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Star Kitten

Page 13

by Purple Hazel

  He learned how to get by and then prosper, learning quite quickly how to survive as a gay human male on Pumalar. He learned not to be out during the day, for fear of getting “clawed” by prejudiced Pumalar bigots. This is what would occasionally happen to gay human males who came to live on Pumalar. Working class Pumalars might gang up on a human and mutilate his face with their claws; just to be cruel. After all, homosexuality was not only taboo, it was nonexistent among male Pumalars. And though sex between wealthy Toms and human males was considered nothing more than a discrete kinky perversion in the elite circles of society, in the lower working classes, such an act was considered disgusting.

  After all, just like in any other part of the galaxy, homosexuality was still statistically quite rare, no matter what the species. Bisexuality was more of an occasional human trait (and more commonly seen among human females). Only Zorgolongians practiced outright polyamory.

  The thing about human males though, for a Pumalar Tom, was their versatility. Whereas a human female could barely handle the physically demanding very athletic sexuality of a Pumalar; some human gay males found carnal relations with a Pumalar to be quite appealing and desirable. True, some human females did kind of like getting mounted ferociously by a Pumalar male, God love them. But… to endure it repeatedly? Most human women just couldn’t handle it. And not surprisingly either—because to a healthy male Pumalar, sex was not finished until he had driven both his partner(s) and himself to near unconsciousness.

  Young virile muscular gay human males just loved it. And that wasn’t all. Human males only slept for six to eight hours a day, compared to female Pumalars who slept for a bare minimum 12. This meant that having a gay human male concubine serving as one’s personal valet was quite appealing to a wealthy Tom. And it was so exotic!

  The clean, hairless bodies of humans were exciting enough to begin with for a Tom, but to have a male human lover who could take a one to two hour session of rough sex, only to be able to bounce right back the next day waking up seven hours later fresh as a daisy to make the Tom’s breakfast, clean his house, or tend his garden… now that was truly amazing. Rex could do all of that, and for his part, the brutal Pumalar style of copulating was—to him—the best he’d ever experienced in his entire life.

  Throughout his twenties, Rex enjoyed being part of the “cool crowd” of sexy desirable human males, or Tomboys, as Pumalars occasionally referred to them. Rex’s notoriety grew, and Toms knew about him, even in higher ranks of the Pumalar nobility. These generationally wealthy Toms had vast estates with harems numbering up to ten or sometimes even twenty females, with older females relegated to domestic tasks as well as tending to the needs of the many kittens sired by the master of the house.

  And that was yet another thing that appealed to a Pumalar about Tomboys. They couldn’t get pregnant. Female Pumalars bore litters of kittens quite often; and when pregnant, they were unappealing to most any male. Only Pumalar Empaths were sterilized or spayed, so that they could not bear kittens. Empaths were specifically engineered and trained to do nothing but pleasure their male mate. And Tomboys? Well they were certainly no mind readers… but they were rarely as emotional or moody as females either!

  Finally, Rex settled in with a Tom named Rory Panther; and this seemed to set up Rex for good. He became a comfortable member of Rory’s harem, and able to live the life of protected luxury, just like all of Rory’s harem. Rory was the 27th heir to the Panther clan, and found Rex to be remarkably appealing. Rex learned how to cook for him, and for nearly seven earth years he served in the master’s house as a chef by day, and occasional lover by night. Like many Pumalars, Rory could copulate five to six times a night—if he wished to—and some nights it took a lot of hard work among his assorted concubines to finally satisfy him.

  But finally Rory 27th got old and passed away. It was inevitable after all: male Pumalars really only lived about forty Earth years; whereas females tended to live more like sixty. And with Rory 27th’s death, the estate passed on to Rory 28th. That basically put an end to the good life for poor Rex. Finding himself suddenly over thirty and not nearly the spectacular hunk he used to be, Rex was—by Pumalar standards—quite over the hill. Besides that, Rory 28th was a young virile Pumalar Tom, not likely to go for sex with a human male. Such a practice was considered by most Pumalars to be debased anyway.

