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The Book of Joshua I - Trust (The Gems & Gents Series 2)

Page 9

by Iris Bolling

  “Un huh,” he held her gaze until she looked away. “It’s not too late. We can leave here, if you want.” He saw a flash of uncertainty in her eyes as she looked up at the palace then turned back to him. “No,” she shook her head. “I must return home.”

  “Okay.” He reached into his suit pocket. “Take this.” He placed a small thin band around her wrist. “If you have any need to contact me just rub the band. I will come.”

  Confusion filled her eyes. “Why?”

  “I read people pretty well. You’re frightened. I don’t know of what or who, but you are. When you are ready, you’ll tell me.”

  “I will probably never see you again after today.”

  “Sounds like you’re going to miss me.” He raised a teasing brow.

  “I will not. I do not like you.”

  He saw a hint of a smile tug at her lips. “I believe the woman protests a bit too much. Seconds ticked away as they held each other’s stare. He bent over and gently kissed her lips. They were as soft as he imagined. She is the enemy. The thought caused him to pull away. “It was the fight. You felt the electricity too, right. I know, you want me, don’t you?”

  It took her a second to register his words. Her lips were still tingling from his kiss. She jumped up. “Of course not. I am no man’s whore.”

  He pulled her back down. “Okay, okay, I’m just teasing. I was trying to lighten the mood for you.”

  She glared at him for a moment then settled back down. “Thank you for bringing me home.”

  “You’re welcome.” Something was telling him not to let her go. But it was his sworn duty to protect his country against all enemies. At the moment, she was the enemy. “You have to go now before someone walks up on us.” He pointed to her arm. “Use it if you need to.”

  She nodded, then walked around the outside of the brick wall surrounding the grounds of the palace. She looked back, but he was gone, just that quick. She looked around, no sight of him. She wondered if she would ever see him again. Sadness fell over her spirit. It had only been a day since he appeared in her room. For some reason she felt safe with him. She had an idea of what awaited her inside the palace. Nothing felt safe about that. Turning back, she began walking towards the palace. Rather than walking to the front entrance, she squeezed into the opening leading to the back of the palace. Half way in, shouts began piercing the air.

  Joshua watched as two armed men ran towards her. Then another two joined them. With weapons drawn, they ordered her to the ground. With her hands behind her back, he watched as they picked her up by her arms and carried her into the back of the palace.

  Unknown to the guards, Joshua entered the palace the moment the security detected Akande on the grounds. By the time the men ran out, he was at a back entrance to the palace.

  Checking his hand held device, he monitored the movements of the men who intercepted Akande. Through the shadows of the hallways, he listened as a call was placed informing someone of Akande’s presence. On her knees, with her hands behind her back, a guard snapped a picture of her with his cell phone. He sent the picture as one of the other men was questioning her.

  “How did you get here? Did someone come with you?” When Akande did not reply, the guard raised the butt of his gun. Another guard stopped him.

  “The Queen will not be pleased if she is scarred. Instead of striking her in the face, the guard shoved the butt of the gun into her side. Akande grunted, but did not cry out. The man on the phone spoke and a few seconds later, Akande was picked up by the arms again.

  Joshua wanted to kill the man for striking Akande, but he knew it would lead to other issues. Instead he turned to explore his surroundings, but he knew the guard would die before he left the palace.

  Akande wasn’t taken to her room as she expected. The hallway they were in led to the common area, not the residence area of the palace. A man who she determined to be royalty from the way he was dressed, with guards around him, hurried from one of the rooms to the exit leading to the front entrance of the palace. When their eyes met, he quickly turned his head and walked hurriedly out the door. The man looked surprised to see her, but she did not recognize him and had no idea why her being there would be an issue. However from the way he quickly turned, it appeared it was.

  “Sit,” one of the guards ordered. “Queen Sermyera will speak with you soon.”

  For the last four hours, she had been preparing herself for the encounter that was about to take place. She knew her aunt would act disappointed. She was certain the Queen still wanted the mission completed. It was imperative that she not allow her temper to get the best of her until she was able to get information on the new plan.

  How her life had changed in the last few weeks. The day she left the palace her thoughts were on the mission her aunt had prepared her for, avenging her mother’s death and the restoration of the country’s honor. The mission could be accomplished with one task. Kill the man who had dishonored her mother by impregnating her and then spearheaded sanctions against Asmere by the United States. One man alone was responsible for the devastation of her family’s honor. His actions alone, had caused Asmere’s economic demise when sanctions put in place by the United States prohibited any commerce between the two countries. Their countrymen had to sit back and watch as neighboring Emure prospered from economic growth, enriching their lands with factories and trade agreements.

  From a very young age, she had been taught how to manipulate, and coerce others. At times, she was forced to test her skills on her friends, whom she soon lost after they discovered her duplicity. Her aunt made sure her few friends knew what she had done. Soon she learned it was the way her aunt wanted things. She wanted her to be alone with no friends or anyone around who cared about her, leaving her only means of support, being Sermyera, the Queen of Asmere. Once Akande learned what was expected of her, she began to shield her thoughts, from her aunt and others. It was her only means of dealing with the mental cruelty she sustained as a child. She began to understand she had one purpose as far as her aunt was concerned and once she was older and prepared, she would fulfill that purpose.

