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Captured Hearts (The Men of Five Nations International)

Page 6

by Quinn, Shelli

  “Really I wonder what that’s all about.” Akiva asked curiously.

  “It’s a hell of a lot of sexual tension that’s what that’s about, anyway come on in there’s plenty of food and Akiva when the strategy meeting is over Kat and I have a surprise for you.” Cam said with a smile.

  “Really, should I be worried? Because I know that the two of you can be something else.” Akiva said looking a bit uneasy.

  “No girl there’s nothing for you to be worried about.” Cam replied leaving them standing in the hall as she entered the dining room.

  “Prescott, you know them better than I, should I be worried?” Akiva asked as she looked at him with a worried look on her face.

  “No, I’m sure it’s fine they probably just want to have some girl talk with you over something sinfully delicious.” Prescott answered hoping to reassure her and at the same time ease her mind.

  “If you say so, but if they’re planning to ambush me about us, I’m coming to look for you so that you can deal with them.” Akiva said before turning to enter the dining room leaving Prescott to follow.

  When they entered the room everyone greeted them with smiles and concern because of what Akiva had been through with the break in at her place the night before. Once Akiva and Prescott were seated at the table Kenji began to fill them in on what he’d been able to find out about her case.

  Unfortunately they didn’t know too much more this morning than they had last night. Kenji informed them that their team would be working closely with Alexis and her team. He was planning to assign one of them to work one on one with Alexis.

  “And just who is the unlucky sap that has to work with Cruella?” Alex asked Kenji as he made a gesture towards Alexis.

  “Who in the hell are you calling Cruella, Rico?” Alexis demanded as she stared across the table at Alex through narrowed eyes.

  “Rico, I know you did not just call me Rico as in Suave!” Alex yelled across the table at her.

  “I certainly did now be quiet while grown folks handle business.” Alexis said laughing as she watched the expression on his face sour.

  “Are the two of you finished?” Kenji asked looking from one then the other before continuing with what he was about to say.

  “Sorry about that, please continue.” Alexis said politely.

  “I was about to say since everyone else has different aspects of this case to work on as well as the open cases that we are currently working on the only one that can work with Alexis is you Alex.” Kenji said glancing at Alex.

  “What, are you serious right now, why me?” Alex bellowed at Kenji before realizing that he was out of line.

  “Do you have a problem with that, Alex?” Kenji asked as he gave him an expression that said don’t test me.

  “No, it’s cool no problem at all.” He said not wanting to cause any unnecessary argument.

  “Good, now the two of you are going to have to try to get along, at least until this case is over. Do I make myself clear?” Kenji asked as he waited for a response from both Alex and Alexis.

  “Yes sir, I am perfectly capable of acting professional, so that won’t be a problem for me.” Alexis said as she glanced at Alex with a displeased expression on her face.

  “No worries Kenji I can be just as professional as Cruella.” Alex said as he narrowed his gaze at Alexis.

  “Good for you Rico, so it looks like we won’t have a problem working together.” Alexis said to Alex.

  “Okay now that we have that out of the way, let’s get this meeting wrapped up because we have plans when this is over.” Kat said as she rubbed her large stomach. She was so close to her due date that Kenji didn’t let her out of his sight these days.

  “I know my little kunoichi, we’re almost finished just a few more things to go over and then I’ll appoint assignments. After that you are free to go to the other room but take it easy because you know that you can go into labor anytime now.” Kenji said as he gazed at his wife before leaning over to kiss her at the temple.

  “I know samurai man and I promise to take it easy.” Kat replied with a smile. “Now get on with it sweetie.”

  It was close to forty-five minutes later when they finally finished the meeting and Cam and Kat had less then fifteen minutes to prepare Akiva for her surprise. And since Alexis would be working with them they invited her to join them for Akiva’s surprise.

  “Okay doc, we felt so bad that all your belongings were destroyed that we wanted to do something nice for you.” Cam said with a grin.

  “Yeah, you can call it a gift from Five Nations International as a way to thank you for all you’ve done.” Kat said happily.

  “I really haven’t done that much you guys.” Akiva said sounding a bit down.

  “You most certainly have you save my life remember?” Cam asked.

  “No I just patched you up I didn’t save your life from what I hear you did that all on your own.” Akiva replied.

  “But they’re right it is a real shame how they destroyed everything inside your apartment like that.” Alexis said.

  “I know right, I’m still trying to figure out why all of that was even necessary.” Akiva said just before they heard the doorbell ring.

  Moments later Carlton Timmons strolled in with his two assistants and several racks loaded with designer clothes as well as handbags, shoes and undergarments. The man was dressed impeccably as always in a brown suit with a pair of expensive brown leather loafers. He was wearing a peach vest and tie that brought the entire look together.