  Rex knew the writing was on the wall, so after Rory 27th’s fabulous elaborate funeral and cremation ceremony, he cooked a fabulous meal for the entire Panther clan. He served it all on the grounds of the estate, and took care of all the planning for it; as well as hiring the musicians and overseeing the decorations. It was quite possibly the biggest social event of the season, for the Pumalar Nobility. They traveled from far and wide to pay homage to the Panther dynasty; and the sheer pageantry of the affair was quite simply unforgettable. ANY Pumalar attending would have come away thinking they’d just experienced something similar to a funeral for a royal Prince or even a King. It was that elaborate.

  But it didn’t work out completely for Rex. No other wealthy Toms showed up or stepped forward wanting the now aged and thinning-haired Rex to go live with them and be in their harem. And why would they? Rex knew very well he was no more appealing than an old flabby Pumalar female, anyway. Past his prime, past his appeal, and worst of all, dangerously vulnerable now—he was soon to be not only discharged, but homeless… and on a planet that tended to look down on beings of his kind.

  However! Rex did catch a lucky break of sorts. Rory 28th was deeply touched by the effort and tireless energy that Rex put into planning and executing such a lovely event honoring his deceased father. And in Pumalar culture, there is nothing more important than a life debt or an honor debt. Though terribly confrontational and stubborn by nature, Pumalar males, especially in the noble classes, were very strict about their adherence to rules of tradition. Because Rex had bestowed HONOR upon the family by putting together such a beautiful ceremony; Rory 28th was compelled to ask Rex, “You have honored my father with your devotion and service… now you honor my whole family with this amazing affair today celebrating his life. What is it that you desire? What may I do for you; in return, human?”

  To that, Rex merely replied, “Well… do you think you could get me a job on Star Pussy?”

  Of course, Rory 28th could hardly contain himself from laughing uproariously at first. And his laughter was quite infectious as the crowd of Noblemen and their Retinues sitting around him joined right in laughing. But Rex quickly added with a sheepish grin, “I mean as a Chef of course… not as an Escort, noble one.” Rory 28th struggled to muffle his laughter for fear of offending the man, and losing face. Rex of course didn’t mind a bit. He knew how hilarious that might have sounded: a thirty-two year old human working as a male escort on Star Pussy would be absurd. But as a Chef? Now that made perfect sense. Rex was a fabulous cook now. Rory 28th regained his composure, and happily agreed to his request. The heir to the Panther dynasty graciously promised to “make some calls”.

  Within barely a month in Earth time, Rex found out he’d been hired as a Chef on Star Pussy, and started work immediately! Rory 28th had used his influence, and it had paid off in getting Rex a cushy position in one of the restaurants on the giant Galactic floating pleasure palace.

  Rex was ecstatic when he got the news, and now just twelve Earth months later, as the Star Pussy shuttle craft pulled into a docking bay at the converted space station, he was ready to resume his position as a restaurant Chef. Returning from a buying trip back on Pumalar to select more exotic species of fish for the enormous tank inside his restaurant, he’d again be serving the wealthy elite, from five different species of humanoids from all over the galaxy now; as well as his favorite almost daily customer—Felina Toyger (now commonly referred to as the Star Kitten!)

  Though he might have imagined at first working for just one Earth year to make enough money to eventually fly back to Earth, within a few months he’d changed his mind and deci
ded instead to just stay there for good. It was just such a fun place to live and work!

  Same thing with Felina Toyger. When she’d arrived about one Earth year before, Pumalar Empaths were in high demand. And the fact that she’d actually been through the entire program and then released after not being mated with a male? Well that meant quite the reverse on Star Pussy. On Pumalar, that was a major setback in a young female’s future. Spayed and yet not mated with a male? Here, that meant she was highly valued and could literally make a fortune. And brother, did she ever!

  Star Pussy was located on a former space station. It was like a giant wagon wheel, rotating around slowly as it drifted in space, to create an artificial gravity for humans and other beings to be able to walk around in. Massive outside and voluminous inside, the station had once housed over a thousand human scientists plus a few hundred beings from other species. Its cavernous warehouses grew experimental as well as staple crops in perpetual hydroponic farms which yielded produce constantly throughout the overlapping growing seasons.

