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The Guardian (The Guardian Book 1)

Page 5

by Paula Stephanie Grogan

  Her aunt Vicky had long black and grey speckled curly hair, olive skin, and beautiful chestnut eyes, she was in her late thirties but was usually a hoot to be around. She came in seeing Coura and cried out. Running to her side and giving her a hug. “Oh, my Goodness, look at you, you poor dear, well let’s get you ready to go home.” Her aunt helped her up and got her to the bathroom to get dressed, when Coura remembered she had nothing to wear.

  “Um, Aunt Vicky, I have nothing to wear my dress was damaged in the... the incident and that along with my bloody shirt was taken by the police.” Her Aunt shook a plastic bag from blooming dales at her, I got you covered kido you’re a size 8, right?” Coura took the bag, “yes mam, thank you.” Her Aunt pulled the door closed and took out what was inside. She pulled out a new bra, and a package of underwear, followed by a pair of DKNY jeans, and a Calvin Cline sweetheart cut, baby T-shirt that was pale blue. She got dressed grateful to have something more than a scrap of material between her and the world.

  A nurse came into the room with a wheelchair, Coura said that she could walk but the nurse was insistent, so she rode down to her aunts 2013 BMW in the wheelchair and got in, carefully. Her side still hurt, which she knew it would. The doctor told her it would probably hurt for the next month, but he sent her home with a sizable prescription for pain medicine to ensure her comfort. “Is there anywhere you need to go before I take you home Coura?” Her Aunt said. “Would you mind swinging by the Walgreens pharmacy drive-through I need to get my prescriptions filled, I doubt that Marshall will have time between work and the funeral arrangements. “Of course, I don’t mind taking you to the pharmacy honey, that’s what favorite Aunts are good for.”

  Vicky smiled at her, and Coura wondered how she dealt with the loss of her sister with such joy, so she asked. “Can I ask you something?” Coura said to Vicky after they dropped off the prescription and were heading to the Rally’s drive through. “Ask away honey,” she said. “Please don’t take this the wrong way, but how can you be so calm and all smiles, when your sister, my mother died last night?” Vicky looked thoughtful. “Well Coura, it’s like this, your mother asked Jesus into her life, and was saved, so when she died, she went to heaven. Because she chose Jesus, she is living forever in our heavenly father’s kingdom. There is nothing sad about that. The only sadness I feel, is for you, and for myself, because there will be an absence in our lives, until we meet her again. Most people see funerals as a sad, but as long as the person who died was saved, I don’t think there’s anything to be sad about. The family should celebrate, that they found an opportunity to be with the everlasting. The only time I believe a death should be sad and mourned is for a child who was taken to early from life, or an adult who didn’t live for Jesus.

  Coura could see that Vicky believed this to be true, but it didn’t take away any of the hurt and pain of her lost mother, or from the incident the night before. She was starting to believe that Keric got sent to the wrong girl. There was no way as she saw it, that a God would love a failure like her; she knew that everything that happened was her fault. She knew that her sins had brought on consequences just like her mother knew it brought on hers with the divorce. Coura tried to smile, but it came out more like a grimace, she picked at the food her Aunt had bought her. They got her prescription and was driving home before Coura came out of her stupor. “We’re here honey, do you need help getting inside?” Coura turned and thanked her Aunt, as she walked toward the house her Aunt hollered out of the car, “I’ll be praying for you sweetie be strong ok?” Coura turned to the car “I promise I’ll try.”

  Coura unlocked the door and went inside. She walked through the foyer and sat on the living room couch, staring at the old grandmother clock her mom so loved, when she heard a noise in the kitchen. Coura got up to investigate, she peeked her head through the dining room into the kitchen. What she saw surprised and shocked her. There was a woman bending over inside of the stainless-steel fridge wearing bright pink, skintight, hot pants, and as she turned around Coura screamed. There was an older woman standing in her kitchen. The old lady, or man in women's clothing screamed too. She dropped a big bowl of banana pudding on the floor. It shot out in all directions hitting the lady’s heels and hot pants. “OMG!!!! What the heck are you doing! You scared the shit out of me.” That pissed Coura off. “What do you mean I scared the crap out of you? Who the fuck are you?” Coura screamed back.

