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The Guardian (The Guardian Book 1)

Page 14

by Paula Stephanie Grogan

  “Let me walk you out, Coura my dear, there is some cereal in the cupboard and milk in the fridge the bowls are in the upper cabinet right there next to the microwave and the spoons are in the drawer below it, your clothes are clean and sitting on the table, when your done you should get dressed so that we can go see your father I have a feeling he will be waking up soon,” she said ominously.

  Nora left Coura in the kitchen still processing what she had said to her, a whole spectrum of emotions going through her mind. Skye followed behind Nora, when they were out of ear shot from the house; Nora turned and faced Skye the wind blowing in her hair making it fly back.

  “They are back,” he said “the incubus Vampires, I thought they were gone for good. We haven’t had any problems with these soul suckers in two hundred years. And what does that, that Mr. Pollard, have to do with anything. Is he a Guardian? If he is, he should have announced himself, to the pack being that he is on our turf. “I am sure he is Coura’s Guardian; there is no other explanation for him to be on the cliffs at the same time the incubus has laid his trap.” “I should have been there he said, I was too busy talking to Beth, and now we have a Guardian involved.”

  “The Guardian should do nothing more than keep her safe, she must be really important to them or they would not have sent one to her. Do you think she is the one from the legend?” he asked. “I’m not sure Skye but I know she’s special.” “That she is,” Skye said, “I care about her strongly.”

  “You better go report back, let your Dad know what’s going on, and keep in touch. If I am meant to protect her then I must be informed.” Nora stopped Skye as he was about to leave, “may the spirit protect you Skye,” then he was gone.

  Nora turned and walked towards the house; at the forest line to her right she felt a presence. Nora sent up another prayer of protection. Please spirits protect my home, this child and this land, please spirits…she continued to pray as she walked, she felt a power surge through her, and she knew that her prayers were being answered.

  Whoever was out there left, she went into the house and saw that Coura had already eaten her dishes were clean in the dish drain. Wonderful young lady she thought, she sat on the couch waiting for Coura, Nora grabbed a book and began to read. Coura came out wearing her tattered jeans and blue shirt from the night before, donning a pair of horrendously yellow rain boots. “Oh dear,” Nora said, “you know what? I think we should go visit your dad and then maybe get away for a while. How do you feel about that?”

  “Sounds good” said Coura. “I really hope dad is doing better than she thought. I hope he really is going to wake up.”

  They left the house heading east towards town, when Nora’s cell phone rang. “Hello?” Nora said into the phone. “Good morning this is Deputy Richardson at the Allen parish police department I was told to let you know that there is a Mr. Steven Matheson loose from the military camp in Orange, Texas, he was last seen heading your way.” “Why would you call me?” Nora asked. “You should be calling the Many parish police department.” “I did mam, and a sheriff asked me to let you know, being that you are the temporary guardian over Mrs. Du Bios. We have a belief that Mr. Matheson is after her, he said as much in a letter that was confiscated shortly before his escape.” “Well thank you deputy I appreciate it.” “Not a problem mam.”

  “Who should be calling the police department?” Asked Coura. Oh, dear she thought what I should tell this child, the truth said a voice deep inside. “That was the Allen Parish Police Department they had a sighting of a minor fugitive on the loose in this area, Nora pulled to the side of the road.” “And…” Coura said. “And the man said that the fugitives name is Steve Matheson.”

  Coura felt like she couldn’t breathe, this couldn’t be happening. “There was no way. How did he escape?” she asked. “I don’t know dear,” they didn’t say. “Well did they say how he found out where I was?” “No, I’m afraid not, dear. But they do know that he escaped with the intent to get to you. He wrote a letter to a family member that they confiscated just before his escape.”

  Sharp pains were filling her chest her breath short, and tight. Dear God, please Lord, she thought don’t let him hurt me. Then it hit her, he was already here already in town! “Nora he is here! He is in town, he is the one that did this, to dad, and we need to get to dad as soon as possible!” “Oh dear, I see what you mean, but it wouldn’t be safer bringing you two together, being that he is in the hospital and cannot move locations.”