  Because of the great distance from Earth, the Humans had created amazing facilities for maintaining a high quality of lifestyle for the inhabitants. They had shopping malls, restaurants, athletic sports arenas, theatres, and even holographic replication centers where a person could sit or stand inside… and massive screens would activate to create the illusion of visiting another planet, an historical event, or perhaps some kind of interdimensional existence. Even the sports arenas had domed ceilings that created a holographic image of an Earth daytime summer sky. Living facilities for all the inhabitants were quite Spartan—not much more than a hotel suite by Earth standards—but still this made it quite easy for the new owners to house thousands of visitors in the newly converted pleasure palace.

  Felina had by now been working at Star Pussy for quite a while. Empaths could work in most any section (or PLANETARY ENVIRONMENT) as they called it on Star Pussy, but instead they almost all stayed in one area of the facility. They were so versatile, that most any species was thrilled to purchase an hour of their time. After all, having a rather attractive humanoid being with cat-like features, insatiable sexual stamina, and an almost uncanny ability to understand and anticipate a partner’s desires and sexual needs, was truly an appealing opportunity for most any being, regardless of what planet they were from. But Felina? Oh, she was the very best of the very best… by far.

  Star Pussy Pleasure Palace was organized into seven sections called "Planetary Environments". This was a very unique concept. The original plan was to create these ENVIRONS, as the planners nicknamed them, so that species of different planets could vacation there and explore their own private fantasies in a magical world made to replicate places or climates or even historical events from their own planet's history. But shortly after opening their doors, management of Star Pussy discovered that many species occasionally enjoyed OTHER planetary environments, rather than those of their own home planet. And besides, there was quite a variety for each customer to choose from.

  For Earth's planetary Environment, the creators of Star Pussy chose to create places that no longer existed on Earth, except maybe in history books. Global Warming and climatic change had led to the complete submerging of once-famous places like the Bahamas, Miami Beach, Amsterdam, and the original New York City. Haiti and the Philippines had also vanished under the surface of the ocean long ago. So a Pacific or Caribbean Island paradise made sense. But the creators also chose to portray a little bit of Earth history too, by creating an American Wild West themed room, a Medieval European torture chamber, and a Gladiator arena from Ancient Rome, complete with an Imperial Roman Bath. Human Gay Males worked this section, along with petite gorgeous human females to create an incredible kinky experience for their ever-lustful and gradually more numerous customers.

  Then the designers created Environments for other planet species… like the ones for Zorgolong and Porkonji, among others. Porkonjii loved the intricate detail that the designers put into their planet’s Environs, but typically the traditional Porkonji pigsty or pigpen only appealed to the very pig-like Porkonjii themselves—with rare exceptions—for obvious reasons.

  However, within only a few months, management was amazed to find that the ZORGOLONG Environs were regularly overbooked; often times for weeks in advance. What they couldn’t have expected was how insanely popular that sector of Star Pussy would be... to HUMANS no less. After all, Zorgolongians were often times hermaphrodites, so to them gender was unimportant if not downright immaterial to sexual encounters.

  To say they were hedonistic would be a gross understatement, by human standards. Their frenetic sexuality and appetite for large group sex encounters could draw in sometimes ten or even fifty different beings—of most any species—and they didn't seem to care what you were. Such scenes were both fascinating and perverse to tourists from Earth—but oddly quite tempting to just jump in and participate. The Terrariums and Steamy Jungle sections of the Zorgolong environs gradually drew human customers in droves, especially Lesbian human females whom Zorgos found to be downright fascinating; as well as delicious. The gift shops of Star Pussy even started selling "T-shirts" as humans called them, which read slogans like "I (symbol of a heart) Lizard Tongues".

