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War: D'amato Brothers 6

Page 6

by Vera Roberts

  So she beat her face until she couldn’t beat it any longer. Makeup took a bit longer to do in the mornings but when she was done, Faith looked like she stepped onto a movie set and not a boxing ring.

  The infamous fight took place several weeks ago and Faith returned to work, business as usual, without saying a word to her employees what happened. It didn’t matter if she told them all of the sordid details; they found out from word on the street and demanded Faith told them everything.

  Swearing all of them to secrecy, Faith told them everything but couldn’t play back the footage because it was now in the hands of the NYPD. That was fine by her. She didn’t want to review any tapes and accidentally see the footage.

  Now it was a new day.

  Eli was scheduled to come home later that night after spending the weekend in Houston. A full, two-day weekend.

  With Elena. And her mother.

  Faith swallowed the bile that threatened to come out of her throat. It wasn’t fair to Eli. He’d called every night and even FaceTimed her from the hotel room he shared with Nick. He even took pictures of where he was and sent them to Faith, telling her he wanted her to come with him next time.

  The next time…

  …the next time…

  ...the next time.

  Faith rolled her shoulders to release the burdening tension between them. For as long as she lived, she would have to deal with the fact Eli had another family. She was going to be Elena’s stepmother. Elena would spend summers with her siblings. Her children might even go visit her.

  No, on second thought. That would never happen.

  Faith glanced up at the clock. Eli was going to arrive later that night. She was already running late after dropping the children off at their respective schools. She had a full day at the salon with two weave installs and a press and curl. She didn’t need to be distracted any more with Simone, her bastard child, and if Eli was still sleeping with Simone.

  If you don’t trust your husband, you need to let him go.

  Amy’s words were like a broken clock to Faith, no matter how much she put it on snooze. Eli had given her plenty of reason to never trust him and now she had to? For why? To keep the family together? To keep up public appearances?

  When the couple separated before, Faith could remember how thirsty Eli’s fans were the moment they heard about his separation. Women left comments on his Facebook and IG pages, practically begging him to give them the chance to blow him.

  When Faith confirmed the announcement, she only received condolences.

  Faith was about to leave when she noticed a photo in the hallway that caught her attention. It was when they both were still in high school. Eli was incredibly skinny, had a long ponytail, and wore baggy clothing that was passed down from his brothers.

  Faith, meanwhile, was dressed out of Saks Fifth Avenue. She wore the best FUBU, Baby Phat, and Rocawear her daddy’s money could buy. They came from two different worlds but it didn’t matter. Eli spoiled her like it was going out of business. He never had any money so he would make cards, mixtapes, and record Faith’s favorite shows so she could watch them later.

  He would text her first thing in the morning, after a difficult class, and late at night. When she was struggling in Calculus, Eli asked Nick if he knew of any college students who could tutor for a small fee. Faith ended up passing Calculus with an A.

  Faith could admit she was overly hard on him. Eli had given her everything and she was still struggling to trust him. Could she really overcome Elena being her stepdaughter? Even she had to ask herself where was the limit.

  “Hey,” Eli walked inside the home.

  Faith didn’t hear Eli come inside. “Hey.” She glanced at her husband and felt her heart stop. Dressed casually in jeans, a fitted shirt, and Timbs, Eli was New York personified. A small platinum cross hung from his neck and a backwards Yankees baseball cap covered his head.

  He was her bad boy. She was his good girl. They were destined to fail. They were determined to make it work. Against all odds.

  “I thought you would’ve been gone already,” He said. His eyes perused over her attire of tight jeans, black sweater, and matching boots. Her hair was now long and hanging down her back. Her makeup was soft and light. She looked like Nefertiti herself.

  “I was running late after dropping the kids off school so I’m about to head out now.” She picked up her Chanel purse. She smelled Eli long before he’d approached her. He stood right before her and glanced over at the same picture she looked at.