  His dark brown complexion was smooth and flawless his dark eyes sparkled when he smiled as he flashed his even, white teeth.

  “Hello darlings, I see you have two women that desperately need my help.” Carlton said.

  “What, no I’m just here to keep them company you’re here for her not me.” Alexis said as she pointed to Akiva.

  “Say what, this is the surprise the two of you were talking about.” Akiva asked in confusion.

  “Honey I’m Carlton Timmons extraordinary stylist and image makeover master. Believe me sweetie you need me actually you both do.” He said to both Akiva and Alexis as he glanced at each of them from head to toe.

  “I can’t let you two do this it’s way too much.” Akiva said to Cam and Kat.

  “Girl did you say let us, it’s not like we’re giving you a choice so just deal with it and while we’re at it we may as well fix Alexis and her wardrobe malfunction.” Kat said politely as possible.

  “What, what’s wrong with my wardrobe?” Alexis asked defensively.

  “Nothing, if you like looking like one of the guys.” Kat replied.

  “It’s easier to just blend in with the guys.” Alexis said.

  “No, honey a woman with confidence should never just look like one of the guys for any reason especially to blend in with men who probably don’t have any taste in the first place.” Carlton said.

  “He’s right you know, I promise you that if you dressed more like a woman and had the confidence to match you will see the difference in the way your co-workers treat you.” Cam said.

  “Yeah, but you have to make sure that your confidence is well in tact so that they’ll not only see your new image but they’ll see a new woman.” Akiva added.

  “Girl, you have to show them that you’re an ass-kicking, gun-toting, law enforcement diva, taking down criminals and looking good well doing it.” Kat said with a grin.

  “While that does sound nice, I can’t afford to splurge on such niceties as that. Most of my money goes to taking care of my mom and siblings and believe me after the necessities there’s usually not much left any niceties.” Alexis said honestly.

  “Girl that’s the same thing that happens to most of my check, I mean it’s getting better but taking care of a mom and siblings can be quite expensive. I only have my mom and one sister and at times it has been known to bleed me dry. But I love them so I do what I have to do.” Akiva admitted to the women.

l you two are in luck because today both of you get your very own fairy godmothers, Cam and I insist that you allow us to do this for the two of you and we won’t take no for an answer.” Kat said in a tone that dared them to argue with her.

  “Now that we’ve got that settled, chop-chop ladies we have a lot to do and not enough time to do it.” Carlton said rushing the two women into the next room. He then ordered them out of the clothes they were wearing so that he could begin their style transformation.

  It was more than three hours later when Carlton was finally satisfied with their appearance as he stood back and smiled at the wonderfully superb job he’d done.

  “Damn, I’m so good I surprise myself sometimes.” Carlton said with pride. “The two of you are sexy as sin and sinfully sexy.”

  “Really so which one of us is sexy-as-sin and which one of us is sinfully-sexy?” Alexis asked teasingly feeling a bit more confident thanks to her new appearance.

  “Honey both of you look so hot that it doesn’t even matter. As sexy as you both look you two could send a flock of men straight to hell for the things that will be running through their wicked, freaky minds.” Carlton replied with a grin.

  “I certainly see why your reputation precedes you, it’s because you Mr. Timmons are the best there is at styling even the most challenging person.” Akiva said with a smile.

  “Honey, neither of you were challenging, you with your full shapely figure and flawless complexion. And Alexis with the great figure that she was hiding in those awful manly clothes not to mention the gorgeous head of hair she was keeping in that unattractive ponytail. It really was a pleasure to style both of you.” He replied happily just before Kat and Cam pushed the door open to see if he was finished with them.

  “Are ya’ll almost finished because we’re going to Thai’s club for an early dinner when you’re both ready.” Cam said from the doorway.

  “What, I can’t go to a club I’m supposed to be working this case, it’s bad enough that I let you guys talk me into getting a makeover while I should be out there following leads.” Alexis said as she stepped out from behind the dressing screen.

  “Damn girl you look good, you have to go out with us to show off how hot you look. And don’t worry about the case you know if they find anything they’ll call you.” Cam replied.

  “Besides, as long as you’re on this case you report to Kenji so it’s all good girl nothing will happen without one of you knowing about it. Let’s go Doc I’m hungry.” Kat yelled through the screen to.

  “Again, Shorty didn’t you just eat a couple of hours ago.” Cam said teasingly.

  “Look tree-top that was over three hours ago and in case you’ve forgotten I’m eating for two not to mention that this one doesn’t seem to want to come out of here besides nothing affects his appetite or mine.” Kat said as she rubbed a hand over her large stomach.

  “Yeah, that would definitely explain your appetite, but come to think of it I’m pretty hungry myself.” Cam said as he stomach growled loudly.

  “That’s understandable since you’re also eating for two.” Akiva said as she appeared from behind the dressing screen.

