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The Guardian (The Guardian Book 1)

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by Paula Stephanie Grogan

  He put his hands around Coura’s shoulders, and she turned into him putting her arms around his middle. With a slight sucking motion, they were pulled from the room. Things flashed by them that Coura didn’t recognize. She tucked her head against Keric’s chest to avoid getting nauseous. A flash of light surrounded them and then they appeared in a clearing in a semi lit park. “What was that? It was so awesome!” Coura exclaimed. “That is flashing,” said Keric. “I just think of a place, and I get transported there.” “Wow said Coura, "I felt like Harry Potter, who went into the fire with floo powder.” Keric shook his head, with a smile. “Yea kind of like that I guess,” just without all the soot, and green fire stuff. “So why are we in Balboa Park, Keric? I thought you were going to show me the real world.” Gosh she’s quick, thought Keric. “Yes, I am my dear, take my hand and make sure to be very quiet ok?” “Sure” she reached her hand out and they flashed again behind a large evergreen tree. The area around them smelled like pinestraw and cut grass.

  There was a couple sitting on a bench just ahead of them showing way too much PDA. “So, what are we doing here?” asked Coura. “Just watch that couple, said Keric.” She leaned out further behind the tree. “Ok, kind of pervy but whatever floats your boat Keric.” He looked at her sternly and she turned to watch the couple from behind the tree. “God,” Coura whispered, "you’d think she’d choke on that much tongue.” Keric couldn’t help a small laugh. “Look closer Coura really watch them and see.” She did and what she saw astonished her.

  The man had a tongue that was like a snake. His tongue was long and thin and had a separated tip both pieces moved independently. He kissed the woman’s face with his alien tongue, and then her neck, leaving his neck open to her. Two sharp Vampire teeth extended from the preppy blond girls’ lips and bit the throbbing pulse beneath his skin. The man’s face still kissing her neck flickered in and out from reptile with large yellow reptile eyes to human. The woman slurped for a little while longer than her fangs receded, and she licked the spot she had bit him. The man was still kissing her, and she was moaning loudly.

  “What the,” Coura said loudly, Keric put a handover her mouth to keep them from getting noticed. He wrapped a hand around her stomach and then he flashed them from there. They reappeared on the balcony of her bedroom. “What the Heck was that?” She was pacing the distance of the balcony, which is what she did when she was trying to sort something out. “That was a Vampire, Coura. "There are so many things you have been blinded to throughout your life; I just wanted to give you a glimpse of what your future would involve.” Coura stopped, and stared at him, she then gathered up her hair and put it in a ponytail trying to sort out her thoughts. She took a deep breath, trying to remember that Keric was normally not so dense. “I’m not talking about the Vampire I’m talking about that thing that the Vampire was feeding from.” So, she saw, Keric thought. “What did you see Coura?”

  Coura rubbed her arms fighting off the goosebumps. She looked really annoyed and Keric gave her a heart wrenching half smile. Seeing his smile gave her a warm feeling in the pit of her stomach, and she let some of the fear and frustration escape. Then she explained to him exactly what she saw. Most people who had gifts received them right after puberty, but Coura was a late bloomer. It appeared that one of her gifts that had surfaced was the gift of sight. “I told you that you were special. You have been given your first gift, the gift of sight. You my dear are a special human. When you were born God chose you and bestowed on you some very special gifts with the hope that one day you might use those gifts for the greater good. A prophet prophesied about it in the 1800’s. He spoke of you; I believe they called you the chosen one. But you got to promise me Coura that you will be careful. Do not let on to anyone that you can see, or that you’re anything other than normal, or they may try to take you away from me." “I promise.”

