Captured Hearts (The Men of Five Nations International)

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Captured Hearts (The Men of Five Nations International) Page 7

by Quinn, Shelli

  “Dang, I really like that girl she has spunk, now you heard her move it rude boy.” Kat said pushing him playfully as she walked by.

  “I like her too.” Cam said as she walked past him smiling.

  “Of course the two of you would like little Miss-mean-as-hell-with-a-bad-attitude.” He said sarcastically.

  Cam paused on her way out the door. “Doc I hope you brought your medical bag because big mouth here is going to need some serious medical attention in about three seconds.”

  “Girl, I always have my bag and don’t worry I can mix up a syringe cocktail that’ll knock him out for at least two days.” Akiva said laughingly as she followed Cam out the door.

  “Some ladies man you’ve turned out to be.” Kenji teased as he stepped outside.

  “Yeah, you have four women that are ready to shot you, beat you or poison you I’d say you have definitely lost your touch.” Prescott said as he walked out the door laughing.

  “I haven’t lost my touch it just doesn’t work on crazy or psychotic women like those four.” He responded sarcastically.

  Blake hit him in the back of the head before pushing him out the door. Alex grabbed the back of his head with one of his hands.

  “Man what the fu…” Alex bellowed through clenched teeth.

  “Boy, don’t you know that talking about a man’s woman can get you hurt.” Blake said as he locked the front door.

  “Apparently so but unless you want all your bank accounts to show nothing but zeros and negative balances then you might want to think twice about hitting me again.” Alex said teasingly.

  “I’m not even worried about that happening because if you were stupid enough to do something that dumb your company would also end up with negative balances. Especially since I help bankroll you, so stop trying to act all hard ass and get in the damn car.” Blake said as he pushed him towards the parked vehicles.

  Chapter Six

  When they arrived at the club Thai greeted them just inside the door.

  “Ladies you all look lovely this evening I had my staff set-up the VIP area on the balcony that over-looks the stage.” He said as he greeted his sister with a kiss on the cheek.

  “That must mean that you have someone really good performing tonight.” Cam said as she embraced her brother for a quick hug.

  “Yeah tonight Mahuru Topeni the Polynesian singer is performing.” Thai said as he led them to the VIP balcony.

  “How in the hell did you get her to come and perform here she’s supposed to be on tour promoting her hot new album.” Alex asked as they made their way up the stairs.

  “Yeah well that’s one of the reasons we’re meeting here at the club tonight Kenji and I will fill everyone in.” Thai answered.

  “Should I leave so you guys can talk about this in private?” Lex asked.

  “Absolutely not you are a part of this team until we figure out who break-in to Doc’s place and why.” Kenji said as they reached the VIP balcony.

  “If you say so I just didn’t want to impose.” Lex replied.

  “Okay, now that we’ve settled that the bar is open so who’s drinking what?” Thai asked as he signaled for one of his staff to take the drink orders.

  “I’ll have a ginger ale on ice with a lime, thank you.” Kat said.

  “I’ll have what she’s having.” Cam said surprising her husband and the other men.

  “I’m sorry did she say that she’s having a glass of ginger ale? Miss-I-can-drink-any-man-under-the-table isn’t drinking tonight. What in the hell is going on did I wake up in the wrong damn universe?” Alex teased.

  “Every time you open your mouth it makes me wish that you didn’t wake up at all.” Lex murmured.

  “I heard that Cruella.” Alex said sounding a bit irritated.

  “Well, good for you Rico.” Lex said sounding just as irritated.

  “You know Blake and Cam use to argue like that and now look at them.” Prescott said teasingly.

  “Oh hell naw there isn’t the slightest chance of that happening to us.” Lex said through clenched teeth.

  “You can say that again besides I have standards I like for my women to be soft and sweet. In case you haven’t noticed Cruella is neither of those things.” Alex said.

  “Boy please we both know that the only standards you have is for your woman to be breathing and skanky. Besides I seriously doubt that you could handle a woman like me on your best day. Now let that marinate for a minute.” Lex said with a slight smile and a wink as she stunned him into silence.

  The other women laughed at the dumbfounded expression on his face. “Damn girl you’ve done what none of us has ever been able to do. Left Alex stunned and speechless, wow Kenji can we keep her when this case is over I like her.” Cam said.

  “I know that’s right. Lex, you are bad to the bone girl.” Kat said with a grin.

  “Now that’s the kind of attitude that goes with that kind of look.” Akiva teased with a smile.

  “Alright if you ladies are done picking on poor Alex let’s finish these drink orders so we can get down to business.” Thai said.

  When their drinks arrived Cam thought that now would be a good time to tell everyone her news.

  “Before we get down to business I wanted to make an announcement. The reason I’m not drinking tonight is because I’m pregnant.” Cam said as she glanced around the room before her gaze finally settled on her husband.

