Book Read Free

Star Kitten

Page 16

by Purple Hazel

  As Patty spoke, and gestured or pointed to locations, they would highlight on the map... or new ones would appear as she described things like, "here was the last known location of the ship claiming to be the Unity." And in her "investigative report" Patty told the "known" version of what had been transpiring ever since The Anarchy (Unity) had departed from New Australia. The report was filled with “eyewitness accounts” and interviews with government officials who spoke “on condition of anonymity”, appearing onscreen with their faces obscured. Theories abounded: wild ones as well as plausible ones. And they ranged from beliefs that a Pirate Alliance had been formed and this had led to their increased aggressiveness… to more bizarre theories that perhaps a brand new race of beings or invading forces from a distant planet had been scouting the galaxy. Yet she kept on circling back to speculation over and over again that the planet Rijel 12 was somehow the origin of this activity.

  People in the restaurant waiting area began to pay attention to her report now….

  And what of this supposed reappearance of the Unity? Oh that story had been going around for months. The ship had been reported by witnesses as showing up all over the galaxy (some witnesses were credible, and some not in the least). But could it really be them—the former rebels of the Naustie Rebellion? Patty seemed to think so. Could the former prisoners of New Australia Planetary Prison really have survived and turned their planet into a pirate base? Patty didn’t just simply imply it. She bluntly smacked the green screen behind her in close proximity to the little ball with lighted letters above it saying, R-12. She said, with chest thrust out and a lifting of her chin to make her figure look even sexier, “All evidence seems to indicate THIS planet as the origin of all the recent violent raids….”

  Felina Toyger sat in the restaurant devouring her seafood dinner, a special one prepared by Rex Middlefield, who was the head chef and now her personal friend… her best friend on Star Pussy really. Rex had actually coordinated his own schedule over time so that he could spend the evenings chatting it up with his favorite gal pal. She was also his star customer; a celebrity that drew lots of attention from the Star Pussy clientele. And for Felina’s part, the attention was no bother. She liked her job, loved her customers, and never seemed to be overwhelmed by the trappings of stardom. Beings from all species often recognized her, and would come up to talk to her at the restaurant. She never shooed them away nor brushed them off. It just wasn’t her style.

  Rex was certainly an indirect beneficiary of her generosity too. Drawing customers to his restaurant, and reserving a private table each night for just Felina to occupy meant good business for Rex and he well knew it. After all, it improved his Employee Grade, and lent him full access to most any attraction, Planetary Environ, or venue on Star Pussy. And Rex loved—just loved—the hunky gorgeous boys working over in the Earth Environ in the Roman Gladiator attraction (handsome bodybuilders, most of them)! Each night both he and Felina would finish their shifts and spend the evening detailing all their exploits from the day, then Rex would tell Felina his tawdry plans for the night, thrilling her and humoring her as she’d purr and giggle all the way through dinner.

  Theirs was a spectacular friendship. It truly was. Being that she was an Empath and a very good one at that—yet with a streak of independence a mile wide—Felina was fascinated with a being such as Rex. He was a gay human male who had such vastly different desires when it came to sex; and despite being in his mid-thirties, was still quite active in his homosexual lifestyle. Maybe it was more because he had absolutely no physical desire for her in any way shape or form, yet loved her deeply and sincerely. He wanted nothing from her; just enjoyed her company: always terribly interested in every aspect of her life, her feelings, and her desires. No one else ever expressed an interest in things like that before. Felina totally embraced being what she was, of course, but most anyone and everyone seeking contact or attention from Felina was interested in her body. Not Rex. He loved her completely like some childhood friend who’d known her all her life; or an older brother in whom she could confide anything and everything. That’s what really fascinated her about him.

  Rex made his way through the restaurant, greeting happy customers and thanking them for dining there that night. Glad-handing VIP customers who’d been identified to him on the restaurant computer, was always a great idea.

  Passing the lounge area, the video broadcast blaring from the giant screen in the lounge suddenly caught Rex’s eye, as he noticed the crowd of people now gathering around to watch the news. They were riveted to the investigative report, which was still being given by Patty Persian. At first he thought folks were just turned on by the pretty Pumalar giving the story, but soon he realized what the topic was, and it quickly got his own attention as well. Pirates were raiding again! No one was safe! Rex could just feel the customers in his lounge fearing for their personal safety, and certainly for good reason. This could be really bad….

