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Punishing Their Virgin: A Reverse Harem Office Romance

Page 15

by J. L. Beck

  I enter the dining room. Yes, they are both here. What happened to Jenna? “Guys, where is she? I ask. “I mean, I needed to see her.”

  They look up and both of them chuckle.

  I roll my eyes. “Really guys, no teasing.”

  “I left her in my room, sleeping.” Trevor grins at me.

  Jake stares off into space.

  He gets so quiet that we both look over at him.

  He then smiles to himself.

  “Oh, damn!” Trevor smirks.

  Jake raises his gaze up. “What?”

  “You were just now thinking about her,” I accuse.

  He lets out a breath. “So?”

  Trevor grins. “I can’t stop doing that either,” he admits quietly.

  Okay, here it is. Should I tell them what they are too dumbass to realize? “When has that ever happened to either of you? I ask.”

  They look up at me.

  “What?” Jake asks.

  Trevor looks clueless as well.

  I roll my eyes. They are so slow! I know this may throw them way off the track that makes them feel emotionally safe but I need to convince them before I really lay the bomb on them. “When have you just sat, lost in the thoughts of a woman?”

  They blink their eyes as if they hadn’t thought about this.

  I continue, “I saw you both last night. Upset that I might have hurt her. Like all in a panic. By the way, busting in on me like that? Was crap. You don’t do that man! It was a special moment it…”

  They are grinning at me.

  “No dammit! It isn’t fucking funny. Pushing me off her like I was some kind of rapist!”

  They are now laughing.

  “You fuckers,” I mutter.” I raise my chin up, they deserve what I am about to lay on them next. “You are both falling in love with her,” I state outright, no easing them into it.

  They stare at me.

  The room is so silent…I can hear the sprinklers going over the lawns outside.

  Jake finally speaks, “I-I…”

  Trevor clears his throat and says, “Okay.” He has some confessional tone in his voice.

  I tilt my head at him. “Okay?”

  He nods and looks over at a stymied Jake. “I am falling hard.” He shrugs. “I admit it. “

  Now, I’m stunned. I never thought Trev would just give it up like this. I thought he would laugh it off and deny it to all hell.

  We both look over at Jake.

  He shakes his head. “Fuck! I don’t know. I mean. I never…”

  I chuckle. “You will. It is happening and I don’t think you can stop it. It doesn’t work like that.”

  He gazes at me. His eyes are intense. “I know one thing right now. I want to keep her.”

  Trevor and I nod. Like we do too.

  “No.” He grins at us. “I mean a wild urge to lock her in my room.”

  We both gasp a little.

  “Dude, you can’t be serious!” Trevor exclaims.

  Jake nods, unashamed. “Keep her naked in my room.” He shrugs. “Maybe if I can have her all the time. This…this fucking out of control need will just fade.”

  I laugh.

  They both stare at me.

  “You are such a dope. To think you have such experience into the female psyche like you’ve always said. Then a master’s in business. Degrees in two other fields and yet, you are such a fucking dumbass.”

  He narrows his eyes at me.

  Oh, shit. I might just get my ass kicked here if I don’t change the subject quick. “Look, umm. I have decided.”

  They swing their curious gazes over.

  “Shit,” Trevor mutters. “When you say things like that. ‘I have decided.’ Or, ‘I have made a decision.’ It means we are gonna have to like talk you down or some shit like that. Like when you wanted to bunji jump with that nutty chick, way back.”

  I give him a steely eyed stare. “Oh, this is a jump but it’s not dangerous.”

  “Yeah that’s what you said about climbing mount…what was that mountain again?” Trevor laughs.

  Jake sits forward curious, ignoring Trevor’s jabs as his glare fades from his eyes. “What is it kid?”

  I take a deep breath. “I am going to ask Jenna to marry me.”

  They stare at me. Neither of them even blink. They are like stone statues.

  Jake stands up from his chair. “Are you nuts?”

  I stand up too.