  She was trained to use her interpersonal and communication skills that had been perfected by the same people who trained military personnel in the United States. Her specialty had been designed with this one mission in mind. To portray any personality needed to get close to the man she was to kill. For that, her greatest strength meant she had to think on her feet and adjust to whatever situation arose. This was more than just a mission to Akande. This was her opportunity to restore her family’s honor.

  When she was first kidnapped, it had not come to her that it was her aunt who was behind it. After days in captivity, she pieced together all that had taken place, leading her to only one conclusion. Her aunt was behind the kidnapping. The question was why? The plan was in place for her to go to Washington, get a position as an intern at the White House and use the position to get close to the man, by any means necessary. She could have easily requested that the man who rescued her take her to the United States, however, she needed to know what had changed before she moved forward with the plan.

  Her thoughts turned to the man, Joshua. There was something about him that made her instincts of self-preservation kick in. He was intelligent and dangerous. Not many men looked the way he did. The affect he had on her was intense and scorching. The only thing she could think to do was fight him. Even now, when she should be concerned with her life, her thoughts went to his kiss. She reached up and touched her lips. It was sweet, gentle...lingering. She dropped her hands. Therein lie the problem for her. Her thinking, judgment, all were cloudy around him. When they were talking at the table, she thought about telling him all, but she quickly cleared that from her mind. Her fear of failing at her task overrode her curiosity about the man. The one thing she knew, he was not the one for this task. She would have to find a way to impress that upon her aunt.

  “The Queen will see you now,” a guard commanded.

/>   Akande stood, shielded her soul and walked into the room.

  Sermyera entered the room with the authority of a ruler. She was draped in a two–piece, purple, dress, trimmed at the bodice and edged in gold, with a matching purple headpiece. Many countries had done away with the traditional throne room, Asmere had not. King Tarik and Queen Sermyera reigned. If there were any doubts, the two deep red, gold trimmed, throne chairs were a not too subtle reminder. They sat high above the others on a stage with steps leading to them.

  The guards, who entered the room on each side of her, carried weapons under their suits. They did not look as good as Joshua. The men standing behind her carried weapons as well. However, none of them intimidated her more than the woman now standing before her, for she knew none of the men would act without her say for fear of the consequences. Queen Sermyera's consequences were never minimal or swift, for she lived to see people suffer. It was for this reason, Akande never wanted to disappoint her aunt.

  Sermyera's eyes roamed over her niece. The sight of her niece displeased her, for the garment the woman was wearing made her look regal and that was the last thing she ever wanted Akande to feel.

  "You dare to stand before me in such rags!" she all but roared.

  Akande thought the dress was beautiful but could see it displeased Sermyera. She kept her head low, never looking the Queen in her eyes for she would believe that to be insolent. Akande had felt her wrath before and did not wish to experience it again. "It is what I was given to wear from the Queen of Emure."

  "You believe her garments to be of better quality than what we have here in your homeland?"

  "No, my Queen. I had nothing else to wear."

  Akande referring to her as her ‘Queen’ always pleased Sermyera. "Very well, I will endure it through this conversation." She looked at the men with Akande. "You may leave us now. Tell no one she is here."

  The men bowed. "Your Highness," they said as they left.

  Once the men were gone Sermyera turned to one of her guards. "See to it that we are not disturbed. The two guards walked out of opposite side doors. Once closed, Sermyera turned back to Akande. "You have been gone for weeks, Akande. Did you complete your mission?"

  "No, your highness."

  "So, the American is not dead and the sanctions have not been lifted from Asmere?" Sermyera lifted a questioning brow.

  "No, your highness. There was a delay."

  "A delay? You have been gone for weeks. Yet you return without accomplishing your goal. What possible excuse could you have for failing your country?"

  Akande lowered her head. She hated the word failure. It was too close to the words used all her life to describe her mother, dishonor, disappointment, and traitor. Her aunt, Queen Sermyera, never allowed a day to go by without a reminder. There was no question her life would have been different if Sermyera was not her only means to food and shelter. There was little else afforded her from her aunt, certainly no signs of love or caring. She wasn’t allowed to have friends. The few she made were soon disheartened by the history of her heritage, usually shared with them by her aunt. Now, to have the same words used to describe her damaged her pride.

  Akande held her head high. “I was kidnapped.” She narrowed her eyes. “I believe you are aware of this.”

  “Why would I be aware?” Sermyera inquired. The girl was smart. Sermyera knew she would eventually figure it out. Now, she truly had to tread lightly, for she still needed the girl to kill the American.

  Sermyera yelled, “If you had been kidnapped as you say, why was there no ransom demand! Did you not tell your kidnappers you were my niece?”

  “I was not kidnapped in this area. We were hours away when this occurred. When I did not return, did you not wonder at my whereabouts? Did you not once send someone to search for me? Putting that aside, did you not think something was amiss when my driver did not return?” Her eyes were now level with Sermyera’s and she knew the moment the words left her mouth, she had allowed her temper to get the best of her. Seconds later, the confirmation came; she was correct.