  Blake stood up from his chair and pulled Cam to stand in front of him. Once she was gazing up into his sky blue eyes he smiled as he gazed down at her. “I don’t think I could be any happier than I am right this minute, we’re having a baby.” He said as he placed his large hand over her slightly swollen stomach.

  “Congratulations you two, it’s about time ya’ll made me an uncle now I’ll have two babies to spoil.” Thai said happily.

  “I’m happy for both of you.” Prescott said with a smile.

  “That’s great news now we just need to make sure your assignments are non-life-threatening and un-dangerous. We can’t have anything happening to you or the baby.” Kenji said.

  “Yeah I was expecting that thanks for looking at for me Ken.” Cam said with a bright smile.

  “No problem you know how important all of you are to me you just don’t take any unnecessary risks.” Ken said in a serious tone.

  “Oh she won’t be I’ll make sure of that.” Blake said as he kissed her gently.

  “We’ll all make sure of that, won’t we Doc.” Kat said.

  “Of course we will right Lex?” Akiva said as she shifted her gaze from Kat to Lex.

  “Yeah count me in I’ll do what I can to help keep Cam safe and out of trouble.” Lex replied with a smile.

  “Blake and Cam congrats on the baby news but can we get down to business so I don’t have to spend any more time than I have to with Cruella?” Alex said still sounding a little irritated.

  “Good luck with that Rico did you forget that we have to work together until this case is over?” Lex said sarcastically.

  “Damn, will this nightmare ever end?” Alex mumbled grunting loudly.

  “Anyway, there haven’t been any new developments about the break-in at Doc’s house as soon as I hear anything I’ll fill you guys in. Now about Mahuru Topeni she’s not just here to perform it seems that a few unidentified members of her staff are working for the crime organization that we’ve been after for more than a year now.” Ken said as he explain the reason that Mahuru was there.

  “Just how was that information discovered?” Prescott asked always the observant and doubtfully one. Prescott believed in fate however he didn’t believe in coincidences. His feelings were that everything happened for a reason and there was a reason for everything that happened.

  “I got this one Ken. Mahuru stumbled across some shipping carts that were carrying more than musical equipment and wardrobe. When she made this discovery she got the hell out of there and called her grandfather a retired Naval Officer with a
lot of connections.” Thai explained.

  “Once he heard about the situation he used his connections to dig a little deeper into the backgrounds of her staff we found that there were a few with ties to organized crime and since she wasn’t the one that did the hiring of her staff we aren’t certain who we can and can’t trust.” Ken said.

  “So tell me how we ended up with this case?” Alex asked curiously.

  “Well because during this investigation the name Taro Yasuda came up as you know he was the man responsible for the death of Kat’s mother and for the attack at our wedding as well as the attack at the cabin. Also there were the names of a few government agents that came up however they shouldn’t have any dealings with these organized crime cases. And it seems that since contacting her grandfather there have been a few incidence that have put Mahuru’s life in danger.” Thai said answering the question.

  “Got it now I see why we have this one. Okay so what’s the plan and can I please be reassigned so that I don’t have to work with her?” Alex asked pointing a finger at Lex.

  “Boy if you point that finger at me again I swear I’ll separate it from your hand.” Lex replied as she gazed at him through narrowed eyes.

  “Woman I can’t stand your mean ass.” Alex said mumbled.

  “Oh I’m hurt, you really think that my ass is mean? Because personally I think I have a nice ass.” Lex said tauntingly as she glanced at him with a smirk.

  Alex narrowed his eyes at her although before he could respond Thai informed them that the show was about to start, and none of them wanted to miss Mahuru’s performance. As the lights went down the women stood to get a better view.

  When Lex moved forward Alex got a perfect view of his own. The dress slacks she wore fit snugly across her rear he noticed as he thought to himself she certainly does have a nice ass. He licked his lips and swallowed back the saliva that had pooled in his mouth from finally noticing just how sexy Lex looked wearing women’s clothes.

  The high heeled pumps she was wearing enhanced the rounded shape of her ass at the same time making her legs appear longer. He began to imagine those legs wrapped tightly around his waist as he pumped into her franticly while squeezing both globes of her bottom in each of his hands.

  Whoa, where in the hell had that come from she was not his type. He didn’t like women that were as mean as a bull-dog and she was probably just as vicious. Snap out of it Alejandro that’s a road you don’t want to go down.

  For some unknown reason from the minute they’d met he’d felt a strange connection to her. It was a feeling he didn’t like one bit those were feelings that he had no use for.

  Lex must have felt his gaze on her because she turned her head and caught him staring before he quickly looked away. She hid the slight smile that threatened to claim her lips as a devious plan formed in her mind. Lex had to admit that she’d been caught a bit off guard when she saw Alejandro earlier today.

