Book Read Free

Chances Are

Page 4

by Red Rose Publishing

  Tal seemed to bring out the wanton in her. She needed to get away from him to get control of herself. She wouldn’t let him get to her again. Having the rest of the week off would do her a world of good. By the time she had to return to work with him, they would both have their acts together and could be professional about their relationship.

  He was out of the car and opening her door before she could protest any further. “It’s not a problem,” he said. “I am a gentleman, and I want to. The least you can do is invite me in for a cup of coffee. It’s not that late and you don’t have to go into the bank tomorrow.”

  “But what about you? Don’t you have to be in early?”

  He leaned closer to her when she stopped at her front door. “I’ll tell you a little secret,” he whispered, “I know the boss, we’re very close.”

  Laughing, Kayla walked through the door. “All right, come on in.”

  They walked into a scene which Kayla had seen countless times in the two years she and her sister shared the townhouse. Her sister sat on one of the three hourglass shaped wooden stools at the kitchen counter with her laptop open in front of her. Probably working on another brief or researching a case. She didn’t even glance up as they walked in.

  “I hope you’ve already eaten,” her sister Nessa said. “I grabbed a sandwich at the office.”

  “As a matter of fact, I have eaten,” Kayla replied. When Nessa still didn’t look her way, she continued, “Uh…Nessa we have company.”

  Finally, Nessa raised her head above her laptop. When she saw Tal flanking Kayla, her eyebrows rose toward her hairline. Even from across the room Kayla was able to read the silently worded ‘wow’ emerging as air from her sister’s mouth. She understood the sentiment.

  Tilting her head to the side, Kayla introduced them. “Nessa, this is my new boss, Tal Reynolds. Tal, my sister Vanessa, but we just call her Nessa for short.”

  Tal walked over to the counter with his hand outstretched. Nessa automatically raised hers to meet his handshake. “It’s a pleasure to meet Kayla’s sister.” Tal scrutinized her dispassionately. Strictly speaking, Nessa, with her rich caramel complexion, long hair over her shoulders, finer cheekbones, heart-shaped face and pouty lips would probably be considered the prettier of the two. But Tal felt nothing but remote appreciation for her beauty. It was Kayla who caused him to stop in his tracks and his nerve endings to become overly sensitized from her touch.

  A dumbstruck Nessa blatantly stared at him. “This…this is your boss?”

  Tal let go of her hand and smiled. “And I’d like to think Kayla’s friend too.” He turned to look at Kayla and winked. “A very good friend.”

  Much like the hostess at the restaurant had done, Nessa kept looking back and forth between them. The slow grin spreading across her features was very similar to Kayla’s.

  Tal looked at Nessa again. “Who’s the oldest?”

  Nessa replied, “We’re sorta Irish twins.”

  “Yeah,” Kayla agreed, “we’re exactly twelve months apart. But I’m the oldest. Nessa just likes to boss everyone around.”

  “That’s what lil’ sisters do. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Tal,” Nessa paused. “Wait a minute. You’re not Talbert Reynolds? The man with the Midas touch?”

  “Nessa,” Kayla snapped. “I’m appalled by your lack of tact, but not at all surprised. Have you forgotten, he is my boss?” She placed her hand on his arm as if to sooth him, and he caressed it before she removed it, enjoying the feel of her touching him, if even for a moment.

  “Please forgive her rudeness, she can’t help herself.”

  “It’s okay,” Tal said smiling. “I read the papers too. Yes that would be me.”

  “Wow! It’s a real pleasure. That was a great article on your latest buyout.”

  “It was just good business; which will also be a boon to your sister.”

  Nessa shifted her gaze to Kayla. “What’s he talking about?”

  “I found out this morning my branch is one of the ones closing.”

  “What?” Nessa gasped. “What will this mean for you? Will you be out of a job?” She glanced at Tal, who raised his eyebrows and looked at Kayla.