  Trevor stays seated. “No, I knew it. I told you he would marry her, didn’t I? I-it’s just I didn’t think it would be so soon.”

  “Yes, Jake. I am nuts. I’m crazy in love with her. I also want…”

  They stare at me. Waiting.

  “I do not want her shamed in any way. Like how long do you think we can hide this? The way we cannot keep our eyes off her, or our hands. A woman like her. She needs to be treated right.” I sigh. “I know originally, it was my hair brained idea to share her, but…I want to keep her too.” I shake my head. “ But not as a pet.” I glare at Jake.

  He clenches his fists. “You did not just fucking say that,” he seethes.

  Trevor sighs.

  “Look kid,” Jake growls. “I have never treated a woman like I have her. She’s not a sub, a toy or a god dammed pet! She accomplished something that…” His voice fades away.

  We stare at him.

  He shakes his head and sits down.

  “Yes, accomplished something special inside of you,” Trevor states quietly.

  We all remain silent for a long, tense moment.

  Jake looks up at me. “You are right.”

  My brows raise up. Right? Him admitting that I’m right about something—

  “She needs to be a Maxwell. Be a part of…”

  “…us,” Trevor finishes.

  I nod. Finally! They get it.

  “B-but, if you marry her…” Trevor looks upset.

  I shrug. “I won’t ever tell her she cannot be with you…”

  Jake laughs. “Dammit. Married?” He shakes his head.

  I am still defensive about it. He can think I’m stupid if he wants. I know what I want.

  “Well, your name will be there on the certificate, but we will all be marrying her,” Jake announces.

  Okay, now I have to sit back down. I am stunned by this. I plop into my seat.

  Trevor nods. “I agree.”

  Okay, now this, I never guessed. They do love her and they have just admitted it.

  Trevor breaks the quiet, “The thing is. She will not see this coming. We might scare her if we…”

  Jake nods. “Yes, because it’s been two weeks. She might bolt.”

  I never thought of this. Maybe I’m the dumbass. I mean I know what I know and now these two have faced it too. But is Jenna ready for something like this? I am wondering now, how to get her to the point where she will accept husbands. I laugh. “Husbands,” I say it aloud.


  We all look up.

  Peter is standing at the counter.

  I think if you would have set off a stick of dynamite in the room it wouldn’t have phased us as we stared at the last person we wanted to be in this particular conversation.

  Jake reacts first. “Yeah, dude. We were just saying how none of us would make good…husbands,” he lies straight through his teeth.

  FUCK! I am panicking. We just cannot let anyone mess this up. If this man finds out? It could ruin everything.

  Trevor wears the same panicked look. He stands up. “Um, I gotta make a call.” He nods at me. “My cell is in my room.”

  I release a relieved breath. He is going to go and make sure that—

  “Hey, guys.”

  My stomach just cramped and my breath is caught in my throat.

  Jake drops his coffee cup and it spills on the table.

  We all look over.


  Standing there, in that beautiful green dress.

  Peter stares at her. “Well, fuck
a duck!” He laughs. “Well, not a duck, but…God damn!” He grins at us. “I fucking knew it! You all having her. I saw it. My gut never lies.”

  I get up and rush to Jenna.

  Her face just went white.

  I give her a kiss on the cheek. “Hey, sweetie.”

  She gazes from a smirking Peter to me.

  I wrap my arm around her shoulder. “This is why we were talking about husbands.”

  Her wide eyes peer up at me.

  Peter looks around at all of us. “No kidding?” He gazes over at me. “This is serious?”

  I nod and walk a shaky Jenna over to the table.

  He smiles. “So, you are going to get married?” he asks.

  Jenna sucks in a huge breath.

  I nod. “She’s my fiancé.” I know this is all wrong. But I have to. I just do. She will not be treated like a slut. I am fuming inside. I wanted to have a romantic setting, do it up right, bended knee, a huge ring. Not this! But I cannot let Peter believe for one second that she is a fling, office affair or anything sleazy. This is the better solution. He wouldn’t dare disrespect her if she is to marry me.

