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The Book of Joshua I - Trust (The Gems & Gents Series 2)

Page 4

by Iris Bolling

  LaVeré nodded. “The demand came to Raheem. He was given an account number to transfer the money to by midnight. The funds were to be transferred as American currency.”

  “Any idea who is behind the kidnapping?”

  “No,” LaVeré replied.

  “It wasn’t the people holding her,” Joshua responded. “The people holding her did not care who she was. They only cared about the payment.” He sat forward placing his glass on the table. “The place I infiltrated was a holding cell. It appears to be a kidnapping ring that acts as the go-between, to protect the mastermind. There are several operations in this region whose sole purpose is to take the person and hold them until the ransom is paid. Once they receive their split, the person is released or killed, which ever the mastermind instructs. The person behind the plan has no part in the implementation. I believe the woman upstairs, may have been taken from her home as well.”

  “When was she taken?”

  “I can’t say,” Joshua replied. “What we need to determine is the woman’s role in all of this. If she was taken, we will give her the option of returning. If she is a part of the operation, then she is subject to the laws of your country. If I’m correct, any act of violence against the royal family is considered treason. The penalty for treason is death.”

  “I can tell you now that my mother will not allow Aswan to take the woman’s life if she cared for Zsa Zsa in any way.”

  “The woman’s outcome is secondary and can be determined tomorrow. What needs your attention now, is who inside your home is a traitor.”

  “It is inconceivable to believe any member of the staff is capable of this. Every staff member is the descendant of servants. Their families are groomed for their positions from birth. It is an honor to be a part of the staff.”

  “Was it an honor for Jamal?” Joshua asked as he thought about the man who attempted to kill his sister-in-law Cynthia, who at the time was engaged to LaVeré.

  LaVeré sighed, “This is true, however, many changes and security features have been put in place since that time.”

  “Yet, they were still able to come into the palace and take Zsa Zsa.” Joshua nodded.

  “Sadly, he is correct,” King Aswan stated as he walked into the great-room. The men immediately rose at his entrance. He waved them down. “Sit, please,” he said as he took a seat in the chair across from the sofa. A table was between him and Joshua. “My family, my country and I thank you for your actions on this day. You have our gratitude and bond from this moment on.” He lowered his head, “I am ashamed to say, you are right. The gates to the palace could only be opened by someone inside.” He looked up at LaVeré. “Since the birth of my son, I’m afraid I have been negligent in my duties. The security details have been left on Raheem’s shoulders.”

  “Raheem is not to blame for this Aswan,” LaVeré defended his brother.

  “Please do not misunderstand, my brother. I do not hold Raheem responsible for this in anyway. It is my responsibility to protect this family and my country. I alone bear the burden of our mother’s tears and our father’s disappointment.”

  “Our mother’s tears are now dry, King Aswan,” LaVeré stated.

  “I think you are more disappointed than your father, King Aswan.” Joshua added. “This type of attack happens regularly. What you need to do now is ensure the people responsible are found. Others need to know, your countrymen are protected by you. Come after any one of them and the consequences will be death.”

  “How do we find the responsible parties? Zsa Zsa is now home and in her mother’s arms. We do not have to pay the ransom.”

  “There are a few leads,” Joshua stated. “I will find the responsible party and put them at your doorstep.”

  Chapter Four

  It felt as if she was floating on a cloud. The guard would be coming through soon to check on the girl, she thought. Opening her eyes was the last thing she wanted to do, but she had no choice. Akande rolled over flinging one arm against her forehead. Suddenly she sat up, threw the sheet off and jumped out of the bed. Turning around, she looked from one item to another. This is not the dungeon, she thought as she swiped her hair from her face. Her eyes quickly looked around the room until she spotted him sitting in the chair near the door.

  “Good morning.”

