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Kink the Halls: A Christmas Novella

Page 5

by Dawn Robertson

  I laugh, a deep, booming laugh that echoes through the bedroom. Levi pulls away, looking at me like I have finally gone off the deep end. Honey, I went off the deep end the minute I decided this domesticated life was going to work for me.

  “Did you ever think... after that first night that we would be here barely three months later?” I can tell you, as much as I wanted him again, I never thought I would get married or have any children, ever. Like Satan should be coming up from the fiery pit of Hell announcing to Earth's population that Hell has in fact frozen over.

  “Seven, from the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you would be my wife. You are my world.” His lips press to my temple, and I melt into his touch. The way his words make me feel, fuck. I never knew what real love was, and I may not be the best person when it comes to all that emotional bullshit, but I fucking love that man with everything I have.

  His lips graze mine, and my body instinctively opens up for him. Our tongues dangle together in a passionate dance. We eagerly pull at each other’s clothes like we are teens in the back of our parent’s car. We are naked in no time flat, and I am begging him to press me into the mattress and take me.

  His smooth chest hovers above my body as he leans in to take my mouth again. But this time, his hard dick presses against my wet entrance. I moan into his mouth while I buck my hips up to meet his lazy thrust. He is hesitant, I am frantic. He is loving, I am needy. He is careful, I am impatient.

  “Fuck me, Levi. Fuck me like you know I need to be fucked, baby.” He is torn and I can see it in his eyes. He doesn't want to, but he does want to. I reach around his body and press the tip of my finger to his ass, and that’s all the encouragement he needs. His cock plunges deep inside me, only coming to a stop once he finally bottoms out and his balls slap hard against my ass.

  “God, Seven,” he growls into my ear as his pace increases. He fucks me like he knows I need it, and just as my orgasm is about to take over, he lifts my body from the bed and we are moving. What the fuck is he doing?

  My back slams up against the wall, I wanted rough, and apparently, I’m going to get it. His fingers tighten on my hip as his dick pounds deep in my cunt. With each thrust I climb higher and higher until I am screaming. At first, I don't realize how loud I’m being, but the pounding on the door clues me in. I want to laugh, or yell back. Give them some good ol' Seven sass, but I can't. It feels too good to do anything but focus on the good fucking I’ve begged for.

  “You like that, Seven? Is that what you needed?” each word is accentuated with a thrust, deeper, harder, more desperate for release than Levi has been in the longest time.

  I moan in response, because I can't formulate any kind of coherent words. My release churns in my belly, and I feel Levi tense up as he comes deep inside my cunt. Coating my pussy with this thick seed, spurt-by-spurt. Fuck it feels good.

  “God damn!” I yell as I fall over the edge. His fingers rub my clit as I scream with ecstasy. Now this is the kind of sex I was talking about. None of that bullshit married couples fall into once they say I do. Now, if we could just jump on that before baby sex list, I would be golden. Maybe I can ask for that as a Christmas present?


  That little sack of shit forgot I asked him to do something for me this morning. Noooooo, he was too busy getting his dick wet inside my soon to be fiancé’s baby sister. The one who has barely spoken three words since she returned to Woodstock at the forced hand of Seven. I know Star was playing matchmaker, I just thought River was smart enough than to get involved in something like that. Especially with the fucking way he is.

  Now, I have to disappear and pray no one notices for the next two fucking hours. If it wouldn't turn into a huge scene, I would try to fucking remind him of the simple damn task I left to him. Damn asshat boy.

  Although with Star's new found need to bake every cookie known to mankind, I don't think she will notice I left. Hell, the house could crumble around her and she would still be lookin' all fuckin' cute in her vintage apron cooking up a storm. I shake my head and just pray my plan for tonight goes off without a hitch.

  I knock on the guest bedroom door praying Seven and Levi are done with their early morning fuck. It seems like everyone in the house has gotten laid this morning, but me. Whatever.

