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Wedding Heat: Hole In One (MMM)

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by Giselle Renarde

  eXcessica publishing

  Wedding Heat: Hole In One © August 2012 by Giselle Renarde

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental. All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.

  This book is for sale to ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It contains substantial sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some readers. Please store your files where they cannot be access by minors.

  Excessica LLC

  P.O. Box 127

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  Cover design © 2012 Giselle Renarde

  First Edition August 2012

  A Smashwords Edition

  Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

  Wedding Heat: Hole In One

  By Giselle Renarde

  It wasn’t exactly a walk of shame. Or maybe it was. This was Joey’s first time making his way home in wrinkled, grass-stained clothes after spooning a guy he’d just met under the open sky.

  Not that he was going home, exactly. He fished through his pocket for the electronic room key, but he worried what he’d find on the other side of that door. He could just imagine the scowl on his mother’s face. “Where have you been, young man? I was worried sick!”

  And then his dad would chime in with something like, “We realize you’re an adult, Joe. We only ask that you check in with us if you’re spending the night elsewhere.” Or maybe dad would be in one of his money moods and say, “If I’d known you were going to bunk with someone else, I’d have saved a few bucks on this overpriced resort room. Your mother, your sister and I could have slept in the car at the side of the highway.”

  Joey smiled despite the twanging pain in his temple and the thickness of his tongue. He slid his key through the slot. When the red light turned green, he opened the door and…

  What the hell? Is that…is that… Mom Butt?

  Pulling the door shut, Joey stood in the hall with his eyes closed tight. He could taste his stomach contents—primarily vodka—at the back of his throat, and forced himself to breathe slowly. All he kept seeing was… ugh, Mom Butt!

  “What are you doing out here, ass wipe?” His sister came out of nowhere to punch him in the shoulder.

  “Fuck!” he hissed, rubbing the spot that was already bruised from her trademark greetings. “Why do you do that?”

  “Because I know you’d never hit me back,” she said with a smirk. When he didn’t react, she asked, “Jeeze, who pissed in your Cheerios?”

  He shuddered, reluctant to say the works. “I just walked in on Mom and Dad.”

  Vanessa scrunched up her nose. “Oh, gross.”

  “Yeah, dude.” Joey backed away from the door. When he got a head-to-toe look at Vanessa, he laughed hard enough to make his head pound. “What the fuck happened to you?”

  His sister had looked pretty damn dapper when they’d headed out for cocktails last night. Their cousin Maggie was marrying some dude on Sunday, and for some reason they had to waste an entire weekend at this wedding resort place hanging out with their lame-ass family. Anyway, this morning the hem of Vanessa’s pinstriped pants was halfway to her knees, her white shirt looked two sizes too small, and her suspenders were buckled and frayed.

  She shrugged. “They shrunk in the dryer.”

  Joey pressed one hand to his temple. “The dryer? Where the hell were you last night?”

  “Where the hell were you?” She poked him in the shoulder, drawing his attention to a grass-green streak.

  No way he’d tell his big sister about his first time, even though she’d surely be proud it was with another guy. He shifted the conversation, asking, “How are you so chipper? You drank more than I did last night.”

  With a teasing smirk, Vanessa pulled her key card out of her pocket. It looked totally warped, like it had been in the microwave or something. She rapped on the door and their mother took her time answering it. Thank god she was dressed in a robe—he’d have preferred a parka, but it was better than nothing.

  “Oh,” their mother said, cinching the top of her robe with one hand. “I thought you were room service. Well, come in, kids.”

  She obviously had no idea Joey’d walked in on them doing the nasty not five minutes earlier.

  “Would you look at the time! Your father and I must have slept in,” Mom went on, seeming a little flustered and sheepish. “So, where did you two spend the night, hmm?”

  Joey was amazed by how casually the question was put to them. It was almost as if she didn’t care.

  “I sweet-talked that pretty girl at the front desk into letting us use an extra room on the sly.” Vanessa lied so convincingly Joey almost believed her. “We just wanted to give you and dad some space.”

  “Well that was thoughtful.” Their mother kissed their foreheads and then sputtered. “What, did you bathe in a distillery? You kids need to cut down on the booze.”

  Vanessa rolled her eyes, and Joey watched her shift from perky to sullen in no time flat. “Way to say thanks after we did something nice for you.”

