbed her the wrong way. She had been spitting mad with Prescott Hawk at least that’s what her brain said but her wicked body had betrayed her like a bad head of weave. She knew all about that as a struggling medical student there were times she had to make do with what she had. And at times that certainly wasn’t much but with two other people to take care of, you find a way to stretch the few dollars that you do have.

  Thankfully those penny pinching days were behind her because she now had the means for her and her family to live comfortably she thought as she climbed into bed. She was bone tired it always seemed to amaze her at the number of agents that required medical attention for one reason or another. It also amazed and shocked her that there are so many branches of government agencies, most of which don’t officially exist.

  However that was something she wasn’t at liberty to discuss with anyone, so like any good employee she kept her mouth shut and did what she was paid to do. Now if she could just shut the image of Prescott Hawk and his sexy body out of her mind she’d be able to get a peaceful night of sleep for a change.

  Prescott has never been the kind of man that had his every thought consumed by a single woman. However for some reason he just couldn’t stop thinking about Dr. Akiva Jennings. Images of the five foot six inch, full figured, beauty ran through his mind both day and night. Her dark brown eyes, cocoa skin tone and curvaceous body had rocked him senseless to the point that she was all he could think of.

  Her sassy, take-no-crap attitude had made him smile on their first and only meeting. Even now he could remember her fiery spirit as she’d placed a hand on her hip and gave him a piece of her mind. The entire time she’d been talking to him he’d stood there staring at her as flashes of the two of them butt-naked and sweaty in a tangle of silky sheets raced through his mind.

  Prescott knew the smirk that had formed on his face because of his thought had irritated Akiva to no end, especially since her expression spoke volumes. He was fairly certain that she had wanted to knock the smirk right off his face, but that had only served to turn to him on more.

  If they hadn’t been surrounded by all the guests at Blake and Camille’s party he would’ve picked her up and carried her to the nearest bed, stripped her down to nothing but her smooth cocoa skin and licked her like a warm pot of honey.

  Just thinking about her made his body rock hard and his tongue tingle, he could almost bet that she tasted as good as she looked. He planned to find out real soon because if he didn’t he’d never get any peace, she’d continue to run through his mind like a non-stop marathon.

  Prescott wondered if she’d thought of him since their meeting, and if she had he wondered if her thoughts were as x-rated as his were. Did she also wake up during the night with her body dripping in sweat and panting uncontrollably? Does her body feel alive with indescribable sensations that stimulated her entire body to the very core?

  He could still hear the sound of her voice in his head but this time she wasn’t giving him a piece of her mind. This time she was crying out in the throes of passion as he pumped into her lush body.

  “Damn, it’s happening again.” Prescott said to himself as he felt his body react to thoughts of Akiva yet again. He slid out of bed and onto the floor thinking that he would be able to clear his mind of all thoughts of the sexy doctor, but as he closed his eyes to meditate all he could see was her gorgeous face and curvaceous body.

  “All the meditating in the world isn’t going to help this situation. No what I need is one long night with Akiva in my bed to cure this uncontrollably desire.” He said to the empty room.

  Prescott knew exactly what he needed to do to set the stage to make that happen and he might as well get started right now. Hell if he couldn’t get any sleep why should he let her sleep peacefully?

  Akiva had been tossing and turning for hours so she was wide awake when her cell phone rang. She grabbed it from the night stand without even bothering to look at the caller ID.

  “Hello!” She said sounding fully awake and frustrated, a fact that had the caller smiling on the other end of the phone.

  “You certainly sound wide awake.” The caller teased.

  “Yeah, you’d better be glad that I am, because if I would’ve had to wake up to answer this damn phone I’d be mad as hell right now.” She said to the caller.

  “Wow, you’re already in a bad mood and you don’t even know who this is.” The caller said with a smirk in his voice.

  “Oh, I know exactly who it is. Why in the hell do think I’m in this bad mood?” She replied.

