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Star Kitten

Page 10

by Purple Hazel

  As General Hicks issued his last orders to his nearest commanders and passed supreme authority over the army back to Architeuthis, he waved to the crowd as Perry slowly backed the hauler up the ramp. Then, out of respect, the whole army—tens of thousands of warriors—was ordered by its commanders to stand in silence and pious reverence for the brave deed about to unfold before their eyes. Gradually the entire cavern fell silent once again, with only the eerie sound of the electric hauler slowly climbing up the ramp. But it was far more than just a heroic act to Perry and Hicks. It was their last five or ten minutes together. In the blink of an eye… with the flick of a switch, they’d be gone; right along with a thousand Security Troops barricaded in a honey-combed defense network on the other side of that thick glass wall behind of them.

  Of course, they were quite businesslike to the very end, chattering back and forth as they backed up that ramp. “Good on the right, Mister Perry!” growled Hicks professionally, over the roar of the electric engine. “Copy that General. Good on the left!” replied Perry quite militarily.

  They knew they had to go very slowly up the very center of the trail (especially for the last fifty yards of ramp to the glass wall of the Mess Hall). Slart planners had instructed drivers to follow closely in the ruts of previous vehicle tracks to avoid causing an avalanche at the crest of the ramp. Five drivers and spotters had actually died that way in accidents, when they veered off course only slightly and ended up tumbling down the side of the ramp to their deaths.

  When they eventually got close to the edge, Perry merely yelled over to Hicks, “General, if you please, Sir!?” and reached down to flip the switch devised by the Slarts for activating the detonators. Hicks barked out very formally, “Ah, Mister Perry! Allow me!” And with that he actually grabbed and held up the switch for Perry to engage it. Perry smiled slightly at his General, then very professionally yelled, “Thank you General. And goodbye!” With that he activated the switch and turned round to listen for the beeping of the detonators. After a seemingly infinite moment, sure enough, they both heard a whining BEEEP. Hicks smiled into Perry’s eyes for just one last second. Perry smiled right back, then turned right around and gunned the engine in reverse.

  Within a mere instant later… KABOOM! A deafening explosion rocked the entire cavern.

  The detonators ignited, blowing a massive hole in the side of the Terminal Mess Hall. Fully three floors of offices and barracks, along with the entire Mess Hall defense network, were nearly all vaporized. The crash, the explosion, the sight of so much construction material, furniture, glass shards, and body parts falling out of the cavern wall was a terrifying sight, and on the cavern floor, soldiers hid under shields, and workers ran for cover. But after a few moments of debris falling all over them; the Naustie warriors began cheering wildly. The detonators had worked!

  All the army needed now was a single command; and with their supreme commander now dead, the commanders of all the assault units merely looked back into the crowd for their spiritual leader Architeuthis, to give the order. Being the only logical ruler of the Army at that moment, the giant squid-like being merely raised up his left tentacle and pointed to the breach. His words were brave and honest. He said just what needed to be said at such a solemn yet incredible moment. Architeuthis recognized, just like any being there that day, just how brave the sacrifice had been by both Hicks and Perry.

  And Architeuthis spoke to the Warrior commanders with a burbling hum from his neck, indicating true raw emotion, especially for a wise old Slartigifijian. He gurgled out proudly, “For the Honor!”

  And with that, the hellish assault began, as troops kept repeating the words of Architeuthis over and over again; all the way up that ramp. They lurched forward, filing in with carefully practiced drill, to enter the path leading up the side of the Earth Cruiser, onto the main part of the incline. And they began trotting up the dirt ramp in formations, many carrying sections of steel planks with them—all the while chanting, “FOR THE HONOR! FOR THE HONOR! FOR THE HONOR!”

  The final battle for the control of New Australia had now begun. And the reign of the evil Warden Ggggaaah was about to come to a very violent end.