  Akande looked up to see a man dressed in a tan linen shirt, matching pants and sandals, with his legs crossed at the knee. She had never seen him before and had no idea if he was friend or foe. Looking around the room there was nothing she could use as a weapon. Glancing down, she noticed her clothes had been changed and she felt clean. She narrowed her eyes at him. At least in the dungeon, she knew who her captors were. Here...she did not know where here was. The unknown was a fear for her; therefore she did the only thing she could: Attack.

  Joshua saw her intent before she took the first step. He jumped from the chair he was casually leaning in. Using his arm, he blocked her kick, which caused her to fall to the floor. Standing now, he watched as she took the battle stance with her feet apart, arms up, ready to attack. He almost laughed out loud seeing her take a battle stance against him. He thought she would stay down. He was wrong.

  “So you know a little Tae Kwon Do?” He asked as he appeared to be lazily leaning against the wall. He’d learned a long time ago to never underestimate his opponent. He may appear to be relaxed, but he was alert and ready.

  “Come near me and I will kill you.”

  Two strides and he was in the center of the room with his arms folded across his chest. He smiled. “Many women have tried, my sweet, and as you can see, I’m still standing.”

  “Who are you?”

  “Joshua.” He raised an eyebrow. “I know who you are. I don't understand your attitude at the moment. Most women are grateful when I rescue them.” He looked perplexed for a moment. “Do you know each of your names begins with the letter A? Akande Ariana Aubree. Nice name, by the way. You know, we have this company at home called Triple A. Can I call you Triple A?” He turned to take a seat at the table, when she attempted to kick him from behind. He caught her legs in midair and held her upside down. “Now, why do you want to be this way? All I said was good morning.”

  When she composed herself, in the upside down position, she curled her hand to make a fist, pulled back and swang.

  He jumped back. “Oh no, baby, not the jewels.” He flipped her onto the bed, as if she was nothing more than a flea. Taking the silk scarf from the chair, he tied her feet and hands together behind her back. She lay on her stomach like a seesaw. He pulled a chair to the foot of the bed, where she could see him, and sat.

  “I’m going to forgive you, for I understand you may be a little confused at the moment. However, you take another swing at my jewels and I’m going to knock you out. Are we clear?" He smiled, as daggers appeared to be shooting from her eyes. He wondered if that would translate into passion in a bed. He shook the thought away as the door opened.

  LaVeré walked in with a tray of food. He froze in the spot at the sight of the woman tied up as she was. He tilted his head at Joshua. “You seem to have a way with women.”

  Joshua smiled. “I think she likes me.”

  LaVeré put the tray of food on the table then glanced at the angry woman tied up on the bed. "I am not getting that feeling. Are you making any progress?”

  “Yes,” Joshua replied as he walked over to the table, picked up a slice of toast and bit into it. He pointed the toast in her direction as he spoke. “She speaks English.”

  “That should make communications easier.”

  Joshua looked at her. “I don’t know. She just tried to hit my jewels.”

  “Ouch." LaVeré folded his arms and stared at the woman. “Your mother would not be happy if you are unable to give her grandchildren.”

  “True,” Joshua replied as he picked up the tray and carried it over to the bed.

  “Can you handle her or do you need me to stay?”

  Joshua looked incredulou
sly over his shoulder. “Is that an insult?”

  “You’re the one with the woman’s hands and legs tied behind her back,” LaVeré laughed. "Since she speaks English this may be a good time for you to explain your life's mission for women." He smirked, then walked out of the room.

  Taking a seat, Joshua smiled. There may be something to LaVeré’s suggestion. "You may not believe this, but women generally love me. I think we just got off on the wrong foot." Still receiving daggers from the woman, he decided to switch tactics. He turned to the food. It was mid-morning, maybe she was hungry. "This looks good.” He crossed his legs as he sat back and bit into a slice of mango. Closing his eyes, he moaned. “Mmm, this is really good.” He picked up a napkin, held it under the fruit. “Here, taste.” She turned her head away. “I bit it first so you would know it’s not poisonous.”

  The woman watched him, then her eyes narrowed. She opened her mouth and he placed the fruit inside. She bit down on his fingers and would not let go.