  At just that moment her stepfather Marshal walked into the room. The expression changed on the woman’s face quickly, from anger to innocence. “Language, please Coura, you wouldn’t want to give your new stepmother a bad impression, would you?” Coura shook her head back and forth as though she was trying to remove water from her ears. “I’m sorry Marshal; I must have heard you wrong. It sounded to me like you have lost your bleeping mind.

  She tried hard not to curse, but it was becoming easier by the second. “Now you listen here...” the women yelled pointing her lee press on nails in Coura's face. “Oh! Hell no, this bitch did not!” “Did you see what she did Marshal.” “You listen here you good for nothing homewrecker, you are not my mother and you never will be! You Marilyn-Manson-step ford-wife, Bitch!” Coura yelled at her. Logically it was impossible for her to be married to Marshal her mom had just died 24 hours prior, right?”

  The woman stood shocked, and irritated that Marshal was saying nothing to stop her. Coura rounded on Marshal, you haven’t even had the decency to let my mother’s bed sheets cool off and you bring another woman into her house. You are a pathetic, to think I used to look up to you, I hate you!” Coura was shaking with emotions. “Hey, wait a minute you can’t be married to her, you haven’t even had a funeral yet.” Actually, Coura as soon as the death certificate was issued I took Barbie, here to the J.P and signed the papers, it is legal because im leaving on deployment, I ship out tomorrow evening, they moved it up.” Coura was fuming, but she knew there was nothing she could say or do to change this situation, she turned and high tailed it to her room.

  There was a funeral the next day at the Riesman’s Cemetery it was held outside. It was nice, her mother’s family attended. Her dad Richard did not. Coura wondered as the funeral was ending if anyone had let him know. Coura had been so wrapped up in her own grief and shock from her new stepmother that she hadn’t thought past the end of each moment let alone who should be called. Coura wore a simple black dress with a modest v-neckline. Her hair was up, and her make up light, she looked elegant. The funeral was beautiful and Coura cried. Barbie didn’t sit in the family section which Coura was extremely grateful for. It was probably Marshals idea Coura thought, he probably did not want to draw negative attention at a funeral. After everyone had left Coura stayed. Marshal and Barbie left first saying that he had to pack for deployment. Which was probably code for something she didn’t even want to think about, she promised she would call a taxicab.

  Coura sat on her knees on the freshly lain dirt carpeted with fake green cloth. She cried lonely and hurting. Keric appeared at her side, and wrapped his hand around her, comforting her. “She’s gone, I can’t believe she is really gone, I didn’t even get to say goodbye.” Coura said between emotion filled sobs. Keric watched Coura, for a while just bearing witness and giving support while she grieved over her mother.

  When Coura got home Marshal’s car was gone, and Barbie was waiting up for her. “You and me we need to get something straight. Do you understand me young lady? I might not be your mom and trust me I am so glad I’m not. But you are going to treat me with respect. You got it?” Coura was defeated and really didn’t care anymore she felt numb. “I agree to treat you with the respect you deserve.” Barbie snorted, “Well good, then we should have no problems.” Coura wondered how long her stepfather had been cheating on her mom with this woman.

  Coura went to her room and cried. Keric held her and whispered to her over and over that everything will be alright. The next few days past and she spent all her time with Keric. She changed how she dr
essed no longer wearing the trendy popular clothes but instead went back to her band shirts and jeans. She felt more like old self in those clothes, and it helped her remember her mother in a positive way. Her mother had been the ones to buy them for her at the concerts they attended together. Each day became easier for Coura to bear the loss of her mother, she found solace in Keric, and he was her rock when she needed it. But her heart still ached knowing she couldn't see her mother again and while Keric was their she felt alone knowing they could never have a life together.