  “High school,” he gave a small chuckle, “we were ghetto fabulous. I was the ghetto part.”

  Faith warmly smiled. He always knew how to compliment her without making it too obvious. “You were always fabulous to me.”

  He smiled again. He thought about when things were innocent between them. They could never go back to that state, nor would he want to. But it would be nice to relive some of it. “I had to keep up with you. I didn’t want anyone to think you were messing with some slouch from the corner.”

  “I never thought that,” she shook her head, “I loved you more than anything. I didn’t care what anyone thought.”

  Eli wanted to interject and ask Faith if she truly believed what she just said. He didn’t want to ruin one of the few moments of peace they’ve had in a long while. For once there was no tension or snappy behavior between the pair. He missed this part of his marriage. “Same.”

  The pair stared at each other for a short while longer, waiting for the other to make a move, any move. Eli went first. “I had a talk with Simone about some things. I didn’t know she confronted you before. I understand why you reacted the way you did and I apologize for getting angry with you about it. That was unfair of me.”

  “It was unfair of you to be angry at me at all,” Faith retorted and Eli felt the chill in her words. “You took up for your former mistress but not your wife.”

  “I didn’t take up for neither of you.” He defended. “You both knew you were wrong but I understand why you did it. She pushed you to the point of no return and you snapped. I get it. I apologize for not understanding before.”

  Did he really understand? Faith wanted to ask. Eli put her into a very difficult situation and it seemed to not have any effect on him whatsoever. “Well, I guess I should be heading out now.” Faith began. “I have a long day at the shop.”

  And just like that, a chance for a meaningful conversation was gone. Maybe it wasn’t a bad thing. Eli had a teleconference with his attorney, Sebastian, and his brother, Joey, regarding his assets and child support payments. “Okay,” Eli nodded, “I have a busy day ahead with many events coming up so I’ll be going over a lot of stuff here.”

  “Okay.” A sensual air passed between them and Faith wondered if she really felt it or if it was just the chill factor from the changing seasons. “I’ll see you later, then?”

  “Sure.” Eli nodded. “Have a good day, Faith.”

  Faith picked up her keys and began heading out the door when she suddenly stopped. Faith. He called me Faith, not Faye.

  She and Eli talked to each other like they were already divorced and having a cordial conversation, not a couple still very married.

  Was their marriage already on its last legs? She couldn’t even remember when was the last time they made love. Eli relegated himself to the guest room and had been there for a few weeks. Though it was a busy time at the shop, it seemed Eli was taking on more requests and events; any reason to not be at home.

  “Eli?” Faith turned around. He was still in the hallway. “What’s going on between us?”

  Eli shook his head. His wife wanted a fight with him and after dealing with Simone and her bullshit all weekend, he didn’t have the care to participate in more drama. He wasn’t quite sure if his self-diagnosed ulcer was a legit thing. “Faith, I need to work and so do you.”

  “You’re deflecting and that’s another issue between us,” she pointed out, “you don’t want to talk to me.”<
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  If Eli doubted Faith was starting a fight, her attitude confirmed it. “Faith, I’ve been trying to talk to you for the past several months. I know I was wrong. I know I messed up. I know I’m asking a lot for you to stay with me if Elena is proven to be mine. But I don’t need a fight every time my eyes blink.”

  “It’s unfair you want me to stay with you but you wouldn’t stay with me if one of our children wasn’t proven to be yours.” She replied. “Don’t act like you would, too, Eli. I know you. You would not stay.”

  “I wouldn’t,” he admitted, “but that question tells me you already made up your mind on what’s going to happen regardless if Elena is mine.”

  “And what’s that supposed to mean?” She folded her arms.

  “Faith, don’t play stupid,” Eli matched her stance, “we both know you’re halfway out the door. You’re just waiting for me to slip up. It won’t even be another affair. It could be some bullshit like I didn’t take out the damn garbage and well, there’s your chance to file.”

