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The Complete Dramatic Works of Tang Xianzu

Page 106

by Tang Xianzu


  When he weathers the wind and sands,

  How can we know what he is doing?


  He has intelligence

  And wisdom to his claim,

  But suffers from “fame and name”.


  Spring is gone

  And autumn is near.

  The wife shelters her face with her gauze fan

  And sheds a flood of tears

  For her man’s alluring affection.

  MISS CUI (To the tune of Yeyudawutong):

  I tidy my emerald pins

  And face the mirror without a word.


  What about taking a stroll in the back garden?

  MISS CUI (Walks on):

  When I leisurely move my feet

  And walk slowly,

  What if I should trip my steps?



  If the lotus flowers

  Do not blossom for the beloved,

  Why should they come into blooms?


  With profound affection,

  It’s easy to pass the long summer day

  But is it possible to cut short the winter night?


  Meixiang, fetch the flute and the lute and play a bit to while away the time.

  (Meixiang and maidservants play the flute and the lute)


  That’s enough.

  (To the tune of Tanpojinziling)

  The music of the flute and the lute

  Throws me into sorrow.

  I’ll sit in the room for a while

  To idle away my time.

  I have nothing to do in this pleasant season.


  You have seduced this man

  And made love with him.

  And now you’ll look for him

  And make all the moans.

  How is a widow to spend her life?


  Spring is gone

  And autumn is near.

  The wife shelters her face with her gauze fan

  And sheds a flood of tears

  For her man’s alluring affection.

  MISS CUI (To the tune of Yeyudawutong):

  I expect the horse

  To bring him back to me.

  The hills and rills afar

  Are enshrouded in mist.


  If you don’t want to go to the back garden, let’s gaze out of the front gate. There might be some message from the border area.


  That’s true. That’s true.


  VOICE WITHIN (Sings a ballad):

  Although young maids worry about their age

  With too much regret,

  Let’s listen to their songs.


  When I lean on the gate and look outside,

  I see your knitted brows.

  When I look up,

  I see your slant phoenix hairpin.


  With profound affection,

  lt’s easy to pass the long summer day

  But is it possible to cut short the winter night?

  (Enter an officer)


  An urgent message reports victories;

  Favours come from His Majesty.

  Madam, when His Excellency won victory after victory and sent a quick message to the court, His Majesty was delighted and told the ministers and generals to celebrate for three days. His Excellency has been conferred the title of Marquis of Conquering the West and granted the land tax of three thousand households. His Majesty has sent an envoy to call him back at once, to take up the position of Defense Minister with the titles of Prince Instructor and Honorary Prime Minister. He is to serve at court morning and evening.


  Thank heavens!

  (To the tune of Coda)

  As the lucky spider hangs on my skirt,

  So the sudden good news burns my ears.

  Let’s arrange song and dance to meet him.

  At the time when he left, I was so sad;

  When he returns, drums and music ring.

  May I venture to ask the passing lad

  How he compares my man with the hero Huo Qubing?

  Scene Nineteen


  (Enter Yuwen Rong, followed by his attendants)

  YUWEN RONG (To the tune of Qiuyeyue):

  The carriage and four

  Has just reached the court.

  Most of the officials are servile,

  But I cannot tolerate those who are thoughtless.


  I’ll make it today;

  I’ll make it today.

  To my great joy, His Majesty is biased

  And listens to me alone on this earth.

  I would not make trouble this life,

  But I was wicked by birth.

  I’m Yuwen Rong, the present-day Prime Minister. A few years ago, the Number One Scholar Lu Sheng refused to be a servile student to me. Therefore, I’ve always borne grudges against him. I tried to get him into the mire by assigning him the job of digging the channels. However, who knows that he achieved the feat of digging a three-hundred-mile canal. When I tried again to get him into trouble by assigning him the job of fighting the Tubo troops, he achieved the feat of expanding one thousand miles of border territory. His Majesty endowed him with the title of Marquis of Conquering the West, Prince Instructor, Defense Minister and Honorary Prime Minister. By now I haven’t yet found another way to get him into a trap. After a few days of meditation, I decided to send a reliable agent to probe into his private secrets. It is reported that he bribed the Tubo general into feigning a defeat and thus won an easy victory. When he reached the Tianshan Mountain area, he got a letter from the Tubo general tied at the foot of a wild goose. After he read the letter, he murmured to himself that he would withdraw the troops and stop pursuing the enemy.


  Isn’t this an evident proof that he had secret communication with the enemy and committed treason? If I let him get away with that, I will never have a better chance. I have drafted an impeachment against him, but I wonder whether the recently promoted Honorary Prime Minister Xiao Song will sign it or not. Now that I’ve set a trap for him, I don’t know when he will come.