  Kayla returned his look, raised eyebrows and all, before facing her sister. “No. As a matter of fact, Tal took me to dinner to tell me the good news. I’ve been promoted. Starting next week, I’ll be a vice-president of Reynolds Bank, overseeing all of the bank’s branch managers in Northern Virginia.

  Nessa shrieked as she leaped off her stool and hugged her sister. “Kayla, this is wonderful news. I’m so happy for you. This is fantastic. Have you called Mom yet and told her?”

  “No, I just found out myself tonight. It’s too late to call her now anyway. I’ll call her in the morning. Since I have the rest of the week off, maybe I’ll go see her tomorrow.”

  “Ah…” Tal interrupted. “I have plans for us tomorrow.”

  Both sisters turned their heads to stare at him with identical expressions on their faces. All big eyed and pouty mouths.

  “Like what?” Kayla asked. “I thought I didn’t have to return to work until next week.”

  “You don’t. This isn’t about work.”

  Nessa removed her arm from around her sister’s waist and stepped over to her laptop. “It’s getting late and I have an early deposition tomorrow. I think I’ll leave you two to sort this out. Kayla, congratulations again. You go girl! Tal, it was nice meeting you.”

  “Same here, I’ll see you around.”

  “I’m sure you will. Goodnight, kids.”

  Kayla and Tal watched as Nessa picked up her laptop, notebook, and walked up the stairs to the second floor. They didn’t say anything until they heard the sound of her bedroom door closing.

  Kayla turned completely around to face Tal. “What do you mean, it isn’t about work?”

  “I told you I want to get to know you better. I already know you’ll be good for my company. But I’d like to get to know you better for me.”

  Kayla held up both hands as though to ward him off. “Now wait a minute. I’m sorry. I think I gave you the wrong impression tonight. I’ll work with you, but that’s all.”

  “Why?” he asked amused. “There’s no law which says if two people are attracted to each other, even if they work together, they can’t explore said attraction. And we are both attracted.”

  “But that’s the thing, both parties concerned have to want the same thing.”

  Tal took a half a step, which brought him a hand span away from her. “And don’t we want the same thing?”

  “Yes, for the company to prosper.”

  “I’m not talking about the company right now,” he replied huskily.

  “That’s all that can be between us.”

  Tal leaned down even closer until his mouth hovered inches over hers. “Are you sure?” he asked in a whisper, letting his breath brush against her lips.

  Kayla opened her mouth as if to say something, but no words would come out. Instead, her tongue reached out and tasted his bottom lip.

  There was a moan. Who it came from wasn’t clear. His mouth was covering hers by then. Devouring her. Later—that’s the only way she would be able to think of it, he devoured her with his mouth. He got right into her system and took control. This was like no kiss Kayla had ever experienced. It was like something she’d read about in a book.

  Mouths wide open, tongues wrapped around each other and a sense of drowning. Drowning, for Christ sake!

  Kayla was going under and clung to Tal for her breath of life.

  She never knew where she found the strength to pull away from his mouth. But she didn’t fool herself; he let her go. If he pulled her back she’d suck him dry.

  Kayla’s chest was heaving. “I…I’m sorry. I’m not…I don’t. I shouldn’t have done that. I don’t do things like that.”

  Making a visible effort to control his heavy breathing Tal said, “God yes, you should. With me. Anytime.” It was obvious he was hav
ing a hard time getting himself under control too. He couldn’t take his eyes off her mouth. “Can you do it again?”

  She slowly removed her hands from his shoulders. She didn’t remember placing them there; she dragged them lightly down his chest, taking pleasure in the sensual silkiness of the fabric of his shirt. When she reached his belt she removed her hands, and took a step back, putting some much needed distance between them.

  Boy that was hard—both the feel of him and what she had to do. “I’m sorry. But we have to work together. That was so wrong of me. I don’t think we should start…anything; it’s not worth the risk. Office affairs never work out, especially with the boss.”

  “How do you know?” Tal asked with a hint of jealously in his tone. “Do you have experience with affairs and bosses?”

