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The Guardian (The Guardian Book 1)

Page 8

by Paula Stephanie Grogan

  Keric was surprised when Rowan appeared in the clearing across from Skye’s house. Keric knew immediately that he was there. His bond tingled with intensity, as they neared the other. The trees were Rowan stood where thin, but it was dark, and he felt confident their encounter would go unnoticed by any onlooker. “What brings you here my brother?” Keric said reaching his arm out in a manly hug patting Rowans back. Rowan responded, “I believe there is a spiritual attack going on. Coura has been having nightmares since she was brought down here. I believe that they have found her.” Keric closed his eyes taking in what was being said. Keric had devoted his whole life to protecting Coura. Now within a short time of him being away from her The Elders have found her, I knew I shouldn’t have left her, he thought to himself. “Has there been any direct attack or threats?” Keric asked Rowan.

  “No one has physically appeared if that is what you mean, but when she dreams, I can sense a dark presence hovering over her mind. I have tried cleansing her bedroom with my magic wards, but it seems futile. I can only protect against the physical, not the spiritual.” Rowan was right and Keric could feel his honesty through their connection. Keric felt a little guilty because if he could feel Rowan then he must also be able to sense the anger that Keric felt at Rowans failure to fight the spiritual attack. “We need to have 24-hour guard.” Rowan said, running his right arm over the other.

  “If it is approved, while Skye is in school and safe, I will watch over Coura at the high school. I can get a teaching position their easily. I was a History teacher in my previous life and kept my credentials through my new identity’s over the years as a hobby of mine. I can keep an eye on her there, while you try to hunt down whoever is behind these attacks.” Rowan nodded his head. “You were right you know,” said Rowan. “She does need you, but it’s very possible that she will need Skye too.” Keric responded, “I will do everything in my power to protect them both I give you my word.” He grasped Keric's hand. “Very well then brother, I will talk to our Counselor and see if there is something going on that we were not aware of yet. In the meantime, try to keep both of our charges together. There bond that is forming is still new, and like everything needs time to grow. Keric, watch over them both, if you need me call me through our bond. I will come.” The two guardians said their goodbyes, and both flashed away. The only remnant of their presence in the dark clearing was a few bent twigs that they had stood on. Otherwise the forest near the marsh was eerily quiet with the distant wisp of a Le Conte's Sparrow call.

  The sharp buzzing of the alarm went off and she awoke with a gasp, hand slamming down of the snooze button as she pulled up the blankets over her head and fell asleep again. A pounding came from outside her door and she dragged her body out of bed and zombie walked to the door. She opened the door with a resounding, “yes?” One eyebrow cocked, daring written all over her face. There before her was a man towering over her doorway. “Ooh shit she thought a home invader.”

  He was six-foot-tall at least, and had long black chestnut hair, strong Choctaw cheekbones and a muscular build, which was apparent because he was shirtless. He was just standing there staring at her with surprise and attraction at her attire. She was standing there wearing skimpy Paul Frank shorts, Judas Priest-shirt, and bunny slippers.

  She glanced down at her right she was debating how much actual damage that foam bat could produce. As her hand reached to grab it, he barely had time to register as that bat came directly at his head. He looked at her in surprise, as was in a matter of seconds the bat came colliding with his jaw, for the second and third time he stumbled backwards. His hands then reflexively covered his face.

  “RICHARD!!!” She screamed, “HEEEEELP!” She continued to swing the bat, when with another strike Skye took the bat from her, and without meaning to she toppled to the ground and landed flat on her skinny behind. “What the….” She started to say but Skye interrupted her.

  “Please! Stop! Your dad, Richard, is the one that sent me up here; do you not remember me? We used to be thick as thieves as kids. Don’t you remember when you were twelve and we got lost in the woods on the reservation and we saw the giant wolf and I fell in the lake and you came and rescued me?”

  “Or the times I used to run up and grab your pig tales, and you would chase me down, and we would wrestle to our hearts content. After that summer we swore to be best friends.”

