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The Shifter's Fight

Page 6

by R. A. Boyd

  Aiden just looked at her, happy she was remembering.

  “It doesn’t matter if I did,” Paige continued. “What else is your mate? He’s not just a witch. He’s something more. I’ve met other witches when Sam would go barter with them, and they were all different from him. But not Zeke. Sam is like Zeke.”

  Audra smiled, her face softening and taking on a proud look. “Good. It’s good you remember. Zeke isn’t just a witch. He’s like me. He’s a fallen angel.”

  Aiden could feel the moment all the air had drained from Paige’s lungs. She stopped breathing and her nails dug into his arms. She shook, and Aiden had to say her name a few times before she would answer.

  “He was in love with my grandmother,” she whispered. “She was part of a coven in Ireland. Cork, I think. That’s where they met. She had already had my mother with my grandfather, who was a shifter. That’s why there’s shifter and witch blood in my family. How did I forget that? But he died. Oh, God no.” Paige closed her eyes and she put her hand out as if grasping at the memories, summoning them to her. “That’s why he gave me this charm in the first place when I was sixteen. I read his journals. He’d locked them up in a case, but I broke the enchantment holding it closed. Because I’m part witch.” More and more memories seemed to be coming back to her. Sam been altering her mind for so long Paige wasn’t sure what to believe. “Everything is running together inside me.”

  Aiden wrapped his arms around her waist for the onslaught of memories that had been kept at bay. He didn’t know if this was her time to remember, but if it was he would be right here with her.

  “I’m not a strong witch, though. I can’t do energy blasts or anything like that. Just spells. But I’d managed to get into his journals and find out that… he killed my grandmother’s husband, my grandfather, because he wanted her. He was in love with my grandmother but she didn’t want him because she loved my grandfather. After Sam killed him and put himself into her life for her to fall in love with, he only had a few years with her. She had premonitions. She saw me coming and knew I would be mated to a Ghost shifter. My grandmother knew it.” She shook her head and sucked in a breath. “It so fuzzy now.”

  Cass leaned forward and put her hand on Paige’s, and when the two touched a jolt of electricity filled the room. “Less fuzzy now, Paige?” she asked.

  Aiden’s protective instincts kicked up. Cass may be part of the Alpha Triad but she had no right to make his mate remember things she wasn’t ready for.

  Paige bobbed her head quickly. “Yes. Less fuzzy. So much more clear.”

  “I know what you’re thinking, Aiden,” Cass said to him as she kept her eyes on Paige. “We need this. Not only to protect us but to protect her. I’m not forcing it. Just helping.”

  Through gritted teeth he asked, “How did you know to touch her?” He had to make himself calm down. Cass was powerful and would kick his ass if he provoked her.

  She shrugged. “Zeke and Willow said I’m a conduit. Maybe I can help all the Ghosts and their mates do stuff, man. I don’t know.”

  Reaching out as if still searching, Paige shushed them and started talking again. “The Ghost shifters meant nothing to him at first, but then she was killed. By a Ghost shifter. Almost everyone in her coven was killed one night in Cork.”

  Aiden looked over at Audra as guilt and longing took over her features. “It all comes back to that night. The night I could have—”

  “You stop right now,” Cass said. “There was nothing you could do to stop Ronan from going off and killing those people. Stop blaming yourself.”

  “Ronan,” Paige said, her eyes popping open. “It was someone named Ronan who killed them, but someone managed to get a message to the closest coven to tell them to help. Sam was with the other coven when it happened. A Ghost shifter killed them all. So Sam took my mother after my grandmother died. He took her to get to me. And my mother figured it out when I was ten!” she yelled. “That’s why he killed her and my father! Because they found out and tried to take me away.”

  “How did they find out?” Audra asked.

