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Captured Hearts (The Men of Five Nations International)

Page 4

by Quinn, Shelli

  He shook his head slightly to rid it of the image that was quickly arousing him. “My house has four bedrooms so of course you can have your choice of whichever one you’d like. And if you should need me for anything I’ll be right down the hall.”

  “I guess since there aren’t too many choices to choose from your idea sounds like the best one on the table, so it looks like you’ll be having a house guest for a night or two.” She said accepting his invitation for a safe place to stay while the investigation team figured out what was going on.

  “Great as soon as the team of investigators allow us to leave we can get out of here. In the meanwhile I’m going to call my team and give them a rundown on what’s happening.” He said as he pulled his cell phone from his pocket and hit speed dial to call Kenji Fujimoto his team leader.

  “Well while you make your call I’m going to see if they destroyed my clothes along with everything else. Because if they did I guess I’ll be walking around your place in the suit I was born with.” She said teasingly.

  “In that case would it be rude of me to wish like hell that they destroyed every stitch of clothing that you own?” He asked with a slight smile and an arched brow.

  “Normally I’d say yes but if our roles were reversed I’d be wishing for the same.” She said with a wink as she let her gaze travel the length of him then smiled before turning for her bedroom.

  Prescott grinned as he watched her leave the room. He fixed his gaze on her well rounded ass watching the gently sway of her hips as she walked away. He shook his head slightly to stop the slide show of images that began racing through his mind.

  Once his mind was clear again he placed the call to Kenji he suggested they meet in the morning to discuss the situation. Until then he offered to make a few calls and find out who was in charge of the investigation and offer their assistance. Prescott suggested that they meet at Blake and Cam’s since they’d be going there in the morning anyway. Kenji agreed and said that he’d called Thai and Alex.

  Prescott was just ending the call when he noticed Akiva returning with a very small overnight bag. He frowned when he saw the expression on her face as she entered the living room area. She sighed loudly as she dropped the bag to the floor.

  “I guess you’ll get your wish since all I could find that wasn’t ripped to shreds was a pair of jeans in the back of my closet. Now tell me, what in the hell was the point of shredding my clothes? That was just mean I can’t wait to get my hands on the person responsible for this.” She said angrily.

  “Yeah, I don’t think that’s a good idea being face to face with the person who’s responsible for this could be dangerous.” He said.

  “You’re right it will be dangerous, for him or her, whichever the case may be. Because I intend to whip that person’s ass until I’m good and satisfied. And I have a feeling that may take a while.” Akiva said sounding extremely irritated.

  “I know how much this sucks but you need to let the team of investigators handle this.” He said hoping to talk some common sense into her.

  “Fine, I’ll let them handle it for now, speaking of which what is taking them so long to get here?” She replied glancing at her watch.

  “I’m sure they’ll be here soon.” He said attempting to reassure her.

  Moments later the team of investigators arrived lead by Burt Williams and Alexis Gomez. As soon as they entered the apartment Burt began barking out orders to the other members of the team and they spread out to get started.

  Burt was an overweight slightly balding very mean looking man. He reminded you of a man that was very lonely and unhappy not only with himself but unhappy with everyone and everything around him.

  His light blue eyes seemed cold and somewhat lifeless against his pale skin his unpleasant demeanor was evident in the expression on his frowning face.

  Alexis on the other hand was a very attractive woman, her long dark wavy hair was pulled into a smooth tight ponytail at the back of her head. Her tan skin-tone was the color of toasted almonds and her light brown eyes shined when she smiled. She was of average height standing at about five feet seven inches and she seemed to have a fairly nice figure of course it was difficult to tell with her dressed in what appeared to be male attire.

  The pants she was wearing were slightly baggy and did nothing to flatter her shape and the button down men’s shirt she wore under the large blazer wasn’t much better. She seemed to be wearing very little make-up maybe just a bit of mascara.

  Alexis politely questioned Akiva and Prescott as she jotted down everything that they said. Things were going well until Burt joined them. He and Alexis were complete opposites she had a pleasant and professional demeanor, whereas Burt was unpleasant, rude and didn’t act like a professional.

  Prescott noticed that the man was purposely talking down to both Alexis and Akiva. He seemed to have a womanizing attitude, like he resented the fact that he had to deal with them at all. Each time Alexis asked Akiva a question he would interrupt not only the question but Akiva as she attempted to give her answer.

  Prescott was just about to say something to the man about his attitude when Akiva snapped putting one of her hands on her hip and proceeded to let him have it.

  “Listen here you disrespectful jerk, if you open your mouth one more time to interrupt me while I’m talking, I will give you a fat lip to go with the rest of your fat ass. Now shut the hell up and act like a professional or I will be placing a call to your supervisor. You got that buster?” When Akiva was finished putting the man in his place she dismissed him giving him her back as she turned her attention to Alexis.