  No matter how hard she’d tried to stop them the memories came flooding back to her and she was a teenager again. She knew that he didn’t remember her but then again she didn’t expect him to it. It had been at least eight years and she looked nothing like she did back then. Although he looks a little different as well however she’d know those hazel eyes of his anywhere. He’d also changed his name when she knew him his name had been Alejandro Garcia not Alex Grayson.

  Lex would never forget the day she’d told him how much she liked him it had been the day before he and his parents had planned to go on a weekend trip. The two of them had slipped away that night and made love for the very first time. Neither of them had ever slept with anyone else and that night he’d promised that they would discuss their future together when he returned from his trip. But he never returned and neither did his parent that day was the last time she’d seen him until earlier today. She’d often wondered what had happened to him and his family and why they’d just left never to return leaving everything behind.

  Lex had decided that she would do her job and solve this case without ever telling Alex who she was. Or asking him why he never came back to her or asking how the sweet guy that she’d known years ago had become such a womanizing playboy. She had decided that she didn’t want to know the answers to any of those questions.

  She would have just walked away when her job was done, but fate had intervened first by pairing them together for this case. Then by giving her a makeover that she would have never been able to afford turning her into the woman she’d always dreamed of becoming.

  Now her poor heart was torn between hating Alex for leaving and forgetting about her while the other half of her heart wanted to know why and what had happened to keep him from coming back.

  Lex also wanted one night with him to see if he was worth pining for all these years, holding onto hope that he’d one day come back for her. She’d held on to the one thing that she’d given to only him and once she’d given it to him once more she’d walk away with her heart intact and ready to move on.

  She would finally be able find a good man and start a family something she hadn’t been able to do while hoping for his return.

  Lex was planning to have hot, sweaty, delicious sex with him but she didn’t plan to give in that easy, he’d have to work for it just a little. Her plan was to tease him into a severe case of lust then make him beg for it that is if he didn’t have her begging first.

  It wasn’t until Akiva bumped her with her hip that her thoughts returned to the present. Lex glanced at her and smiled.

  “Girl you need to be shaking something Mahuru is singing her ass off and her beats are smooth as hell so you need to start dancing.” Akiva said as she shook her hips grooving to the music.

  When Lex glanced around she noticed that Cam and Kat were both dancing and even though Kat was practically nine month pregnant she had some unbelievable moves. Lex also noticed that the men were happily watching the women enjoy the music. From the corner of her eye she could see Alex sneaking glances in her direction, so she decided to give him a show that would have him hotter than a firecracker.

  Lex began rolling her hips in time with the music, as the beat got faster so did her movements and when the beat slowed so did she. By the end of the song her entire body was in full motion and all eyes were on her.

  “Damn girl you got moves when you decide to shake it you really shake it.” Akiva said.

  “Now that’s how you dance girl I ain’t mad at chya.” Kat teased.

  “Hell girl between you and Kat I think Doc and I are going to need some dance lessons.” Cam said jokingly.

  Lex laughed off their compliments with a wave of her hand. When the next song started it was a bit slower than the last not too slow but even so that you dance closely with a partner. The guys stood and joined them this time while Thai excused himself to check on security.

  Blake reached for Cam and pulled her close. Kenji nuzzled Kat from behind as he danced with her. Prescott slipped his arm around Akiva’s waist pulling her to him.

  Lex was about to take her seat when Alex grabbed her gently by the arm. “Oh no you don’t I believe this is our dance.” He said as he stared down into her light brown eyes.

  She returned his gaze staring into his gorgeous hazel eyes, a slow smile spread across her lips. “Are sure that you can handle me?”

  “Well we’re about to find out now aren’t we.” He replied as he placed a hand at the base of her back and moved her closer to his body.

  Their bodies began to move in unison as they let the music flow through them. The two of them danced like they’d been dancing together for years. It was as if their bodies had a will of their own soon they were so lost in rhythm of the music gliding through them.

  They forgot about the others in the room with them as he held her close their eyes were locked only on each other. Alex positioned one of his legs between her thighs keeping one of his hands on her lower back as they continued to dance. The other hand he’d closed around one of her hands holding it
against his chest to make sure that she didn’t get away.

  Lex knew what he was trying to do and decided to turn the tables on him. She rolled and rotated her hips grinding against his thigh as she danced. Within minutes she felt the effect her grinding was having on him as his erection pressed into her leg. When he loosened his hold on her and attempted to step back she slipped her arm under his jacket and around his waist to keep him in place.

  “Don’t tell me you’re trying to run because it’s getting too hot for you?” She whispered in his ear smiling deviously.

  “Oh I’m not running in case you didn’t know I like it hot, the hotter the better.” He whispered back letting his warm breath caress her ear. When the warmth of his breath caused her to shiver he smiled.


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