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Blood Apocalypse - 04

Page 4

by Heath Stallcup

  “Please, Doctor, simply ask the question. You will find that I am not easily embarrassed.”

  No, but I am. Evan thought. “Very well.” He tried to begin again, “If a vampire were to ‘bite’ a human, either to feed or…maybe during heights of passion…”

  Rufus nodded at him to continue, “Oui?”

  “Well…are there risks involved?” he asked. “To the human, I mean. Could she be…turned into one of us?” he finally spit out. “Even accidentally?”

  Thorn nodded as he slowly approached Evan. “I think I see where you are going, Doctor.” Thorn sat at one of the stools and took a comfortable position, “So allow me to explain to you how the bite works, oui?

  “When a vampire bites a human, either to feed or, as you said, in the height of passion, we secrete a special enzyme that causes the victim to feel a sense of euphoria. There is no pain almost immediately after the bite and the enzyme prevents clotting until you are finished feeding. As soon as you are finished feeding, the virus in the mouth seals the wound and leaves barely a scar.

  “But as far as turning someone simply from a bite? Non, not unless you drained them to the point of death. If you kill the victim, then the virus in the mouth can turn them, but unless you give them your blood, they will not truly be vampiri…non, they would be…something else.”

  Evan thought hard about Rufus’ words. He wanted so much to believe him, yet…he was hesitant. This was a vampire that claimed to put human life above all other things…even his own life and the lives of his followers. Yet he would willingly sacrifice entire species of sentient beings to stop the Sicarii. Evan simply wasn’t sure if he could believe him. He turned to Rufus and studied his eyes. “How can you be sure?”

  “How can I be…you question me, Doctor? Or do you question that I would tell you the truth?”

  Evan sighed slightly and sat down. “I question everything when it deals with the woman I care about, Monsieur. I would do nothing that could possibly risk her life.”

  Rufus nodded. “And yet she craves your bite?”

  “I don’t know about ‘craves’, but she has asked me to bite her,” he admitted. “And I so very much want to.”

  Rufus gave him a knowing smile. “I understand the desire, my dear Doctor.” His voice was tinged with sadness. “But please, allow me to offer this small bit of advice. Your bite can be addictive to her.” Evan studied him suspiciously as Rufus explained. “The bite of a vampire, especially during the height of passion can be beyond…erotic. It can be more than simply pleasing,” he stated with a knowing look in his eye. “And the bite will leave her wanting more. And more. And more. Until she reaches a point where all she wants is for you to bite her.”

  “Like a drug addiction?”

  “Oui. Very much so.”

  Evan shook his head. “I could never do such a thing to her.”

  “And you needn’t do it, either.” Rufus stood and slowly approached him. “Now, please…do not misunderstand…an occasional bite during the peak of ecstasy is one thing, but biting regularly? Non. This is not good.”

  Evan nodded. “I think I’d rather just avoid it altogether.”

  Rufus shook his head. “Non, you still misunderstand me, Doctor. In moderation, it can be a wonderful experience for you both. Simply do not allow it to become a regular habit, this is all.” He patted the man’s shoulder knowingly. “Control yourself and watch your friend’s reaction. If she has any inner strength at all, then it will not be a problem for her and the bite can bring the two of you closer together than anything else ever could.”

  Evan nodded. “Thank you, sir.”

  “It was nothing. I am most happy to pass on my limited knowledge to those eager to learn.” Rufus walked over to one of the crates and gestured to it. “With your permission, I will assist you in setting up your lab so that we may continue our work, oui?”

  Evan nodded. “I would appreciate the help, thank you.”


  Major Flemings escorted Colonel Mitchell across the expanse between the Headquarters Building and where the new Operations Center was being assembled. The large concrete building with the flat roof was covered in satellite dishes and antennae and looked like a communications nightmare to the uninitiated.

  As they walked, Matt hoped to recruit the Major into helping smooth things over with the contracted security people. “Major, now that you’re aware of my people’s real objective, I’m hoping that maybe you can help me with a problem that has popped up.”

