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The Guardian (The Guardian Book 1)

Page 10

by Paula Stephanie Grogan

  “Tomorrow we will be reviewing the works of Edgar Allen Poe and his influence on today’s works of fiction literature. Please review the key terms from last week and remember that we have a test on Wednesday. Coura there’s a handout on my desk with the titles of the books and a list of key terms for the test. Be sure to take one on your way out.” A groan seemed to erupt in unison from the students, and then a unanimous yippee, as the bell rang.

  “Goodbye Keric,” Clair said as she sauntered out the door to her next class. The name Keric and the sound of his voice shook something loose from deep inside her memories but whatever it was, she couldn’t quite get a fix on it. When she was done gathering her books, Coura got up and noticed that almost everyone was gone. She jumped when Keric spoke, “I look forward to seeing you tomorrow Coura; make sure to brush up on Poe.” Feeling embarrassed Coura tried to play like he didn’t startle her. “Oh, it’s cool; I um actually have a few of his works on my nightstand.” She reached out and grabbed the paper on his desk, at the same time he did, their hands brushed. A cold tingly feeling shot up her arm. “Sorry,” she said. “I’m on my way then…,” awkwardly trying to move to the doorway and the unnerving feeling of attraction she was feeling standing in his presence. “Until tomorrow,” he said.

  “What was that about?” Holley asked peeking in on her as she was turning to leave the classroom. “You simply must spill. Did he hit on you? There’s a rumor going around that Clair and him …well you know, they messed around and had a terrible break up and now he’s got eyes for all the new girls.” Taylor shook his finger at her, “That isn’t true,” Taylor interrupted. Holley flipped her hair at him. “Well then tell us what did happen then.” She said tapping her foot at him impatiently. “Well as far as I know, Clair tried to come on to him and he refused her and to get back at him for her embarrassment she has been spreading awful roomers trying to get him fired.”

  “Well...” Taylor said, “Yawl ready to head to P.E.?” ... “Um,” Coura said, “I think I want to switch that one to study hall. I have never been too good at group sports. I did some gymnastics in California that made up my required two years. I’m sure it’s just a mistake on my schedule I better head back to see Mrs. Cormac.”

  “Alrighty then...” Holley said almost too cheerfully, “we will see you at lunch.” Holley was too grateful to have some alone time walking to class with Taylor. Coura walked towards the offices while Holley and Taylor walked to P.E. After a moment of silence Holley asked Taylor, “So what do you think of her?” She looked at him eyebrows raised in question. “Who?” He asked. “Coura of course,” Said Holley. “Well, um she’s hot, and kind of nice,” he said bluntly. She backhanded him in the side of the head, in one foul swoop for the hot comment.

  “Ouch! What was that for? You know you are still the only girl I have eyes for Holley. I was just making a statement. There aren’t many girls around here and the ones that are, are well, they look…you know… but not you babe!” He protested seeing the agitated look spreading on her face. “I think you’re the most beautiful women I have ever met.” She looked at him, that’s the sweetest thing that you have ever said to me. I guess you’re right, I told her about pretty much the same thing when she came this morning.”

  “She seems nice, a little reserved but nice, I think she will fit in just fine here. Well that is if she can stay off Clair’s radar.” “Too true,” he said. “Speak of the devil, did you see the way she flung herself over Mr. Pollard on his way to the office. It’s almost too funny.” “Right!” She said as they walked into the gym.

  Chapter 7

  Coura was just outside the office when she heard Mr. Pollard talking to Mrs. Cormac. She didn’t mean to overhear but she couldn’t help it. “I just don’t think it’s a good idea for her to be in my class he said, she is overly fond towards me, and I can’t help but feel like she’s intimidating other students with her sexual innuendos. I just don’t want to be accused of acting immorally with a student Mrs. Cormac.” “I completely understand, I will see what I can do for you Mr. Pollard, said Mrs. Cormac.

