Captured Hearts (The Men of Five Nations International)

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Captured Hearts (The Men of Five Nations International) Page 8

by Quinn, Shelli

  This time it was she who attempted to pull away but he tightened his hold on her. “Now who’s trying to run?” He teased whispering in her ear.

  “I’m not running I was about to get a drink that’s all.” She whispered defensively.

  “Uh huh, didn’t anyone ever tell you not to play with fire because you could get burned.” He said softly.

  “Me, you’re the one who started this whole thing.” She said.

  “That’s true but the question is who’s going to finish it?” He asked in a sexy tone.

  “Aren’t you the one that just told me not even an hour ago that you can’t stand me, now here you are all up on me like a bad suit?” She said as she tried to pull her hand away but he refused to release it.

  “First of all that was then this is now and second who is the one all up on whom?” He replied sarcastically.

  The two stared at each other for several minutes before realizing that the music had stopped and everyone had taken their seats and were now watching them.

  Alex reluctantly released his hold on Lex regretting it the second she moved out of his arms and away from him to return to her seat. Not ready to return to his seat just yet he slowly walked over to the bar and had the bartender fix him a glass of Courvoisier. He downed it in one shot before asking for another drinking this one much slower.

  It wasn’t until Thai returned to the VIP balcony with Mahuru on his arm that Alex returned to his seat.

  “Everyone I’d like for you to meet Mahuru Topeni.” Thai said as he made the introductions. “This is Kenji and Kat Fujimoto, my sister Cam and her husband Blake Coleman, Prescott Hawk and Dr. Akiva Jennings, Detective Alexis Gomez and Alex Grayson.”

  “It’s nice to meet all of you and thank you for giving me a hand with my situation I’d also like to apologize if my grandfather was too pushy in requesting your assistance. All I can say is he tends to forget that he’s retired and no longer in command.” Mahuru said with a heart stopping smile.

  “Actually we haven’t had the pleasure of meeting your grandfather just yet.” Thai said returning her warm smile one of his own as he offered her a seat.

  “If you don’t mind me asking who is your grandfather?” Kat asked curiously.

  “No I don’t mind at all, my grandfather is retired Navy Vice Admiral Wingate Harvey Townsend.” She said proudly wearing a bright smile.

  “What, you have got to be kidding Vice Admiral Wingate Townsend is your grandfather?” Thai asked in disbelief.

  Mahuru laughed. “Is it that hard to believe that I’m his granddaughter? And before anyone asks yes we have the same blood running through our veins.”

  “It’s just that most of us here have heard of Vice Admiral Townsend and believe me when I say that all of us that have greatly admire him and his accomplishments.” Thai replied smoothly.

  “Well thank you he’ll be pleased to hear that, just make sure he doesn’t start telling stories about his Navy days I love my grandfather but his stories will bore you to tears.” She teased.

  “For those of us who haven’t heard of Vice Admiral Townsend can someone give us a brief bio so that we know a little something about the man.” Lex said curiously.

  “Vice Admiral Townsend was just one of the few African-American men whose ever been appointed to such ranking.” Thai replied.

  “Wait so the Vice Admiral is African-American that means that you’re not just Polynesian but African-American as well.” Akiva said in surprise.

  “Yep, that’s right my mother is the Vice Admiral’s daughter and my father is of Polynesian descent. My parents meet when they were both studying abroad.” Mahuru said with a smile.

  “So Mahuru, that flawless complexion of yours is natural? I think I’m jealous.” Kat teased.

  “Call me Ru and girl please with your skin-tone there is no way you have any reason to be jealous of mine. Let me guess you’re Afro-Asian-American?” Mahuru replied.

  “Yes, my mother was African-American and my father is Japanese.” Kat said.

  Ru smiled and began speaking to Kat in fluent Japanese causing her to laugh happily as she too began speaking in Japanese.

  Ru was a beautiful woman although she was small in size she had a big smile a wonderful personality. She had light brown eyes that sparkled brightly when she smiled revealing her dimpled cheeks. Ru’s long dark hair was a cascade of waves that framed her gorgeous slightly rounded face complimenting her cinnamon skin tone.

  The skirt of her colorful outfit hugged her tiny waist and flared hips before stopping at her ankles. And the halter style of her top barely covered her full breasts as it fell opened to reveal her tightly toned midriff.

  “Girl your Japanese is really good did you learn it as a child?” Kat asked.

  “Yes my parents made me learn English, Japanese, French and Maori.” Ru answered.

  “What kind of language is Maori?” Akiva asked.

  “It’s a language spoken by Polynesians in the North and South Islands it’s also the language of my father’s ancestors.” Ru answered politely.