  “What did I do, you can’t still be mad at me for what happened between us a few months ago?” The caller said.

  “I certainly can, now why are you calling me at two o’clock in the damn morning?” She asked.

  “Would it help if I said I was sorry, because I really am you know.” He said.

  “That would be a good start.” She replied.

  “I’m sorry for trying to tell you how to do your job and for be
ing disrespectful.” Prescott said sounding very apologetic.

  “Apology accepted, now did you need something?”

  “Yes doc, I’m in need of your medical attention.” He said.

  “Why didn’t you say so, what happened, is it serious, where are you, give me directions and I’ll come to you.” Akiva said as she jumped out of bed and grabbed her coat and medical bag as she was about to head for the door.

  “Doc, wait hold on it’s not like that. I’m not hurt not like you think anyway. I’m hurting in whole other way and it has nothing to do with the kind of medicine you keep in a medical bag. You can’t cure what ails me with a prescription, unless you can write a prescription for something only you have.” He said in a serious tone.

  “Look you crazy little freak, I don’t know what you’ve been drinking but how dare you call and play games with me like this. I guess you thought it would be cute to tease the big girl huh, let her think that someone like you would be interested in her. Then what, were you going to wait until I took the bait and then yell ‘SYKE just joking’. Well you can pump your brakes player because this girl has been down that road and this time I think I’ll take the detour. Peace!” She said as she disconnected the call and took several deep breaths to calm her aggravated nerves.

  To think that she’d been fantasizing about that man for last few months, how dare he try playing such a cruel trick on her? She didn’t mind lusting after him in her own freaky little mind but to have him try to make her believe that he wanted her sexually, well let’s just say that she wasn’t stupid enough to fall for that twice in one lifetime.

  Akiva will admit that she’d fallen for it when she was young, naïve and gullible. Fool me once shame on you, but fool me twice then I’m the damn fool. I may be a lot of things but fool isn’t one of them. She knew that she was a full-figured woman, not terribly heavy but for some reason anything over a size eight was labeled as full-figured and she was a size fourteen.

  She thought of herself as a fine curvaceous woman and she was proud of her full-figure she didn’t need a man to validate her as a woman no matter how fine he was. She’d learned to love and appreciate herself for who she was, and anyone who didn’t like it could kiss her size fourteen ass.

  Prescott lifted the phone away from his ear and stared at it for a moment or two before realizing that he probably didn’t handle that as well as he could have. The last thing he’d wanted to do was insult her in anyway. He couldn’t believe that she thought that he’d been joking with her, didn’t she realize how desirable she was to him or to any man that appreciated a sexy woman for that matter.

  If she didn’t know he certainly intended to make it known that in his eyes she was the most attractive woman he’d ever laid eyes. And he wanted her more than he’d wanted anything in his entire life. She was about to find out that when he wanted something he didn’t stop until he made it his. And whether she knew it or not she would be his woman because in his mind he was already her man.

  Prescott felt an ache deep inside at the thought of not being able to have her not only in his bed but in his life. Akiva had an effect on him that he couldn’t even begin to explain. She’d said for him to pump his brakes but where she was concerned he didn’t have any brakes. His mind and body only seemed to be on one speed when images of her claimed him and that was full throttle.

  He hit redial on his phone and listened as she let it ring through to her voicemail. He disconnected the call without leaving a message. Reaching inside the bedside drawer he pulled out one of the disposable phones he kept on hand. After activating it he tried her number once again, this time she answered on the second ring.

  “Hello!” She said in a somewhat pleasant tone.

  “Guess who?” He said teasingly just before she disconnected the call hanging up on him the second she heard his voice.

  Prescott couldn’t believe that she’d hung up on him before even giving him a chance to explain or defend himself. Well if she thought that would stop him from calling back then she was gladly mistaken. He hit redial and again he listened as it went straight to voicemail. He grabbed another disposable phone from his bedside drawer, activated it and dialed her number. When she answered this time he tried to talk fast enough to keep her on the line before she could hang up on him.