  (Enter Xiao Song)

  XIAO SONG (To the tune of Xidijin):

  Both in the office with topmost claim,

  Prime Minister is a worthy name.


  With Lu Sheng in charge of military affairs,

  He and I become pillars treading on airs.

  (Greets Yuwen Rong)

  We enter the palace hall at dawn


  And leave the imperial office at dusk.


  The fastidious ministers at court


  Spread the gossip in vain.


  Your Highness, where comes the gossip?


  Don’t you know? It goes around the court that Lu Sheng should be executed for his towering crime of having secret communication with the Tubo troops and committing treason. If we don’t report it to the emperor, we’ll be held responsible.


  What do you mean?


  Why do you think he reached the Tianshan Mountain and suddenly turned back? It happened that he accepted bribery and a private letter from the Tubo general.


  As Lu Sheng is a meritorious minister, we’d better refrain ourselves.

  YUWEN RONG (Laughs):

  (To the tune of Bashengganzhou)

  He cheats and betrays His Majesty;

  He keeps illicit relations with foreign nations

  And leaks out national secrets.


p; I don’t think that’s the true story. As the Tubo general fled out of fear, it’s a great success for Lu Sheng.

  YUWEN RONG (Laughs):

  Re Longmang

  May have feigned

  To be defeated.


  Lu Sheng should have crushed the Tubo headquarters;

  Why should he have read the letter in private?


  Don’t rush to a conclusion

  As it is no small matter.

  XIAO SONG (To the previous tune):

  To be true or not true —

  That is the question.

  As the border areas are far away,

  We have to make sure.


  The story is absolutely true; otherwise, Lu Sheng should have reported it to His Majesty when he received the letter from the Tubo general.


  The commander in the army

  May make decisions according to the circumstances.

  What’s more, he’s recovered the border areas.

  YUWEN RONG (Gets angry):

  You’re colluding to deceive His Majesty.


  I’d rather collude to give my advice

  Than see a loyal minister to be wronged.


  Don’t rush to a conclusion

  As it is no small matter.

  YUWEN RONG (Laughs):

  Oh I see. You’re defending your colleague instead of your state. I’ve got everything ready. Here’s the manuscript for the impeachment. Just have a look.

  XIAO SONG (Reads):

  Right Prime Minister Yuwen Rong and Left Prime Minister Xiao Song are to present an impeachment against a treacherous general Lu Sheng, the former Administrator and Military Commander in Hexi and the present Marquis of the West, Defense Minister and Honorary Prime Minister, who received letters and bribes from the Tubo general Re Longmang. While Re Longmang feigned a defeat and retreated, Lu Sheng feigned to make advances. On arriving at the Tianshan Region, Lu Sheng received a private letter from Re Longmang and then withdrew his troops. Lu Sheng must be beheaded for high treason. Your obedient ministers Yuwen Rong and Xiao Song bow and report to Your Majesty. Wow! For such critical matters, Your Excellency is going to make a vague impeachment without giving me any previous notice. In such circumstances, you are compelling me to sign it!

  YUWEN RONG (Irritated):

  Do you dare to say three “no’s”?


  No! No! No!

  YUWEN RONG (Sneers):

  How daring you are! Tell the secretary to fetch a pen and add the lines to accuse you of high treason as well. You will have your time to plead for yourself.

  XIAO SONG (Sighs aside):

  “Misfortune befalls him that contends.” It’s hard for me to contend with him on these matters. I used to present my memorial to the emperor with the signature of “Faithful”, but today I’ll have to play some tricks by adding an “un” before my signature so that I may find some excuse in the future.

  (To Yuwen Rong)

  Please calm your anger, Your Excellency. I’m willing to sign it.

  (Signs his name)

  YUWEN RONG (Laughs):

  I said that you would not be so bold. Let’s present our joint-impeachment to His Majesty tomorrow morning.


  The heroes are not to be smeared with art and craft;


  The treacherous pretenders must be wiped out.


  No gentleman e’er shows regret or doubt;


  No genuine man e’er goes without a vicious heart.

  Scene Twenty

  Narrow Escape from Death

  (Enter Butler)


  Medals are conferred from the state

  To officials of the topmost rate.

  I am the butler to Master Lu, Marquis of Conquering the West. In command of all the troops for several years, Master Lu has been Honorary Prime Minister. All the officers and officials in the court are his disciples. As a special favour to him, His Majesty gives audience to him three times a day. As it’s about noontime and Master Lu will soon be back from his second audience in the court, I’ll be waiting for him now. Here comes Madame Cui.

  (Enter Miss Cui, followed by Maidservant and Meixiang)


  I am Miss Cui. With blessings from His Majesty, my husband has been promoted to the highest civil and military positions. The residence bestowed by His Majesty is equipped with a magnificent gate and decorative buildings. He is highly respected in the court because of his brilliant military exploits in the border areas. Not to speak of my husband, I as his wife am no less influential. I am entitled as the First-Rank Lady and all my grown-up children are promoted to high positions. How extraordinary it is!