  “I’m sorry,” Mom said distractedly as she poked her head out the door. “So, you didn’t see our room service out there? I could eat a horse.”

  “I bet,” Vanessa muttered. “Hey, where’s Dad?”

  “Hmm? Oh, he’s in the shower. Do you think I should call the front desk?”

  Vanessa dug through her suitcase, pulling out fresh clothes. “So gross…”

  Joey followed his sister’s lead, choosing an outfit while Vanessa stepped behind the ornate screen in the corner. This resort sure was fancy. None of the boring hotel furniture you’d find in a chain. Serious antiques and stuff. This place was the real deal.

  Vanessa emerged from behind the screen wearing her typical studded cargo pants and a T-shirt that read: “You say DYKE like it’s a bad thing.”

  “Oh, honey,” Mom said with a sigh. “What would your grandmother say?”

  “I’ll find out when I see her,” Vanessa grunted as Joey slipped behind the screen and changed quickly into fresh clothes. “She’ll be at the stupid spa thingy, right?”

  “I thought you weren’t going to that.”

  “Yeah,” Joey added. He couldn’t resist getting a jab in. “I thought you were boycotting the girly spa thing on lesbian feminist grounds.”

  “Whatever,” Vanessa said. “Maggie invited me, so I’m going.”

  A knock at the door interrupted the conversation and their mother practically drooled as she opened it to room service. “Finally!” she said when the attendant was gone. “I’m absolutely famished.”

  “There are only two breakfasts here,” Vanessa complained as their dad stepped out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel and a grin. “Eww, Dad, put some clothes on! Impressionable youths in the room.”

  “You’re not that young,” their dad said. “I’d been married
to your mother four years by the time I was your age.”

  “That’s your tough luck,” Vanessa shot back.

  She picked a piece of bacon off one of the room service plates, but Mom hit her hand away. “I’m sorry, but you kids weren’t around so I only ordered breakfast for two. You’ll have to get your meals in the dining room.”

  “I know when I’m not wanted,” Joey spoke up, grabbing Vanessa by the arm.

  As they made their way to the dining room, the image of his mother’s bare ass kept blazing across Joey’s mind. That mental picture made his temples throb so hard he pressed his palms at either side of his head. His sister seemed oblivious to his pain. He shuddered and tried to think of something non-sexual, but all he could think about was Greg.

  He didn’t come to Maggie’s wedding weekend expecting to fuck one of the groom’s cousins—and certainly not a male cousin. Despite his sister being such a huge dyke, Joey had never hung a label on himself. The way he figured, as long as he was a virgin he didn’t technically have a sexual orientation. A lot of people would probably disagree with that. Maybe it was just a cop-out, just an excuse to delay coming out as… what? Gay or bi? Vanessa would surely be able to tell him, but no way he was confiding in her.

  They entered the packed dining room, and made a beeline for the buffet, soon sitting down to stacks of pancakes, eggs, bacon, and sausage. Notwithstanding the overflowing plates and the boisterous breakfast hall, Vanessa seemed to be in the same contemplative mood as Joey.

  All he could think about was Greg and the way they’d woken up at the break of dawn. The sky was an unnatural shade of blue, like it wanted to stay dark but the sun was forcing light into it. He’d thought he was dreaming. Everything from the night before seemed imaginary—the drinking, the skinny dipping, not to mention meeting Greg and having sex for the first time.

  Joey stared at his breakfast sausage, watching it expand in his mind until it was huge, veined, red-tipped, and pulsing in Greg’s mouth. He’d never been woken up like that before, in a haze of dreamy pleasure so good it couldn’t possibly be real. Greg had rested his head across Joey’s thighs, fist wrapped lazily around his shaft, sucking slowly.

  When Joey realized the blow job wasn’t a dream he almost jumped, but Greg restrained him. The only option was to gaze at the woods, lake, embers of a fire. Were there people around? His heart pounded in his throat at the idea of getting caught with his dick between another guy’s lips.

  “Stop,” he tried to say. The word came out like a rasp, almost inaudible. “Oh my god.”

  Greg started humming and it sounded like “Mmmm,” like he was savouring the taste of Joey’s skin. Greg’s mouth was wet and warm, and Joey wondered if that’s what a pussy would feel like, and he wondered if he’d ever fuck one. He hoped so, one day. He’d like to be able to compare.