  “I know that was a long time ago you have obviously grown up…” Seeming to lose his words he took a hard swallow and stared at her, really taking her in “...A lot….” He said looking her up and down pointedly. Gosh she’s so cute, he thought to himself. She got up and hit him again on the back of his head.

  “W-h-a-t!? What was that for?” “I think you know exactly what that was for;” I knew what you were thinking. “I just wanted to remind you that I’m not twelve anymore, and I will kick your ass again.”

  “That’s not fair! You had the element of surprise, how was I supposed to know that sleeping beauty would be a Jacky freakin Chan with a bat. I came to surprise you and properly welcome you to town. I’m sorry that I didn’t say anything; I was just so shocked to see you.” His hand gesturing toward her. “And you dressed like that…I mean you’re so so grown, what's an honest guy to do? I can’t help but not look. Well your…Oh... Well never mind.”

  “It’s been what like 13 years?” She said. “Yea something kind of like that,” he said.

  Richard pounded up the stairs... “Did you guys get reacquainted what was the racket about? I swore I heard a distinct call for help and girlish screams coming from up here.” Coura looked sheepishly. “Yea that would have been from me, “Skye said. She beat the crap out of me with that…he pointed to the broken bat. “Whoa, what happened?” Eyeing the half of pink bat still in Coura’s hand he figured out the answer for himself what happened from point A to point B, point B being Skye’s face.

  Richard couldn’t help it he busted out laughing holding on to the railing to keep from falling over. “I told you that bat could do some damage.” He said between hysterical bursts of laughter. “Yup, yah, a little,” Coura mumbled out sheepishly. “I’m sorry I just freaked I didn’t know who he was or why he was in my doorway. I didn’t recognize him; my eyes were all full of sleepy blur. Richard tried to calm himself from laughing so hard, as it seemed Coura was a little upset. But looking at his petite innocent looking daughter, in the shadow of a muscular 6 ft. 2-inch teenage bare-chested boy made him laugh all over again. It was priceless. Skye was still on the defensive. His body language showing he was ready to duck at a moment’s notice. Coura rolled her eyes at her dad, and Skye relaxed a bit. “I’m sorry really I am Skye, but you shouldn’t wake a lady up at this ungodly hour, what time is it? Like six in the morning?” “More like two in the afternoon…” Skye said sarcastically. “Really? Oh crap, I was supposed to go up to the Post and apply for a job.”

  Richard intervened hoping to rectify the scene before any more harm could come to the bat. “That’s why Skye’s here, I was out fishing with Roy, you know Skye’s dad, and he said they need a cashier down there on the Rez. It’s not too far out and you should still be able to make it from school to be there on time if you’re hired. Plus, I got it on a good authority your buddy here has got it in really good with the owner.” She shrugged um sure, let me just get ready.” Face turning quite crimson, realizing what she was wearing she turned heal and shut the door with a slam.

  “Wow,” Skye ran a hand through his long lose hair. “She’s a little firecracker, isn’t she?” Then rubbing the back of his head, he looked beseechingly at Richard. “Hey, she didn’t get any of that ness from me. Richard said defensively trying to placate Skye. Coura got that feistiness from her mother; she got all her mother’s characteristics now that I think about it. Maybe just try to stay on her good side alright? I’d hate to have to see what she would do to you with a real one of those.” Pointing to the floor where the tattered foam bat lye. Skye, gulped. “Good point,” he said. Skye cou
ldn’t help looking at Coura’s door one last time in wonderment. Had that really been the little girl he played with as a kid. She was stunning; he thought to himself slightly twitter pated following Richard down the stairs.

  Richard walked down the stairs and went into the dining room and sat at the old-fashioned round kitchen table lined with a yellowed lace and plastic cover. “Coffee?” Richard asked. “No thanks, came Skye’s reply, “dad always says it will stunt your growth.” “Really,” Richard said, “is that why you’re so tall?” They both chuckled.