  She paused and looked up at him. “Another problem has popped up?” she feigned astonishment. “As if the end of the world isn’t enough for you folks, you just have to engineer more drama?”

  Matt flustered a moment before he realized she was poking fun at him. “Actually, this little problem deals with some of your people here at the base.”

  Major Flemings hiked a brow at him and placed her hands on her hips. “I think you mean our people…right, Colonel?”

  Matt flustered slightly and nodded. “Yes, of course, Major, I do mean our people.” He stopped and gave her an apologetic look. “Look, it seems that the security forces here and my operators have been having a few run-ins…”

  “Like what happened outside the HQ?” Her face showed her displeasure.

  “Yeah, that’s just one of them.”

  “Or the fact that your men showed up here unannounced, abducted and held a small group of security personnel against their will, stripping them of their weapons and their ability to communicate with their operations center?”

  Matt hung his head. “Yes, that too.” He averted his eyes. “But in both cases, they had weapons drawn on them and the security forces were about to fire before the squads could explain what—”

  “How can you know that, Colonel?” Major Flemings asked, cutting him off. “Your men acted so quickly and so blatantly outside of SOPs that we’ll never know, will we?”

  Matt squared his shoulders and stared down at the major. She wouldn’t budge, and he understood defending your own people. He nodded. “Major, I understand where you’re coming from, but I also know my squads,” he began. “If you don’t think that drawing a weapon and aiming it at somebody’s head after they are already on a secure base and after your forces already know that they are here and just because they don’t have some stupid ID badge…if that doesn’t seem just a little over the top to you, then maybe my decision to keep you here to run things wasn’t the best decision after all.

  “Granted, I’ll agree that feathers were already ruffled because my squads overtook a small group of their ‘brothers in arms’ and maybe that wasn’t the best decision at the time—”

  “You’re damned right that wasn’t the best decision at the time,” she barked. “I’ve been working hand in hand with these contractors for years and we’ve never had an issue until you and your people show up. In fact, they’ve been nothing but professional with anybody and everybody we’ve encountered until your hunters show up like a bunch of rogue cowboys—”

  “Major!” Matt barked. “I’ve already granted that it wasn’t the best move on their part to abduct those security officers. And I’m willing to take the hit on that.” Matt paused a moment and took a deep breath then lowered his voice and spoke more calmly. “But rather than stand here and try to defend the actions of both sides to each other, I’d like to try to bury the hatchet and start over.

  “We’re going to need to depend on the Wackenhut people when the time comes, and as it stands now, there’s bad blood between the operators and the security people.” Matt gave her a solemn look. “This is basically your base now. I just sign off on stuff that you tell me to. I know that and you know that. I want to play ball with you on this, but I’m going to need your help.”

  Flemings’ features softened somewhat, and she nodded at him. “So what are you proposing, Colonel?”

  “Just…try to help me smooth those ruffled feathers. I know that both sides here got off on the wrong foot when
we need to be pulling together as a team.”

  Flemings inhaled deeply and dragged her foot through the gravel. “Well, I guess I did sort of act like a mother hen for a bit. It doesn’t help that Captain Roberts was reassigned here with McDonald either.”

  “And why is that?” Matt asked.

  “They’re both sort of overly gung-ho about their duties,” she replied. “Everything is a major deal with them. If a sensor goes off anywhere on the base, rather than just send a team out to investigate, he wants to shut down all sensitive operations and send a commando team to sweep in on a coyote that tripped over an antennae or…” she chuckled as she reflected on the more than one false alarm.

  “Sounds a little high strung.” Matt stared off toward the security building. “Does that attitude carry over to the rest of his team?”

  Flemings pondered his question a moment then shook her head. “No, sir. For the most part, the rest of the men are pretty good guys. It’s mostly Roberts and McDonald that are so hyper.”