  “What happened to doctor, patient confidentiality aren’t you suppose to keep stuff to yourself?” Cam asked sounding very irritated.

  “Oh I’m sorry I save that for my actual patients, I’m not your doctor remember so as your friend I can talk about whatever I like without breaking any confidence’s.” Akiva said with a smirk.

  “Dang doc you sure know how to throw a person’s words back at them don’t you, but we’re still cool. I’m not going to be able to hide it much longer anyway.” Cam said.

  “Uh-oh, that’s my cue to leave call me when it’s time for your maternity wardrobe, until then sayonara ladies enjoy your evening.” Carlton said as he and his assistants left.

  “Why would you hide something like that in the first place doesn’t Blake want to have children with you?” Alexis asked curiously.

  “Yes he wants us to start a family, that’s not why I haven’t told him yet.” Cam said as she glanced at Kat who was glaring at her. “What, Shorty why are you glaring at me like that?”

  “I’m glaring at you because you didn’t even tell me about the baby and we’re supposed to be best friends. When I found out I was pregnant I came all the way to the hospital where you were sitting by Blake’s bedside.” Kat said sounding a bit hurt.

  “I know and the only reason I didn’t tell you is because I knew that you wouldn’t have been able to keep it from Kenji.” Cam said as a way of explaining.

  “Wait a minute you didn’t want Kenji or Blake to know because you didn’t want them to stop you from working the field in your condition. You stupid heifer how do you think they would have felt if something had happened to you while you were out there fighting the ruthless criminals that we deal with?” Kat yelled.

  “Dang, you really know how to make a girl feel bad.” Cam said in a remorseful tone.

  “Well good your ass should feel bad for hiding something that important, girl if I wasn’t afraid I’d go into labor I’d kick your ass.” Kat said in a slightly angry tone.

  “Look I am really sorry for not telling you but I promise to make it up to you. Kat you’re the closest thing I have to a sister so I can’t stand it when you’re mad at me.” Cam said sincerely.

  “Hey, I’m sorry I wasn’t trying to cause problems, I just know Cam well enough to know that if no one knows that she pregnant she’ll continue to be reckless when it comes to her career. I’d never be able to forgive myself if something happened to that unborn child.” Akiva said apologizing for spilling Cam’s secret.

  “You know what it’s not your fault Doc I should’ve told them a long time ago so thanks to you I just got the push I needed to break the news.” Cam said.

  “In that case I’ll excuse myself from joining you guys tonight this should be about family.” Alexis said.

  “Oh no you don’t you’re a part of this team and that makes you a part of this family, so you can forget about trying to skip out on us Lex.” Cam said with a warm smile.

  “So you’re just going to shorten her name without even asking if it’s alright.” Kat said.

  “It’s fine really, that’s what my family calls me.” Alexis said smiling at the women.

  “Good now can we go I’m starving?” Kat asked as she headed towards the door.

  “That depends are you still mad at me?” Cam asked with a sad expression.

  “I sure as hell should be but you know dang well I can’t stay mad at you. Now bring your ass on so that I can eat.” Kat said as she opened the door to find Kenji standing on the other side.

  “I was just coming to see if you were alright you seemed to be upset a few minutes ago.” Kenji said as he reached out for her. Kat stepped into his arms and pressed her cheek against his chest as he lovingly embraced her.

  “I’m fine honey, everything is fine. Are you and the guys ready to go to the club?” Kat asked while hugging her husband as close as she could with her baby belly between them.

  “Alright kunoichi I’ll let it go for now and yes the guys and I are ready to go whenever you are.” He replied.

  “Oh we’re ready because if I don’t get some food to our child soon things could get real ugly. Let’s roll people.” She said loudly as she turned for the front door.

  Cam, Akiva and Alexis followed Kat and Kenji to the front door where the others were waiting for them. Cam glanced around as she walked towards her husband.

  “Where’s Thai did he leave for the club already?” She asked.

  “Yeah he said that he’d see us when we get there.” Blake answered as he kissed Cam on the temple.

  “Damn Doc you look amazing.” Alex said as he took Akiva’s hand and kissed the back of it.

  Prescott grabbed him by the scuff of his neck and moved him aside. “Boy if you put your lips on my woman one more time I swear you’ll need a body cast when I’m done with you.”
  “Better yet why don’t I shoot him and put him out of everybody’s misery.” Alexis teased wearing a devious expression as everyone laughed except Alex.

  “Ha, real funny well at least you’re not dressed like a men anymore.” He said in response.

  “You know what one of these days I just might shoot your ass.” Lex said through clenched teeth.

  “For what, I was trying to pay your little mean ass a compliment.” He replied.

  “If that was the best you can do for a compliment I’m beginning to see why you’re alone. Now move it rude boy you’re blocking the door.” Lex said as she pushed him aside and opened the door.


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