  Nora got back on the highway and then flipped a U-e and started in the opposite direction towards Texas. She picked up her cell phone and dialed by pressing two the Sheriff answered on the first ring. “Nickels” he said. “Sherriff, this is Nora, hey Nora what can I do for you?” “No time for pleasantries sheriff, there is a fugitive I believe on the way to Richard, he’s out to get Coura too.” “When you had the deputy from Allen Parish call me it all made sense, considering the reason for his incarceration.”

  “Wow Nora, you need to slow down. I have not had time to call anybody and I know nothing about a fugitive.” Taking a deep breath Nora explained everything she knew and was told. The Sheriff dispatched police officers to guard Richard and told Nora to take Coura out of town until the culprit was caught.

  “We have to leave town.” Her tires spun a little as Nora gassed it to the Texas border. “Stupid Louisiana and its 55 mile an hour speed limit” she muttered. Coura chuckled a little. Even in all this stress she had a sense of humor. Nora smiled.

  “Can I call and check in on my dad Nora?” “Sure sweetie,” Nora handed Coura her cell phone. She called 411 and got the number. “Many Community Hospital this is Patsy how can I help you?” “Mrs. Patsy this is Coura Du Boise could you please connect me with the charge nurse for the ICU please.” “Please hold,” the phone rang, and rang then finally someone picked up. “ICU this is Marcus, can I help you?” “Yes, this is Coura Du Boise, and I am calling to check on my father Richard Du Boise.” “Let me look, said the Nurse, listen there seems to be a problem there is no one registered here under the name of Du Boise. Are you sure you got the right name?” Coura groaned, “Yes I’m sure! He is the one that came in by ambulance yesterday! Dr. Conley was over him, he has a concussion, and he’s unconscious please sir check again.” Coura said exasperation filling her voice. “Just one minute please mam,” a few minutes later she was still on hold, getting aggravated she started tapping her foot and biting her pointer finger on her left hand.

  “Anything yet?” Nora asked. Coura nodded her head, “no not yet but if he doesn’t take me off hold in about five seconds I’m going to climb through the phone and ring his neck ugh.”

  “Hello?” “Yes, I’m here,” Coura said. “Just one-minute mam, I'm going to transfer you to the charge nurse.? Another pause then the Ring… ring… ring. “This is ICU Charge this is Betty may I help you?” “Yes, this is Coura Du Boise” she said,

  “I just spoke to Marcus in the ICU I am trying to find out information on my dad Richard Du Boise.” “Yes, mam let me look, from what I am seeing here there is no record of your father being here mam.” “Is there anything else that I can help you with?”

  Coura had finally had the last straw. She took a deep breath. “Listen here you incompetent twit! My Father came in last night he was in the trauma room one. He is unconscious his Dr. is Dr. Conley and I am giving you 2.5 seconds to get him on this phone, or I am going to…” “Hold please mam,” “what the…” “Dr. Conley speaking, is this an emergency?”

  “Dr. Conley, thank God! This is Coura Du Boise, you took care of my father last night. I need to know why no one will tell me anything. There saying he wasn’t even there what is going on?” “Um” said Dr. Conley… “I see your father is under police guard. They probably booked him under another name. You’ll need to contact the police and get them to give you his contact alias while he’s here. But I can assure you Coura that your father is safe and being protected by Manys’ finest.” “How is he
physically Doc?” “He woke up about an hour ago, he is stable, but we had to sedate him again due to pain, he is asleep now. I have your number here if anything changes, I will call your personally Mrs. Du Boise. Ok?” “Thank you Doctor.”

  Coura told Nora that her dad had woken up but had to be sedated again. “At least he’s safe sweetie, that’s what matters,” said Nora. Coura looked around, where are we? She said. We are in Texas. “Ok, so where are we going?” “I’m not sure yet,” she responded.

  “We can go straight or right,” “which way do you want to go?” “Why not go right,” she said. “Alright” said Nora, “that’s 255 if I’m not mistaken that should take us to that lake town, San Rayburn.” “I think I have heard of that place, my stepdad used to go fishing a lot I think they have some big tournament or something.” Nora nodded in the affirmative, “the big bass splash. It should be going on this weekend” she said. Let’s see what is today. Check the phone won’t you dear?” “Um…its April 22. Yes, that will be perfect we can blend in with all the anglers and their families.” “What do you mean we can blend in? Where are we going to stay here?” Asked Coura. “Well yeah, is there something wrong with that?” Asked Nora. “No, it’s just that I don’t have any clothes, and this looks like a really nice area.” “You’re right, ok well let’s try to get us someplace to stay and then we will see about our clothing situation.”

