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Lover of the Nightkin

Page 4

by Lora Darc

  Prince Morgin leaned over her and easily ripped away the little chains and metal coverings around her breasts. Then Prince Cyre followed suit and tore away the little covering of chains between her legs. With that, the princes each lifted their plates and tilted them over Danielle, spilling the contents on to her body. The warm sticky sauce ran down her breasts and stomach and around her thighs; between her legs and over her rear. Danielle gritted her teeth as she struggled not to wince or writhe at the strange sensation. The peaches fell onto her and rolled off to lie beside her, sticking in the red syrup.

  For a single moment, Danielle worried they actually planned to eat her. But, as Prince Xaris grazed a finger along her stomach to catch some of the sauce running down her hips and promptly licked it off, her worries dissipated slightly as her logical brain came back around, remembering she was worth more than a single meal. They wanted to enjoy her in many other ways.

  Prince Sethris was the first to ‘dig in’. He went for her neck again and Danielle felt his fangs prick her skin, making two small tears to which he then sucked on greedily. Danielle turned her head to give him more access and arched her back slightly. Prince Cyre pushed her back down then bent over her left breast. His mouth enclosed around her nipple and she felt him sucking and nipping.

  Prince Xaris leaned over and placed his hand between her legs and swirled two fingers leisurely around her core. He brought his hand back and brought his fingers to his lips, tasting her.

  “My, Sethris wasn’t deceiving us. She tastes as lovely as told.” Prince Xaris commented. Prince Ferien took moment then to lap a long tongue down her thigh.

  Danielle trembled, trying desperately to fight her great need to move and squirm. She noticed Lord Tyris sat watching with hungry eyes while Lord Torquel sat motionless and unreadable. Her body grew hot not only at the princes’ touch but of the others observing. She closed her eyes and tried to take deep, slow breaths, fearing the moans that were near to escaping her.

  As the princes ‘feasted’ on her, Danielle had the sudden sensation of deja vu. She opened her eyes and looked up and caught Prince Morgin staring down at her. She winced and shut her eyes quickly and felt one of the princes lick at her core and another sucked at her other breast; the vampire prince continued to feed on her and another prince bit at her inner thigh. Then she realized why the scene seemed so familiar. It was just like the dreams that had ravaged her mind endlessly for the many nights she had been away from the palace. She could feel her center blooming with heat and turning wet just like she had imagined. Without thought she inched her legs apart a little more and spread herself, letting them take more of her. Wanting the dreams to turn into a singular reality.

  But, as she began to relax and float freely in the stimulating sensations around her—wanting to be swept in the tide of pleasure—the princes stopped and drew away from her. She opened her eyes, confused, and saw they had sat back, a few taking up and biting fully into the luscious fruit surrounding her.

  They seemed to stir uncomfortably and even stiffen and Danielle began to suspect that the princes had purposely stopped as if held in a secret agreement: that if they were to keep going, they would turn savage and take her right there on the table and ravage her all at once. In the heat of the moment, Danielle had no qualms about this, but, strangely, they looked inclined to keep their composure instead of turning to their bestial ways and violently fight to bury themselves in her; and, in doing so, putting her in greater harm than they originally cared to.

  They didn’t want to scar their little pet... at least, not yet.

  Danielle, however, had different ideas and she grew increasingly disappointed as she heard Prince Morgin snap his fingers and order other servants to the table. They took the now empty plates away along with the trays of food.

  “Call Melina back,” Prince Morgin ordered and one of the servants bowed and disappeared through a doorway.

  Melina entered and bowed and Prince Morgin gestured to the table and to Danielle. “Take her away.”

  Melina bowed and Danielle was allowed to sit up and slide off the table. The servants presented her with a robe but Prince Morgin stopped them from putting it on her.

  “No. She walks back as is. Let her learn from her mistakes.” Prince Morgin grabbed hold of the back of her neck and pulled Danielle to him. “And tomorrow... it’s my turn to have a little fun.” Danielle felt the tip of his tongue graze her ear and she nearly quivered. He then released her and Danielle dared not turn and look at the others as she was taken out of the room.