  “Fuck you, Eli,” she sneered.

  “I wish you would, actually.” He sternly replied. “Maybe if I got some, things would be better around here.”

  “And as always, you mess up and I’m the bitch,” Faith gave a sad chuckle, “a man just can’t be a dog. Noooooo….a woman has to somehow contribute to the reason he’s had an affair.”

  “The affair was several years ago and you still bring it up in every fucking argument you can,” he grinned, “right on time, never late. That’s that bullshit I’m talking about.”

  “I’ll bring it up as much as I want to and you will deal.” She stood her ground.

  “I don’t bring up you and Darren all of the time,” he shrugged, “I could if I wanted to.”

  “And you’re the reason why I met Darren,” she pointed out, “are you forgetting that fact?”

  “Was I the reason you kept in contact with him for a damn year?” He retorted. “Funny how I can forgive you for that but you can’t seem to forgive me for messing with Simone.” A text notification went off on Eli’s cell phone and he checked it. It was from his close friend, Shanita.

  I need to meet with you ASAP

  Eli already felt his stomach churn and he knew it wasn’t good news at the end of it. “I decided I’m going to get a paternity test to see if Elena is mine,” Eli stated before he replied to Shanita, “so it’ll settle everything once and for all.”

  Faith nodded in silent respect to her husband. She never felt Elena was Eli’s child but she also knew that was her anger and resentment talking. “And what if she’s yours?”

  Eli’s eyes shifted to his wife. He wondered why she would ask a question like that but quickly decided another argument was not worth the headache. “I’ll cross that bridge when the time comes. For now, I’m focused on getting the test done and moving forward.”

  “You know I got your back on this, right?” Faith asked. “And I’ll support you no matter what. I know this is difficult for you and for our family so whatever it is that you need, I’ll do it for you.”

  “You mean that?”

  “I mean it,” she repeated.

  “I’m glad you feel that way because I’m getting all of the kids tested,” his eyes burned with fire, “especially E.J.”


  “You’ve been on a roll, lately!” Noah Matthews complimented his brother. “All of these charities you’ve been lending your support to! You’re blessing a lot of people, brother!”

  Darren smiled. His plan was working perfectly. During his bye week, he went on a spree of donating his time and energy to many causes, labeling it 7 Charities in 7 Days. A camera crew followed him from start to finish and it was going to be made into a documentary airing on TV.

  It had never been done before by anyone and Darren was more than proud to be the first one. He’d already visited the Make-A-Wish Foundation, March of Dimes, Wounded Warrior, Alzheimer’s Association, UNICEF, and Compassion International.

  He’d received international attention as Darren brought focus to many different charities, some many have unheard of, and brought awareness to a variety of issues.

  As he posed for pictures with some children and their families, Darren made sure all of his perfectly white teeth were shown. He knew this photo was going to be shown all over the world.

  Most importantly, it was going to be plastered everywhere Eli D’Amato could see it.

  The real reason for this plan was not to show how philanthropic he was. If things went according to plan, the scandal would come out in a day or so. He needed to get on top of it before people didn’t look at him as fondly.

  He had nothing to worry about, honestly. The way he painted Faith, all of the negative attention would’ve been on her while he skated by. The robbery was going to take place soon and he would act innocent about anything stolen. Perfect.

  His stomach churned thinking about what was to occur. Faith was a good woman. She abided by the rules, doted on her family, and was very active in church. She didn’t deserve the firestorm coming towards her.

  Darren had to prove a point to Eli. If the Italian greaseball wanted to play with fire, he was going to get burned; even if it meant Faith would take the brunt. “You know how I am,” Darren smiled as he posed for pictures, “I’ll do anything to give back to charity.”

  “Good for you,” Noah grinned. They were helping at the last charity, giving money to a youth center in Harlem. Noah had posed for pictures with several young boys. “This is great work you’re doing here, brother.”