  “Now as I was saying before constantly being interrupted so rudely. When Prescott and I returned from our night out we found the place like this and called it in immediately. So no we didn’t see anything or anyone all we saw is what you see, my apartment like this.” Akiva said politely addressing Alexis.

  “Gomez will you ask her if she has any vengeful ex-boyfriends that could have done this to her apartment or maybe…” Burt started but didn’t have a chance to finish because Akiva interrupted him mid-sentence.

  “Tell him that maybe he should just shut the hell up and go find something to do some-where-else.” Akiva said the last three words slowly and through tightly clenched teeth as she stared at the man who was looking very angry.

  Prescott tried to hide the grin that touched his lips because he was so glad that he wasn’t

  the one that had rubbed her the wrong way. When Dr. Akiva Jennings gets riled up the best thing to do is stay out of her line of fire. She was a feisty pistol of a woman. He had a feeling that she did everything with a deep amount of passion and he couldn’t wait to get her in his bed so that he could experience firsthand her unbridled passion.

  Alexis turned to Burt as she addressed him. “It’s okay Burt you go check on the others, I can finish things with Dr. Jennings and Mr. Hawk.”

  “In case you’ve forgotten Gomez, I’m the senior agent you don’t give me orders. And if you ask me the good doctor here could use a lesson in manners on how to treat someone who’s trying to help her instead of giving them all that back talk and you can also let her know that we’ll need a list of her patients.” Burt said rudely.

  “What, oh uh huh, I know good and damn well that fathead, dumb ass is not talking about me. I wasn’t sure before but I am now you’re not just rude, you’re stupid as hell! You will not be getting a list of my patients that is classified and you do not have clearance for that, besides do you realize that security wise I out rank you greatly.” Akiva said sounding extremely irritated with the annoying man.

  “Is that so, well why don’t I just make a few calls and we’ll just see about that!” Burt said sounding doubtful.

  “There’s no need for that here this is for you.” Prescott said as he handed the man his cell phone. He smiled when he saw the expression on the man’s pasty face as it turned several shades, from pasty to pale, then from pale to red and finally to a ghostly a
sh tone.

  “Yes sir, sorry that your evening was interrupted, no sir I promise it won’t happen again. Yes I will have a good night sir.” Burt said to the person on the other end of the phone before handing it back to Prescott. “He wants to talk to you again.”

  Prescott accepted the phone back and spoke with the person briefly before ending the call as he turned to Burt.

  “Now is there anything you don’t understand about what you were just told or is everything a bit more clearly now?” Prescott asked.

  “I get it, for this investigation Alexis will be taking the lead and we’ll be assisted by your team Five Nations International. At no point during this investigation is Dr. Jennings to give us a list of her patients. If you’ll excuse me I’ll go check with the others to see what they’ve come up with.” Burt said as he quickly walked away.

  “Mr. Hawk would you mind telling me what all that was about, what is going on and why did Burt say that I’ll be taking the lead?” Alexis asked not understanding what had just happened or who was on the other end of that call.

  “I placed a call to my team leader and he placed a call to your superior, when he put us on three way I explained to him what was going on here and let’s just say he didn’t appreciate what he heard. So I along with my boss and your boss felt that it would be best if you took the lead in this investigation.” Prescott explained.

  “Congratulations on your promotion, girl it couldn’t have come at a better time. I know I can trust you to handle things with care, class and competence. Now if you’re done with us can Prescott and I leave because my feet are killing me?” Akiva asked Alexis with a bright smile.

  “Sure, that’s fine I’ll need to know where I can reach you.” Alexis said giving them permission to leave.

  “You can reach me on my cell here is my card you can reach me at that number anytime.” Akiva said.

  “Or you could just talk to her tomorrow when you come to the team meeting I think that the information has already been sent to your phone.” Prescott said as he walked over to pick up Akiva’s bag.

  “Well I guess we’ll see you tomorrow then.” Akiva said as she walked to the door with Prescott.

  “Good night, Alexis.” Prescott and Akiva both said in unison.

  Chapter Four

  It was around three in the morning when they finally got to Prescott’s house in a very high scale gated community. She couldn’t really tell because it was so late but it appeared to be a very small community consisting of only about eight houses. But from the little she could see in the dark all of the houses were somewhat large and spread out with big well cared for lawns.

  These were the kind of houses she planned to own one day and maybe have a family of her own, but she’d have to find a man first. She’d always told herself that she’d know if a man was the one for her by the look in his eyes when he looked at her.

  Her future husband’s eyes will sparkle with passion and shine with love she’d be able to see how much he desired her just by gazing into his eyes. He’d never have to say a word his eyes would say it all. The right man for her will make her feel like she’s the only one in the world for him. Well maybe one day but for now she’d just enjoy her time with Prescott and just go wherever it may lead.