  That can’t be the little Skye that I knew. Coura thought he used to be so scrawny. Now he looked to be a good five years older than her and much more …what was the word for it endowed. And shirtless she thought, she could have sworn she saw an eight pack “…mm.” She mumbled to herself. Imagining running her fingers along his abs. “Well I guess I better get cleaned up,” she said to no one; “I have made an awesome impression so far.” She scolded herself.

  Splashing cool water on her pale mocha skin she investigated the mirror at her once decent curls they were in a frazzle in all directions. “Oh crap” she muttered. She turned the spicket on and run her brush under the tap, hastily brushing her hair and taming her mane. Then she collected half the mass back into a metal butterfly clip. Grabbing a toothbrush and paste she brushed her teeth, then quickly applied bronzer, black eyeliner and mascara. She looked at the mirror, “not bad” she said, “not bad at all.” She laughed out loud randomly at the thought of Skye’s face as she hit him with the foam bat, it was priceless. She would keep that memory in the back of her blackmail folder for a while longer. Then she looked down she realized what she was wearing and turned to her closet.

  Changing clothes was a synch for her. Coura’s wardrobe since the move consisted of old band shirts and blue jeans. One pair of her favorite chuck tailor’s and her newly acquired yellow rain boots. Without having to look out the window she knew it was raining, it was always raining in Many this time of year. Many is an ass backwards nowhere town in Louisiana that could not be found on the map, not even with four eyes, tweezers and a microscope, and yet she found it to be tolerable now that she had Skye to look forward to.

  Coura grabbed the yellow boots and an old pair of tattered brown socks and slid them on as one of her little toes poked out of a hole in her socks. “Well then,” she hopped up and dug through an open box marked clothes but couldn’t find another pair of socks. “Isn’t that just peachy,” she mumbled grumpily. She slid her yellow rain boots on and headed down the stairs.

  Hearing the male voices caring up the stairway she paused. A sharp buzzing sound erupted by the back door, “well it sounds like your shirt is dry Skye; you might want to put it on before Coura has another coronary”. Catching it in one hand Skye slid his shirt over his head, covering his muscular upper body.

  Richard and Skye were talking about how things had changed in Many since Richard went on a road trip to come get Coura. Apparently there had been a few missing tourists. Coura stepped a few more paces and made it into the living room; then she announced her presence while clearing her throat. “Well…Well, the dead have risen.” Richard said staring at his beautiful daughter from the kitchen. “So, what’s going on? I thought I heard something about missing tourists. Does that happen a lot around here with the woods and all?”

  “Well not actually,” Skye said, “sometimes we get a lost hunter, but the Emergency Corps, you know what your dad does, anyway they go out there and find them in no time. Often, it’s not missing persons but rather just some dumb hunter who got too far off the beaten trail with their four wheelers and ran out of gas. “She looked at them both for a second. “Hmm… she said.” “Just please don’t go deep into the woods until you are more familiar with your surroundings. Even the most experienced hiker can get lost around here. I think maybe you could use this.” He handed her a watch it had a compass in the right corner, it was neon pink with a mickey mouse on it. “Wow thanks Rich… I mean dad, its sweet thanks.” “If you do happen to go roaming mickey will always point you home ok,” Said Richard. “Don’t get all mushy on me now;” Coura said. “Well I guess I’m not used to having anyone to give something to, since your mom left. Then I saw this and thought of you. I figured I’d better end my selfish streak and got it for you” said Richard. “I love it, dad thank you,” said Coura. Richard reached over for Coura, and gave her a big hug, and then put the watch on her wrist. When a tear started to form at the side of her eye, she quickly wiped it away. Then she exclaimed. “On that note, I think we should be going. It’s getting a little too mushy in here for my taste you ready Sky?”

  “Oh, I’m Skye now? Well at least I’m not a big bag home-invading-boogie man anymore.” Coura rolled her eyes dramatically. “You were never a boogie man, I thought you were a home invader,” Coura said. “Yeah because that’s so much better” Skye said sarcastically. “Shut up!” She said slugging him in the arm as they walked out of the room saying their goodbyes to Richard. “Ouch,” he said rubbing his arm, “that stings!” He said with only a little whine. “Sissy, she muttered under her breath. “I heard that!” Skye replied.

