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London Bound: New Adult Romance (Chase Brothers)

Page 9

by Malone, Nana

  She headed for a part of town called Music Row. She’d heard that in the seventies it had been home to several music studios for young rhythm and blues singers trying to make it. Sort of Brixton’s answer to Motown Records. Her feet splashed in leftover puddles from the overnight rain.

  Between two buildings in a not-quite-alleyway, she caught sight of a section of puddles that looked like they formed a perfect circle. In the center of them lay a piece of chain and pipe. Getting down on her haunches she snapped away, lost in her camera and images for several minutes. The light from one of the buildings glinted in the broken glass window of another, and she lost several more minutes going for shots that were integral to her assignment.

  Looking at her map, she rounded a corner, searching for the most famous studio of all. Brixton Gold. If she could get one good shot of it against the graying clouds, with maybe some people standing in front, she would have a good start for the assignment and could head back before the clouds opened up as they threatened to do.

  “You know, I’m starting to think you’re following me.”

  Abbie whirled around, heart pounding. Leaning against one of the doors next to a youth center and record store stood Lex. With his dark jeans, tan sweater, and light gray pea coat, he looked distinctly out of place. If she’d shot a photo of him that moment, she would certainly have a juxtaposition shot. Or maybe she could use it to show how Brixton was becoming the new Harlem. With white urbanites moving in by the droves, taking advantage of the cheap rent and revitalization.

  Or, she could just say hi. “Are you sure you’re not the one following me?”

  He shrugged. “I was here first. I thought that was you as you crossed the street. What are you doing in this neck of the woods?”

  Abbie held up her camera. “A girl’s gotta eat.”

  “I would hate to see you starve.”

  Unable to help the sudden jubilant feeling, she giggled. “Well, it could still happen if I don’t get the shots I need for this assignment.”

  “School. Right. You did mention that last night. I was a bit preoccupied to ask you more about it.”

  Abbie flushed and immediately looked down at her camera. You will not think about the way his lips feel. You will not think about the way his hands feel. You will not think about how long it’s been since you had a proper, honest to God, sheet clawing orgasm. “You probably know more about my school than I do, since your brother’s my professor. We had a nice chat at your party.”

  Lex’s smile faltered, and his lips thinned for a moment before he muttered, “London is entirely too small a world. He didn’t mention you two had spoken.”

  She shrugged. Maybe because he had been an ass. “Nothing to mention, really. Sort of inconsequential.” Was she supposed to tell him that his brother told her to stay away from him? “Are you two close?”

  Lex’s gaze slid away from hers. “Sometimes a little too close for comfort.” When his gray eyes met hers again, they were stormy.

  Abbie’s heartbeat slowed, each beat echoing between her ears. In the blink of an eye, she made her decision. “He said I should stay away from you.”

  His eyes went from a dark gray to cold, flinty silver. “What did you say in return?”

  She shrugged. “That I barely knew you.”

  His loose shoulders and hands in his pockets would have had most people believing he was completely at ease, but Abbie studied enough faces to know better. He was livid. Surreptitiously, she inched backward looking to put some physical distance between them.

  Alexi’s voice was low and rough. “He say anything else?”

  Oh no, she’d already stepped in it, there was no way she was going to roll around in it too. “No.” She took another step back.

  He studied her closely, his eyes roving over every inch of her face. Then as if sensing her unease, he stepped back. When he spoke again, his voice had lost its edge and was softer, coaxing, and seductive. “Do you plan on staying away from me?”

  A small shiver stole through her as she debated the urge to flee. Do not run. Not every man is Evan. Besides, they were on a crowded street. “A little difficult, since you’re stalking me.”

  His grin was quick to surface, and she wondered how she hadn’t seen the resemblance to Xander right away. “I’m stalking you. You wondered in to my hood.”

  Abbie laughed as she took in the urban landscape of graffiti-sprayed walls, chip shops, and Ladbrokes gambling spots. “Right. Your hood.”

  Lex cocked his head as he continued to smile at her. “You’re not buying it?”