  (Noise of tiles being broken within)

  MISS CUI (Taken aback):

  Old maid, what’s the noise?

  MAIDSERVANT (Takes a look):

  A mandarin-duck tile has fallen broken from the eaves.

  MISS CUI (Astonished):

  Alas, how is it that a mandarin-duck tile has fallen broken?

  MEIXIANG (Looks):

  Oh, the tile is broken by a golden pellet shot at a crow.

  MISS CUI (Sighs):

  As is said by a saint: “The crow knows where the wind blows and the ant knows when the rain falls. Misfortunes come when the skin and flesh shivers; good tidings come when the skirt-belt is untied.” The mandarin-ducks symbolize the love between man and wife; the crows caw with bad omens; the fallen pellet is a sign of disunion; the broken tile means separation. Gracious heavens, does it mean that shocking news is coming?

  (To the tune of Shanghuashi)

  I sit in my mansion, tall and magnificent,

  And see subordinates standing in the hall.

  In the shade of trees beside the eaves,

  Who can approach the mandarin-duck tiles

  And shoot at crows with golden pellets?

  (Noise of an approaching procession)


  Now that my man is returning from the court, get the wine ready.

  (Enter Lu Sheng, followed by his attendants)


  I am Lu Sheng. After I consulted on some affairs before His Majesty and ate lunch, I am going home now.

  (To the tune of Yao)

  In a decorative carriage I pass the Donghua Gate

  And go home girdled with a jade belt and ushered by gongs.

  The new embankment is built on old sands,

  But I can hardly enjoy the sights with my wife

  Along the palace moat in all its vernal splendour.

  (Lu Sheng and Miss Cui greet each other)


  As you are just back from the court, I’ve opened a jar of royal wine and will make a toast to you.


  Thank you very much.

  (Music within)


  I’ll first drink a few cups with you and have them bottoms up. For each cup you do not drink

  up, you’ll have to drink one more cup of wine.



  LU SHENG (Drinks the wine):

  This is a cup for the distinction of man and wife. Bottoms up!


  You’ve finished your cup. Now it’s my turn. A cup for the distinction of man and wife. Bottoms up!

  LU SHENG (Smiles):

  You haven’t drained your cup.

  MISS CUI (Smiles and drinks):

  I’ve drained this cup. As the poem has it,

  The wine down the narrow orifice is as red as the pearls.

  LU SHENG (Smiles):

  Madam, your orifice is wide enough.

  (Drumbeats within)


  Report, report! It’s said that arme
d soldiers have come out of the Donghua Gate. We don’t know why they are coming?


  Never mind about them. I’ll call bottoms up and drain the cup with you.

  MISS CUI (Drinks):

  A cup for the distinction of wife and man. Bottoms up!


  You’ve taken the lead and drained this cup. Now it’s my turn. A cup for the distinction of wife and man. Bottoms up!


  You haven’t drained your cup.


  Madam, as the poem has it,

  The wine on the gilded stick flows in drips.


  Master, your stick is always dripping.

  (Lu Sheng laughs)

  (Drumbeats within)

  (Enter Butler)


  Report, report! Armed soldiers have come out of the Donghua Gate and filled the streets and lanes. What a roar they’re making!


  Never mind about them. I’ll dry the third cup with my wife.

  (Enter Lu Sheng’s sons, weeping)


  Dad and Mom, the armed soldiers in battle array are approaching our residence.

  LU SHENG (Startled):

  (To the tune of Northern Zuihuayin)

  In all these days,

  I dream a lot while serving the night shift in the court,

  Surrounded by pretty ladies in red and green.

  My residence should be kept quiet;

  In this magnificent mansion,

  Who dares to make such a noise?


  (Cries of “Arrest him! Arrest him!” within)


  They keep shouting

  “Arrest him! Arrest him!”

  Have the thieves run away or escaped from prison? Otherwise,

  Why are there noises of weapons and soldiers?

  (Enter officers with spears and ropes, ordering the soldiers to surround the house)

  (Exeunt Maidservant and Meixiang in a panic)

  LU SHENG (Annoyed):

  Who dares!

  OFFICERS (To the tune of Southern Huameixu):

  The imperial edict to arrest you


  Oh, you are imperial envoys. Come in please.


  Is brought to your house from the Central Office.

  LU SHENG (In a panic):

  Whom are you going to arrest in my house?


  We’ve come to arrest you,

  To arrest you alone.

  LU SHENG (Frightened):

  So you’ve come to arrest me. What am I guilty of?


  The Right Prime Minister has accused you of a serious crime.

  It is no ordinary crime,

  But a crime that violates the martial law.



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