  Coura sat down. She stared into the sparkling blue water of the pool beneath her. The palm trees moved silently in the Santa Ana wind. Somewhere in the far distance a dog was howling. “What does this “sight” entail Keric?” Coura asked seriously. “It means Coura that you have the ability to look inside someone and see them for what’s really there. You saw the beast from within that human, the demon that is embedded in that boy’s soul.” “How can a demon be embedded in a soul?” "That’s a good question Coura. I would believe that it is genetic, meaning that the boy’s father was a reincarnated demon that mated with a human woman making a demi demon. From what you have told me I believe it was a lower level demi demon called a Saleel. It is a reptilian demon that vanquishes its prey by crushing it to death like a boa constrictor. I could probably bet that vampire is going to get more than what she was expecting for with her dinner tonight.” “Coura laughed a little, “wow... so I can see people’s souls? How come I can’t see into yours Keric?” “I don’t know, I don’t really remember what I was before this life, so it’s possible what you see is my soul.” “I don’t know,” responded Coura; she ran her finger down the side of his face “I just see you.”

  “Does anyone else in my family have gifts?” Keric didn’t know how he should answer that. “Yes, I believe your dad has a gift too. I’m sure if you thought hard enough about it you would figure it out. My dad, what kind of gift could he have? She thought. When I was little, I remember that dad would talk to people who weren’t always there. My mom said that it was because he was a drunk but what if it was something else? What if was talking to someone? He had just come back from Iraq when it happened. “Oh, how terrible” Coura exclaimed. “My dad could see ghosts after he came home from the war. What if he could always see them?” That’s horrible she thought. “Yes Coura, he has a version of the sight. He can see ghosts. That’s why he tried to self-medicate himself with alcohol; it was his only escape from the other world.” “I feel terrible Keric, I have treated him so badly over the years, and my mom too, I have got to make amends.”

  “You’re pretty wonderful you know that?” Keric pulled her into a hug. “You really think so?” something in Coura changed and her face started glowing, it was breathtaking. “Yes” Keric let out huskily, he ran his fingers through her hair looking into her eyes “I do.” Coura rested her head on his chest and then after a few comforting minutes she released him. “I have some things I need to take care of Keric, will you come back tomorrow?” Keric nodded then bent down and kissed the top of her head and flashed off the balcony.

  The love that Keric showed Coura was enough to break through the ice of her hardened heart. She responded to him the next night, “I used to think you just told me about this stuff, you know how beautiful and smart I am just so I would smile but I can see the truth of your words just by the look in your eyes and seeing the expression on your face.” Coura learned love. She had felt it and witnessed it firsthand and she knew that true unadulterated love was to be given and asked nothing back in return. She had witnessed it in Keric and felt the power of forgiveness to heal her. She promised herself the other night on the balcony that she would forgive herself, and in doing so forgive her family because they were a big part of who she was.

  The next night when her mom came in from work tired from showing houses all day, (she was a realtor) Coura approached her. As the keys turned the tumbler of the door lock, at 8:30 that evening she ran to the door to help her mother with her things. “Here Mom give me your briefcase, and bag. There’s something I wanted to talk to you about. But I think it can wait till you’ve rested a minute.” Her mother’s face shown with surprise, “Um, thank you Coura,” she smiled sheepishly. They both strolled in through the foyer into the living room, fresh cut flowers made the room smell like gardenias. The room was modern in design, but elegant as well. Her mother had good taste. Her mom sat on the couch and patted the cushion next to her “come sit here dear, tell me what’s going on honey.” Coura gathered her long hair in a ponytail, making her curls go out in all directions. She twirled a pencil through it to help hold her hair up then she sat down nex
t to her mother.

  Everyone who knew Laurel and Coura said that Coura looked like her mother. Laurel was just two inches taller than Coura at 5’6. Her hair was thick like Coura’s. But were her hair was a curly mass, her mother’s was straight. Her mom was beautiful. She had long eyelashes that curled up almost reaching her high arched eyebrows. Her face was slightly rounded, and her high cheekbones gave her the look of elegance. She carried herself like Coura wished she could. Her mother carried herself with confidence and decorum. Her skin was the color of a sun kissed caramel. She was everything in beauty that Coura wanted to be one day.

  She found herself staring at her mother, and blinked her eyes trying to focus on what she wanted to tell her mom. She turned her body, so her knees touched her mother’s; she put her hands in her mother’s hands. With watery eyes she said, “Mom, I need to apologize to you. I have been awful to you for a while now, and I don’t want that between us anymore. Please don’t hate me.” Laurel took what she had said to heart. “Coura I would never hate you hun. You hung the moon for me. I know that things have been hard on you since the divorce sweetie, but I don’t blame you for how you responded to it. It was my sin, and I am the one who is going to have to live with that you are blameless.”