  “Nice, is that why your music has such a unique sound, you draw from a variety of sources?” Cam asked curiously.

  “Actually that’s exactly why I love all types of music but I wanted to create something uniquely different. Using island beats as well as a bit of jazz and soul I created my sound which I like to call spicy soul.” Ru said proudly.

  “Well, we love the sound of your music and you have such a beautiful voice.” Lex said with a warm smile.

  “Thank you it makes me happy when people enjoy my music.” Ru replied happily.

  “Well then you should be very happy because girl you rock.” Cam said.

  Moments later they were interrupted when Kenji’s cell phone begins ringing and he excused himself to take the call before returning a short time later.

  “Alex you and Lex need to head to Augusta the police are holding a man there that claims to have information about the break-in at Doc’s house.” Ken said when he returned.

  “Did you say Augusta? That’s almost two hundred miles which will be a three hour drive.” Alex whined.

  “Yep, so I suggest that you two get going and since it’ll be late by the time you get there I’ll have Kat make reservations for you near the police station so that you can drive back tomorrow.” Ken said.

  “I’m already on it.” Kat said as she used her cell phone to make arrangements.

  “See everything has already been taken care of so get going.” Ken said as he ordered them on their way.

  “We’re leaving.” Alex said as he opened the door for Lex allowing her to exit ahead of him.

  “Call us when you get there.” Kat said.

  “Yeah, yeah I know the drill see you guys tomorrow I hope if something happens to me you know that Cruella did it.” Alex whispered.

  “I heard that Rico now stop playing and bring your stupid ass on, so we can get going.” Lex yelled over her shoulder.

  “That woman has the hearing of a wolf.” He said as he followed her out the door.

  “Their cute how long have they been together?” Ru asked as everyone laughed. “Did I say something funny?”

  “They aren’t actually together, not like that.” Cam said.

  “Maybe not yet but they will, those two have more chemistry than a science lab.” Ru said in observation of Alex and Lex.

  “You’re very observant we noticed the sparks between the two of them as well.” Akiva said smiling.

  “So Thai are you the only one without a significant other?” Ru asked with a slight smile as she glanced at him. Thai was a gorgeous man she thought to herself with his mahogany skin-tone, dark brown eyes, clean shaven head and six feet two inch frame. To her he was the sexiest man breathing and listening to his Creole accent had her soaking her panties.

  She wanted him so bad that her inner walls were twitching with the need to be stroked by his hardened shaft.

  “Yes I guess I am.” He replie
d returning her smile.

  “Well we’ll just have to do something about that now won’t we?” She said playfully.

  Thai wasn’t sure if she was serious or just teasing him but if she was offering then he was definitely interested. She was quite something a real handful he had no doubt thankfully his hands were ready and able to take on the task.

  Chapter Seven

  Alex and Lex rode in relative silence for the first half hour of the trip until finally he’d had enough of deafening quiet that surrounded them.

  “So how long have you been with the police force?” He asked keeping his eyes on the road.

  “I joined right after I graduated from college.” She said as she continued to gaze out the window.

  “What made you decide to join?” He asked out of curiosity.

  “My father was on the force and since I was a real daddy’s girl I wanted to be just like him.” She said with pride.

  “So is he still with the force or is he retired?” He asked.

  “He’s dead killed in the line of duty when I was in high school.” She replied sadly.

  “I’m sorry.” He said.

  “What about you how long have you been with Five Nations International?” She asked as she forced back the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes.

  “We created Five Nations right out of college when we got recruited into Interpol in a very unconventional way.” He answered.

  “So where are your parents do you see them often?” She asked curiously unsure of what his answer would be.

  “My parents died in a car accident a long time ago.” He said in a sad tone.

  “I’m sorry to hear that it must have been hard for you?” She replied.

  “Actually I don’t remember much about that part of my life I just know what I was told when I woke up in the hospital after the accident. Everything before that is locked somewhere in my mind but it refuses to come to the surface.” Alex said sounding as if he was lost in thought.

  “That has to be frustrating for you not being able to remember your parents or your life before the accident?” She asked feeling bad for what he’d been through.

  “Every now and then I get these familiar feelings like I should be able to recognize something I’m missing. Like it’s within reach but I just can’t grasp it.” Alex sounding a bit frustrated.

  “I’m sure that it’ll come back to you when it’s time. Until then you just have to continue to be patient, trying to rush things will only make things more frustrating for you.” She said in an effort to reassure him.

  At least now she understood what had happened to him and the reason he hadn’t come back to her like he’d promised. The Alejandro she’d known the one she’d fallen in love with so many years ago didn’t remember her. He couldn’t remember anything about his life back then, not because he didn’t want to but because he couldn’t.