  A bright-eyed, and bushy tailed Seven answers the door and pulls me over the threshold by the collar of my shirt. Hands off lady. I don't do that touchy feely bullshit with anyone. Only Star. Only ever Star. She bounces up and down like one of the girls would and I wonder exactly what happened to the tough as nails business woman who wanted to castrate me at Thanksgiving dinner. I mean, don't get me wrong, it’s probably better to be on her good side, but this is just strange.

  “She doesn't suspect a thing,” Seven mentions while picking up her phone from the desk. “Everything is all set at Pierce and Sons,” the small jewelry store I found the ring I just knew would look perfect on her finger. It is old, vintage. It isn't too big, but definitely not too small at all. Classic beauty for my perfect girl.

  “River apparently isn't going to be going to get it, so I need you to cover for me for the next two hours. Make sure Star doesn't go looking for me. If she notices I’m gone, tell her it’s club business and I’ll be back shortly, and Seven? Thanks, you are a lifesaver.” I nod in Levi's direction as he walks out of the bathroom and gives me a nod.

  I turn for the door and pray I can pull this off without someone tipping Star off, or having her figure it all out on her own. I’m sure she isn't expecting anything like this since we have fallen into such a simple day-to-day routine since finding each other. But it just isn't enough for me anymore. I never thought there would be a day when I wanted a wedding, or a woman to wear my last name. But I found her, and I am never letting her go.


  That fool is as hard up as I was when I virtually kidnapped Seven and brought her to Vegas. I’m sure Star will swoon over the over the top romantic gesture. Seven on the other hand probably would have kicked me in the balls if I brought up anything besides Elvis marrying us. That is what I love about her.

  “How do you plan on distracting her for two hours?” It’s a legitimate question, when Chrome is around, Star turns into a fucking magnet. She seeks him out even if it’s just for a simple kiss.

  “Have you looked in the kitchen yet? I don't need to distract her, she is distracting herself.” Seven laughs, and I decide I need to investigate exactly what is going on. If for nothing else, comic amusement. I have to admit, Star has come a long way. I never cared for her, but knowing everything that I know now, I can't help but feel bad for everything she and Seven went through as children. Yeah, it sucks that my parents died when I was in high school, but I had a great childhood.

  Star got the shit end of the deal on everything. If I ever fucking get my hands on that piece of shit brother of Seven's, I can tell you one thing, he would never fucking walk again. I would make sure of that. I round the corner into the kitchen and it looks like a fucking bomb went off. There is flour everywhere. Dirty pots and pans line the counters, and Star is smack dab in the middle of the kitchen chaos. Poor thing looks like she’s barely treading water.

  “Need some help?” It looks like I’m going to be the one keeping her distracted instead of Seven, but it’s probably better off that way. Seven can't make toast, if it wasn't for me and an extensive list of takeout menus I’m not sure she would be eating enough to stay healthy for the baby.

  “Oh god, Levi please!” Her words are a plea. I want to laugh, but I won't, because it will only throw her into even more of a spiral. I make my way to the overflowing sink full of dishes and start there. What did I just volunteer myself for?

  Fucked that all up


  Dinner is upon us, and the entire family is seated around the giant table. River is as far away as possible. After our morning got off to a rocky start, he bolted. I still don't know where he went since he didn't say more than two words
to me before he took off. I would be lying if I said my feelings weren't hurt. I didn't take him for that kind of guy, but then again, I should have come to realize that all men are fucking dogs now.

  In between bites of surprisingly good ham, I try not to stare at him. This is becoming a love-hate relationship rather quickly. You would think after all the shit I have been through, I could pull off emotionally void pretty fucking well. Not when it comes to River though. I am surprised no one is asking me why it looks like someone ran my kitten through a meat grinder. Whatever game he’s playing, he’s winning.

  I look up again, swinging my eyes in his direction for the millionth time when I realize instead of looking into the side of his head, our gazes lock and he gives me a sly smile. I want to get up and throw my plate on him. How fucking dare you smile at me? No matter how hard I try, I can't pull my eyes away from his though. I hate every second of it. This pull is stupid. Everything about this is fucking foolish. I should have never come back to this shithole town. Rash? Yeah. But I just can't stay here.