  “Well the only hotel is booked full, as well as the Hide a peak, and willow Creek RV Parks. I was told we might want to stay in Jasper tonight and try Rayburn Reality in the morning. Will you call the Holiday Inn and Suites and see if we can get a room there for the night?” Sure thing, how far away is it to Jasper from here?” asked Coura. “just a few minutes. Jasper’s just a bit bigger than Rayburn.”

  “Jasper Inn and Suites this is Suzie may I help you?” “Yes mam, I was wondering if you had any rooms available this evening?” “Let me check dear, well it looks like we have one, but it’s a suite, do you want it? You’ll have to reserve it if you do.” “Let me check would you mind holding on one sec. Nora there’s one available, but it’s a suite, and they need a credit card to book it.” “Yes, go ahead dear my card is there in the glove compartment.”

  “Mam, are you still there?” “Yes, I am,” “we want it.” “Ok, are you at least twenty-one or older?” Nora shook her head to say yes, “yes mam;” the operator took the rest of the details and confirmed the booking. “Okay …they set up the room” They were in town in less than fourteen minutes. The town was larger than Many, she gave them that. There were a lot of restaurants on one side of the road and there was a sonic there that she noticed and another restaurant, then another and another, and banks in between. Well at least we won’t go hungry here she thought.

  Once they checked into the hotel they looked around, there wasn’t any reason for them to stay in the room so Nora decided the best thing to do would be to get some food and some clothing and other essentials. So, they went up the road to Sonic and then to Walmart.

  The parking lot was surprisingly full so after driving around a bit Nora decided to park by lawn and garden. They walked in the side entrance past all the plants and yard things. “We’ll be needing some things, let’s see, shampoo, conditioner,” Nora started saying everything that they were going to need, but Nora’s voice seemed to drift off then clouds seemed to blur her vision and she came to another place.

  She recognized it as her yard, her backyard at Richards’s house, Steven was there but, his eyes looked different, looked crazed. She saw Steven enter the house and pulled a gun from the back of his pants and held it up as he walked through her house. He went to her room, but she wasn’t there, they moved her, he thought to himself, or she’s with her daddy. He bent down to the floor where her dirty clothes were and picked a pair of her pants up. He sniffed them taking in a deep breath, and then gave a growl. He threw the pants down again and stormed out of the house.

  The next thing she saw he was heading toward the hospital; he was wearing a blue uniform that said janitor on the name tag he wore. “Oh God no,” she said, she knew he was going after her dad. “Please God NO!” Coura, came to, hearing a distant sound and then she awoke out of her dream. “What did you see?” Nora asked Coura.

  “How did you know?” Coura asked. “I know a lot of things my dear, things the world has yet to come to terms with yet. Please dear, tell me what you saw.” “I saw my Dad, at the hospital, and Steve he was at the house, then he got really angry. The next thing I see he’s got on a janitor uniform. I swore that I heard his thoughts. I believe that he was on his way to the hospital, or at least that was the vibe I was getting from him.”

  Nora listened intently, Coura stood there in the middle of lawn and garden telling Nora everything she could remember.

  “Are you sure it was Steven Coura?” Nora asked. “Well…his eyes were not like they were before. He is different, scary, they had a glow to them, it was like seeing evil, and it was dark instead of his blue eyes.” “I know it sounds crazy but it’s a gut feeling, I just know he’s going after dad.” “You have a gift Coura, a gift of sight, but we don’t have time now to talk about it.” Nora picked up her cell phone and dialed the Sheriff. The phone rang. Nora was looking at Coura amazed at her gift, and her lack of knowledge of it. Still waiting for the Sheriff to answer she talked to Coura. “Coura in your vision were you Steven or were you with him?” “Um... I was with him, and oh I just remembered that he had a gun, I saw it in the house when he came in.”