  A few weeks after the funeral, Barbie cornered Coura in the kitchen. Coura had just poured herself a bowl of strawberry Wheaties. “So hun, I’m going to be gone for a few days, and I have made plans this weekend. I won’t be back until next Tuesday, at the soonest. I would take you with me, but to be honest I really don’t want to. I didn’t have time to do any shopping for food so I left you a twenty on the counter it should get you enough food until I return. I already told Marshall your coming with me, so … it would be who of you, to tell him what a good time were having when he calls you next. “You know, said Coura it would be who of you, to leave me more than 20 dollars to eat on or I may just have to let it slip that you went alone and poor old me was home alone with only $20.00 to eat.” Coura got a smug look on her face, when Barbie threw two hundred-dollar bills on top of the twenty. “Whatever, I have to go, don’t call me, bye.”

  Coura wanted to spend the weekend with Keric, and he couldn’t refuse her. They watched movies and through popcorn into each other’s mouths. They went to the store in her mom’s repaired car, she was grateful for the freedom it allowed her. Keric did not hide at all that weekend, and for the first time in her life she was able to be out in public just her and Keric. He didn’t hide his appearance and all the women who saw him seemed mesmerized. Finally, as they were loading groceries in the car, Coura got up the nerve to ask, “What’s going on?” Keric laughed. Nothing really, women who stare at a guardian see in me what their heart most desires in a man. “It could get kind of weird don’t you think, one second you’re an elderly Chinese man and the next your like Fabio or something?” Keric nudged Coura’s arm, “so what do I look like to you?” You look like you. I don’t think it works on me since I have known you like forever. But you look good and you know it.” Keric helped her load the rest of the groceries and they drove home.

  After dinner that night they went on a walk along the property. They walked and held hands; they stopped on a bench taking in the cool evening breeze. From her back-yard garden, she could see her stepfather’s enormous estate. The house glowed with light and it glittered off the Olympic sized pool. Coura cuddled into Keric’s embrace they stared out in silence. Then Keric leaned down and kissed her.

  Coura kissed him back. Keric had realized recently how precious life is and that it would be futile to fight their budding love. Keric walked Coura to the house hand in hand. Coura went upstairs and Keric followed. After Coura Changed she lay in bed with Keric and talked until she fell asleep. Everything seemed peaceful, and perfect. But like all things perfect, it had to come to an end.

  Keric was staring up at the ceiling when he heard a gentle knock on the glass pain of the sliding door. He got up and pulled back the blind. Rowan another guardian was standing there. Rowan had a dark complexion, he looked Egyptian. He had dark short hair, and an angular face, that was both manly and beautiful. He stood in front of Keric wearing only a pair of black pants and the leather of his sheath sword strap, which was wrapped around his upper body holding two giant swords into place. Keric took a deep breath unlatched the lock and slid the door just enough to silently go out. “What are you doing here brother?” Keric asked Rowan.

  “I could ask you the same thing brother. We are charged with protecting, not bedding the chosen ones,” said Rowan. “Chosen one,” corrected Keric; “she is one of a kind.” Rowan looked past Keric into the room and seen Coura sleeping underneath the satin sheets of her canopy bed. She lay there looking almost angelic as she slept. “She’s beautiful I’ll give you that, but our leader Miquelon, has given me orders on behalf of God. I am to tell you to leave the knowing presence of the chosen one, and erase her memories of you, her eighteenth birthday is near, and she will need a dedicated Guardian, one who is not tainted by foolish human emotions. He has ordered you to step down and give her over to me to watch and protect,” said Rowan.

  The sense of loss overpowered him. He knew Rowan spoke the truth. And with a nod he said, “I understand. I knew that I had failed her when I fell in Love with her. I will take you in and do what needs doing. But I am saying this for the record; I don’t believe anyone else could protect her with as much dedication and love as I could,” “I realize that you’re hurt at having to leave your charge, it hurt me having to come here and leave mine behind, but it’s God’s will and it is just.” Rowan felt a little more sympathetic to his brother and tried to comfort him.