  Alexis wanted to forgive him but she still had a lot of questions because if it was just a simple car accident why has his name been changed. And why did all records of his past lead to dead ends as if he never existed.

  She’d tried searching for him several times and she’d always come up empty. There had to be something that he wasn’t telling her she could feel it, but she wouldn’t push him she was sure he had his reasons.

  Lex would let him deal with unlocking his memories on his own when he was ready they’d come back to him. Her only wish was that she was part of the memories that surfaced in his mind. After all her parents had named her after his mother Alexis Garcia one of the nicest and most beautiful people you could ever meet. She sat back smiling as she took comfort in the fact that he hadn’t walked away from her intentionally.

  “About earlier when we were dancing I hope I didn’t make you more upset with me than you already were?” Alex said as he glanced over quickly before turning his gaze back to the road.

  “No it was fine, dancing with you wasn’t that bad, and it was actually kind of fun. I don’t get to have much of that these days.” She said with a smile.

  “We can’t have that, life is too short not to have fun. Tell you what let’s call a truce and try to have as much fun as we can when we aren’t working.” Alex said as he held his breath waiting for her response. Just as it had when they danced earlier his heart was racing wildly and he just couldn’t shake the feeling that they’d met somewhere before.

  “Okay truce, now what’s your idea of having fun?” Lex asked in a seductive voice.

  “Don’t worry I promise to think of something that we can both enjoy.” He said smoothly.

  “I just bet you will.” She whispered softly as she gazed out the window.

  “What was that I couldn’t hear you?” He asked.

  “Uh, I said that I know you will so I’ll just leave it to.” She said glancing at him briefly.

  Alex smiled stealing a quick glance in her direction before returning his gaze to the road

  in front of him.

  It was several hours later when Thai showed Ru into his house where she’d be staying

  while she was in town. He really didn’t mind having her as a house guest he would just have to be on his best behavior as a gentleman. This may pose to be quite a challenge since he was so attracted to her.

  The minute Thai had set eyes on her his body had reacted to the sight of her sexy petite frame. Ru had him doubting his ability to control his aroused state so that he wouldn’t embarrass himself.

  “We thought that you’d be safer here so that I can protect you.” He said as he took a seat on the large black leather couch and motioned for her have a seat as well, but instead of sitting she walked around the living room taking in her surroundings before turning to smile at him.

  “I like your house, so what you’re saying is that you drew the short straw and ended up with me as your house guest. I’d like to say that I’m sorry to intrude but to be honest I’m happy that you’re the one who got stuck with me.” Ru said as she moved slowly towards the couch to stand in front of him.

  “I don’t mind having you here it’s nice to have company for a change.” He said as he smiled up at her.

  “Really, well do mind having me here?” Ru asked as she slid onto his lap straddling his legs between hers.

  “I definitely don’t mind having you here on my lap and in my arms.” He whispered.

  “Just so that you know I don’t usually throw myself at men that I’ve just met. However I’ve never been this attracted to anyone before, just looking at you is doing crazy things to my body.” She said placing her arms around his neck.

  “Is that so, well we’re going to have to do something about that now won’t we?” He said smoothly as he began kissing her on the neck.

  Ru laughed as she heard words that she said to him earlier being used by him now. “Oh we certainly will.” She whispered with a moan enjoying the feel of his lips against her heated skin.

  She moved one of her hands to the back of his bald head holding him close as he slowly trailed warm kisses up the side of her neck and along her jaw line until he reached her lips. He covered her mouth with his as he settled both hands at her hips and squeezed gently.

  When she gasped he slipped his tongue past her parted lips and deepened the kiss. A soft moan escaped her throat as she used one hand to grab hold of his shoulder while keeping the other planted firmly at the back of his head.

  The sensations that his kiss was causing made it impossible not to swerve her hips so she began to rock and grind against his aroused member. Her movements only served to arouse him even more as a growl rumbled from deep within his chest.

  Thai placed both his hands beneath her ass to support her as he stood and headed for the stairs. He climbed the stairs with Ru in his arms without interrupting their kiss until they reached his bedroom. Once he stopped kissing her it was just long enough to get them both out of their clothes before placing her gently on the bed.

  He lifted one of her legs to his lips and began placing
warm wet kisses from her ankle to the top of her thigh before moving to the other to do same thing. Only this time when he reached the valley at the apex of her legs he served her with the most intimate of kisses.

  Ru gasped so loud he was afraid that she was going into shock as she pushed hopelessly at his shoulders. But her actions only caused Thai to secure his hands at her hips to keep her in place while he got his fill of her. The more she wiggled and squirmed the more he feasted drinking in her sweet nectar.


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