  Sermyera slapped her across the face. The contact was so forceful, Akande stumbled backwards. “You dare to question me? Tobyn!” she called out. The guard who accompanied Sermyera to the throne room reappeared. “Take her to the dungeon.” She commanded as she turned back to Akande. “For your insolence, you will receive twenty lashes. If you survive, you will be banished from our lands.”

  Tobyn, grabbed Akande by the arm. “My Queen I will take the lashes, but do not banish me from my home.”

  “What good are you to me, Akande? I gave you one mission to restore your tarnished life, yet you failed.” She rallied on the girl. “I cannot continue to carry the burden and shame of your mother’s actions, by having you in the palace. You do not deserve my generosity.”

  “Have the plans changed? You no longer want the American dead? Is this why you had me kidnapped and imprisoned?”

  Sermyera nodded to Tobyn. He released Akande’s arm, then stepped back. “You are smart. I have always said this.” Sermyera walked over and sat on her throne. “An opportunity to earn funds came to me. We had to delay the plans. Now that we are better financed, we can resume.”

  “The man who was here earlier, did he provide the funding?”

  Sermyera frowned, but quickly recovered. “He is not important. However, I fear your dedication to the mission has been compromised. Since you returned here, you no longer have access to the American.

  “I have the means to get to the American.”

  Sermyera looked up at her niece. “How?”

  “It was an American who rescued Princess Zsa Zsa of Emure.”

  The smile within almost surfaced as Sermyera glared at the girl. The plan had worked. By assisting an ally with the kidnapping, they had received one hundred million dollars and a direct connection to Royce Davenport. As their ally had indicated, the friend of Prince LaVeré had stepped in to help recover the Princess. Whenever military personnel were involved with actions in foreign lands, the Senator of Foreign Affairs took the lead. Davenport was the lead Senator. Knowing how the Americans loved to open their borders to all, they would ask if she wished to receive asylum in the United States or return to her country. His office would process her request for asylum. She had trained her niece well. There was no doubt in her mind that Akande would be in a room with Davenport soon. With her powers of persuasion, Sermyera knew it was only a matter of time before she would kill Davenport. Of course if Akande failed, no problem, there was a backup plan in place.

  “Where is this American now?”

  There was no way Akande would tell her about the band the man had given her. That would cause a wrath she was not ready for. Another thought crossed her mind, which she was not pleased with. Sermyera could have the American killed. “He brought me here. I’m certain I could find him.”

  “You will tell this American, you wish to be taken to Washington to search for your father.”

  “My Queen, I will use this American to get to Washington. But I do not think we should involve this American with the plan."

  Sermyera narrowed her eyes. "Why is that?"

  "He is an intelligent man and not one to be easily fooled."

  "He is a man, an American at that. They only think of carnal satisfaction. Have you so quickly forgotten your mother's disgrace to her country, her family?" she screeched. "One look in the mirror should remind you of your mother's treachery. It is your purpose, your duty to make the American pay for the dishonor he brought on your mother and still holds over our country, your country. It is the only way for you to receive forgiveness for your mother's sins. The sanctions that have held your homeland in turmoil are on the shoulders of the American. Do you not wish to restore your country to its rightful state?

  Akande held her head lower in shame. "Yes, your highness it is my wish to restore my family’s name to honor. The sanctions against my country will be lifted and we will again rule in this region. I pledge my life
to this mission."

  Sermyera was pleased with the passion of her niece’s words. It was imperative that the fear of failure was deeply imbedded within her for the mission to be completed. Once Akande reached the United States, she would kill the only two people in the world who could take the throne away from her and Tarik, Royce Davenport and her niece standing before her. "I believe you my child. For I believe you love your country and its people. If you fail at this mission you have been raised to complete, you would not only fail your people, you would fail your chance at restoring your mother's honor.” Sermyera narrowed her eyes. “Tobyn will give you a reminder of the consequence of failure.”

  Akande knew if she failed, she would take her own life before returning to Asmere in disgrace.

  Joshua moved about the palace effortlessly. This place did not have much in the way of security features, unlike the mansion where Zsa Zsa was found. No, this place was secured by men. While the lands and homes surrounding the palace were deteriorating, this place was not. The luxury of this palace paled in comparison to Emure’s palace. However, it was more luxurious then the lands leading to it would imply. It was clear any funds coming into this country were used for the comfort of the residents of this palace. A leader should live the life of his people. This King was living far beyond his means. The rooms were lavishly filled with paintings, statues, and furniture fit for a King. On their way to the palace, it was clear the sanctions from the United States were having a significant impact on the country. It angered him to think of the poor conditions of the homes he’d passed coming there as compared to the lavish furnishings of the palace.

  Someone is living well, he thought as he silently entered a bedroom. Standing behind the drapes made of soft silk, trimmed in gold, and framing the balcony doors he had just entered, he listened to the conversation taking place.

  “My King, the girl Akande has returned. She is downstairs with Queen Sermyera,” a woman’s voice spoke.

  The man sounded startled as he spoke. “When did she arrive?”


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