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The Complete Dramatic Works of Tang Xianzu

Page 34

by Tang Xianzu

  Is bound to lose his head.

  (Greet the Tubo General)


  We take wine from Dahexi and watermelons from Xiaohexi every summer. It’s time to go again. Now listen to my orders!

  (Soldiers answer in chorus)

  TUBO GENERAL (To the tune of Qingjiangyin):

  With wine pots and yurts we wander everywhere

  In the endless expanse of the western area.

  Why do Hans guard against us in autumn?

  All the products are the richest in summer here.

  Let’s all mount the horses, warriors!

  (The soldiers smell the wine)

  TUBO GENERAL (To the previous tune):

  As the wine is fragrant and sweet,

  We’ll enjoy ourselves to our hearts’ content.

  We’ll bite watermelons when intoxicated,

  While galloping and tramping on the flowers.

  We’ll beat the drums while hurrying on our way to loot.

  When grass is luxuriant in early summer,

  Our horses are in the best condition.

  The soldiers are busy with archery training,

  In preparation for successful military action.

  Scene Twenty-Nine

  Writing a War Proclamation

  (Enter Liu Gongji)

  LIU GONGJI (To the tune of Yizhihua):

  With feather-decorated army flags fluttering in the breeze,

  Our soldiers are patrolling to guard against invaders.

  When all military activities have ceased,

  We’ll enjoy leisure fully relaxed.

  Listening to the twitters of cicadas,

  I suddenly find a few gray hairs on my head.

  Under the shadows of green trees,

  I, like the famous ancient general Feng Yi, gradually turn old,

  But still have a bearing both scholarly and refined.

  (In the pattern of Linjiangxian)

  “Life is prosperous in the middle empire,

  While there’s an endless desert in the northwest.

  With the beloved native land in mind,

  Stationed near the windy west frontiers,

  I’ll render a service meritorious and splendid.

  Blowing horns can be heard near the Great Wall all night;

  Stars can be seen in the western area at dawn.

  Around me are civil officials of literary talent,

  As well as consultants of far-reaching insight

  And generals of military aptitude.”

  I’m Liu Gongji. His Majesty appoints me as Governor to guard the western frontier. I have recently moved our camps outside the Yumen Pass. Approved by His Majesty, I assign the Number One Scholar Li Yi, an old friend of mine, to be my military consultant. As he will report to duty today, I have ordered my troops to drill in battle array as a welcome for him. Attendant, get the wine ready.

  (Drum and horns within)

  (Enter Li Yi, followed by subordinates)

  LI YI (To the tune of Manjianghong):

  While horse-neighs resound to the sky,

  I tighten my silk rein and hold up the whip.

  I can hear horns and drums by the riverside

  Echoing in the mountains.

  When songs from the campsite come to my ears,

  Red flags on watchtowers flutter before my eyes.


  The grass is green at the waterfront,

  To welcome a man of superior talent.

  (Liu Gongji and Li Yi greet each other)


  “You are the best poet today,

  LI YI:

  But I must obey you in military affairs.


  You are my most honoured guest,

  LI YI:

  But I depend on you to do meritorious deeds.”

  LIU GONGJI (Smiles):

  Li Junyu, I’m so glad today. Attendant, serve the wine!


  “A sunny day is the best for painting;

  A breezy day is the best for drinking.”

  Here’s the wine.

  LIU GONGJI (To the tune of Liangzhouxu):

  Officials at court praise in one accord

  Your elegant appearance

  And your literary talent.

  As it’s our fate to co-operate at the frontier,

  I’m now welcoming you with great respect.

  With your rich literary knowledge

  And resourceful military skills,

  The frontier will be an impregnable fortress.

  Since I come here as the chief commander,

  I’ve been dreaming of an outstanding figure

  To act as a competent helper.


  In a weather so clear and mild,

  A military report reaches the headquarters

  That it is peaceful on the frontiers.

  People are jubilant

  At the grand banquet.

  LI YI (To the previous tune):

  With extraordinary appearance and graceful manners,

  As well as ruddy complexion and black hair,

  You are indeed a dashing commander.

  By the Great Wall of thousands of miles,

  You’ll station here in the military camp.

  Looking at our army in gallant spirits,

  You’ll take authoritative command

  And become the most brilliant hero in the world.

  The frontier will be impregnable

  Under your command,

  And you will be highly awarded by the court.


  In a weather so clear and mild,

  A military report reaches the headquarters

  That it is peaceful on the frontiers.

  People are jubilant

  At the grand banquet.


  I have something important to consult with you. Beyond the Great Wall, there are two states, Dahexi and Xiaohexi, which has blocked the Hans since Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty set up the four counties in the western area. The two states have been paying tributes to us. Dahexi presents wine to our Jiuquan County, while Xiaohexi presents watermelons to our Beiguazhou County. But recently, threatened by the Tubo state, they dare not pay tributes to us any longer. So we intend to declare a war on them. I want you to write a report to His Majesty.