  “Dually noted.” Matt turned her back toward where they were headed. “So I can count on you to help me out here?”

  She feigned a heavy sigh and nudged his arm. “Oh, I suppose so.” She liked the fact that he asked rather than ordered. “Wouldn’t want you to sic your werewolves or vampires on me.” She smirked.

  Matt quickly glanced around to make sure nobody was within ear-shot. “Not so loud, please,” he whispered. “I let you know because I chose to trust you, but I’d prefer that the status of my men and those who work for the teams remain classified.”

  “I’m just playing with you, sir.” She stiffened a little.

  “Sorry, Major…I just get a little antsy sometimes.”


  Matt stopped and stared at her. “Excuse me?”

  “You can call me Diane. I figure if you trust me enough to spill the beans about…well, everything…then you can call me Diane instead of Major. Too formal sounding.”

  “Oh.” Matt was taken aback a bit. “Very well. I suppose if we aren’t in mixed company, then it shouldn’t be a problem.”

  “I don’t care either way, Colonel. We’re pretty isolated out here, and there really aren’t that many military on this base.”

  He nodded and squinted at the brightness of the sunlight reflecting off the white gravel. “I have pretty much the same relationship with the XO of the squads. You might as well call me Matt then. Unless we’re around the squads, then we can stick with the ranks.”

  “Matt, huh? Sounds like a strong name,” she teased. “Matt Mitchell. Sort of sounds like a movie star from the 50’s or 60’s.”

  Matt chuckled. “I’m not that damned old.”


  Viktor walked about the grounds outside where he and Natashia shared their room. He tried to find some beauty here, but it wasn’t to be found. The place was simply too industrial in its design, too barren in its location and too hot to be enjoyed. Even in the early fall weather, the days were too warm for his tastes and he preferred the ocean breezes and thick warmth of the island or even the humid coolness of the forests he chose to hunt in.

  He sniffed the air, tasting the many and varied scents upon the air and decided that this place was not for him. Something about it set him on edge, and he wasn’t sure exactly what it was. Perhaps it was the sterility of the area, or perhaps it was the stand-offish nature of the people who inhabited it. Whatever it was, he didn’t like it. As he strolled about the small common area, he listened intently to the few conversations that he could manage to hear. Most were mundane, most were of day to day business. None were of importance to him. He tried to find something, anything that could help him take his mind off this unease that had settled upon him.

  He found a concrete and granite picnic table set up at the center of the grassy area and sat upon the table, thinking hard about what had him the most disturbed. Was it the upcoming battle? Perhaps it was the theft and destruction of the holy relics? Maybe it was the recently discovered mating and pregnancy of his only daughter? Or, could it be the knowledge that Max’s calling would bring all wolves to this place? Including his mother…she who turned against him and made him outcast among the pack? A cold chill ran up his spine as the thought ran through his mind; Viktor feared the worst…that a confrontation with his mother was what had him at such unease.

  He continued into his deep thought and hadn’t noticed another had sat beside him until a warm hand wrapped around his own and a very blonde head leaned against his shoulder. He turned and gazed upon his daughter as she snuggled up to him while he was lost in thought. Never too old to be daddy’s little girl, he thought.

  “What troubles you father?” she asked.

  “What makes you think I’m troubled?” he asked, his voice barely a whisper.

  “I know your faces. This one is troubled.”

  Viktor sighed as he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close. “Your mother tells me you are with child,” he lied. He knew this wasn’t what troubled him, but he also knew that it was the biggest news in her life. He felt her stiffen slightly under his arm and he knew that it must be true.

  “And this troubles you?” Her voice carried a slight tremble.

  “You not wanting to tell your mate troubles me.”

  Nadia lay still in her father’s arms and said nothing for many moments, the two simply holding each other. Finally she lifted her face to meet his gaze. “I fear his reaction, father.”

  Viktor’s brows knitted in concern. “I may not know the man, but I cannot imagine any person who could love my daughter being upset that she carried his child.” He voice sounded almost bitter.