  “Akiva, give me a chance to explain before you hang up on me this time.” He pleaded.

  It seemed to work for a minute or two but the second he stopped talking she let him know just how she felt about hearing his explanation.

  “Look, you can take your explanation and shove it where the sun don’t shine now stop calling me.” She said before ending the call. Oh how she wished she could turn her phone off, but unfortunately she was always on call thanks to her lucrative contract. She’d tried to avoid his calls however somehow he kept calling her from a different number.

  She was in no mood to play games with him and she was beginning to get a little tired of him calling. As if on cue her phone started to ring again.

  “What do I have to do to get you to stop calling me?” She yelled.

  “Well the first thing you can do is stop hanging up on me. Then maybe you can try listening to what I have to say? ” He said.

  “Fine, speak your peace and make it quick.” She replied with irritation.

  “You sure don’t make it easy for a man, do you?” Prescott said lightly.

  “Honey if you want easy then you need to try your local bar, because I may be a lot of things but easy isn’t of them” Akiva said in a serious tone.

  “Sweetie, I’ve never been one to take the easy route so I think I’ll skip the local bar and stay on the route that I’m on and hopefully it will lead me straight to you.” He said in a voice that let her know that he was not playing games.

  “We’ll just have to see about that now won’t we?” She replied.

  “I guess we will, now to explain to you the reason I called you earlier was because you made some impression on me the first night we met.” He said.

  “Really, as I remember you pushed all the wrong buttons that night and as I gave you a piece of my mind you stood there with a stupid smirk of your face.” She said sounding a bit annoyed.

  Prescott laughed softly. “Yeah, you just looked so damn sexy standing there with your hand on your hip as you glared up at me to let me have it. All I could think about was having you naked in my bed.” He said in a seductive tone.

  “You really need to stop playing like that, if I was young, stupid and naïve I’d fall for all that bull your spouting from those sexy lips of yours. But I’m not I learned a long time ago that man like you don’t fall for women like me. So save it for the next chic because this one ain’t buying it.” She said in a no nonsense tone.

  “Okay I don’t know what you mean by men like me are you referring to the fact that I’m Native-American?” He asked sounding a little angry.

  “What, no are you really that stupid, I was referring to the fact that you’re sexy as hell with a body that had to be chiseled from the finest block of granite. And in case you haven’t noticed I do not have a toothpick size stripper girl body I am a full figured woman, honey.” She said with pride in her voice.

  “You really have no idea just how sexy you are, do you?” He asked.

  “Oh, I know how sexy I am but most men as fine as you are, usually don’t find full figured women sexy.” She replied.

  “Well I can’t speak for other men I can only speak for this man and I definitely find that curvaceous body of yours not only sexy but tempting as sin. Every time I think about you and that body of yours my body hardens in reaction to my thoughts.” He said seriously.

  Akiva was having a difficult time catching her breath. His words had stolen her breath it wasn’t just his words it was the tone in his voice that had her heart racing and her palms sweating.

  “Are you still there, or have my words left you speechless?” He asked when it seemed as if she wouldn’t reply to what he’d said. />
  “Uh, I’m still here, I guess I am a little speechless. I just never expected for you to say the things to me that you’ve said. You caught me off guard and to be honest with you, I’m not sure what to say.” She said at a loss for words.

  “I tell you what don’t say anything tonight, just think about what I said and then let me take you to dinner so we can discuss it.” He said hoping that she would agree to go out with him.

  “Okay, when would you like for us to have dinner?” She asked with very little hesitation.

  “How about tomorrow night, I’ll pick you up around seven?” He asked sweetly.

  “That should be fine, but just to warn you in advance I’m always on call so I could be called away at anytime.” She said.

  “I get it, I have the same problem with my work, so don’t worry about it. I’ll see you at seven.” He said.

  “See you at seven, good night Prescott.” She said with a smile before ending the call.


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