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The Wilderness Warrior

Page 113

by Douglas Brinkley

  71. George Bird Grinnell and T.R., Trail and Camp-Fire: The Book of the Boone and Crockett Club (New York: Forest and Stream, 1897), p. 332.

  72. Robert Barnwell Roosevelt, Game Fish of the Northern States of America, and British Provinces (New York: Carleton, 1862).

  73. Pickard, “The House of Roosevelt,” p. 101.

  74. Parker Gillmore to R.B.R. (1862), R.B.R. Papers, TRA.

  75. Pickard, “The House of Roosevelt,” p. 102.

  76. Robert Barnwell Roosevelt, Game Fish of the Northern States of America and British Provinces, p. 36.

  77. John F. Reiger, American Sportsmen and The Origins of Conservation, pp. 150–151.

  78. Richard P. Harmond, “Robert Barnwell Roosevelt and the Early Conservation Movement,” Theodore Roosevelt Association Journal, Vol. 14 (Summer 1988), pp. 2–11.

  79. “The Reed Draper Collection of Angling Books,” Central Michigan University Archives, Mount Pleasant.

  80. Sylvia R. Black, “Seth Green, Father of Fish Culture,” Rochester History Vol. 6, No. 3 (July 1944); and Pickard, “The House of Roosevelt,” pp. 102–103.

  81. “The Legacy of Seth Green” (Arlington, Va.: Trout Unlimited Archive, 2007).

  82. Ibid.

  83. Clinton E. Atkinson, “Feeding Habits of Adult Shad (Alosa sapidissima) in Fresh Water” Ecology, Vol. 32, No. 3 (July 1951), pp. 556–557.

  84. Seth Green, Trout Culture (Caledonia, N.Y.: Green and Collins, 1870).

  85. Arthur D. Welander, “Notes on the Dissemination of Shad, Alosa sapidissima, along the Pacific Coast of North America” (Wilson), Copeia, Vol. 1940, No. 4 (December 27, 1940), pp. 221–223.

  86. R.B.R. quoted in Pickard, “The House of Roosevelt,” pp. 104–106.

  87. Robert Barnwell Roosevelt, Florida and the Game Water Birds of the Atlantic Coast and the Lakes of the United States (New York: Orange Judd, 1884), p. 24.

  88. Ibid., p. 12.

  89. Ibid., p. 10.

  90. Seth Green to Robert B. Roosevelt (November 10, 1884), R.B.R. Papers, TRA.

  91. Suffolk County News (June 15, 1906).

  92. Richard Hammond and Donald H. Weinhardt, “Robert Barnwell Roosevelt on the Great South Bay,” Long Island Forum (August–September 1987), p. 167.

  93. Spencer F. Baird to Robert B. Roosevelt (May 16, 1874), R.B.R. Papers, TRA.

  94. Pickard, “The House of Roosevelt.”

  95. Robert B. Roosevelt, “The Roosevelt Coat-of-Arms,” R.B.R. Papers, TRA.

  96. Robert B. Roosevelt, “Frog Notes” (n.d.), R.B.R. Papers, TRA.

  97. Hammond and Weinhardt, “Robert Barnwell Roosevelt on the Great South Bay,” p. 161.

  98. Robert B. Roosevelt quotes this slogan in “Notes on the Old New York of His Day” (unpublished), R.B.R. Papers, TRA.

  99. Bleyer, “The Forgotten Roosevelt,” p. 11.

  100. Ernest Schwiebert, Introduction, in Superior Fishing: Or, the Striped Bass, Trout, and Black Bass of the Northern States (St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society, 1985), pp. xii—xiii. (Reprint edition.)

  1. T.R., An Autobiography (New York, Macmillan, 1913), pp. 29–30.

  2. Everett Parker, “A Historical Perspective of the Moosehead Lake Region,” Moosehead Historical Society (2007).

  3. T.R., An Autobiography, pp. 29–32.

  4. T.R., “My Life As a Naturalist,” The American Museum Journal, Vol. XVII (May, 1918), No. 5.

  5. Jonathan Rosen, The Life and Skies: Birding at the End of Nature (New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2008), p. 126.