  Abbie shook her head. “Nope. You’re too fancy-pants posh. It’s not even like you’ve got this rocker vibe to you so you can pull it off. You sort of stick out here.”

  He’d joined her in laughter. “Okay, so the sweater and pea coat are ruining the image. But, I assure you, I belong down here.” He inclined his head toward the youth center. “I was kicking it with a few friends today.”

  “You were volunteering?” She’d assumed he spent his days sleeping till three, only to wake up and figure out where he was going that night. She’d never pictured him as the volunteering type. Not exactly a party boy. Her mind conjured an image of him going through rural Africa digging wells. That image juxtaposed with one of him in a beautiful tuxedo wooing donors for his latest cause. The image of dashing philanthropist worked better.

  His grin faded a bit. “Don’t let the swank parties fool you. I volunteer. I even have a job.”

  Shit. Had she insulted him? Immediately, images of him in a tux talking about the latest cause in the heart of Africa vanished and were replaced with images of some swank start-up, doing some cool music software or something. “Was that party swank?” She shrugged. “I couldn’t tell by the chocolate fountain and chandeliers.”

  He tsked. “Uh oh. Looks like someone’s made a few assumptions about me.” He added a teasing smile and wag of the finger to soften the words.

  “Sorry. I guess I did. I can’t really see you posting up here at the local Jamaican restaurant for rice and peas.”

  He sniffed. “I love Jamaican food. Rice and peas happen to be a favorite of mine.”

  “I stand corrected.”

  “So, you up for some company on your little jaunt?” He inclined his head.

  He was so heartbreakingly handsome that she could only stare for a minute. Was he actually asking if he could tag along? With her?

  Her brain made a valiant effort at forming words. “Uhm, yeah. Ok.” That had to count for a full sentence, right?

  His voice was smooth as he asked, “So, did you have fun last night?”

  “Yeah, I did. I was paying for it a little this morning. But Tamsin gave me her hangover cure, and I started to feel a lot better. Next time, I won’t mix ’n’ match my liquor like that.”

  He nodded sagely. “What did she use for the hangover cure? Whiskey?”

  “No. Guinness and massive English fry up.”

  “Just as effective, I suppose.”

  He halted her movement by placing a hand on her elbow and she jumped. Would she ever find a way to get used to casual touches? Especially from him?

  His brows drew down as he studied her. “Listen, about last night.”

  Heat flooded Abbie’s face as she peered up at him sheepishly. “Uhm, yeah. Look it’s no big deal. We got a little carried away.”

  Lex frowned and pressed his lips together. “I’m sorry I didn’t get to talk to you again. It was a little crazy once we got back down.”

  How was she supposed to play this? Why wasn’t there a book for these kinds of awkward conversations? Boy says, “About last night…” You say…

  And then have it filled in with the appropriate nonchalant, yet witty response.

  She sighed. “Well, it was your birthday party. Lots of well-wishers.” She sniffed. “It’s no big deal.”

  His scowl deepened and he shifted from foot to foot. “I had the impression that…”

  She tipped her chin u
p. “I’m not sure exactly what I’m supposed to say.”

  “I just wanted you to know—”

  “Alexi, look. I’m not good at this. It’s not like me at all to make out with a guy that I’ve only met a few times. It really is against type. But you said it yourself. We’re never going to kiss again.” Shit, what the hell was wrong with her? Why did she keep opening her mouth and letting words spill free. Shut up. Shut up now!

  “Abbie, I—” He shut his mouth and started again. “You’re different. I—last night was intense.” He sighed then scrubbed both hands over his face. “In all honesty, you freak me out a little. I spent most of this morning trying to figure out how to get your number. Then changing my mind as I reminded myself I needed to stay away from you.”

  “What did you decide?”

  He laughed ruefully. “Well seeing as kismet has other plans, I’m thinking we should be friends.”

  Friends? “Friends. I can do that.” Except after that kiss, she didn’t exactly want to be friends.