  Chapter 8:

  The Empath

  "Good Morning and welcome to the IPN news network, I'm Tabby Calico," said the news broadcaster on the video screen. A swirl of musical notes followed with that style of news show music that sounds a lot like typewriters and is designed to conjure up concerned emotions in the listener. The wall video monitor had suddenly activated inside eighteen-year-old Felina Toyger's dormitory room, and in a hung-over daze, she slowly stirred awake. Very slowly actually….

  It had been a long night of partying the night before, and she'd forgotten to turn off her alarm clock last night which activated the wall video monitor in her room to help her wake up each morning. Just like an old clock radio back on Earth—but with a giant 48 inch video screen on the wall opposite her bed—the screen came on each morning just in time for Interplanetary News Network’s “Morning Update".

  On the screen was the live image of a Pumalar female, fur-covered but quite humanoid in form... with a predominantly white coat and patches of brown and black fur mixed in. She had piercing yellow-green eyes with those cat-like black pupils that crease like a vertical black slit down the center of their eyeball. The rather gorgeous News Anchor paused to focus her gaze onto a different camera as the news show music gradually faded out. She began her broadcast with, "At the top of the news this morning... rioting and violence continues now into the 25th day on planet Rijel 12, as prisoners of the New Australia Planetary Prison reportedly now control most of the planet's interior mining network… as well as the loading bay of the main terminal, cutting off all access now to the planet's landing facility.”

  Tabby Calico’s expression conveyed sincere concern and anxiety about this tragic event—just like any good News Anchor person on any planet knows all too well how to do. The camera view began to pull back from Tabby’s face a bit, as a miniaturized screen opened up to the side of her showing some file photo of the planet Rijel 12. And it had the caption PRISON RIOT emblazoned in bold letters underneath.

  She continued, “As reported earlier this week, the Intergalactic Cruiser Unity was captured by prison rioters in early fighting on Rijel 12; and the fate of its crew is still unknown. New Australia Planetary Prison Warden Ggggaaah continues to assure Interplanetary Authority officials in recent inter-space communications that the rioters have been isolated from the rest of the prison population, and the rebelling prisoners have no possible access to the main terminal. In his most recent communication to the media, Warden Ggggaaah issued the following statement…”

  (The miniaturized screen next to Tabby’s face now switched to showing a grainy picture of Warden Ggggaaah, in place of the previous picture of planet Rijel 12. Meanwhile, Tabby Calico read the Warden’s formal statement)

  “ ‘Though we are deeply saddened by the loss of life and senseless violence by what has turned out to be a mere handful of incorrigible individuals, we look forward to suppressing this uprising and returning to normal operations as soon as possible. Our deepest and most heart-felt condolences go out to the families and relatives of those lost in the tragedy thus far. We will strive to end this isolated affair soon, and resume business as usual. Sincerely, Warden Ggggaaah, New Australia Planetary Prison, Rijel 12.’ ”

  Felina Toyger reached futilely for the button on remote control to turn off the news, but couldn't seem to find it. Her green, cat-like eyes were blurry, and her head was pounding from the alcohol bender she'd endured the night before. Way too many mugs of Catnip Ale, it seemed! The sudden cold reality of the "morning after" was most definitely an unwelcome sensation, right now. She most assuredly didn't want to listen to the damn news, either. That would only make it worse. After all, she didn't NEED to be awakened this early in the morning. Not any more anyway….

  As of yesterday, her training as a highly sought-after female Emp
ath had all but come to an end. The elders at the Academy where she had been studying to become a Pumalar Empath for the past two years, had unfortunately determined she should be released from the program. And though it was certainly not anything that she DID, to get thrown out of the program, it was certainly due in part to what she did NOT do quite well enough (which was to keep her bold opinions to herself). You see, Pumalar Empaths were highly prized throughout the galaxy for just three very important things: social adaptability with their mated male, sexual intuitiveness during love-making, and instinctive deference to their mated male's point of view.

  Still the news droned on, as Felina continued to groan and slap with her clawed, catlike hands at her nightstand trying to find her mute button. Meanwhile, News Anchor Tabby Calico rattled on, "Recently of course, as our viewers might recall, New Australia Prison has been the center of ongoing bitter controversy, as family advocates have been protesting for years demanding that the prison provide them information on loved ones and relatives sentenced to minimum sentences there. Loved ones convicted of crimes who leave for Rijel 12, they contend, are most commonly never heard from again.”