  “I hope so,” Darren specifically chose the youth center so Eli knew whose name was on it every time he passed by on the way to Madre’s. Darren made a substantial donation to ensure the center would be renamed in his honor. “I most certainly hope so.”


  “Let me get this straight…you whupped your husband’s former mistress’s ass and he still flies out to see her in Houston?” Kimberly asked. “Bitch, are you for real?”

  Faith returned to MillionHair salon as if the drama over the past several weeks never occurred. She met with her stylists before they opened up shop for the day. “As long as Elena is in the picture, so will Simone,” Faith hoped the tension in her body didn’t come out in her voice, “there’s nothing I can do about that. I will have to deal with Simone for the rest of her life.”

  “I thought Eli was getting a DNA test done?” Jocelyn asked. “Or is that off the table now?”

  “No, it’s happening,” Faith nodded. Her body bristled with tension as she briefly remembered their earlier fight. She left home without saying another word to Eli. She checked her phone several times for an apology text from him. He still hadn’t sent it. “I just hope it’s soon because I just need answers. He doesn’t think Elena is his, nor does anyone else. But we just need solid proof before we can finally move on.”

  “And then what?” Cameron asked. “Would this finally be put to rest between the two of you?”

  Faith wanted to say yes. The coldness in Eli’s voice as he demanded a DNA test for not one, but all three of their children proved otherwise. Just as she didn’t trust her husband, he didn’t trust her – and probably even worse. “Yes,” Faith nodded. “I’m very much committed to my husband.”

  Cameron’s lips pursed and he briefly looked like he was about to say something before he changed his mind. “Okay.”

  “Oh for fuck’s sake,” Krista rolled her eyes, “just say it, you queen.”

  “When’s the last time you had sex with Eli?” Cameron asked.

  “Excuse you, Cam!” Kimberly interjected. “That’s none of your business.”

  “Why do you care if Eli and Faith are having sex?” Jocelyn prodded. “Unless you want him.”

  “He’s the wrong paint job for the car I want to ride,” Cameron bristled.

  “He’s also the wrong the car,” Faith glared at her gay stylist.

  “Every man claims he’s straight until he meets the right g
uy who knows how to blow his mind,” Cameron winked, “anyhoo, the reason I’m asking is Eli hasn’t been around here in ages and the last time Faith wasn’t having sex with her husband, he ended up getting it from someone else.”

  “Eli and I were having plenty of sex when he left me for Simone,” Faith defended, “all we did was have sex during that time.”

  “You and Eli started having sex because Simone was back in the picture. Had she been gone, Eli would still be on the drought you gave him.” Cameron replied.

  “So, if I don’t give my husband any, I’m pretty much saying it’s okay he goes out and gets it from somewhere else?” Faith questioned.

  “A man has needs. It’s one thing if you’re not physically able to have sex,” Cameron held his ground, “it’s another thing if you just don’t want to and want to punish him for whatever bullshit is going on between y’all.”

  “My husband just had an outside child with his mistress!” Faith shot back. “Why would I have sex with him still?”

  “I guess the same question can be said about you – why would Eli stay married to you if one of your children was proven not to be his?” Cameron asked.

  “I know this asshole didn’t just go there!” Kimberly shook her head.

  “Listen, I’m Team Me all day long, but I’m not going to sit here and act like Faith is innocent. Eli was an asshole for what he did; no one doubts that. Eli is a bigger asshole for wanting Faith to stay with him despite his possible outside child; no doubt about that. But why is it unreasonable to believe Eli shouldn’t stay?”

  “Why does the woman have to accept an outside child but the man doesn’t?” Jocelyn asked. “How is that fair?”

  “Life ain’t fair, hunty!” Cameron shrugged. “You have kids starving in a rundown apartment complex down the street from Disneyland where families spend thousands of dollars just so little Becky can take a picture with Goofy while she’s eating her Mickey Mouse pancakes. That’s just how life is.”


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