  “And maybe we’ll give kismet a break, and I’ll actually figure out a way to get your number.” He smiled that lopsided grin of his, and Abbie tried to remember what he’d said about being friends.

  “Uhm, you’re friends with Sophie, right? I promise you she has my number.”

  He smiled sheepishly. “Yes, well. I also wanted to be a little discreet. I wasn’t sure how much you’d told her.”

  Well, he had a point there. She didn’t exactly want to broadcast their kiss from the speakers. “Well, then how fortuitous that you ran into me today. In a city of millions of people.”

  His grin was quick. “So are you going to let me tag along?”

  * * *

  Abbie bit her bottom lip then blinked up at Alexi. “Why?”

  He silently prayed she’d ask him something uncomplicated. “Why what?”

  “Why do you want to join me? This will probably be boring for you.”

  “Not at all. I’m fascinated by what you see with your camera. Trailing after Xander has taught me to appreciate a photographer’s viewpoint. It’s interesting.” Lex shoved his hands into his pockets and rocked back on his heels. “And, believe it or not, I like you.”

  “Well I am pretty fun, what with my adventurous streak and all.”

  He laughed and the sound warmed her from the inside.

  “I should probably stay very far away from you, as just being near you makes me think about how you taste, but,” He licked his bottom lip. “I like you.”

  Yeah, wow. Being friends with him was going to be complicated. Especially if he kept saying things like that to her. A light flush stained her cheeks. “I’m honestly almost done. I just want some shots of Brixton Gold then I’m going to head out.”

  He grinned. “How would you like an insider’s tour?”

  “I wasn’t aware they gave tours.”

  “Well, not for the public, but I have an inside source that can get you in, if you’re interested.”

  Her dark eyes rounded. “If you can get me in, I’d love to see it and take a couple of shots.”

  Thirty minutes later, she was beaming as they left the studio. “Holy cow, I can’t believe I got to sit in there and listen to some of the old tracks and sit in with actual music producers. I mean, how cool is that?”

  He couldn’t help but grin. She looked so happy. The tiny voice in the back of his mind reminded him of Gemma and their arrangement. He owed it to Gemma to not get caught up in this girl. If he did, everything they’d worked together on would be shattered.

  When they got to the tube station, Abbie turned to him and grinned. “Thank you so much. I could never have had that kind of access if it weren’t for you. I mean this assignment is pretty crucial, and I think I’ve blown it out of the water, thanks to you.” She ducked her head and fiddled with her camera in a gesture he’d now started to recognize as nerves. Over what? Over him? Could she sense what he was thinking about?

  “You’re welcome. It was well worth owing Charlie to see that smile on your face.”

  She shook her head. “Why are you bending over backward to help me?”

  “Because in a different life, you would be someone I would want to get to know better.”

  She nodded as if understanding. “Same here.”

  He rocked back on his heels. “So what now?”

  She shrugged. “Friends, I guess. Like you said. We’ll forget last night happened.”

  As if he could. “Right. Forgotten. So as your friend, I’m going to need your number. I’m also going to send you details of a photography opportunity if you want it. It should be a nice party at a friend’s country estate. You should be able to get some good photos.” He shrugged. He was hoping to project confidence, but his heart thundered.

  “Thank you. But you don’t have to do that.”

  “I want to. Besides, it makes it easier to stalk you if I tell you where to go.”

  She snagged his phone out of his palm and put her number in. When she handed his phone back to him, their fingers brushed. Slowly he tugged her into a hug. A friendly parting hug. Except, after she initially stilled, she sort of melted into him, giving herself over to his care for the next several seconds. And as he locked his arms around her, he knew there was no way he could stay just friends with Abbie. She drew back, and he held his breath as she blinked up at him.

  Don’t do it, mate. Your life is way too complicated.

  But he never was very good at following the rules. Instead of letting her go, he muttered, “Sod it.” He drew her back into his arms and slid his lips over hers. She gasped softly before she moaned into his mouth. When his tongue slid in to tease hers, she wound her hands into his hair, giving herself over to the kiss.