  “Because,” Paige said, pain pouring out of her in waves of anguish so bitter that Aiden had to stop himself from finding out where Samiyah was right at that very moment and ripping him apart. “I have premonitions too, like my grandmother. But he took it from me the night he killed them. It was a spell,” she whispered. She looked down at her hands and then balled them into fists. “The first spell he used on me. It stripped me of my powers as a witch, and it made me forget. Everything. That was the night he took it all away from me. My family. My powers. My ability to shift.” Tears streamed down her face as she looked at her palms. “I haven’t shifted in eighteen years. He deprived me of everything I was. Everything I am. And I couldn’t fight him. After that first spell, I didn’t even want to. Not until I was sixteen and went through his stuff. I wasn’t looking for anything, really. I just wanted to know why he kept the books locked away.”

  Standing up, Cass put her hands on her full hips and sighed. “What the heck are we going to do? This isn’t as simple as killing the top guy and hoping the rest will fall away.”

  “No,” Paige said, her voice small and empty. “You’ll make a martyr out of him for the Rogue clan if you kill him. It has to be me.”

  “Calm down, brother,” Audra said, standing and going to the other side of the room. She put some distance between herself and Aiden. “Your anger is going to set my beast on edge if you keep that up.”

  Aiden had never felt so much hatred, so much anger, in all his life. Samiyah, an angel who was made to love and protect and fight for righteousness, had decimated his mate’s life. He’d emptied her out of everything and tried to make her into a tool he could use for as long as he needed. A pawn in a game that would make the promise from the Creator to the Ghosts unfulfilled because he said it so.

  Samiyah cared nothing for Paige. He knew that taking off that necklace would kill her. Shit, he’d made it so she didn’t even want to take it off. Yeah, his mate wanted to kill the man she’d thought was her godfather but if Aiden wasn’t careful he would take that away from her.

  “Aiden.” With a powerful crack of energy, Cass’s voice broke through the turmoil roiling in his middle. “Control yourself or leave the room.” Her alpha order was powerful.

  He’d heard from the other Ghosts that Cass’s orders could bring them to their knees but he’d never been there to witness it. But now, he could feel it through his entire body. Despite her loving and calm demeanor, she was dominant. He’d seen her shift and hand Simon’s ass to him too many times to count, but he’d never felt it.

  He looked up at Paige. “I’m sorry. You too, Audra. And Cass.”

  “That was new,” Audra said, coming back to sit on the couch. “Word of caution,” she said as she looked at Paige. “Me and my saber-tooth are on better terms than we were, but too much aggression in the air makes her want to brawl.”

  Seeming to ignore everyone else in the room, Cass grabbed hold of Paige’s shoulders. “You’re one of us now. Even if Aiden hasn’t claimed you yet. Even if you can’t shift or do magic, you are one of us and I swear I will protect you and keep you safe from that man. I’m sure Aiden already has, but even as all of the Ghosts stand by you I promise that I will do everything in my power to help you get back all that you’ve lost.”

  Cass had assured Paige of their acceptance of her already, but what she’d just said to Paige was an oath. Aiden could feel the words solidify themselves in the air and attach to his bones as if she’d made the promise to him herself.

  The two women embraced each other as if they’d been friends their whole lives. At that moment, Aiden loved Cass more than he had already. She was his alpha and third in the Alpha Triad, but she was more than that. She was his sister. His friend.

  “Well,” Audra said as she stood and walked toward the door. “We’re heading over to Riley’s shop and meeting her for breakfast. We would invite you to come but then
you’d die so,” she said, shrugging and then sucking in a sharp breath. “That’s out. Want us to bring you anything?”

  Chapter 7

  “This is so good.” She licked the cream from the top of a strawberry pastry that Aiden’s sisters had brought over from Riley’s shop, and eyed the takeout box from Melinda’s restaurant. “I’m going to eat everything. Open that box.” She sipped her coffee

  Paige had worked out and gone on fad diets to lose that last fifteen pounds, but no matter what she did she still had that soft roll on her stomach. And the weight on her thighs. And arms. And chubby cheeks. It didn’t matter to her. Aiden had asked her to sit on his face and she was mortified. He kept telling her that even if she could smother him with all her sexy extras he would die a happy man. Why was she even thinking of not eating in front of him? He loved her body, even more than she did.