  “Look, I have it on good authority that you have been reassigned to her friend, Sky. Apparently, he is going to be a major player when the time comes. Miquelon, said this would be best for her, she will find strength in Skye and through you he will find strength. You will still see her and watch over both from time to time, I’m pretty much just here to supervise,” said Rowan.

  “I can deal with that, it will hurt deeply not to be directly in her life, but at least seeing her from afar is better than not seeing her at all.” Keric put his hand out to shake Rowans hand. As their arms clasped together a tattoo appeared on each of the forearms, baring the symbol of unity, and eternity. It is an ancient symbol that circled around each other, it was rounded on both sides and connected in the middle always going around and never ending. Its appearance on the brother’s arms was both shocking and mesmerizing to them. Keric had heard a long time ago that the angel Gabriel and the angel Michael both received the mark on their forearms, and each angel’s soul was said to be tied together. The legend says the bonding was created so that in battle they both could predict what the other would do and together they were invincible. Sadly, when the falling happened the original two were lost to Cypher’s curse. But rumor has it that they are still protecting humanity with a group of angels in their new vampire forms around the world called known as the Magen, which is pronounced (ma-GEN) in Hebrew.

  Neither Rowan, nor Keric, could fathom why God had allowed them to become bonded brothers. Keric felt a little relief knowing that God hadn’t given up on him and touched that he would be chosen to have such an honor. “Well, I guess I’m not going to be able to get rid of you that easily said Rowan, we are at our strongest together, we will have to devise a plan to get Coura and Skye together, so that we can protect them at full strength. “How can we do that when Coura’s here in California, and he’s down in Louisiana?” Keric asked Rowan. “The answer is simple: my brother, you leave it to me, I’ll start with Coura’s father, and you start working on clearing Coura’s mind. You better bind her powers to; it will not help us if she is found out too early.” Rowan flashed and was gone in a blur. Keric set forth, to do what he must to protect Coura.

  Keric bound her powers as she slept. With his Godlike abilities as a Guardian, he investigated Coura’s sleeping mind, vulnerable to his attack. With his mind he saw inside her deepest thoughts. He could see himself through her eyes. Their time together under the oak tree, laughing, baring their souls to each other it was beautiful, but he knew he had to take them away from her, no matter how much it hurt him to do it. He found strength in the love he held for Coura and wiped the memories of him away from her mind. Changing them and twisting them so that he would not be in them. She would remember things only slightly changed without him in them. As he pulled his spirit from her mind, he wept. His heart was hurting, feeling as though it had burst into a million pieces, and nothing could put them together except for her, but she no longer knew he existed.

  Keric would have to watch over Coura from afar, setting her up with her chosen mate Skye, it hurt him b
ut was resolved to do anything for Coura no matter what the consequences to his wellbeing. Keric had been sure that God had made him for Coura, they fit together perfect in every way. They even had a psychic bond that had formed that showed Keric here feelings. Like when she was in danger, or in pain. But none of that mattered now, God had a different plan for her, and even though it hurt he knew that he would never turn from Gods will no matter what longsuffering he went through. He chose Love, and no matter what the cost he would protect Coura even from afar.

  Coura remembered nothing of Keric, or the time they had spent together. Instead she remembered being alone and finding happiness in it. Even though Coura’s mother passed Coura stayed strong. She chose to stay with her step monster Barbie, and Marshal to try and keep things normal, or at least that’s what she told herself. Her true motivation for staying was that she was afraid of the closure leaving would entail. She was not ready to face what leaving her mother’s home, and memories would do to her. She was strong, but she still felt like something was missing, whatever that was she would leave aside for a time trying to focus on each day as it comes.

  Rowan Returned a few days later and took over for Keric, and he went to go set things up in Louisiana with Skye. He often checked on her through the link with Rowan, seeing her through his eyes, finding comfort in the brief glances of her. Rumors were starting to form throughout the spiritual communities. It was said an evil had come back to Earth a long time ago and was beginning to show its metaphorical head to the otherworld.


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