  “No! Of course not! I just know. Everyone does.”

  “Glad to hear it. But first of all, I don’t want to have an affair with you. There will be nothing secretive about our relationship. I am very attracted to you, want to get to know you, and I don’t give a damn what anyone else thinks about it. This is between you and me. At the office, from nine to five, I will be your boss and not treat you any differently from anyone else. But after five…hmmm, now that’s a different story.” He reached for her. But when she stepped even farther away from him, he stopped. “Look, I was drawn to you before I even knew who you were. I think you are attracted to me too. If I’m wrong just say so.”

  Kayla stared at him. She wouldn’t lie to him. She wasn’t a good liar anyway. “No. You’re not wrong. That still...”

  “Then nothing else matters,” Tal countered. “I won’t let who we are in our professional lives interfere in our private lives. Have lunch with me tomorrow, get to know me, let me get to know you. I’m betting you’re worth all sorts of risks. And I’m known for taking them.”

  Kayla stared at him for a moment that turned into forever. On some level she knew, one way or another, her choice would haunt her for the rest of her life. She smiled. He was so arrogant, and probably for good reason. “Okay. We can be friends.”

  “For starters. I’ll come by and pick you up around one.”

  Kayla thought about it. She didn’t have a car. She had to pick it up tomorrow. With the raise from her new position, maybe she could go ahead and get a new car sooner than she’d planned. “My car’s in a mechanic’s shop in Old Town, not far from the bank. If it’s all right with you, can we have lunch near there? Then afterwards it will be easier for me to get my car.”

  “As long as we spend time together, sure. Not a problem.” He took a couple of steps, which brought him closer to her again. Even in three-inch heels Kayla found herself tilting her head back to look up at him.

  “I guess I’ll say goodnight now. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.”

  Energy hummed between them broadcasting his intentions even before he executed them. Kayla had plenty of time to step back, but didn’t budge. Lowering his head, he didn’t stop until his mouth again covered hers. All night long she’d wondered what his mouth would feel like on hers. What he’d taste like. Now she knew. Heaven. He tasted like heaven.

  The kiss didn’t last very long, it was softer than their first, but the underlying hunger was still there. He pulled away much too soon for Kayla’s liking. Perhaps it was for the best. She could get used to his kisses. She reminded herself, she had decided they would just be friends. But a little voice whispered, friends don’t kiss like that!

  Kayla leaned against her front door for a moment after Tal left. What the hell was that! What the hell have I done! She raised one hand and passed it over her face. “I must’ve been out of my friggin mind,” she said to her empty living room.

  She heard one of the stairs creak and looked up. Her sister stood poised midway on the step. “Is he gone?” Nessa asked.


  “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to intrude, but I had forgotten some paperwork on the counter I needed.”

  “It’s okay. How much did you see or hear?”

  Nessa beamed as she continued down the stairs. “Enough.”

  Kayla covered her face with both hands, knowing Nessa could hear the sound of laughter seeping through her fingers. “Well I’ve gotten myself in a fine dilemma. Oh, Nessa, what am I going to do?” Kayla looked at her sister, hoping she’d have an answer.

  Nessa grabbed the papers she’d come down for and staring at her older sister, she smiled. “I’m not sure there’s much you can do. Like he said, it’s more than obvious you’re attracted to him and he sure as hell is attracted to you.”

  “But for crying out loud, he’s my boss,” Kayla said exasperated by Nessa’s calm attitude.

  “Yes he is. Look, I’m not saying it isn’t an issue. I’ve seen plenty of office romances that didn’t work out but I’ve also seen a few that do.”

  “Yes, but not with the boss!” Kayla proceeded to tell Nessa about her first encounter with Tal Reynolds. When she was finished, Nessa inhaled sharply.