  6. T.R., “My Life As a Naturalist,” The American Museum Journal.

  7. T.R. to Anna Bulloch Grace (July 7, 1872).

  8. Paul Russell Cutright and Michael. J. Brodhead, Elliott Coues: Naturalist and Frontier Historian (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1981).

  9. “Dr. Arthur H. Cutler, School Founder, Dies,” New York Times (June 22, 1918), p. 9. T.R. became the first graduate of the Cutler School of New York.

  10. Arthur Cutler, “Reminiscences,” in Stefan Lorant, The Life and Times of Theodore Roosevelt (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1959), p. 136.

  11. T.R., “Remarks on the Zoology of Oyster Bay (1874–76),” T.R. Collection, Harvard University.

  12. Robert B. Roosevelt, “Notes on the Old New York” (unpublished), R.B.R. Scrapbook, TRA.

  13. Kathleen Dalton, Theodore Roosevelt: A Strenuous Life (New York: Knopf, 2002), pp. 59–60.

  14. Edward J. Renehan, Jr., The Lion’s Pride: Theodore Roosevelt and His Family in Peace and War (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998), p. 42.

  15. T.R. quoted in Lorant, The Life and Times of Theodore Roosevelt (New York: Doubleday, 1959), pp. 135–136.

  16. T.R. Boyhood Diaries, “Notes on Natural History” (July 24–30, 1874).

  17. T.R., An Autobiography, p. 25.

  18. Public Broadcasting Service, “People and Events: The Centennial Exposition of 1876,” The American Experience. Transcription on website from 2002; and “Centennial Exposition of 1876,” Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission Files, State Museum Building, Harrisburg.

  19. David Starr Jordan, Manual of the Vertebrates of the Northern United States (Chicago: Jansen, McClurg, 1876).

  20. Paul Russell Cutright, Theodore Roosevelt: The Making of a Conservationist (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1985), p. 97.

  21. Anna Roosevelt Cowles (ed.), Letters from Theodore to Anna Roosevelt Cowles, 1870–1918 (New York: Scribner, 1924), p. 12.

  22. R. W. G. Vail, “Your Loving Friend, T.R.,” Collier’s (December 20, 1924).

  23. Ralph Waldo Emerson, “The Superlative,” in Lectures and Biographical Sketches (Cambridge, Mass.: Edward W. Emerson, 1883), p. 139.

  24. David McCullough, Mornings on Horseback (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1981), pp. 200–201.

  25. Nancy Pick and Mark Sloan, The Rarest of Rare (New York: HarperCollins, 2004), p. 16.

  26. Carleton Putnam, Theodore Roosevelt: The Formative Years (New York: Scribner, 1958), pp. 137–138.

  27. Robert Barnwell Roosevelt, Five Acres Too Much (New York: Harper, 1869), p. xi.

  28. Jim Reis, “Pieces of the Past,” Northern Kentucky University Archives, Vol. 2, pp. 56–59. Also see Nathaniel Shaler, The First Book of Geology (Boston, Mass.: Ginn, Heath, 1884).

  29. “Obituary: Nathaniel S. Shaler,” Bulletin of the American Geographical Society, Vol. 38, No. 5 (1906), p. 336.

  30. Donald Wilhelm, Theodore Roosevelt as an Undergraduate (Boston, Mass.: J. W. Luce, 1910), p. 35.

  31. “Theodore Roosevelt, Student,” New York Times (June 12, 1907), p. 8.

  32. T.R. quoted in Joshua David Hawley, Theodore Roosevelt: Preacher of Righteousness (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 2008), pp. 35–36.

  33. McCullough, Mornings on Horseback, pp. 213–214.

  34. T.R. to Gifford Pinchot (March 14, 1907). Library of Congress (microfilm), Series 2, Vol. 71, Real 345, p. 335.

  35. Richard Welling, “My Classmate Theodore Roosevelt,” American Legion Monthly (January 1929), pp. 9–11.

  36. T.R. letter quoted in Cutright, Theodore Roosevelt: The Making of a Conservationist, p. 100. T.R.’s other ornithologist friend at Harvard was Frederic Gardiner, a graduate of the class of 1880. He later became a minister, and the love of birds became part of his sermons.