  With the grace of a professional gameshow model, Aiden popped open the first box from Melinda’s place and waved his hand in front of it. “Presenting, Melinda’s famous crab and veggie omelet,” he popped open the next one like a hand model, “maple French toast with a side of bacon,” and then he hip-thrusted the brown paper bag before he opened it, “and more of Riley’s pastries. Eat as much as you like, ‘cause I am, and I don’t want you complaining that I ate everything.”

  Paige snickered and finished off her strawberry tart. “This is enough food for five people. I’m pretty sure there’s more than enough for me.”

  He grabbed a knife and fork that were wrapped in a napkin. “You haven’t seen me work. It takes a lot to maintain this boyish figure.”

  She bet it did. He sat next to her at the little dinette table in the room. Her eyes couldn’t decide if they wanted to look at the contents from the boxes of food that were enticing her nose or Aiden’s abs. The abs were winning. All he wore was the sexiest pair of navy blue boxer-briefs she’d ever laid eyes on. He was built like a freaking Greek god. Or more like an angel? Were all angels sexy as sin, because her angel must have been the best looking one in the bunch.

  “Keep looking at me like you want my dick and I’ll give it to you.”

  She opened a little container of maple syrup and poured it over the French toast. “I really want to. But I want to wait until all remnants of that spell are gone from my body. That’s what I’ve decided.”

  He nodded in approval. “Sounds good to me,” Aiden said, a shy smile pulling at his lips.

  Was he nervous about having sex with her? He’d already managed to pull at least a bajillion orgasms from her, but maybe he was afraid because she was a virgin.

  “Are you nervous, Aiden? To have sex with me?”

  He watched her as he shoved a whole piece of bacon into his mouth, and then followed up with a small square of French toast. “A bit.”


  “I’ve never been with a virgin. I’m not a small man in any way, and I don’t want to hurt you. But I promise I’ll be gentle.”

  She smiled and picked up a forkful of the omelet. “I know.” She put the food into her mouth and then closed her eyes, savoring the mixture of sweet crab claw meat and full flavor of the lump crab meat. “Holy. Cow. This is freaking delicious.”

  “So,” he said, picking up the country fried steak with his fingers. Gravy started to drip back into the container, but his tongue darted out to catch it before it fell. She would make up awards in her journal to make sure his tongue won all of them. “You can take one of the jobs if you want but I think you should do stuff first. Like travel. If you want.”

  Both Riley and Audra had offered her jobs at their businesses. It was the sweetest thing that either of them could do for her. She’d never had a job before. And while it was a great idea to work, Paige wanted what Aiden was offering her. A chance to see everything.

  “I want that,” she said. “Can you take me to New Orleans first? And then on a cruise? I’ve seen the ocean but I want to sail across it on one of those huge boats where people are partying all the time. And after we’ve traveled, I’d like to go back to school. Sam homeschooled me.”

  For just a moment Aiden’s eyes darkened, but then a grin split his face as he watched her eat. “Can you get a schoolgirl outfit and hold your books in your arms like you’re running late to class? And then when you make it to class late I’ll teach you a lesson for being tardy.”

  She snorted and bumped him with her shoulder. “That sounds reasonable. What are the closest schools?”

  “New Rose Community College is less than ten minutes away. The closest university is about a half an hour drive. Go wherever you want. I’ll follow you.” His voice had tapered off to a whisper when he said the last part. I’ll follow you.

  He wouldn’t have to. She enjoyed being around him and his sisters. She couldn’t wait to meet the rest of the Ghosts.

  They ate in silence after that, giving furtive glances that were filled with joy and adoration. This was nice. Even though she was stuck in this room, she couldn’t have imagined a perfect life any other way at that moment. She was with him and they were having fun. Genuine, feel-good fun. And they were learning about each other.

  So much love and so much heartache in such a short amount of time. Paige wanted to mope and be unhappy as she dwelled on what had been done to her, and she knew that some part of her would always mourn all the time she’d missed. But right now, the future was clear and full of hope.