  Fire flooded his veins, overheating his synapses. There was something he was supposed to be doing. Something he had to remember, but all he could focus on was Abbie, her lips, her smell, her taste.

  He deepened the kiss, demanding a response rather than coaxing one. Lex’s head spun as jolts and sparks of electricity lit his skin on fire from the inside out. His fingers tucked under her T-shirt and played with the skin at her lower back, just as he had while they danced last night.

  Abbie swayed into him, pressing her body against his from breast to hip. He groaned again as his body went rigid as stone. He released her abruptly. “Shit. I’m sorry.”

  Hazy, unfocused eyes fluttered open and blinked up at him. “Wh-what’s the matter?” She blinked rapidly as the lights flickered back on.

  “You mean besides being so turned on I was giving serious consideration to pinning you up against the wall of the corner shop and finding out how sweet you tasted everywhere? Nothing.” He raked both hands through his hair.

  Abbie dragged in several deep breaths, and he fixated on her lips. What the hell was his problem? He’d kissed lots of women. But kissing Abbie was like kissing a live wire. He wanted more of it. To grab hold and never let go. But he waited a beat too long.

  She took a step back as she adjusted the strap of her camera again, bringing it back in front of her like a shield. “I guess I’d better go.”

  Lex had no choice but to watch as she descended the stairs of the tube. Well, he’d screwed that one up. He should have just left her alone. He should have given her the tour, then put her in a taxi. He should have left things as just friends with them. Should should should.

  Instead, he’d kissed her—again. And not in that sweet way that said ‘I think I could care about you.’ But in that desperate way that said, ‘I won’t be able to think about anything else until I’m with you.’ Trouble had just landed on his doorstep.

  Chapter 15

  After another sleepless night filled with dreams of Alexi, Abbie strolled into the living room to find Tamsin surrounded by stacks of books. “What’s all this?”

  Tamsin looked up absently from the piles before turning her attention back to a hardback with a bare male ass on the cover. “New client. An author. I have to plan
their PR package. Boss man has me getting familiar with her work before I start working on it.”

  “Let me guess, your boss is going to take credit for all this work too?”

  “Probably.” Tamsin sighed. “So, Mr. Lover Lover has been calling the house line, looking for you nonstop. What do you want me to tell him?”

  To fuck off maybe?

  Abbie groaned as she slung her camera bag over her shoulder. Sooner or later, Tamsin would ask why she wouldn’t at least talk to Evan. And then what the hell would she say? “Shit, I’m sorry, Tams. I hate to put you in this position, but I’m just not ready to talk to him yet. Mom must have given him your number. I know I have to deal with him eventually. But my brain just gets clouded.”

  Tamsin nodded. “I completely understand. I was mostly just telling you to find out if we can turn the ringer off permanently, or if there is someone you anticipate calling the house phone.”

  Abbie blinked. “You’d do that for me?”

  “What are friends for? Besides, no one ever uses the land line. Most everyone calls my mobile, unless it’s the council tax people or something. We don’t need it.”

  “I appreciate it. I’ll deal with him eventually, just not quite yet.”

  Tamsin eyed Abbie’s bag. “You headed to campus?”

  “Yeah. I’m just going to grab the bus. I want to use their fancy computers for my photo manipulation and printing on large canvases. I think they’ll give the images I took on Saturday more pop, if I go large scale.”

  “Well, from what I saw, they were fantastic. I mean, how did you ever get into Brixton Gold? That place is legendary. You must have some serious blagging skills like Sophie to simply talk yourself in there.”

  “Erm,” Abbie hedged, “I probably just got lucky. I need to drop off some job applications too.” It felt like she’d applied for every possible job. Her bad luck for arriving late. Fucking Evan.

  Her phone buzzed in her pocket, and she snuck a look at the incoming text message. A UK number she didn’t recognize. It could only be Lex. The muscles in her belly fluttered. Calm yourself. He probably is only calling to remind you that he is emotionally unavailable.


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