  Mrs. Cormac turned around and saw Coura standing just outside the doorway. “Coura what do I owe you the pleasure of another visit from you this morning? Did you get lost on the way to the gym?” “No mam, I’m not lost. Richard- I mean my dad was supposed to have sent over my transcripts from California. I had finished my gym requirement in my sophomore year at Oceanside High. So, I was hoping that I could have second period PE changed, to study hall.” Let me look dear, I’m so sorry Mr. Pollard. If you will just wait a second, I will take care of Coura here and we can finish our little discussion. “Yes of course not a problem, said Mr. Pollard, his soft musk colon had carried to Coura and she could hardly look him in the eyes. He looked curiously at her as her heart rate increased, and he chuckled to himself. “You are right my dear you have finished Physical Education and it looks as if you’ll be finished with nearly everything this semester. I must say your graduation requirements are met with a resounding 4.6 how did you manage that?” “Just hard work I guess,” said Coura.

  “Well you will need to go see Mrs. Smith in the library and you can have your study hall there until you graduate, just give her this.” She handed Coura back her amended schedule. “Thank you, Mrs. Cormac, Mr. Pollard.” She said with a quick glance and a head nod at Mr. Pollard on the way out.

  The rest of the day and the next few weeks went by fast. She attended the “party” that Taylor was talking about but left early since it was just the three of them there. She figured Holley would enjoy the privacy. Holley did and they became close friends after she realized that Coura was not a threat to her relationship with Taylor. The semester was ending, and her graduation was nearing, she had passed all her classes, and would more than likely be the valedictorian. She had one day left and was looking forward to the end of her schooling. She spent most of the evenings on the reservation with Skye. She hadn’t had a nightmare for about two weeks, until that evening.

  Coura saw the man in her dreams again. She couldn’t fathom her attraction to the man, but it was there, and it was strong. He appeared next to her in the dream on a cliff's edge. They stood just off the lake drop off, she was startled. But there was this smell about him that made her want to cuddle into him forgetting their closeness to the water’s edge. Yet the feeling in her gut told her that was not a good idea.

  He looked down to her hand lifting her chin up so that her eyes could look in his. “What beauty you behold, I have been around for a long time and I have never seen anything like you. You are the most enticing beauty I have found. I wish to taste you, to have you. She looked into his eyes those deep, mysterious eyes; her tongue was tied. “Meet me here my dear, meet me the night after this, please. I will be waiting for you.” And as quickly as the dream came the dream ended.

  The next day of school flew by and she couldn’t concentrate in her classes. She even missed a question on Poe, during her A.P English with Mr. Pollard. She was called in to the Counselor's office just before her last period and handed her diploma. Wow, she said I can’t believe this is it, four whole years summarized in a piece of paper handed to me over a desk. “Well you know said Mrs. Cormac, that we will have a graduation ceremony in June. At which time you will be officially presented with your diploma with all the graduating students; and more than likely your award for Valedictorian. So, I hope that you are preparing a speech, Mrs. Cormac said nonchalantly.

  Coura let out a big sigh of relief she was glad to at least have completed high school. She was planning on attending Many Community College, until she decided on a career. Coura was wrapped up in thought when Mrs. Cormac came around to her from behind her desk. Mrs. Cormac gave her a big hug, and congratulated her, and wished her a happy birthday. Coura thanked her and left her office, walking back to her last class. She breezed through the rest of the time and went straight home to shower and get ready for work. She had her mind set to make the day just like another and not make a b
ig deal of it who cares about stupid birthdays right?

  Her mind kept surfing to the possibilities that it might be fun to go out to the dam and look over the cliff, that is, if it really existed. She took a shower and was dressed to go in a whirlwind. She didn’t even register what she had put on until Skye came to the door and commented on her shirt.

  “Wow,” he said “going somewhere special? I don’t think I have ever seen you in any color but black.” “Well, It’s the first thing I found, don’t get used to it,” she said to him. Listen Skye said, “Dads got our uncle George in town and the guys are going to have a poker night up at shop. So, what do you say about having a night out? It is your birthday after all.”