  Laurel’s face was streaming with tears, as she looked at her beautiful daughter. “You are my one great accomplishment. And I know you are your fathers as well.” “Oh mom, you are so sweet, that’s the most wonderful thing you have ever told me. Do you think maybe we can...? I don’t know, start over fresh?” “Of course, we can Coura;” Laurel said with joyful sobs, they hugged. “I’m -so -happy,” her makeup ran, and her eyes began to look racoonish. “I’m sorry, God I’m a wreck!” she joked. She smiled at Coura. “I love you baby, come here and give mama another hug.” They embraced each other in a long emotion filled hug.

  “I’m going to call dad, mom, is that ok?” “Sure hun, I’m just going to go up to my room and shower, it’s been a long day." Laurel gave her a kiss on the cheek and headed upstairs. "Dad, it's me Coura,” she said into the phone line. “Hey kiddo, I have been missing you! What have you been up to? Coura tried to interrupt him. “Dad I’m sorry to interrupt but I wanted to let you know that this is not one of the regular b.s. phone calls we have. I have something important to tell you.” The line was quiet for a second. “Oh, God, no Coura you can’t be, you didn’t. Did you? Are you pregnant? Please God tell me no.” Coura couldn’t help it she laughed into the phone. “Well I’m not God but I can sure tell you no.” “Good, Richard said with a sigh, what can I do you for sweetie?”

  “I just wanted to tell you that I’m sorry. Now please listen to me and don’t interrupt. I’m not good at this apologizing thing. So here goes, I’m sorry dad. I’m sorry that when I came home, I acted like a complete ass; I was selfish and acted immaturely. I have been distant with you, and sometimes I avoided your calls, and I have said some hurtful things to you about drinking, and I’m so sorry for that. I want to make amends with you and with mom and try to have a fresh start with everyone.” Coura paused to breath and her father spoke.

  “Sweetheart you don’t have to apologize to me. We have all done some terrible things that we’re not proud of, I know I have. The important thing is to move on and learn from our mistakes it’s the only way we can truly heal. I’m sorry Coura for the hurt that I have caused you, would you forgive me?” Coura was crying gentle sobs could be heard down the phone line. “Of course, I forgive you daddy, I love you.” She could hear her father’s voice crack with emotion. “I love you too honey.” She said goodbye and hung up. “That was a really brave thing you did Coura.” Keric said to Coura after she hung up the phone. I’m proud of you.”

  From then on Coura and her mother had a great relationship. Coura shared everything with her mom, (except the knowledge of Keric of course.) They had movie nights together while her stepdad was deployed, and they went shopping and had a girl's day on the weekends. Her mother turned into her confidant. As Coura’s relationship with her mom grew, her confidence did also.

  Chapter 2

  Months came and went and Coura kept to her word, she called her father every week and was open and honest with her mother. In the middle of December Laurel let Coura know that her and Marshal were taking a trip to see her Aunt Donna, and Vicky in New York. Since Coura still had another week of school she stayed behind. Coura looked forward to the time alone with Keric, while her parents were away. She felt relief flooding her that for one weekend, she and Keric could spend the entire time together.

  Coura and Keric spent the whole time with each other. Smiling most of the time and enjoying the company of the other was pretty much the highlights of the weekend. They worked well with each other in a rhythm, cooking together, washing the dishes together, and cuddling on the couch.

  “I wish this would never end,” Coura told Keric. “So, do I, he responded.” They looked deeply into each other’s eyes. They had just finished watching her favorite TV show on HBO, True Blood. Coura leaned in a little and Keric did the other 90% and they kissed. It was a gentle kiss, like the one a young man would give to his first girlfriend. She grabbed a couch cushion from behind him and wacked him with it. “Ouch!” he replied, “I’m going to get you!” He jumped on top of her tickling her and she squirmed and then she flipped him, and he was squirming. They were both squealing with fits of laughter, and when it was starting to die down, she put her hand behind his head and pulled him into a deep kiss. The room seemed to come alive with the heat of their embrace.