  Jenna is shaking as I sit her down.

  Peter nods his head at us. “Well, Micah. Congratulations!” He laughs. “Wow!” He shrugs. “I always knew you’d be the one to settle down first though.” He laughs. “I mean your brothers are wild. They might not ever take that dive. I mean remember that one week? At the Hamptons? A different chick every—”

  “That’s enough Pete.” Jake gets up and walks over to him.

  Peter seems to realize he’d been speaking in like mixed company or some shit. “Oh, yeah. Not polite.”

  Jake nods. “I want you to keep this quiet.” He grabs his shoulder.

  Peter winces as perhaps Jake is squeezing it a bit too hard.

  “Because we haven’t told the family and no one in the company. Plus, dad. If you want to upset the old man by telling him or anyone else before we…I mean before Micah does?”

  Peter looks a little afraid. “Well, of course not. This is a family thing. I’ve been like a member of this family. I would never ruin this for the kid.”

  I release a sigh, so does Trevor.

  I look over at Jenna. She looks like someone just hit her with a bus.

  Oh, shit. I look over at Pete. “Um, I’m sorry dude. But we were just going to talk about wedding plans. Could we do football next weekend?”

  He nods. “Sure, I mean this doesn’t happen every day!” He still looks stunned. “Married? Damn kid.” He gazes over at a quiet Jenna. “I can see why though. Damn.” He smiles and leaves, waving over his shoulder. “Remember, I get an invite!” He disappears.

  Good, now we can—

  Jenna stands up and pins a hard gaze on each of our faces. “Can any one of you tell me….” she pauses to catch her breath. “What the hell was that!”



  I’m more than stunned. What in the hell just happened?

  All three of them look nervous.

  “Jenna, I couldn’t let him ruin this,” Micah finally answers my question.

  “So, what happens now?” I ask him. “It is ruined anyway.” I am so upset. I feel so defeated after feeling so wonderful. It’s like I just rode a wild roller-coaster of sexual heights and then now, I’ve plummeted down so hard that I might get a bloody nose. It’s all over now. I cannot let this go on. I should have known it was just a dream. In real life, these things cannot work. After all, it was just a fantasy I wrote in a journal. I sigh, as I want to cry.

  I have to give them up. I stand up. “I understand and I think this is our cue.”

  They all stare at me then glance at each other.

  “O-our cue?” Micah asks.

  I nod and look at them all. “It was a wonderful thing. You made a girl’s dream come true.”

  They all look intense.

  “But the reality is…It was just a fantasy.”

  They all now look upset.

  I continue, “I mean we cannot just go on pretending that I’m engaged to Micah, then…”

  They are all coming over to my chair.

  “No, Jenna,” Jake says.

  “I-I…” Tears fall now. “I cannot have some scandal hitting your company. Hurting your family. Not over me. Not over a lie.”

  “But it wasn’t a lie!” Micah exclaims.

  I sniffle and look over at him. “What?”

  He sighs. “Look Jenna, I just announced to my brothers that…Well, that I intended to ask you to marry me. Before Peter ever arrived.”

  My eyes widen. “What?”

  He nods.

  “B-but it’s…”

  “Yeah, it’s too soon,” Jake interrupts.

  I nod. At least Jake sees the truth. He is the most realistic of the three.

  Jake steps closer. “That is what we thought at first.”

  I swipe away my tears and nod.

  “Then, we all admitted it,” he adds.

  I look up at him. “Yes. This cannot continue. I knew you would see that.” I look over at Micah. “I mean I do lo…” I halt. I almost blew it just now. He cannot ever know now that I love him. It would make this all so much harder.

  Micah steps close. “You what?”

  I bite my lip.

  “You love me?”

  I look away. “H-how can I? I mean it’s only been—”

  “Two weeks,” all three of them say in unison.

  Trevor smiles at me. “It doesn’t matter, we all know.”