  Chapter 5

  Danielle leaned out from the balcony looking down at the bright, lively kingdom below while playing with the set of vials around her neck. Tonight she would be a plaything to Prince Morgin, something she had feared when she first laid eyes on him and he had tried to tempt her to him. Now, she only felt nervous anticipation. Though Morgin still frightened her the most, it was no longer because of his looks. She had seen enough monsters now to be less unnerved and even sometimes utterly jaded by some of their features.

  But it was to Morgin’s dominating, ruthless, and almost cruel manner that still made her uneasy. She knew he took great pleasure in punishment and in play more so than the rest. She feared she wouldn’t be able to withstand the incredible torture he likely wanted to put upon her.

  And then there was the matter of stealing his—and his brothers—energies. If she had any chance of gaining them, she needed to get the princes alone, and so far that had been impossible. Hydric had been right. Though her powers of lust-filled seduction have grown stronger since her time with the Night Lords, she didn’t think it would be so easy to sway the Princes of Night. Especially Prince Morgin whom she knew would undoubtedly be the most challenging. Though he took pleasure in having her submit and watching her every move, he had barely touched her nor shown any sign of losing control like his brothers and taking what he desired, even when he had been deprived the most of such pleasure.

  Still, she wouldn’t give up so easily. If she could find the courage to do so, she would find some way to seduce them. If she couldn’t find a way to get them alone, then all she could do was wait. The princes were like wolves, ruling as a pack and taking what they wished when they wished. But Danielle would become like a viper and strike when the time was right. She just had to be patient.

  The doors to her room opened and Melina stepped inside with a group of servants.

  “It’s time to prepare.” Melina clapped her hands and they went to work.


  Danielle rested against the cushioned seat in her jeweled chain-wear, watching the other nightwomen congregate in the gathering room where they waited in preparation to leave to their designated places within the palace for the night. She picked at a piece of bread, listening to the women gossip amongst themselves. Unlike the nightwomen of the Onyx Pass, the nightwomen of the palace were more refined, but much more guarded and restrained in their friendliness, especially towards her. They eyed her curiously but, besides the few tight smiles and nods of heads, they didn’t make any effort to strike a conversation. Danielle was thankful at the moment as she was too caught up in her own mind to force herself into any small talk. All she could think about was what Prince Morgin had in store for her.

  “How I envy those with Prince Cyre tonight. He is so attentive. And much more generous than the others,” Danielle overheard one nightwoman say.

  “I disagree,” said another. “Prince Ferien is just as generous. And so caring.”

  “Too considerate for my taste,” said a third. “But Prince Sethris, though rough in his touch, is so passionate.”

  “Ah, but Prince Xaris too is passionate. In a slow, excruciating way,” giggled a fourth.

  “In truth, if I had such a chance... I would choose Prince Morgin,” whispered the last. The women seemed to agree with this, nodding their heads.

  “Oh, yes! He is so intense. So fierce. But he has been so picky about his women lately. It’s a shame.” />
  “I hear he was only taking a select few to his chambers in the beginning. But the poor girls couldn’t seem to please him as he liked. Not like his usual self at all. Now he rarely takes any.”

  “If you ask me, it seems all the princes have changed in their wants. Perhaps all those years imprisoned did something.”

  Melina entered the room and announced it was time for them to line up. The girls did as told and Melina waved for Danielle to come to the front with her.

  Once they exited the room, the women split into different groups and went their separate ways. Only Danielle stayed with Melina to follow her down the hall towards Prince Morgin’s quarters.

  No one lingered down the quiet, dim hallway. The closer they got the fewer guards and servants lurked about. Danielle felt like she was stepping into some dark, unknown place; a place more private and away from everyone. Shadows moved along the walls and ceiling, swirling and twisting. The air was chill.