  “Sounds great,” she said. “So, what do you want to do?” “Well my friends Sander and Keail are having a bonfire out on the lake; I thought it would be fun being that it’s not a school night and all.” But that doesn’t really matter for you huh, graduating and all today? “Yeah, I'm glad to be done, really. Let me just leave a note for Richard so that he won’t wait up on me.” She saw a note already written on the fridge it said open if you dare, and an arrow pointing down to the frig. Coura opened the fridge and saw a large piece of chocolate cake with a candle in it. Oh dad, she thought, that’s sweet. She looked down at her Mickey Mouse watch that her dad gave her and decided to wait on the cake until she got back. She opened the package that was on the table; in it was a necklace with a blue sapphire encrusted with diamonds hanging over a silver half-moon. “Oh, it’s beautiful,” she said. Skye motioned for the necklace and to put it on her. it fit easily on her petite neck, Skye stilling over her after he clasped it, breathing lightly on her soft nape. She shuddered with a glorious chill. She turned and faced him. “So how does it look?”

  “It’s beautiful,” he said, “who gave it to you?” Coura’s shoulders shrugged, she really had no idea. “I guess my dad,” she said. She lifted the box that the necklace came in and looked at the packaging there was a tiny card on it that read: For Coura, with love forever K. “Well whose it from?” Skye asked again. “It doesn’t say,” Coura lied. She put a hand on the beautiful necklace’s pendant. She walked to the drawer next to the refrigerator and extracted a piece of paper and a pen.

  Hey, Dad, I got the night off, been invited to a bonfire

  On the lake with Skye and the other reservation kids,

  I’ll be home late, thank you for the cake I will eat it when I get back, Love,


  After putting the pen and paper up, she stored Richards cell number into her phone and grabbed her backpack, and zip up black hoodie. “All ready to go,” she said. “What’s up with the backpack?” Skye said. “Oh nothing, just not a big fan of purses and I get to keep my stuff with me. So it all works out,” said Coura. They got into the truck and drove to the reservation, “I just got to swing by and tell dad what’s going on, you want to come in for a sec?” “Um, Sure” she said. They had pulled up to a wood sided, double wide trailer with a green door. “This is nice,” she said as she got out of the car. Red wet, clay-dirt was sticking to the soles of her boots she could hardly walk by the time she made it to the door. “Oh, you’ll get used to it,” he said. “Just shimmy out of ‘em and we’ll rinse ‘em off in the mud room.” She did, and he cleaned them for her.

  “It’s me!” He hollered hoping his dad would hear him. “I am in here son!” His dad Roy said. They walked past the mud room through the kitchen into the living room. “What ya doing dad?” Asked Skye. “I’m just looking for those stupid poker chips, I can’t find them anywhere.” “Did you look next to your recliner?” Skye said. Lifting a Wal-Mart bag filled with goodies and next to it was a box marked poker chips. “Well what do you know,” Roy said. “Thanks son, I swore I looked there just a second ago. I reckon this old mind isn’t what it used to be.”

  “Well lookie there now, that can’t be little girl Du Boise. My you have grown up to be a pretty thing. I remember the last time I saw you were just knee high. How old are you now Coura?” Asked Roy. “I am eighteen today sir,” said Coura. “Well I guess I owe you congratulations and happy birthday by the way. It must be nice getting to hang out with old friends, Skye here, has been talking about you nonstop since you moved back and now, I can see why,” he said teasingly towards Skye.

  Seeing Skye’s growing embarrassment, and pink ears Roy said; “so what can I do for y'all this evening? You know were going to play poker up at the store, y’all are more than welcome to come but I don’t know how much fun you’ll have with a bunch of old gizzards.”

  “Thanks, but no dad we are going up to lake Ryan. We are doing a little bonfire…so we are going to hang out up there. Is that ok?” Roy rubbed the stubble on his chin still holding his poker chips. “I don’t see why not,” he said. “You take care of this one here,” he said pointing to Coura, “The cliffs on the edge of the dag-um-dam don’t have any blockers so watch your step, since she hasn’t been up there a lot.” Skye felt happy thinking of himself as Coura’s protector. “Sure, thing Dad will do, well it's getting dark it should be starting soon,” said Skye.

  “Bye dad,” Said Skye, “Love you son,” responded Roy. “Bye Roy,” Coura said. “Roy yelled back to them as they were turning to leave, by kids! And have a very Happy Birthday Coura!” Let’s get out of here Skye whispered, hoping his dad wouldn’t mortify him anymore. Walking out the door she slid her rain boots back on quickly trying to hide her socks from view. “What's with the socks?” Skye said. “Oh, I didn’t get to take all my clothes with me, and my socks were in the box that accidently got left behind. So, I have been washing this same holey pair for the last few weeks.”