  I halt. Well, he just gave up without any fuss. Maybe what I saw in his eyes this morning was just for the hot, wet sex. It hurts. Oh, god. I never knew it could hurt like this. I mean…I was so stupid. I didn’t think ahead. I didn’t know I would get so wrapped up in these men. I mean nobody has a foursome and expect it to become serious! What did I think? I would marry all three of them and live happily fucking after?

  This is the real world. Where people cannot just jump into a 4 way relationship and think it will end up with picket fences. Oh yes, it’s fine and all to just throw caution to the wind and say, just ride it while it lasts, then say so long when it’s over. I mean you could if—I look up at all three men.

  Micah, with his sweet sensual, honest ways. So deep. I still never got through all the layers there.

  Jake, with his hot demanding ways, but a man that could make you love every minute of pleasureful pain. Make you think of him all night and all day long and feel breathless whenever you do come into contact with him.

  Then Trevor. Fun loving, with power to spare while being so sweet and caring, all wrapped up in a body that would make most women’s pussies weep just to look at him.

  Yeah, you could walk away if you hadn’t allowed them into more than just your body. I let them all into my heart, and maybe my soul. I deserve this for being so smug and confident that I could have my…three cakes and eat them too.

  I gasp a little as I realize something. Why are they all stepping so close to me? I take a step back. “Look this is going to be hard enough. Please just let me leave with what little dignity I have left…”

  They all wear a look I’ve never seen before as they advance on me.

  What the hell is happening?

  They all crowd me.

  “We won’t let you go,” Jake seethes as he presses against me.

  Trevor nods and grabs my ass cheek. “Nope. Not happening, beautiful.”

  Micah nuzzles my neck. “You gotta know I love you, Jenna.”

  I’m breathing heavily as these three men are all up on me at once. “B-but…”

  “No butts unless, it’s your sweet pink one.” Jake laughs as he smacks my ass cheek.

  “Hey!” Trevor snaps.

  I gape at all three of them. “But we can’t just keep…”

  “Keep what?” Jake asks. “Keep on fucking you? Keep delving into your sweetness? Oh yes, we can. I know we can’t lose you.”

we can’t,” Trevor adds.

  I feel the heat of three of them. Their erections all pushing against me at the same time. “Guys, it’s crazy.”

  They all nod.

  “It is Jenna but when it’s right, it is just right,” Micah states as he caresses my face.

  “Okay guys, we do this on three,” Jake orders.

  I pause as my nipples are hard and my pussy is dripping from their being on me. God, I cannot breathe. “Do? Do what?”

  They all three step away from me and I feel the loss like a cold winter ice just blew in after a summer heat. I shiver.

  They all step back and nod at each other.

  I don’t have any idea what the hell is happening. My head is spinning.

  All three of them kneel down on one knee.

  I gulp and take a step back. What the hell are they doing?

  They look up me.

  Jake whispers to Trevor, he nods and turns to whisper to Micah’s ear.

  Micah nods.

  “Jenna Hawkins, will you marry me?” Their voices state simultaneously.

  I am shaking, as my hands raise up to my mouth. My legs go all wobbly. They just—they just proposed to me?


  They look up at me.

  I’m shaking my head. They cannot be serious! I mean it isn’t rational or I believe, legal.

  “Please Jenna?” Micah pleads softly.

  I stare at them. All of them kneeling, even Jake? I look over at him.

  He nods at me his face deadly serious.

  I look over at Trevor, because if this is a joke, I will be able to tell by that grin he often wears.

  Trevor is so not grinning. He wears the same determined but hopeful look.

  They are serious!

  I sallow heavily. I cannot hurt them. I mean three strong men asking this. I know they may just be doing this to prove I mean something to them, maybe to get me to stay but I know it cannot be real. I will just say yes and then later, I will let them off the hook.

  I do what any smart but insane woman would do—I say, “Yes.”

  They all look excited and relieved. They each get up and head to me.


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