  She’d gained so much, almost as much as she’d lost. Those years would never be replaced, and when this was over she would grieve for her loved ones. But now she had to stay focused on stopping Sam. He’d not only caused her pain but he had been planning for decades to make sure the Ghost shifters failed. Now that she was aware, Paige would never let that happen. Over her dead and rotting carcass.

  “Babe,” Aiden said through a mouthful of food. He reached over and tucked a stray coil of hair behind her ear. “Talk to me. Your eyes are glowing again.”

  She sighed and shook her head. “There’s a lot of stuff on my mind. I don’t want to talk about it. But I can tell you one thing. I cannot wait to shift. It’s coming back to me. The feel of the air against my face and along my scalp. The sights I got to see with my mother when we shifted together.”

  “You’ll get it back.” Aiden took a sip of coffee and cleared his throat. “I don’t mean to be rude, but what kind of shifter are you? I know you’re a flight shifter, but who exactly is hiding behind those glowing white eyes?”

  Paige looked down at her arms and then closed her eyes. She could see them as they were when she and her animal exchanged bodies. “A shikra. Dark wings speckled with white-tipped feathers, a brown and white belly. Shikras usually have short wings but mine were long and graceful. The world was so beautiful when I flew. So big. It seemed endless.” She looked up at him, giving him a tear-filled smile. “And then it wasn’t.”

  “Paige, I’m—”

  “Coffee,” she said, interrupting his apology. He didn’t need to do that. He kept apologizing for things that weren’t his fault. “I’d really like more coffee, and I bet the stuff in this little kitchen isn’t nearly as good as Riley’s. Or Melinda’s. Would you mind?”

  He nodded once and stood up. “If that’s what you want.”

  “It really is,” she said. “I’ve had to deal with Sam’s weak excuse for coffee when I think I really like the dark roast. With cream and sugar.”

  Smiling like he knew she just wanted to be alone because she really wanted to have a breakdown without anyone watching this time, he kissed her forehead and got dressed.

  As he went to leave the room, she walked him to the door and kissed him soft and sweet. “I’ll be here when you get back. Or outside the salt line gasping for breath as I bleed out.”

  “Not funny.”

  “Just joking. I’ll be right here.”

  She watched him walk down the hall and then listened as his footfalls echoed down the stairs. Even as he walked across the street she couldn’t keep her eyes off
him, but she needed a moment alone to think without Aiden sensing her emotions.

  If Paige was right, the Ghost shifters would never let her do what she’d been planning. Even if it was the last thing she did, she would shake off this hesitant manner that had been forced upon her and make the man who’d been stalking and controlling her family for decades pay for what he’d done.

  “Ow. That stung my brain.” Paige rubbed her temples and fought the urge to throw up. That idea was tossed out the window as she leaned over and started yarking on the ground as a woman, Willow, stood and mumbled an incantation.

  “That’s the remnants of the spell,” Willow said. “Don’t try to hold it in. Let it out.”

  Willow was nice. She had the most beautiful amber-colored eyes Paige had ever seen, and her long dark hair reflected the bright glow of the moon. Her caramel skin was radiant, and she looked like a ballet dancer.

  She and Zeke had come to get her and Aiden after they’d managed to break the spell, but they said that after being poisoned by the spell for so long it had attached itself to her as if making a home inside her cells. After bringing her back to the woods near the Ghost shifter community, they surrounded her in a salt circle and had her drink a potion that tasted like salt water and had the smell of some minty oil. It moved around in her belly, seeming to seep into her body, and then it all came flying out of her mouth. She was also passing gas. That embarrassed her more than anything. She and Aiden hadn’t known each other that long and tooting around someone took time. You didn’t just do it two days into a relationship.

  Aiden stood outside of the circle and watched her throw up. His green eyes were wrinkled at the corners as he looked on in helplessness. Paige could see the struggle within him as he fought not to reach out and touch her. And hold her. And comfort her. He couldn’t break the salt circle.

  “It’s okay, baby,” he said, fists clenching and releasing as he watched her. “Let it all out.”


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