  LI YI:

  Let me think it over.

  LIU GONGJI (To the previous tune):

  The green tents are patterned with birds flying in the wind;

  The army flags are adorned with coiling dragons and snakes in the clouds.

  With the tunes Dachanyu and Xiaochanyu played all night,

  No presence of enemy has been reported.

  His Majesty attaches great importance to the western frontier;

  His order to guard it is determinate and clear,

  And your report can well settle the military affairs.

  With your report written in quick wit,

  We will soon dispatch troops westward.


  In a weather so clear and mild,

  A military report reaches the headquarters

  That it is peaceful on the frontiers.

  People are jubilant

  At the grand banquet.

  LI YI:

  It is not a bad idea to start a war on Dahexi and Xiaohexi since they no longer pay tributes to us. But the weather is not desirable with irregular sunny days and rainy days in the fourth month and the fifth month. Let me write a false war proclamation just to scare Dahexi and Xiaohexi. And we can also consider dispatching troops to cut off Tubo’s route of retreat so that they dare not send all their troops to invade Dahexi and Xiaohexi. In this way, tributes to us will be continued.


  That’s a good idea. You have both literary talent and military strategy. Attendants, serve wine in a goblet!

  LI YI (To the previous tune):

  Your worth will be appreciat
ed and win you a promotion;

  Your post of chief commander doesn’t interfere with your relaxation.

  You discard an exquisite life filled with formalities

  And numerous attendants crowding around.

  You prefer a life unrestrained,

  A gallant and martial life

  Those high officials would hardly believe

  You can enjoy in the west.

  Working under such an outstanding commander as you,

  Even a man of letters will never feel hard and strenuous.


  In a weather so clear and mild,

  A military report reaches the headquarters

  That it is peaceful on the frontiers.

  People are jubilant

  At the grand banquet.

  (Enter female singers and dancers)


  “Bringing along our dancing costumes to the frontier,

  We sing and dance with the bright moon in the sky.”

  (Play music)

  (To the tune of Jiejiegao)

  When the decorated drum

  Is beaten,

  Various musical instruments begin to play.

  The melodies from the Qiuci state

  And the songs from the Yutian state

  Are full of joy.

  The tunes from Yizhou and Liangzhou

  And the music from Ganzhou soar to the sky.


  Wearing military robes we drink wine to the wind

  And sing of our happiness in the front.


  (To the previous tune)

  As soon as the flute music stops,

  Dance performance begins,

  With ribbons flying around.

  The dancing girls can dance on plates held in hand,

  With lithe and graceful movements

  Like whirlwind.

  Young are the dancing girls,

  Who perform under bright lamps.


  Wearing military robe we drink wine to the wind

  And sing of our happiness in the front.

  LIU GONGJI (To the tune of Coda):

  As every piece of tune is pleasant to the ear,

  People whistle in satisfaction after the festival.

  I’m really like Ban Chao, the famous ancient general.

  As the grand banquet in the camp is held at night,

  Our patrolman hurries with war information to report.

  When the proclamation is quickly written by candlelight,

  All the people agree that Li Yi is an outstanding talent.

  (Left alone on the stage)

  Tell the adjutant to fetch two proclamations from Li Yi tomorrow morning. We will, in the name of His Majesty, order Dahexi and Xiaohexi to continue their tributes. If they still disobey, we’ll start a war. Li Yi can really solve the problem well. It is true indeed,

  “While battle steeds should not be left idle,

  The report will bring us into high spirits.”


  Scene Thirty

  Subjection of Dahexi and Xiaohexi

  (Enter the Dahexi king with a blue face, a big nose and a thick beard)

  DAHEXI KING (To the tune of Fendie’er):

  The Dahexi state prospers in radiant splendour,

  Having a vast territory

  And taking absolute possession of this land.

  Nourished by horse-milk wine and delicious meals,

  We are stalwart and strong.

  Our chest is wrapped in expensive colourful cloth;

  From our eyes never drop tears.

  I am king of the Dahexi state. It is time for grapes to ripe. We will make grape wine to present to the Tubo state when the east wind blows. I heard that the Tang emperor stations troops at the Yumen Pass and wants us to be subjugated to them. I don’t care whether it is the Tubo state or the Tang Empire that we’ll be subjugated to. “First come, first served.” Now that we are brewing wine, let’s look and see who comes first.

  (Enter a Dahexi soldier)


  Report! Report! Ambassador from the Tang Empire has arrived.


  Here comes the ambassador! The Tang Emperor’s edict orders the Dahexi king to kneel and listen, “It has been a convention that grapes must be presented to us, the Hans. We have sent the chief military commander Liu Gongji and the military consultant Li Yi to govern you. War will be proclaimed on you if you do not obey.” Now you kowtow and give thanks to the imperial decree.

  DAHEXI KING (Rises to his feet):

  Invite the Tang ambassador to a banquet with horse milk.