  “SOOO… I’m assuming that you have a car, because I sure as heck don’t have a vehicle yet and we can’t possibly get anywhere walking. I have been saving up so I should be able to afford my 66’Mustang soon, but unfortunately I don’t have the money for one right now. Coura said looking at Skye with half amusement written on her face wondering how he got so big so quick.”

  “Mustang huh, well that sounds cool. A lot of work though, those cars are called vintage antiques for a reason.” “This is me, he said pointing down the driveway at a gray f150. I know it’s not a mustang, but it will get us from point A to point B. He’s got a nice truck, thought Coura. “Hey, at least you got one.” she said. “They got into his f150 gray- silver lined truck and started down the road toward the highway. A thick layer of fog settled in around them. And a slow drizzle of rain started in the distance. Coura then pulverized Skye with questions not able to sit in silence for a very long time. “Wow this is an awesome ride. How did you afford this? Do you work around here now? Aren’t you still in school?”

  “Wow,” he said stunned, “umm well” he shrugged, “the royalties from the casino are coming in for the reservation and the Elders Counsel helped my dad get it for me. They both matched my savings and well I was able to buy this truck and my dad’s new boat. I do odd jobs here and there when my dad can’t work, I’m a senior now at the San Pasqual High School. I will graduate soon though. I took some extra summer courses at the community college. “I’ll probably graduate at about the same time as you.”

  “Cool,” Coura said awkwardly looking out the window at the endless tree line as the vehicle turned through the long narrow curves. Looking over the edge it seemed like a deadly drop, which seemed to be possible at every turn. Trying to take her mind off what was going on, she said; “I didn’t know that there was a casino around here,” Said Coura. “Well no, not technically” said Skye. “It’s a good three hours’ drive from here but yea it’s there, just on the outskirts of the Reservation.”

  Twenty minutes later they arrived on the Reservation. “Well we’re here,” said Skye. Coura looked around at their surroundings it had been a while since she was there. “It has gotten bigger since the last time I was here,” she joked. Looking around she noticed there was two caution lights instead of just the one that once hung at the main entrance. And not one but three fireworks displays. A Brookshire Brothers and a small laundry mat before endless amounts of pines, and dirt roads. “Yea a little,” he replied. He continued to follow the winding curves to the only truck stop and got out. It was a rickety little building with an open sign that had half of its bulbs out. There were about ten gas pumps and they looked well worn. There was a bench just outside the front entrance and two older men were smoking Tobacco from a pipe, completely ignoring the no smoking sign. Coura laughed at the sight, “who needs the smoking
Indian chief statue when you got those two.” Skye laughed to and introduced them to Coura. “Uncle Joe, and Fred here, are our tribes’ eldest bachelors and our regulars. They stay here until night shift comes on. “That’s cool,” said Coura. “It’s nice to meet you both,” Coura said politely. The men didn’t say much just nodded and Coura and Skye went inside the store.

  She looked around the station cameras to the customer parking lot. There was only one car parked there, who Coura assumed belonged to the elder gentlemen outside. “Are you sure this is right? Why would they want to hire an outsider to work when there doesn’t seem like that many opportunities for jobs here?” “Nonsense he said, I work here, and I have it on good authority from the boss that he’s interested in hiring you.”

  “Really how is that possible when I just got to town recently?” Said Coura laughing out loud and slightly confused. “Well,” Skye said sheepishly, “I’m the boss; Dad and I own the store. Ever since his accident with the logging truck my dad can’t be on his feet all the time so I’m usually running the day to day by myself. Besides he’d rather go fishing with your dad, so anyway, he said I could hire someone. When I heard that you came back to stay, I knew you’d be the one. Besides from here you look like someone to me. We’ll have fun you’ll see.”


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