  The Pumalar environs were quite different though. Each Pumalar chamber was nothing but a large private room with an oval bed in the center and deep shag carpet covering the floor. Scratching posts were located in the corners, and the walls were nothing but gigantic full length video screens. In one corner would be a computer keyboard where the Pumalar (always purported to be an Empath even if she wasn’t really) could type in a command to put on some video of a beach, a forest, a castle, a school classroom, a garage, a barn, a stadium, a mansion's master bedroom, a sailing ship, or even the bridge of a deep space exploration vessel. The Empath would sense or probe to find out the customer's special personal fantasy, and conjure up imagery which would complement that. Then the Empathic Pumalar would proceed to service the customer’s more intimate needs.

  Felina was the mostly highly sought-after of all the Pumalar females, and quite well-known by most anyone before they even visited the Pumalar environs. In bars and restaurants... at party mixers and meet-n-greets... even on advertisements shown on other planets about Star Pussy, Felina (THE STAR KITTEN) would often be depicted either in a live video or even in animated form. She was quite literally a celebrity, and she quite well earned it too!

  Felina was incredible. Truly she was. Many would say she could have hand-picked her own partner or partners for the night, if she ever wanted to. But she never did anything like that. Whoever was next in line in the lobby, she greeted them freshly like they were her very first customer of the night. And it didn’t matter what they were, what planet they came from, or what they looked like either. Felina made them all feel—every being she encountered—like the only man, Zorg, Porko, Spleef, or Pumalar in the whole room. But not just single males either. If a crew of Earthmen from a space ship’s engineering section wanted an hour of her time, she’d happily go right along with the ménage a’ trois/quatre/cinq/ or whatever they brought to the party. She’d sing a few bawdy tunes with them on the deck of a hologram-replicated pirate ship while they swigged ale and rum… then take them all on, one by one, until she’d finished off every last one of them.

  And couples? Oh, now couples were her specialty. Earth couples adored her. Men and women from planet Earth (not just the jet-set, but even retired pensioners on occasion!) would hear about her special talents and travel across space just to spend a week on Star Pussy—for a chance at spending a mere hour with the legendary Empath. And they would never be disappointed.

  The experience, some would say, was quite possibly LIFE-CHANGING for a loving couple. Her special talents developed far beyond just identifying a husband’s sexual urges and deepest desires. She saw through to the real sexual person within him. And Felina could draw out from the man’s loving wife, the very sexual being she really once
was—and still could strive to be for her man—regardless of age or infirmity. What Felina could do for a couple was something so amazing… there could literally be no monetary value placed upon it. Yet she charged no more than any of the other Empaths. She didn’t need to anyway. Her true reward, she would tell them, was in seeing their spirits being cleansed and renewed in the “holy matrimony” they’d spoken vows to so many years ago.

  Not surprisingly, Felina had the deepest respect for other planets’ customs regarding devotion and marriage; since she was likely never going to experience it herself.

  It transcended the physical and exceeded the sexual. She drew them together at the very core of their spirituality; by actually bringing out from them the very basis of their original attraction to each other (what brought them together as a loving couple in the first place).

  Her practice was quite simple. She’d meet the couple in the lobby, maybe sit down with them and talk a bit; or go have a drink in the bar with them. It didn’t take long at all. She didn’t really ask them questions. Just listened to them talk about practically anything they liked. What Felina did was absorb their personalities and sense their feelings, their pain, their dreams, their hopes, and their fantasies. She could do all that by simply watching how the couple interacted with each other. It was incredible. Humans would return to earth describing having a brief five minute conversation with this exotic creature, not even finishing their drinks, and suddenly she was warmly beckoning them to join her in her private suite.

  From that point though, the stories varied widely. To some couples, she became the hot sexy temptress who the man used to date before he met his wife (the one who dumped him and broke his heart, enabling him to meet his current loving wife). To others, she became the fun girlfriend of the wife who had set them up originally and clearly identified them so many years ago as “a cute couple” together (the one who called them up after a squabble once and talked them both into getting back together). Of course she didn’t transform shape or appearance she merely conjured the emotional memory patterns within the minds of the couple so that they found that original connection that had brought them together as man and wife.


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