  37. Edmund Morris, The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt (New York: Coward, McCann, 1979), p. 90.

  38. T.R., Letters from T.R. to Anna Roosevelt Cowles, 1870 to 1918 (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1924), pp. 22–23. Letter to Father and Mother, April, 1879.

  39. “Review of Minot’s The Land and

  Game Birds of New England,” Harper’s New Monthly Magazine (April 1877), p. 772.

  40. T.R. journal (June 23, 1877). Also see Morris, The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt, pp. 90–91.

  41. T.R., Outdoor Pastimes of an American Hunter (New York: Scribner, 1905), p. 339.

  42. C. Hart Merriam writing in Bulletin of the Nuttall Orni
thological Society (April 1878). Quoted in Paul Russell Cutright, Theodore Roosevelt: The Naturalist (New York: Harper, 1956), p. 18.

  43. For biogaphical information on C. Hart Merriam see Keir B. Sterling, Last of the Naturalists: The Career of C. Hart Merriam (New York: Arno Press, 1977), and “Dr. Merriam, Hamed Natural Scientist, D.C.S,” Washington Post, March 21, 1942, p. 9.

  44. Cutright, Theodore Roosevelt: The Making of a Conservationist, pp. 102–103.

  45. T.R., “Small Country Neighbors,” Scribner’s Magazine (October 1907) Vol. XLII, No. 4.

  46. “Senator Hill’s Condition,” New York Times (July 28, 1882), p. 1.

  47. Putnam, Theodore Roosevelt, pp. 147–148.

  48. T.R. Boyhood Diaries (December 25, 1877).

  49. Nathan Miller, Theodore Roosevelt: A Life (New York: Morrow, 1992), p. 81.

  50. T.R., An Autobiography, p. 26.

  51. Roderick Nash, Wilderness and the American Mind (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1967), pp. 88–90.

  52. T.R., Outdoor Pastimes of an American Hunter, p. 322.

  53. McCullough, Mornings on Horseback, p. 205.

  54. Morris, The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt, p. 109.

  55. “Deer and Caribou in Maine: From the Bangor Commercial, Jan. 20,” New York Times (January 29, 1888). The Bangor Commercial reported that Mr. H. O. Stanley, one of the fish commissioners, said that deer and caribou were so plentiful in Maine that hunting permits should be allowed.

  56. T.R., “My Debt to Maine,” in Maine, My State (Lewiston, Maine: Journal Printshop, 1919), p. 17. Also see “Deer and Caribou in Maine: From the Bangor Commercial, Jan. 20,” New York Times (January 29, 1888). The Bangor Commercial reported that Mr. H. O. Stanley, one of the fish commissioners, said that deer and caribou were so plentiful in Maine that hunting permits should be allowed.

  57. Ibid., p. 19.

  58. Ibid., p. 21.

  59. William Wingate Sewall, Bill Sewall’s Story of Theodore Roosevelt (T.R.) (New York: Harper, 1919), p. 5.

  60. T.R., “My Debt to Maine,” p. 19.

  61. Sewall, Bill Sewall’s Story of Theodore Roosevelt, p. 5.

  62. Ibid., p. 4.

  63. Charles G. Washburn, Theodore Roosevelt: The Logic of His Career (Boston, Mass.: Houghton Mifflin, 1916), p. 5.

  64. Cutright, Theodore Roosevelt: The Making of a Conservationist, pp. 79–83. Coues had signed Birds of the Colorado Valley to: “Theodore Roosevelt (from the author), Jan. 1879.”

  65. Sewall, Bill Sewall’s Story of Theodore Roosevelt, p. 6.

  66. T.R., “My Debt to Maine,” p. 20.

  67. T.R., Outlook (July 27, 1912); and address at Saint Louis, Mo. (May 31, 1916), Mem. Ed. 24, p. 483.

  68. T.R. to Martha Bulloch Roosevelt (September 14, 1879).

  69. Ibid.

  70. Thoreau, The Maine Woods, p. 120.

  71. Steven M. Cox and Kris Fulsaas, Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills (Seattle, Wash.: Mountaineers, 2003), pp. 16–17. First printed 1960.