  He approached Felina from behind as she was stuffing another delicious bite of (raw) Mahi Tuna into her tiny catlike mouth. “Well, that’s going to be a downer for business, now isn’t it?” understated Rex as he walked up to her table and sat down across from her. Felina smiled broadly, reacting with pleasant surprise at his arrival. She’d been staring vaguely into the fish tank for some time, and didn’t even know what he was making reference to with that comment. “What’s bad, Tomcat?” asked Felina through her mouthful of food. Rex sighed. He had just heard Patty Persian say that passenger ships had also been suffering raids from unknown pirates while in route to different planets. That could spell disaster for Star Pussy too, if prospective customers all over the galaxy were suddenly afraid to risk space travel.

  “Didn’t you hear the reporter?" continued Rex. "She said pirates are attacking passenger ships now. Might mean fewer customers on Star Pussy if it gets out of hand,” Rex smiled anxiously. If he only knew how prophetic those words really were. Felina by way of comparison was oblivious to the broadcast and just shrugged her shoulders. She was exhausted anyway from all her encounters of the day. And after her nightly chat with Rex, she was looking forward to a good long 12 hour catnap.

  However that’s precisely what had been happening. The Naustie pirate fleet had as of late been turning to raiding passenger ships for food, weapons, supplies and other… more valuable… acquisitions.

  “So, how was your day, Darling?” asked Rex, changing the subject with a grin. Felina grinned but clearly needed to finish chewing her food and swallowing so Rex just followed up with his nightly detailed plan for the evening….

  The “Roman Empire” section of the Earth Environs was only a five minute shuttle ride across the converted space station to get to, and this facility was both grandiose in its detail, as well as fully populated with sexy human playmates all hours of the day and night. Roman Coliseum venue had been constructed inside an old sports arena. It was basically the size of an indoor hockey rink. Performers ascended from below up to the “floor” of the arena, just like in the ancient Coliseum, and there they could fight mock battles in the nude with each other and simulate mortal blows to the thrill of the lustful crowd. The “bodies” of the “slain” would descend on platforms once more to the Gladiator paddock below, while the “victor” would be cheered and lauded for his “valor”. Patrons could walk through the lower cells below the simulated arena too, and pick a male Gladiator to enjoy for the evening if they wished. Plus next door there was also an enormous Roman bath (a gigantic heated self-cleaning pool with scantily-clad female attendants also available to be enjoyed by customers). The walls of the arena were adorned with holographic images portraying the interior of the real Roman Coliseum, and the walls of the Roman Bath were made to look like one had literally gone back in time to ancient Rome. Even the ceiling of the arena was covered in a holographic image of an autumn Italian sky.

  Rex had the Employee Grade level necessary to get in, and even though other Environs were also accessible to him because of
his high grade level, he tended to be more of a creature of habit. Rex’s Employee Grade level was well-earned because of his restaurant’s high profitability and financial performance. Customer surveys were also crucial to this; so having a celebrity like Felina showing up each night meant not only numerous customers, but happy customers as well. That’s what really got Rex his high Employee Grade. But for other employees, this was measured differently.

  An employee’s GRADE was earned by job performance and longevity in employment mainly, but it was verified via a chip which was inserted into the upper arm of each being working there. This chip would send data to Star Pussy Human Resources indicating body readings like raised heart rate, prolonged physical exertion, ingestion of fluids, and calorie intake. It measured sleep and health readings too, but mainly this was all oriented toward checking up on Employees to make sure they were really working and not lounging around inside the venues, getting inebriated during work shifts, taking unauthorized food breaks, or sneaking off to take a nap.

  Body workers were measured based on their performance by checking indications of rises in body temperature due to contact with other beings. The chip could communicate to the computers about ingestion of foreign DNA, the presence of sweat from other bodies, or insertions of foreign fluids like saliva or semen into genitalia, esophagus, or the rectum. Rises in heart rate or physical exertion, coincidental with these biological indicators would verify the frequency by which a body worker was engaging in sex, and so therefore the Star Pussy computers basically knew pretty much how hard—and how often—each body worker was putting out.