  The miniaturized screen next to Tabby’s face now disappeared, and the camera view zoomed in slowly on the News Anchor’s face once more. Her facial expression became even more serious and concerned as she continued, “Warden Ggggaaah and the Interplanetary Authority have been, in the view of many beings in the galaxy, quite less than forthcoming about the true fates of prisoners sent there... and many accuse the Galactic governments of a cover-up. Interplanetary Authority officials continue to deny these claims, pointing out that...”

  (The screen switched to a blue background with typed Galactic words in quotation marks around it which Tabby read off dispassionately). "'Prisoners completing their sentences at New Australia Planetary Prison are free to return to their homes or go anywhere they like within the galaxy. Where they choose to go—or whether they choose to re-contact family or relatives—is solely up to the released convict’s discretion.'"

  While the screen continued to show this quote, Tabby Calico continued her commentary, "This quote was taken from an official inter-space communication released to the media; but in the opinion of many prison reform advocates, such as Ginger Burmese of the Gata Freedom Party...."

  (The camera view now suddenly cut to a sound-bite from a recorded interview with a rather plump dark brown Pumalar female, who was suddenly now speaking on camera) "It hints at an effort by Inter-planetary officials to disguise the real ugly truth... that in reality, prisoners who are sent to Rijel 12 are never meant to come back. That is unjust. It's slavery, and that's against the whole nature of our Pumalar culture. We want answers… and we want justice!" (A crowd of Pumalar protesters standing behind her in the video cheered her words, as the sound-bite suddenly faded, then cut short and the scene immediately switched back to the broadcast anchor Tabby Calico).

  Tabby appeared to be moving her eyes from a video monitor off-screen, back to the live camera, making direct eye contact now with the viewer. She added with a professional but serious tone, "We will be keeping you informed of developments on Rijel 12 throughout the day. Stay tuned to Interplanetary News Network for regular updates...."

  Felina rolled over onto her back and sat up, rubbing her eyes with the palms of her large cat-like, yet still very humanoid-looking paws. Frustrated, she then slapped the mattress on both sides of her hips, exclaiming "I don't care!" Frankly, Felina Toyger had most definitely endured a bellyful—and then some—of learning current events and studying the news. It was required of her so that she’d be able to carry on conversations with any potential mate. Empaths were spayed by having their uterus removed, then trained to learn and study Galactic affairs as well as other cultures and customs so that they could be paired with almost any species of male; and always be able to carry on an intellectual conversation. It wasn't enough for them to simply be attractive, submissive, and agreeable. They also needed to be smart enough to converse with members of sophisticated society... and not be an embarrassment to their paired male.

  That, unfortunately, was Felina's downfall. She learned history, Galactic affairs, politics, and the social nuances of other planetary cultures quite well, but in conversations she all too often held very strong opinions, which she expressed very clearly and loudly… one too many times. It did no good for her instructors to caution her or admonish her with warnings like, “Yes, Felina. But whether it’s fair or not, what matters is what our Mate thinks. That’s what you’re learning here.” That shit just didn’t fly with Felina.

  Meanwhile on the wall video monitor, the network cut to a commercial for some new resort hotel being opened up on a former Earth space station located between Pumalar and Zorgolong. This space station had once been an intergalactic science and research institute, but had eventually been abandoned and closed after a mysterious outbreak of disease wiped out several hundred of the research scientists living and working there. Loud, upbeat, catchy dance club music suddenly blared from Felina’s Wall Video Monitor. It throbbed in Felina’s head, reminding her of the send-off party she’d attended with all her friends the night before at a local night club. Felina held her head and moaned pathetically. “Where’s the bloody mute button, dammit!?” she whined, her eyes still too cloudy to focus and look for the remote controller for her Video Monitor unit.