  She shook her head and squeezed his arm. “No, father, I fear I have misspoken.” She laid her head back down to hide the tears that began to form. “You know that I possess ‘the sight’ just as mother.”

  “Yes, but…”

  “I have seen him leaving me.”

  Viktor stiffened in her arms, his defenses suddenly rising. “How could anyone do such a thing?”

  “I think…” she began, but stopped as the tears began, “because he feels he must,” she sobbed. “To protect the child and myself.”

  Viktor froze, his eyes wide with curiosity, his mind racing. “But how could his leaving protect either of you if you are mated?”

  Nadia shook her head. “I do not know, father.” She buried her face in his shoulder. “But every time I look at it, the vision is the same. That part never changes. I see him walking away…and I am in tears.”

  Viktor was practically shaking with rage. “I cannot fathom it,” he whispered. He pulled her closer to him and squeezed her tight. She buried her face into his chest and sobbed. “I knew there was a reason why I despised this man.”

  Nadia pulled away and sat back to face him, her eyes reddened with grief, her cheeks wet with tears. “Father!” she cried. “You must not say such a thing. He is my mate, and regardless of his actions, I love him. He is the father of my child and…” She choked up again and buried her face in her hands.

  Viktor softened and pulled her to him again, holding her while she cried. “There, there, sweetheart.” He patted her back. “I’ll not rip him asunder.” Although his heart wanted nothing more.

  She chuckled between choking sobs and squeezed him. “Thank you.”

  Viktor shook his head. “Though I don’t know why. I always swore that if any man ever hurt you, they’d pay with their lives, and now this one comes along…a HUNTER no less!”

  “Father, please.” Her voice was small and weak. “The heart wants what the heart wants.”

  Viktor nodded and even chuckled. “Not fair using my own words against me, my dear.”

  Nadia looked up at him with wonder on her face. Viktor felt the need to explain. “My own mother didn’t approve of Tasha. I told her that ‘the heart wants what the heart wants’. Of course, that was before the fates intervened and we were mated.”

  “Why have you never tol
d me this story before?” she asked.

  “Because the fates intervened. We both changed into the true wolf in each other’s presence.” His rough features softened as his mind drifted back. “But before that?” He shook his head, his mind racing back through the centuries to when he first laid eyes on Tasha. “I wouldn’t have cared. I would have killed any who came between the two of us.”


  Viktor lowered his gaze to his daughter, his eyes reflecting his true feral nature. “Truly.”

  She felt a shiver run through her as she realized just how dangerous her father could be.

  Viktor shook his head slightly to clear the memories then gazed patiently back at her. “You need to tell him, my dear.”

  Nadia gasped. “Oh, father. I don’t think I can. I fear that he will…”

  “He is your mate and he has the right to know.” He gazed off toward the base. “Besides, you are wolf and you cannot hide it from him for much longer.”

  Nadia felt her heart skip a beat as she swallowed the lump that was in her throat. “But, what if he is upset with me?”

  “He won’t be.” Viktor held her face in his hand. “If there is one thing that I am certain of, it is that.”

  “But must I do it now?” She searched his eyes for a way out this. “Can it not wait until after the vampires come?”

  Viktor stared down at her one eyebrow raised so high she knew the answer without him speaking. She lowered her head and sighed. “Fine, I shall go to him and tell him.”

  “Very good,” he lifted her up and placed her softly on the ground, “and if he insists on being stubborn, I give my permission to, as they say ‘beat him severely about the head and neck’.”

  Nadia shot him a smirk. “Or smother him with love until he comes to his senses.”

  Viktor scowled. “Or just smother him.”

  “Love you, father,” she shouted as she took off in search of her mate.

  “Love you more, little one.”

  He watched her leave and shook his head. Then he wished that all of their problems could be fixed with a kiss on the boo-boo or pat on the back. A little good advice at the right time could do wonders. Thank the gods his relationship with her was nothing like the one he shared with his mother.


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