  As I’m now going to the Xiaohexi state, I can’t stay any longer. Goodbye.


  Now we are subjugated to the Tang Empire.

  “We have been a powerful country,

  But are now subject to the Hans.”


  (Enter the Xiaohexi king with a blue face, a big nose and a thick beard)

  XIAOHEXI KING (To the tune of Xinshuiling):

  Once a state like a powerful and invincible lion,

  We are now conquered and no longer awe-inspiring.

  Having just enjoyed a sweet watermelon

  And bathed a comfortable bath in the river,

  I now play a sharp iron sabre skillfully,

  To boil stinky fat mutton.

  I am king of the Xiaohexi state. We used to be subjugated to the Tang Empire, but were later forced by the Tubo state to pay tributes to them. Whenever the grapes are ripe, they would come to loot. If they come to loot again, I’d rather submit to the authority of the Tang Empire again.


  Ambassador from Tang has arrived. The Tang Emperor’s edict orders the Xiaohexi king to kneel and listen: “Considering that Xiaohexi is located in a remote region, we have sent the chief military commander Liu Gongji and the military consultant Li Yi to govern you. War will be proclaimed on you if you do not obey.” Now you kowtow and give thanks to the imperial decree.

  XIAOHEXI KING (Rises to his feet):

  Invite the ambassador to a banquet of mutton.


  As I’m going to have Tubo’s retreat route cut off, I can’t stay any longer. Goodbye.


  Let us subjugate ourselves to the Tang Empire.

  “When the imperial edict comes,

  We are awfully scared.”


  (Enter the black-faced Tubo General, followed by soldiers)

  TUBO GENERAL (To the tune of Yizhihua):

  Chilly winds blow hard on the road to the Bailan Mountains;

  Places with water are the best resort of escape from summer heat.

  Shining weapons are displayed at military camp gate.

  In the sweeping sandstorm,

  We are in battle array under flapping flags

  And in battle roar.

  Wearing a coloured cloth hat

  And a felt garment,

  I proudly flick my sword to the music.

  “A state situated against the mountains,

  We’ve subjugated all the states in the west.

  Dahexi and Xiaohexi are exceptions,

  Who’re subjugated to the Hans.”

  I’m a Tubo general. Now I am gathering my soldiers to loot Dahexi and Xiaohexi. What beautiful scenery along the way!

  (Hunting while traveling on)

  (To the tune of Duanzhenghao)

  With military flags fluttering in the sun,

  Our horses march on under clouds.

  With grass growing luxuriantly along our way,

  I lead my soldiers to hunt all the day

  And camp near the Yellow Flower Valley now.

  (To the tune of Gunxiuqiu)

  While strong winds sweep over the grass,

  When can we see the scenery of swaying willows? />
  We can hear the cooing wild geese and foxes,

  The rushing river deer,

  The racing rabbits,

  The shivering porcupines,

  And the frightened tigers.

  With the hard-blowing wind

  Come spasms of drumbeats.

  The flying arrows redden the grass,

  And the vulture blood stain my sleeves.

  Oh! Here we are in the Dahexi state. Ask them whether grape wine is ready for us.


  The Tang Empire has sent an ambassador to our state and we have surrendered.


  Alas! Dahexi has been conquered by the Tang Empire!

  (To the tune of Tangxiucai)

  The Tang Empire conquers the silly Dahexi state

  That abounds in luscious grapes,

  Of which mellow wine is made.

  You used to submit to us with wine as tribute,

  But now do the same with Tang.

  You are a shameless blackguard!

  Warriors, let’s loot them!

  (Killing while walking)

  Oh! The Xiaohexi state is ahead. Ask them whether watermelons are ready for us.


  The Tang Empire has sent an ambassador to our state and we have surrendered.


  The Xiaohexi state has also been conquered by the Tang Empire.

  (To the tune of Yaopian)

  Stubborn and strange are the little Xiaohexi men.

  Luscious are their watermelons with black seeds and red pulp,

  Whose coolness penetrates to the heart.

  If you present watermelons, you’ll erase my annoyance in the heat.

  Otherwise I will carve up your land

  And see what you are to do!


  The Tang Empire has sent troops to cut off your retreat. Are you afraid of them?


  Is that true?

  (To the tune of Coda)

  We allow you to obey the Tang Empire for the moment,

  Which may not be dependable for long.

  We have just known your betrayal to us,

  But someday will vanquish you in battle drums.

  We are hunters with great vigor and high spirits,

  But Dahexi and Xiaohexi make us distressed.

  Subjugation to Tang retains your king’s leadership,

  But don’t you know we pose to you a great threat?

  Scene Thirty-One

  Escaping the Summer Heat on the Tower

  (Enter Liu Gongji)

  LIU GONGJI (To the tune of Xidijin):

  No heat is felt here in the northwest

  Because there are high buildings to prevent sunstroke.

  As our military victory is worth boasting,

  I’m indulged in drinking wine.

  (In the pattern of Yiluosuo)


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