  She was pulled from her thoughts when Prescott stopped in his driveway long enough to open the garage door then pulled inside. As the garage door closed behind them Prescott got out and came around to help her out of the car. When she was standing beside him he asked with concern.

  “Are you alright? I know you’ve been through a lot tonight.”

  “I’m fine I’m just mad as hell. I still can’t believe they stole my SUV what is the point in that? This person is really starting to piss me off, now I have no home and no car. This day can’t get any worse at least I hope it can’t.” She said in frustration.

  “Well doc I’m going to prescribe a long hot bath and a good night’s sleep for you, so let’s get you inside.” Prescott said as he escorted her to the side door that led to the kitchen.

  Akiva gasped slightly when she stepped inside his house the kitchen was huge with every state of the art appliance on the market. He led her out of the kitchen and through the living room to the stairs. As they made their way up the stairs she glanced around at the elegant but homey décor. He’d combined a few modern pieces with several more traditional Native-American pieces the effect was amazing in style.

  The earthy tones gave his house a cozy feeling, it was a welcoming atmosphere. She couldn’t believe how beautiful his home was. When they reached the landing at the top of the stairs she ran right into him because she was still looking around trying to see as much of the house as she could.

  Prescott smiled as he glanced over at her. “Would you like a tour before or after your bath?” He asked.

  “Can we do it now I’d really like to see the rest of your house?” She replied excitedly.

  “We certainly can I’ll just leave your bag here and go back downstairs to start our tour there.” He said as he took her hand and led her back down the way they’d just come.

  When they reached the bottom of the stairs he continued holding her hand as he walked her through the house showing her each room one by one starting with the living room just inside the front door. Akiva noticed that the entire house was done in the same earthy tones in a variety of shades. In some rooms the shades were dark and bold while in other rooms the shades were light and soothing. Nevertheless each room flowed together brilliantly, by the time they made it back to second floor landing she was in awe of his home.

  Prescott showed her each of the guest bedrooms before taking her to the master bedroom. Akiva gasped when she saw his bedroom, it was a huge room that occupied one entire side of the second floor. The large king size bed was bigger than any bed she’d ever seen, it had to be custom made because she didn’t know of any store that sold king size beds in that size.

  The room was decorated in terracotta, burgundy and chocolate complementing the cherry wood finish of the furniture and hardwood floor. There was a beautiful dream catcher hanging on the wall behind the bed and several other pieces of very expensive looking Native-American artwork.

  “That concludes our tour you’ve seen the entire house including all the bedrooms so take your pick. You’re welcome to have any one of them that you’d like.” He said suggestively.

  “Well you have a beautiful home and your bedroom is exquisite I really like the artwork in here it’s breathtaking. There’s only one thing I want to know?” She said as she glanced over her shoulder at him.

  “Alright, what is it that you want to know?” He asked hoping that it was what he was thinking that she wanted to ask.

  “Where in the world did you find a bed this big, I’ve never seen one this large?”

  “Oh, you wanted to ask me about the bed. Well I uh had it custom made.” He said sounding a bit disappointed.

  “Why what did you think I was going to ask you?” She asked curiously.

  “I thought maybe you were going to ask me if you could sleep in here with me.” He replied softly.

  “Really is that what you thought? So what if I had asked to share your bed what would you have said?” She inquired seductively.

  “You really don’t know what my answer would be?” He asked.

  “I have no idea what you’d say.” She said unsure of his response.

  Prescott moved slowly towards her stopping a mere inch or so in front of her. “I think you know perfectly well what my response would be. I’d be more than happy to share my bed with you. Or anything else I have that you happen to find appealing enough to want.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind, now where is that hot bath that you prescribed for me?” She asked with a smile.

  “Right this way doc.” He replied as he led her to the master bathroom.

  “You expect for me to take a bath in your bathroom?” She asked.

  “This happens to be the only bathroom t
hat has a tub with massage jets. Don’t worry love I’ll continue to be a gentleman.” He said.

  “I never said I expected for you to be a gentleman all evening, hell where’s the fun in that.” She teased winking at him before walking over to the large tub.

  “Don’t tease me doc, I might just take you seriously.” He said with a lop-sided grin.

  “I tell you what let’s talk about this after I’m finished taking the bath you promised me.” She said glance back at him with a smile.

  “You got it doc, would you like for me to fill the tub for you?” He asked in a very sexy but masculine tone.

  “It was your idea so yes that would be nice, and while you’re doing that I’ll step out into the hall and get my bag.” She said as she headed to the hall in order to retrieve her bag that contained the few items she’d been able to salvage.


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