  At the prince’s door, Danielle saw the familiar emblem—a swirl of black—at the center. Melina knocked once and stepped away. The door opened and darkness greeted them.

  Danielle looked to Melina waiting for her to enter, but she didn’t move.

  “I go no farther,” she said. “When the prince is finished with you, I shall return.”

  Danielle hesitated before the door. She recognized the swirling black from when she had first entered Prince Sethris’ domain. A darkness that light couldn’t penetrate.

  She paused a second longer, then stepped into the shadowy mass. She heard the door close behind her and she walked blindly onward until the darkness faded and she saw a light shining ahead.

  Stepping out of the dark void, Danielle entered a tall antechamber. Above, a domed ceiling with a skylight showed a moonless night sky. Lanterns hanging from chains swung leisurely about the marbled room.

  “Ah, Mistress, how good it is to see you again,” came a little voice. Danielle looked down at her feet and saw Kril—Prince Morgin’s loyal gremlin servant—looking up at her with a tight grin.

  “Kril... you’re alive. I thought maybe the prince would have…”

  The gremlin shook his head. “Master has forgiven me my mistakes, though I paid for them well. He knows me to be an obedient servant despite my carelessness.”

  “I’m glad you’re okay,” Danielle said honestly.

  The gremlin bowed in thanks. “Follow me now, Mistress. Master awaits.”

  Danielle followed Kril through a doorway, down a short corridor until they stopped at another door. The gremlin knocked then opened the door allowing Danielle to enter.

  Danielle thought for a moment she had entered the library as shelves filled with tomes and strange devices lined the walls inside a spacious room. Then she saw the large crimson bed sitting on a dais at the far wall. Prince Morgin’s bedchamber.

  At the very center of the room was a tall metal pole similar to the kind that had restrained her at the punishment ceremony. At its base was a stool with two smaller poles set to each side making up a near perfect triangle. Opposite this strange contraption was a wide, comfortable seat and a small table beside it. In front of both was a long table where a few choice objects lay on top that made Danielle’s heart race.

  “I hope,” started a low voice near the wall where a figure hid in the shadows, “that this excites you as much as it does me.” The figure shifted, moving in the darkness along the wall. “You see, I am a great sorcerer but also a man of science. I very much like to test how certain items or specimens work and operate. Especially ones of rarity that have yet to be fully understood; to discover what secrets they might hide…” Prince Morgin slipped out of the shadows into the soft lantern light and, with slow, graceful movements, presented himself before her.

  Danielle quickly shot her eyes to the ground and bowed her head, clasping both her hands in front of her. “My prince.” Her voice cracked a little as tension built in her body, tightening her throat.

  “Tonight, I would like to perform an experiment,” Prince Morgin continued as if not hearing her words. “To discover your secrets.”

  She heard the touch of laughter in his voice. He would toy with her just like she theorized.

  Whatever happens, don’t let him break you.

  “Let’s begin, shall we?” Prince Morgin gestured to the stool.

  Danielle turned from him and went over to the seat surrounded by the poles. As she sat down and clamped her legs together Prince Morgin clicked his tongue in annoyance.

  “No, no. I have to be able to see everything. To observe your reactions to my actions… Take off your clothes.”

  Danielle got up and did as told, her chain-wear slipping off her with ease. She returned to sit back on the stool like before.

  “Now,” said Prince Morgin, “spread your legs and place the rods between them.”

  Danielle almost looked up at him in confusion. She looked at the two small poles and lifted her right leg first, positioning her inner thigh to touch the cool metal. Then she lifted her left and did the same until she was spread before him with the poles between her. She was thankful she was fairly flexible or else it might have been painful. Instead, it was only a mere discomfort, more so by the fact that she was stretched open for Prince Morgin to see everything as he wished. She could almost feel his eyes on her as he lingered, watching her shift a little to become more comfortable.

  “Good,” he said softly. “Now put your back against the rod behind you and lift your arms.”