  He finally picked up “Nickels.” “Sheriff this is Nora, I believe that the fugitive from orange Steve Matheson is on the way to the hospital dressed in a Janitor's outfit, and he is armed. We believe that he is after Coura and her Father, I have Coura here with me, but Richard is unprotected.” “How do you know this Nora?” the sheriff asked. “I really don’t think you want to know the answer to that,” Nora said in return, let’s just say that you received an anonymous tip and leave it at that.”

  Knowing full well, that things were not “normal” in the town of Many, and that there were many times that he had to call on Nora and her family for help, he knew better than to ask to many questions. If the result came in the form of justice, and no one was hurt in the process, he didn’t mind. “Very well, I’ll look right into it,” the Sheriff said and disconnected the line immediately. Then he called in more deputies to the hospital and started that way himself.

  “Dispatch this is Sheriff Nickels, I am in route my E.T.A. is five minutes, over.”

  “Dispatch to Sherriff Nickels we confirm officers are on location, over.”Chapter 9

  Steve Matheson had already penetrated the hospital and was around the corner when he saw the police car come in through the front. He continued to walk to the stairwell and climbed up the stairs. He got out on the second floor and peeked around at the administrative offices. No one was around so he walked down the hall, the first two doors were locked but the third one on his left was unlocked and he went inside.

  He sat down at the desk and moved the mouse; the screen was already on so bypassing the password page was not a problem. He logged on to the main computer and was looking for Richard Du Boise on the hospital register but he couldn’t find his name in the computer.

  He thought for a minute, I’m going to have to get myself noticed he thought, if the police changed his contact information and room number for security then only an officer is going to know how to find him. He thought it through it was time to move; he moved at an unusually fast speed and was on the fourth floor in seconds.

  Nickels got to the hospital as quickly as he could. When he arrived, there was a guard at the door waiting for him. He parked his cruiser blocking the front entrance and went in. Sheriff Nickels paged over his walkie radio that he was on location and that all officers were to spread out and look for the fugitive, after giving them his description he set out to find the security room where the video surveillance room was at.

  “Where is the Surveil
lance room?” he asked the guard from the hall. “It’s on the basement floor, take the elevator down there it is the first room on the right.” “Listen to me, I want you to go to the director of the hospital and tell them that we are on red alert we have an escaped fugitive which may or may not be hiding here. I need you to tell them to stand by for an evacuation. If an evacuation is warranted, a fire alarm will sound. Is that clear?” The security guard took a big gulp, “yes Sheriff I understand. I will go now.”

  Nickels made it down to the surveillance room quickly, there wasn’t much around except for a time clock and a makeshift break room with a smell of stale coffee in the air. He banged on the surveillance room door, ignoring the code entry. A camera turned and looked down at him, than a voice sounded from a small speaker box in front of him. “What do you want? You obviously don’t have authorization to be down here or you would know the code.” The sheriff's blood started to boil,

  “Listen here you pompous little git, I am Sherriff Nickels, and I demand that you let me in, we have a fugitive on the loose in this hospital and I need to find where he is at. “Show me your badge, hold it to the glass.” He did and then there was a buzzing sound and the door popped open.

  “Sorry bro, we can’t just open the door to anybody, besides how am I supposed to know you’re a Sheriff you’re wearing civilian clothes.”

  “Nickels looked down, he sure was, shit he thought. I wasn’t supposed to work today, but this is an emergency and I was already nearby.” “So, what does the perp look like?” “He’s about five ten, about one eighty, sandy blond and blue eyes, well shit look at the picture,” he pulled the booking photo that he had printed out earlier after Nora’s first call. “I see him entering the stairwell here” he said pointing to the screen. Then coming up on the fourth floor here,” the security officer showed the Sheriff on the monitor. “That is the fourth floor, pediatrics.”

  “Is there a possibility that this is not one of your Janitors?” the Sheriff asked. “I really don’t think he is one of ours because he didn’t come down here to clock in see,” then the Guard showed the footage at the time clock. I am going to need more than that to warrant sounding the alarm he thought. “Do you think it’s possible to zoom into the footage I need to see his face for comparison against the image I have here,” the Sheriff was holding a black in white mugshot of Steven Matheson in his hand, again.


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