  “Wow! You have had quite a day,” Nessa said. “But seems to me the attraction started before he even knew who you were, or you him. Just because he’s your boss won’t make him less attractive or any less attracted to you. He seems like he’s willing to try to get to know you. You have to ask yourself, will it be better for you to step back or step forward and see where this leads? I know the last time you had a date was months ago, and even then you only saw the guy once. I’m just glad to see you taking an interest in someone again. Don’t let that jerk, Dywane, keep ruining your relationships with other men. He’s long gone and good riddance.”

  Trust Nessa to get to the heart of things, but still. She moved away from the door and toward the stairs. “This is not about Dywane. I…I just don’t know. I’m not sure what the right thing to do is.”

  “You have never been a quitter in your life. If there is something between you and Mr. Fine Ass Midas, even if it’s just friendship, you owe it to yourself to find out what it is. Besides, you might not even be working closely with him. You might only have to see him once in awhile.”

  Kayla hadn’t considered that possibility. She knew the bank’s main headquarters was housed throughout a ten story building in Crystal City. They might be on entirely different floors; maybe this could work. She’d have to find out more about her position tomorrow, and learn just how much day-to-day contact she’d have with Tal. One part of her was glad she might have the opportunity to get to know him better. The other part wanted her to run like crazy in the opposite direction.

  The phone rang just as she was turning off her light and climbing into bed.

  “Hello,” Kayla said.

  “Hi, it’s me.”

  Kayla could never forget the sound of this man’s voice. No man ever caused bumps to raise and cover her skin the way Tal did. Some imp made her not acknowledge she knew who it was.

  “Me who?” she asked.

  “It’s me, Tal. But I think you already knew.”

  “You are not the only person who calls me.”

  “I was just thinking about you,” he said. “Actually, I haven’t stopped thinking about you since I first saw you this morning. I wanted to let you know I’m looking forward to spending more time with you tomorrow. In fact, I want to spend as much time as possible with you all week.”

  “I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow too. But I thought I didn’t have to come into the bank ‘til next week?”

  “This isn’t about work at all and you know it. This is about you and me getting to know each other better.”

  “Can we?” Kayla asked, truly wanting to know. “Can we really do that and still work together?”

  “I don’t see why not. I’m willing to try if you are. I promise when we are working together, I won’t try to take advantage of you. Trust me.”

  Could she? Would he trust her? “You’d better not. That would be sexual harassment.”

  “Only if it weren’t reciprocated, so you are free
to take advantage of me all you want. Anytime. But don’t worry, I promise I’ll try to behave at the office. It won’t be easy but I do want this to work. I felt something today I’ve never felt before and I’d like to see where it will take me, take us.”

  Kayla gave an unladylike snort. “You don’t really expect me to believe that?”

  “It’s true whether you choose to believe it or not. So the rest of the week I want to put aside time for just us. Are you game?”

  “What happens next week when I start working for you?”

  “You start working for Reynolds Bank. You don’t work for me but with me. And like I said before, after work, is a different story.”

  Kayla was still skeptical but had to ask, “Oh, and what story would that be?”

  “Are you game enough to find out?”

  She was silent.

  “Hello,” Tal said, “are you still there?”

  “Yes, I’m here. Let’s just take it slow. We’ll start with lunch tomorrow.”

  “It’s a date and by the way, we’ve already started. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Tal heard the soft click in his ear as Kayla hung up the phone. He felt like a teenager with his first crush and not the grown up, very experienced male he was. Still, he couldn’t wait until tomorrow.

  Chapter Four

  Tal was running late, he had already called to let her know. Kayla still wasn’t sure if she was doing the right thing when her doorbell rang. She looked through her window and saw Tal’s silver Jag in the driveway.

  “Hi,” she said opening the door. The words hadn’t even left her mouth before she was crushed against black leather, and her mouth was locked in a mutual suck feast with another’s.

  Tal was the first to come up for air. “Hi,” he said while rubbing his thumb along her bottom lip. “Mmm—I’ve been thinking about those lips all night.” He leaned down and kissed her again. Only this time the kiss was softer, tender. “I’m sorry I’m late. Are you ready?”


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