  Danielle did as he ordered, stretching her arms up and placing her hands against the pole. As she remained in position, she felt a sudden tight wrapping and pulling around her wrist. When she glanced upward she saw a long, thin piece of rope securing her hands to the pole. As soon as the knot was tied above, another set of rope wrapped and tightened around her chest as her upper torso was also secured to the pole.

  Danielle squirmed in surprise but found it near impossible to move her body except for her lower half. Just as she thought to lift her legs, however, more rope appeared and secured her legs quickly to the poles.

  “Precautions so that you don’t ruin the experiment, my dear.” Prince Morgin laughed. “Ah, and just one more for assurance.” He snapped his fingers and a gag appeared around Danielle’s mouth, slipping between her teeth.

  “Now.” Prince Morgin strolled over to the table filled with an assortment of paddles, canes, whips and other objects Danielle had yet to identify. “What should we start with first?” His fingers traced over the objects along the table until he settled on what looked to be a riding whip. “Let’s see how this feels.” He approached her with the whip and grazed its end over her thigh.

  “You see, I believe I saw something truly astounding the night of your punishment ceremony.” Prince Morgin let the whip tap between her legs, teasing at her core. “Unless my eyes were deceiving me, I could have sworn you were enjoying your punishment a little too much. I know this to happen with many nightwomen. Some who crave the pain... but not like how you did. And not like any human I’ve ever seen. But, I don’t like to jump to conclusions. I must see now for myself just how much you enjoy this.” With a quick flick of his wrist, he snapped the whip at her center and Danielle immediately convulsed and cried out through her gag bit.

  “I can sense there’s some strange energy hiding in you,” he continued, bringing the whip away. “But it only shows itself at the proper moment. I think I know the perfect way to release it from you.”

  Danielle trembled in her seat. Oh no.

  Before she could even think to ready herself, Prince Morgin brought the whip down and cracked it several times along her thighs. Danielle shuddered and cried out again and heat exploded in her belly and moved down her legs and into her center. Her nipples hardened and she could already feel herself growing wet as the heat rippled across her body at each mark of the whip. Prince Morgin paused in his swings to observe her carefully.

  “Yes, this is a good start. You’re already
responding so beautifully.” Prince Morgin brought his hand down between her legs and plunged a finger into her center. “Your throbbing and wet already.” He drew out his finger then swirled it around her core. He lifted his hand away, rubbing her wetness between two fingers. “This makes me happy to learn of such secrets you’ve been hiding from us.” He cracked the whip on her side and Danielle lifted her head and moaned.

  Prince Morgin put the riding whip back on the table and took up a long leather cane. “I think my theory is becoming more credible wouldn’t you say? Let’s see if I can get even better proof.” He grazed the side of the cane across her chest and under her breasts, lifting them tenderly. With the slightest flick of his wrist, he hit one breast and pain flashed through Danielle like a shock of lightning. He brought the cane to her inner thigh and hit it just the same. Danielle began to see flashes of white and red in her vision. Her body throbbing and her center clenching. Shaking her head from side to side, trying to overcome the incredible sensations, Danielle tried not to give in. But, as a last sharp snap of the cane hit the other side of her inner thigh, barely missing her center, Danielle’s body finally betrayed her.

  The heat tightened in her core and burst and she felt her center throb as she shattered from an orgasm so intense it made her scream. Mindless, she forgot her oath not to look and caught Prince Morgin watching with pure delight. His eyes widened and dilated and a smile grew on his lips, his tail wagging from side to side like an excited puppy. An expression of shocked delight washed over him.

  “I knew it,” he whispered as Danielle began to come around and nearly melt in her seat. “I knew something had changed. You’re swimming in Magikal energy, did you know that?”

  Tears pricking her eyes, Danielle nodded in defeat. Prince Morgin ripped away her gag. “Tell me how? Tell me who did this? Was it one of the Night Lords? No... it couldn’t have been one of them.”


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