  72. Yagyu Munenori, “Martial Arts: The Book of Family Traditions” in Thomas Cleary (ed.) Soul of the Samurai (North Clarendon, VT: Tuttle Publishing, 2005), pp. 78–79.

  73. Lewis Carroll, The Hunting of the Snark: An Agony in Eight Fits (New York: Pantheon, 1966), p. 26. (Originally published 1876; Alice through the Looking-Glass was earlier, 1872.)

  74. Carleton Putnam, Theodore Roosevelt, p. 163, Also see John Watterson, The Games Presidents Play (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006), p. 68.

  75. T.R., “My Debt to Maine,” p. 17.


  1. T.R., An Autobiography (New York, Macmillan, 1913), pp. 29–30.

  2. Everett Parker, “A Historical Perspective of the Moosehead Lake Region,” Moosehead Historical Society (2007).

  3. T.R., An Autobiography, pp. 29–32.

  4. T.R., “My Life As a Naturalist,” The American Museum Journal, Vol. XVII (May, 1918), No. 5.

  5. Jonathan Rosen, The Life and Skies: Birding at the End of Nature (New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2008), p. 126.

  6. T.R., “My Life As a Naturalist,” The American Museum Journal.

  7. T.R. to Anna Bulloch Grace (July 7, 1872).

  8. Paul Russell Cutright and Michael. J. Brodhead, Elliott Coues: Naturalist and Frontier Historian (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1981).

  9. “Dr. Arthur H. Cutler, School Founder, Dies,” New York Times (June 22, 1918), p. 9. T.R. became the first graduate of the Cutler School of New York.

  10. Arthur Cutler, “Reminiscences,” in Stefan Lorant, The Life and Times of Theodore Roosevelt (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1959), p. 136.

  11. T.R., “Remarks on the Zoology of Oyster Bay (1874–76),” T.R. Collection, Harvard University.

  12. Robert B. Roosevelt, “Notes on the Old New York” (unpublished), R.B.R. Scrapbook, TRA.

  13. Kathleen Dalton, Theodore Roosevelt: A Strenuous Life (New York: Knopf, 2002), pp. 59–60.

  14. Edward J. Renehan, Jr., The Lion’s Pride: Theodore Roosevelt and His Family in Peace and War (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998), p. 42.

  15. T.R. quoted in Lorant, The Life and Times of Theodore Roosevelt (New York: Doubleday, 1959), pp. 135–136.

  16. T.R. Boyhood Diaries, “Notes on Natural History” (July 24–30, 1874).

  17. T.R., An Autobiography, p. 25.

  18. Public Broadcasting Service, “People and Events: The Centennial Exposition of 1876,” The American Experience. Transcription on website from 2002; and “Centennial Exposition of 1876,” Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission Files, State Museum Building, Harrisburg.

  19. David Starr Jordan, Manual of the Vertebrates of the Northern United States (Chicago: Jansen, McClurg, 1876).

  20. Paul Russell Cutright, Theodore Roosevelt: The Making of a Conservationist (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1985), p. 97.

  21. Anna Roosevelt Cowles (ed.), Letters from Theodore to Anna Roosevelt Cowles, 1870–1918 (New York: Scribner, 1924), p. 12.

  22. R. W. G. Vail, “Your Loving Friend, T.R.,” Collier’s (December 20, 1924).

  23. Ralph Waldo Emerson, “The Superlative,” in Lectures and Biographical Sketches (Cambridge, Mass.: Edward W. Emerson, 1883), p. 139.

  24. David McCullough, Mornings on Horseback (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1981), pp. 200–201.

  25. Nancy Pick and Mark Sloan, The Rarest of Rare (New York: HarperCollins, 2004), p. 16.

  26. Carleton Putnam, Theodore Roosevelt: The Formative Years (New York: Scribner, 1958), pp. 137–138.

  27. Robert Barnwell Roosevelt, Five Acres Too Much (New York: Harper, 1869), p. xi.

  28. Jim Reis, “Pieces of the Past,” Northern Kentucky University Archives, Vol. 2, pp. 56–59. Also see Nathaniel Shaler, The First Book of Geology (Boston, Mass.: Ginn, Heath, 1884).