  "Damn it." He dropped the napkin on the bed, then squeezed her jaw applying pressure until she released his fingers. He shook his fingers as if the bite was nothing. “Okay.” He shook his head. “That was my fault. I tried to force you to eat, when I should have asked if you were hungry.” He sat forward. “Let’s try again. Hello. My name is Joshua. Is it okay if I call you Triple A.”

  “That is not my name. My name is Akande Ariana Aubree,” she angrily replied with an accent.

  “Okay, okay, see, now we are getting somewhere." He looked at his fingers to make sure she had not drawn blood. "Since we are making progress, tell me this. Were you being held against your will?”

  “As I am now?”

  “There’s a difference,” he replied as he pointed his finger. “I rescued you and even had breakfast brought in as a peace offering, thinking you may be hungry. In payment for my thoughtfulness, and bravery, I might add, what did you do? You attacked me without cause or provocation. All I want to know is if you were being held against your will, do you want to go home?”

  A flicker of surprise appeared in her eyes, then quickly disappeared.

  Sitting back in the chair, Joshua crossed his legs at the ankles, staring at her and thought. Masking your reactions takes years of practice. The stance she took before attacking him was not amateurish, it was professional. Where did she learn that, he wondered.

  She had beautiful eyes, a slight slant to them. Dark lashes, against smooth chestnut skin. Her natural hair was twisted in a large single braid that was wrapped around her head like a crown. To him she looked like a temptress, in a neat little package. A wildcat. He liked that. “Where are you from?” he asked.

  The room was silent as he patiently waited for her to reply. At some point, she would realize he was not the enemy.


  “Finally." He threw his hands in the air. "Okay, next question. Do you want to return home?” He watched as the question played in her mind. He wondered why she had to think about the question. One would think she would be excited with the possibility of seeing her loved ones again.


  “Okay.” He stood, and placed the tray back on the table. He walked back to the bed and stood over her. “I’m going to untie you. Make a wrong move and I will take you out. Do you understand?"

  "Yes," she replied.

  With one flick of his wrist, she was released. She immediately jumped up from the bed and kicked his legs from under him. He fell to the floor. She sat on his back, grabbed the scarf, tied it around his neck and pulled with all her might. “Where is the girl?”

  "Whoa. That was good," he laughed as he reached back grabbed her by the neck and flipped her over. "One good turn deserves another," he said as he sat on her back. "You got the drop on me." He shook his head as he pulled the scarf from around his neck then ripped it in half. "I was looking at your lips instead of your eyes." He huffed as he ripped the scarf again. "My bad. What you don't know is I have six sisters who have tried that maneuver on me. You could take lessons from them." Angry now, he stood, putting his foot in her back to keep her down. "First you tried to kick me." He tied her feet together. "Then you tried to hit me in my balls, of all places," he yelled as he turned her over and tied her hands. "Then you bit me." He tied a strip around her mouth placing a knot behind her head. He stood over her to take a look at his work. Satisfied, he picked her up and sat her on the edge of the bed. "I pride myself on being a patient man, however, you are slowly pushing me over the edge. The only thing keeping me from knocking you the hell out is I think you have the girl’s best interests at heart." He huffed, then pulled the chair up and sat in front of her. "The girl is back with her family. What was your role in her capture?”

  The woman angrily mumbled something.

  He realized she couldn't speak. Frustrated, he reached behind her and pulled the scarf from her mouth. "I kill people for a living. Keep that in mind the next time you think about doing something to piss me off. Now answer me!" he yelled.

  The woman flinched at the controlled anger he was displaying. With fire coming from her nose, she replied. “I had no role in her capture,” she seethed. “I was only told to care for her. Where am I?”

  “Not important.” He crossed his legs at the ankle. His legs were so long they almost reached where she was sitting. “I'm not a mean person. I do however kill people when provoked. If, I’m so inclined I rescue a few. I’m good at both–damn good.” From time to time I return people to their families. You hesitated when I asked before. Are you sure you want to go home?”