  “You awake?” Greg asked around Joey’s shaft, looking up briefly.

  Their gazes met and Greg chuckled, which made Joey wonder what he looked like in that moment. Bedhead? Or simply stunned?

  “Better than an alarm clock, right?” Greg held Joey’s dick upright and moved down to his tight balls.

  Joey hissed, trying to keep quiet. He knew his voice would carry over the glass lake they’d swum in last night. Everything was still and silent. He bit down on his tongue in hopes that would help, but it only made him whimper like a puppy.

  His body was waking up too fast now, the pleasure intense enough to be jarring. Greg’s hot, wet mouth sucked him toward the edge like a satin slipper. God, those slurping noises. The way Greg gazed up at him adoringly, worshipfully, using only his mouth—no hands, just a tongue and two lips. Sucking, diving, swallowing, devouring, until…

  “Joey, what are you doing?”

  His sister was talking to him, staring expectantly across the breakfast table like he owed her an answer to some unheard question.

  “Huh?” He shook his head and his brain rattled around inside his skull. “Oww. What?”

  Vanessa nodded toward the petite brunette standing beside their table with a pot of coffee.

  “Did you want some?” The girl flashed a bright smile and Joey followed a wave of shiny hair down her front. Her white shirt wasn’t buttoned all the way up, and where the collar flipped out rebelliously, he could just spy the curve of her breast.

  “Uhhh-huh,” Joey mumbled, trying not to stare at her boobs.

  Vanessa laughed as the girl leaned across the table to fill Joey’s clunky white mug. His hard-on pounded the lame-ass khakis his mother had bought for him. He felt his cheeks burning up when she looked his way and smiled.

  “You’re such a dick,” Vanessa snickered when the coffee girl had moved away. “Can’t stop thinking about fucking her tits, can you?”

  The elderly couple at the next table raised their haughty eyebrows, gazing at Vanessa in astonishment. Vanessa glared back at them and then looked away swiftly. Mission accomplished, she sat up perfectly straight and pretended to adjust a tie she wasn’t wearing.

  “You’re such a ball-buster, Ness.”

  “Dude, I gotta ask you something.” Vanessa pushed her plate to the side and leaned across the table. She smelled like alcohol and something else—something tangy and sweet, and even if he didn’t know what that aroma was he knew it made him uncomfortable.

  When his sister didn’t ask her question, Joey leaned in close. She looked really serious. “What’s up?”

  Taking darting glances around the room, she asked, “Has Mom ever mentioned someone in the family being adopted?”

  The question seemed pretty inane until he started wondering why the hell she was asking him. “Fuck, Ness, am I adopted?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, you’re alien spawn, probably.” After looking around the room again, she said, “No, I mean like someone in mom’s family? Like maybe did she mention grandma and grandpa adopting someone?”

  “What?” Joey took a swig of hot coffee and tried to make sense of what his sister was asking. “Look, it’s too early for pussyfooting around. Just ask what you’re asking and I’ll answer.”

  Her shoulders dropped and she groaned, holding her head up with both hands. “Fine! Okay fine, I talked to Maggie last night and… you cannot repeat a word of this, you hear?”


  “I’m serious!” And it showed.

  “I know!” Joey said. “Who am I gonna tell?”

  Vanessa let out a big breath and leaned in even closer, but she smelled so strong Joey bent back and turned his nostrils toward his breakfast plate.

  “I talked to our cousin Maggie last night, okay? And she told me her mother isn’t really sisters with our mom, not by birth. She said her mom was adopted.”

  “Aunt Janet’s adopted?” This sounded like fiction. “No way.”

  It was such a bizarre thought that it made Joey’s stomach feel like a black hole. He kept shovelling pancakes in to seal the rupture, but nothing worked. He didn’t know why the thought of his aunt being adopted made him feel so strange. Even if it was true it wouldn’t really change anything, but the idea disrupted his worldview just enough to be deeply unsettling.

  “So Mom never said anything to you? Maggie said the pregnant girl was a neighbour, only fifteen years old, and she asked grandma and grandpa to raise the baby.” Vanessa gripped her coffee mug with both hands, like she was desperate for confirmation. “Nothing?”

  Joey really tried, because this seemed important to his sister, but every time he thought about his mom all he could see was her big naked butt sticking up in the air. He shuddered, feeling suddenly very woozy.


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