  She kissed him hard, and his hands roamed her thinly curved body. He pulled the soft pink cotton shirt off her and revealed her beautiful body to him. “Mhm,” he growled, his shirt was off, he stood and scooped Coura into his strong arms and carried her upstairs. They were passionately kissing all the way. He laid her on her delicate white sheets beneath the canopy of her bed. He kissed her from head to toe. “I love you Coura” he gently whispered in her ear. “I love you too” she replied. The confessions of each other’s love threw him over the top and he allowed himself for one night, to be totally free with her. They made love through the night. Gently at first, and then passionately, they found themselves reaching the magnificent precipice of their union together, until they both spilled over the edge moaning loudly with the force of waves that followed. When they had finished, they laid together naked under the sheets wrapped in each other. The morning came too soon and with it came the consequences of the night before.

  When Coura awoke, Keric was no longer in her bed, she looked around for him, but he was gone. Hurt, Coura got dressed. Did I do something wrong? She thought. Oh God maybe he realized he made a mistake with me. Fear went through her. Coura meant it when she had said she loved him. Stupid, she thought. She allowed herself to be vulnerable by revealing her feelings to him. She had given herself to him, the purest display of love she could give. A feeling of anger burned through her, she got out of bed, tore the sheets off and threw them into the dirty laundry chute. She stomped to her bathroom and got more sheets and proceeded to make her bed. Maybe I’m overreacting, what if he just went to get breakfast or something, she reasoned. Yeah that’s got to be it, I know he loves me. When her bed was made, she went to the bathroom and showered. Then she got dressed taking her time over her outfits finding the classiest one to wear. She was a woman now in every sense of the word and wanted him to see her as such.

  When she had finished dressing and approved of her look, she went downstairs. She wore a floor length white dress, with braided straps with her hair down, she looked like a Goddess. Keric appeared behind her in living room. “Hey Coura,” she turned expectant. But she was seriously disappointed by the look on his face. Her heart started pounding, she knew this was going to happen, her worst fear confirmed. “Come sit down with me Coura, I need to talk to you a second.” One last shot, Coura thought. She walked to Keric, wrapped her hands around his head and gently kissed him. He responded, reluctantly and she noticed. She sat dow
n next to Keric on the tan and gold striped couch. She raised her hand in a stopping motion. “Look, don’t say it, I don’t think I could handle it,” Coura let out in a strong voice that even surprised her. Keric looked down his soft tan face had tears beginning to form in the corners. “I love you Coura, it’s just,” he paused for a second “complicated.” Coura snapped, her fear and hurt were put on the back burner, she was just flaming pissed.

  “This! This is what I get, this is what you say to the woman you love. You give me the, It’s complicated line." Keric tried to put an arm on her shoulder but she slapped it away and stood up. “I’m sorry Coura, just let me exp-.” She cut him off before he could finish. “I have nothing more I wish to discuss with you, you-ASSHAT!!! This is just fan-freakin-tastic, you know what Keric I don’t care. I wanted to lose my V-card and I did, congratulations you just got another notch in your belt." “Coura it wasn’t like that, I care…” Coura turned and grabbed a vase with fake flowers in it and threw it at him. He ducked and the vase broke into tiny pieces as it collided with the wall.

  Keric knew anymore talking tonight would be pointless; he needed to give her space. Time to cool off, then he would try and talk to her again. He flashed from the room leaving Coura behind. He flashed back into the kitchen to watch her and make sure that she was going to be alright. Coura took a deep breath as she saw Keric shimmer away, and then she let it out a frustrated scream. She crumpled to her knees trying to calm herself. Then she paced around the room a few minutes. She kept muttering to herself until the calm came over her, and she walked to the pantry just past the kitchen and collected the broom, dustpan, and white thirteen-gallon trash can. She dragged all three to the living room leaving small marks on the cherry stained hard-wood floor. She walked over to where the vase was shattered and cleaned the mess. Once everything was cleaned up, she went upstairs to her room.


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