  All Akande could do was stare at the tall dark man before her. Friend or enemy, he was an imposing figure. How she came to be here, in his presence, she did not know. The last thing she remembered was hearing steps at her door. Her confinement had heightened her senses. The moment the steps stopped at the first door, she immediately awakened. Not moving, she watched as a light swayed around the room. The click, he thought was silent, vibrated through her mind, as if it had been a bulldozer. She sprang up and grabbed the heaviest thing she could find, a book. After waiting for a minute, she heard no movement. She took a step towards the open doorway and peeked around in the room. Her next memory was of a few minutes ago when she opened her eyes.

  Fear, more so uneasiness, spread through her. She did not recognize him or know where she was. Anger filled her. She was tired of people just taking her and locking her away. Did he just ask something?

  “Are you?”

  She heard him ask again. “Am I what?”

  “I need you to stay focused. Are you sure you want to go home?”

  “If I am, what are you, as the Americans say, my knight in shining armor?”

  “I’ve been called that from time to time.” He smiled.

  His smile jarred her senses. She did not believe men who looked like him really existed. This man, she could look at for days and never blink away. He was dressed as if he was on vacation, not like a warrior, yet, there was something clearly in his eyes indicating he was dangerous. For some reason, unknown to her, she felt drawn to him. She shook the feeling away. “I want to leave here. I want to go home."

  “Where is home?”

  The sight of the fiery woman of five minutes ago, with her head now down, bothered him. He placed a finger under her chin, she quickly pushed it away. “That’s more like it. I like my women fiery. This is the last time I’m going to ask. Where is home?”

  He stood, giving her the feeling he was towering over her, as her eyes traveled up his body to reach his eyes. Another feeling invaded her senses, but this was not the time to figure it out. This may be her only opportunity to escape.

  She exhaled. “My uncle is King Tarik of Asmere.”

  Chapter Five

  Queen Nasheema was not a woman to be dismissed. When she said she wanted something done, the men in the palace, including both Kings, Ahmed and Aswan, ordered the task done. The task Joshua was attempting to block was two women sent to see to the comfor
t of his captive. Queen Nasheema wanted to care for the woman who‘d cared for her child.

  When he turned the women away, King Ahmed, himself, came to the guest house and ordered Joshua out. For twenty minutes he explained how it was imperative that the woman was dependent on him for everything during his interrogation. The King in turn explained, on my grounds, Queen Nasheema ruled, to a certain extent. She wanted the woman who cared for Zsa Zsa, bathed, dressed and fed. His interrogation would have to wait. Before leaving, Joshua insisted on seeing every guard and woman allowed near the guesthouse.

  Sitting in the family room of the palace, King Aswan, and Prince LaVeré, were discussing the night’s events when Joshua appeared.

  “Do you people not understand the art of interrogation? How am I supposed to make this woman believe I will kill her if she does not give me the information I need, when your father is demanding we treat her as if she is a heroine in a romance novel? There's a damn brigade of women with scented soaps and oils to bathe her?”

  “Where did you come from?” A shocked King Aswan stood.

  “Don’t take it personally Aswan,” LaVeré explained. “He has a way of popping up anywhere at any time. It’s something we all have gotten used to.”

  “It comes in handy at times.”

  King Aswan pointed around. “There are several doors for you to enter.”

  “I learn more my way." Joshua grinned. "We have an issue.”

  “My mother?” LaVeré asked.

  “No, the woman confirms she is the niece of King Tarik of Asmere.”

  “He is not the true King of Asmere,” King Aswan stated. “It is believed he was behind the death of his brother, Tochi, who was the true King of Asmere. Some believe he was murdered. I pray that was not the case.”

  “Is Tarik behind the kidnapping?” LaVeré asked in an anger filled voice.

  “That we don’t know,” Joshua replied. “We may find out more when I take the woman home.”


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