  I tap on my glass a couple times to gain the attention of the table. Finally pulling my eyes from River, I rise from the chair and start in on my completely unplanned Christmas Eve speech. This will go down in history.

  “I want to thank everyone for coming tonight, and my wonderful big sister, Star, for going above and beyond. I am so proud of you.” The table erupts in applause and congratulations for her stellar Christmas accomplishments. “You have been the best sister a girl could ask for, and I will always be grateful for that. The last month has been wonderful, and I appreciate all you have done for me, but...” I fidget with the dress I’m wearing, pulling it down and praying it covers my thick ass. I really should have gotten something more appropriate.

  “I am going to be moving on in the New Year. Woodstock is nice, and I’ve loved the time I’ve spent here, especially getting to know my beautiful niece, Magnolia,” I look over and give my little blonde angel a smile. She will probably be the only one I’ll miss. Star is used to me being gone, but it will hurt to leave this little girl behind. I don't want to, but this is what I have to do.

  “I got places to go, and people to see. Merry Christmas everyone!” I sit back down in my chair, and once again my eyes fall back to River. Instead of seeing the relief I expected, his face is clearly pained. He is hurt, and I just wish I knew why. I was almost positive this was exactly what he wanted. Either way, I am not sticking around for a guy. No fucking way. I am just not that kind of girl.

  “Where are you heading to first?” Seven's voice fills the room. I should have known that Miss Jet Set herself would want to know my plans. Think quick, Paisley.

  “I think I’m going to hit up Vegas.” Lies! All lies! Although, I have always wanted to go to Vegas. Maybe I could make some good money at one of those upscale strip clubs. Girls out there make a fuckin' killing.

  “I love Vegas.” River chimes in from the other side of the table. What fucking game is he playing? His dark eyes run along my body as I pick up the nearly empty glass of wine in front of me and chug the rest. I smile in his direction, as the entire table watches us in silence.

  “That's nice,” I add. I want to punch him. Would it be too much to do it over Christmas Eve dinner, because I am pretty sure it wouldn't be a Bloom family Christmas without some kind of fucked up drama.

  His chair pushes back, scraping loudly against the hardwood floor and he turns for the kitchen, but not before he stares straight through me, “A word, Paisley?”

  Everyone turns to me waiting for my reply. It would be fun to push his buttons and ignore him, but I have a feeling it would cause more drama than I want to deal with from everyone watching me at this moment. Fuck, I hate being the center of attention! I push my chair back in a huff and reluctantly make my way to the kitchen. I don't want to do this.

  “What the fuck, Paisley?” River starts on me the second I round the corner. I should be asking him the same thing. He runs his fingers through his hair and turns away. It looks like he wants to punch something. He continues pacing back and forth across the messy kitchen. What does he want me to say?

  “What, River? What the fuck do you want from me?” He’s driving me crazy. Without even realizing it, I yell at him. I’m sure my voice is carrying throughout the entire house, but I don't know what else to do. I don't know how to handle myself, which is why I’m never good at this type of shit.

  Before I see him coming, he is across the kitchen and I’m pressed up against the wall. His lips crash against mine. He takes me off guard, and I don't know what else to do but kiss him back, and I do; with everything I fucking have. I pour out all the betrayal I felt today into the single kiss. His lips pull away, and his breathing is labored. His green eyes memorize me.

  “Why, Paisley?” I don't understand his question. Why what? There are so many whys.

  “Why what, River? We share a night together, and you ignore me all day. Act like I don't fucking exist. What do you want from me?” All I wanted to do was give him what he wanted, uncomplicated. I silently plead with him internally, please just let me go.

  “Fuck! Paisley, I disappeared because shit...” there goes his hands into his hair again. Fuck, he is sexy when he does that. “I wanted to get you something, I fucking went out shopping at the motherfucking mall on Christmas Eve because I didn't want to let you down.” I blow out the breath I didn't know I was holding as he grabs my hand and pulls me against his body. His arm wraps tightly against me.

  “I don't want you to go anywhere, Paisley. Ever.” His thumb rubs along my bottom lip, and my body quivers under his touch. He slowly pulls away from me, and digs in his pocket, pulling out a set of keys with a heart shaped keychain. Certainly not what I was expecting. What exactly was I expecting?