  The new resort was to be called "Star Pussy", the sultry male human voice said in heavily Earth-accented Galactic. And it was going to be an intergalactic pleasure palace opening up to the public for adults only. The human narrator said in a sexy voice, “Leave the kittens at home. Climb on board. And take a little trip… to the new nation of fascination and eeee-rotic sensation. Escape tonight… to STAR PUSSY. Your fantasy awaits….”

  Felina had mastered almost every aspect of her training, and even excelled, compared to other females in the program. Felina was quite fit and strong, very athletic, curvy, and stunningly beautiful. Tiger-striped and perfectly proportioned, she stood about 6 feet tall—which was typical for most grown female Pumalars. In terms of sexual acuity, exoticness, and erotic sensitivity, she scored some of the highest marks anyone had seen in many, many years at her local Academy. And this was one of the most important attributes for becoming an Empath in the first place. That's mostly what made them desirable as gifts to foreign dignitaries, celebrities, honored nobles, or as rewards for bravery in military service.

  The Empath program had begun for Felina when she was only 16, but her original discovery as a Pumalar capable of becoming empathic? That came when she was only about 12. Early on, Felina demonstrated abilities to see what others were thinking and feeling; and could react properly to their desires or needs quite quickly, just like most any full grown female Pumalar could. But her hometown Pride's elders felt she had the basic talents which could be developed much further, given proper training in an Empath Academy. Empath training was actually a very ancient Pumalar tradition.

  The video commercial continued, gradually switching from thumping club music to soft sexy jazz music playing. Suddenly the screen was showing rather provocative imagery of attractive young female Pumalars… plus female Zorgolongians, Porkonjii, Schpleeftii, and even some half-naked female Humans posing in tantalizing scenes with each other. All smiling or casting alluring glances, these assorted females from five different species gave beckoning gestures, mischievous winks, welcoming nods, or just puckered their lips lustfully. The Zorgolongs flicked their tongues. The Schpleeftii wriggled their little rodent-like snouts. Then the human narrator continued in a more salesman-like voice, "… overnight packages, starting at only sixty-five Galactic dollars. There's really, truly something for just about everyone at Star Pussy… no matter what you desire…."

  The commercial even showed a few scenes of muscular young human males, greased up with oil and sitting naked around a steaming hot tub. Human male concubines were the latest sexual craze on Pumalar, and this was quite ironic, given t
hat homosexuality among male Pumalars was nonexistent. However, wealthy male Pumalars who occasionally desired something new to experience sexually, would occasionally find companionship with gay human males to be quite exciting and fulfilling. Private clubs even existed on the planet Pumalar which catered to this growing fad. Using the Earth term "Bath House", these facilities drew human homosexual males by the thousands every year to planet Pumalar; and they flocked to the clubs day and night hoping to meet a rich “fat cat” as gay men from Earth liked to call them.

  The Empath Program on Pumalar began thousands of years ago actually, but originally started as more of a community tradition. It developed over the galactic centuries into something much bigger. On Pumalar, villages (or PRIDES as they were called in ancient times), would occasionally make war on other Prides; and to settle the disagreement in many cases, the warring parties involved would make a peace offering by giving to the other faction one of its more visually appealing and empathic females. As the centuries passed, this tradition became more formalized, and as Pumalar civilization advanced through stone age into bronze—iron age into industrial—computer age into intergalactic space travel, Empathic female Pumalars were being given to most any species as a gift; or as an offering to induce or influence good diplomatic /commercial relations.

  Pumalar males were instinctively confrontational by nature, competing viciously with each other for everything, including power, or wealth, or even for control of female harems. Even the most stubborn, unyielding human male was no match for the intense personal resolve of the typical Pumalar male. They considered lying or misrepresenting fact to be a humiliating disgrace, and when it came to disagreements among males, violence was most often the end result, even in modern times. Over the centuries this even led to the ancient Pumalar tradition of ritualistic dueling. Duels to settle matters of business, territorial disputes, personal reproach, or even rivalry over a desirable female, were quite common in olden times. Not only were duels perfectly legal back then, but they were also quite socially acceptable, for the noble classes. Peasants in olden times however, were not allowed to duel.


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