  29. “Obituary: Nathaniel S. Shaler,” Bulletin of the American Geographical Society, Vol. 38, No. 5 (1906), p. 336.

  30. Donald Wilhelm, Theodore Roosevelt as an Undergraduate (Boston, Mass.: J. W. Luce, 1910), p. 35.

  31. “Theodore Roosevelt, Student,” New York Times (June 12, 1907), p. 8.

  32. T.R. quoted in Joshua David Hawley, Theodore Roosevelt: Preacher of Righteousness (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 2008), pp. 35–36.

  33. McCullough, Mornings on Horseback, pp. 213–214.

  34. T.R. to Gifford Pinchot (March 14, 1907). Library of Congress (microfilm), Series 2, Vol. 71, Real 345, p. 335.

  35. Richard Welling, “My Classmate Theodore Roosevelt,” American Legion Monthly (January 1929), pp. 9–11.

  36. T.R. letter quoted in Cutright, Theodore Roosevelt: The Making of a Conservationist, p. 100. T.R.’s other ornithologist friend at Harvard was Frederic Gardiner, a graduate of the class of 1880. He later became a minister, and the love of birds became part of his sermons.

  37. Edmund Morris, The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt (New York: Coward, McCann, 1979), p. 90.r />
  38. T.R., Letters from T.R. to Anna Roosevelt Cowles, 1870 to 1918 (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1924), pp. 22–23. Letter to Father and Mother, April, 1879.

  39. “Review of Minot’s The Land and

  Game Birds of New England,” Harper’s New Monthly Magazine (April 1877), p. 772.

  40. T.R. journal (June 23, 1877). Also see Morris, The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt, pp. 90–91.

  41. T.R., Outdoor Pastimes of an American Hunter (New York: Scribner, 1905), p. 339.

  42. C. Hart Merriam writing in Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Society (April 1878). Quoted in Paul Russell Cutright, Theodore Roosevelt: The Naturalist (New York: Harper, 1956), p. 18.

  43. For biogaphical information on C. Hart Merriam see Keir B. Sterling, Last of the Naturalists: The Career of C. Hart Merriam (New York: Arno Press, 1977), and “Dr. Merriam, Hamed Natural Scientist, D.C.S,” Washington Post, March 21, 1942, p. 9.

  44. Cutright, Theodore Roosevelt: The Making of a Conservationist, pp. 102–103.

  45. T.R., “Small Country Neighbors,” Scribner’s Magazine (October 1907) Vol. XLII, No. 4.

  46. “Senator Hill’s Condition,” New York Times (July 28, 1882), p. 1.

  47. Putnam, Theodore Roosevelt, pp. 147–148.

  48. T.R. Boyhood Diaries (December 25, 1877).

  49. Nathan Miller, Theodore Roosevelt: A Life (New York: Morrow, 1992), p. 81.

  50. T.R., An Autobiography, p. 26.

  51. Roderick Nash, Wilderness and the American Mind (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1967), pp. 88–90.

  52. T.R., Outdoor Pastimes of an American Hunter, p. 322.

  53. McCullough, Mornings on Horseback, p. 205.

  54. Morris, The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt, p. 109.

  55. “Deer and Caribou in Maine: From the Bangor Commercial, Jan. 20,” New York Times (January 29, 1888). The Bangor Commercial reported that Mr. H. O. Stanley, one of the fish commissioners, said that deer and caribou were so plentiful in Maine that hunting permits should be allowed.

  56. T.R., “My Debt to Maine,” in Maine, My State (Lewiston, Maine: Journal Printshop, 1919), p. 17. Also see “Deer and Caribou in Maine: From the Bangor Commercial, Jan. 20,” New York Times (January 29, 1888). The Bangor Commercial reported that Mr. H. O. Stanley, one of the fish commissioners, said that deer and caribou were so plentiful in Maine that hunting permits should be allowed.


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