  “You are going to have to wait till the morning for your real present, so don't pout.” He laughs, and I smile. Not realizing my face had shown whatever upset look I just plastered on it without thought. “This, is a key to my house. It is a little sudden, but I was thinking maybe you would want to move in with me. No pressure. It’s up to you.” Move in with him? I’ve never lived with a guy before. I mean, yeah, I’ve done a lot of sleepovers, but I’ve always had my own space to go back to. Is that something I really wanted to give up? Then again, this house isn't my space. Star owns it. This is her place, that she shares with her child. Am I just imposing?

  “I'm going to have to think about it,” I’m honest, even though I’m tempted to jump in and say yes. It would be too much, too soon. Damn we just fucked last night. What is next? A trip down the aisle? Why is this on fast forward?

  “But, River, I want to spend time with you, I want this. I want us.” It’s the truth. “We just need time, I won't leave. I promise.” His face morphs into the biggest smile I’ve ever seen plastered to his face. I lean my face closer to his, and press my lips to his. Our mouths meet in a mixture of promise and lust. I want to drag him back up to my bedroom and share a repeat of last night, Christmas Vacation and all. That is when I realize it’s nights like this that I can share with him forever. No question in my mind.

  Behind us, someone clears their throat. More like an entire table full of coughs, sputters, and backhanded comments. Like we should expect anything different from our families? His fingers lace between mine as we turn to face our audience.

  “Hey Ryker, you think we can trade chairs?” The gruff biker eyes him before he grunts like a caveman and moves to where River was sitting before our kitchen discussion.

  “So my house just got even more cramped huh?” Chrome's voice crosses the table, and I instantly feel bad for telling River I will move in. I didn't even realize that he lived with Chrome. I am sure in passing conversation it has been discussed, but the past month has been a pretty big blur.

  “I'm sorry, I can just stay here.” I interrupt. I feel my face turning crimson as Chrome starts laughing. Star joins him and soon most of the table is laughing. I am not really sure what is so funny

  “Honey, Merry Christmas. The house is both of yours. Scarlett and I are moving in here with Star and Magnolia.” Star smiles like a love struck fool, and I know exactly how she feels because I’m wearing the same expression.

  Both Magnolia and Scarlett screech like only tween girls can, jumping up and down, high fiving each other before flinging themselves into each other’s arms. “YAAAHHHHHHH!”

  'Twas the Night Before Christmas and I'm hungry as Fuck


  If I didn't know any better, I would think this small child is eating me from the inside out. I stuffed my face three hours ago. Star was putting food away, and I was picking at every plate as it went into the fucking fridge. Now here I am, plundering the fucking cabinets like a pirate. I am sure my ass will be the size of a house by the time I shit this kid out.

  A pan slams to the floor and I jolt. Turning around I see Levi standing behind me with an amused look on his face. Everyone had gone to bed almost two hours ago, including the both of us. I just couldn't sleep through the hunger pains. Damn it.

  “Hungry again?” he laughs, because this has become a common occurrence in the middle of the night. It always ensures something nice and fresh for me to barf up first thing in the morning. Oh the fucking joys.

  “Not just for some leftover ham either,” I wink as him because we all know I’m just one horny ball of pregnant. I.Can't.Get.Enough.Dick.

  “Come on, get your food, and come back to bed. I'll take care of you babe,” he turns for the guest bedroom, but I grab his hand. I have another idea. I shove the cold piece of ham in my mouth savoring the sweet glaze and moaning in enjoyment. Levi's eyebrow raises while he watches the way I savor the cold leftovers. What? It's fucking good!

  “I’ve got another idea,” I mumble with a half chewed mouth of food. I'm going for sexy tonight. Ha! I reach my arm out for him and pull him close to my body, pressing my tits to his chest through the thin t-shirt fabric separating us. He tries to pull me back down the hallway to the bedroom. All I can think of is sneaking across the kitchen and planting my fat pregnant ass right down in front of the fireplace, which is still giving off warmth.


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