  “Why didn’t you say something I can grab you some of mine I got like fifty pairs.” He got up to find socks “Sure,” thanks. In a flash he was back with a sack full of socks one pair in hand. “Here you go,” His long hair in his face as he leaned over to hand her socks. She reached up and tucked the strand behind his ear. “Thanks Skye.”

  She is the most beautiful person that I have ever known. I wish I knew how I could tell her my secret. But would she understand and accept who I am? Of course, she would she’s the greatest girl I have ever met, but then there are the Elders. They have forbidden revealing who we are to humans. If I do, we would both have a death sentence. Oh, moon goddess what do I do? Skye thought to himself as he stared into Coura’s beautiful eyes. Realizing she was staring back at him he moved quickly. He shot up, “well you ready?” “Yup.” She slid her right foot into the boot, let’s go.

  About a mile up from the spillway was the beachfront, there were trucks everywhere some older, some newer. Yet, there were no people in sight. “Where is everyone?” Asked Coura. “Oh, they’re probably already down at the pits. If you follow the path it will lead you down to them, just watch out its steep. All you have to do is just follow the lights, I have got to grab the cooler, and blanket, and I’ll follow you in just a second.”

  There were trees all around and thick underbrush. The smell of fire hit her nostrils and the sound of laughter piqued her curiosity. She walked over to Skye to offer help, “So do you need any help, I’m more than capable of taking something.” Skye shook his head, “ not down that hill you’re not it’s steep. That’s why these cliffs are called dead man’s cliffs around these parts because you’re a dead man or in your case woman, if you don’t pay attention.

  In fact, I better just come back and get these.” He sat down the cooler and blanket. “Let’s go;” he said grabbing her hand. She followed him to the drop off. The trail was thin, and the fall looked really, far. “I see” she said, “It’s steep.” He went first and took her hand. “Watch your footing; this rain makes the ground slick if you’re not really careful you’ll slip all the way down.”

  He picked up a handful of pine needles and threw them on the ground in front of them. Skye was in front of her hiking down, she lost her gripping and slipped a little bit Skye had caught her before she fell, and t
heir faces were inches apart. Coura looked into his eyes moving his hair out of his eye still being held in his arms, and she kissed him. He kissed her back, and then helped her up. After falling and missing her footing a few more times she made it down the hill and could see smoke in the distance.

  Skye’s mind was racing about the kiss that they just shared, she followed him through some low hanging trees and high brush to an open clearing, were there were people gathered around a large bonfire. Logs were scattered around and used as chairs, people were laughing Sander and Keail were debating about how hot Skye’s new friend was, when they came up to greet them.

  “Hey man,” Skye said grabbing Sander left arm for a guy hug. “How you been Bro?” “I’m just fine and you?” Sander said. He looked a lot like Skye except smaller, same long hair deep skin, and high cheekbones. “Hi there,” Sander said to Coura, “I’m Sander, it’s a pleasure to meet you;” he said with a wink. Keail said hello to and gave Skye a playful pat on the cheek and whispered something in his ear, asking about who Coura was.

  “Don’t you remember?” Said Skye, Coura’s dad is Richard, the marine-vet- gone- welder, down in Many. He used to bring Coura around to stay with my dad; we used to play together as kids, and we all hung out quite a few summers.” He said to Keail. “Don’t you member that girl that helped us build the fort back there in grandpas’ yard when we were ten?” Keail looked like he was using all his brain cells on this one, “Yeah! Oh yea! Wow, she's changed a bit. She’s kind of hot now. He said raising his eyebrows up and down in a suggestive manner to Skye.

  “Hello! I’m standing right here you goob.” “How Have you been Keail? I didn’t recognize you, not being covered in mud and all,” Coura said jokingly. “Oh ya, I remember you now. I tried to kiss you and you pushed me out of the fort into that mud hole! How could I forget?” He laughed. “It’s good to see you again Coura.” Its Coura’s birthday you know…” added Skye’s teasingly. “Oh really,” said Keail, “well then tonight will be extra special you need your birthday spankings,” he winked at her. Both Skye and Coura rolled their eyes. “I would love to see you try!” she joked.


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