  Employee Grade certainly affected one’s pay… but food and lodging were already free to begin with. If all you wanted was to make minimum wage for your job grade and eat at the employee commissary (sleep in triple-stacked bunks with three roommates) then mediocre performance might be acceptable. But why would anyone want to settle for that? A janitor, beat cop, maintenance worker, or housekeeper making minimum wage would more likely want to enjoy the facilities, attractions, and carnal delights. And to do that, one had to achieve a higher Employee Grade. Otherwise no admission would be granted to them. For that reason, most workers were enthusiastic and efficient at their jobs. They wanted to play too, after all… and who could blame them? This was Star Pussy!

  The system for customer transactions was just as technically advanced. When a customer purchased a VACATION PACKAGE on Star Pussy, it included travel and lodging. Some of the basic services came right along with the package, such as access to the Roman Empire attraction in the Earth Environ or the Jungle Terrariums of the Zorg Environ. Most every package included those. But when you arrived, you could also upgrade to get access to additional venues like dinner at Rex Middlefield’s restaurant, or to purchase an hour of personal attention with a Pumalar Empath. Upon arrival, the customer would merely get their palm scanned identifying them to the Star Pussy Computers; and then they could roam the facility freely. Each attraction or venue required merely placing their hand over a scanner at its entrance; and if their admission had been paid, entrance was granted. Purchasing additional services merely required another palm scan.

  There was also a POS (point of sale) function at each venue’s entrance where any customer or employee for that matter—on some whim of inspiration—could purchase admission. Most of the restaurants worked specifically in that way; and that was quite shrewd on the part of Star Pussy Management. Restaurants were often located right out front of most super-popular venues, dance clubs, and attractions because after an hour or two being naughty, a customer would most likely be starving hungry.

  Bars and saloons were scattered throughout Star Pussy as well; and numbered in the hundreds—just about as many as there were public bathrooms! Most weren’t even bars at all really, but just little kiosks sitting remotely along the walking paths, or right outside shuttle stations. Smiling bartenders were practically everywhere, selling drinks to customers as well as sexual enhancements to keep the party going for customers hour after hour after hour. Liquor sales on a combined basis from every kiosk and bar throughout Star Pussy accounted for a large portion of annual profit; and practically paid for Star Pussy’s labor cost all by itself. Not surprisingly, hard-working bartenders held some of the highest Employee Grades on the station.

  Star Pussy was a wagon-wheel shaped former space station, with a headquarters and office complex centered in the very middle. Shuttle vehicles traveled back and forth throughout the spokes of the wheel, and employee dormitories were located along those shuttle routes. Docking stations for space craft were located around the outer ring in several locations so that passenger craft as well as supply ships could dock and unload. Often these were very busy operations, as ships would be arriving and departing constantly. Traffic control and maintenance of public order was therefore vital.

  And that's why security was practically everywhere. There were security stations and patrol posts practically at every corner, in the area near major venues, and of course the docking stations. Each shuttle car moving back and forth throughout the spokes of the space station had a “driver” who was actually a policeman. Of course the shuttles were operated by computer, and there was certainly no steering, acceleration, or braking necessary! But having a formidable-looking uniformed guard inside each shuttle was a natural deterrent to mayhem.

  In the view of Star Pussy management, the giant pleasure palace was more of a fully operational floating galactic planet—or city even. Not just a business with a need for uniformed security guards. It had its own power facilities and public works that had to be operated. It had cleaning, laundry, supply distribution, water, sewage, electricity, and even its own broadcasting station which advertised throughout all the hotel rooms and lobbies about popular attractions. Because of this from the very beginning Star Pussy management considered it necessary to have its own police force. It needed a police force under its own jurisdiction too—not under command of the government of Pumalar or any other planet.

  The way they foresaw it was quite wise: if they were establishing a gigantic pleasure palace which was remote and distant from any planet… and if the main product they were selling was sexual stimulation and fulfillment… then there could likely be disorder at most any time. Star Pussy management knew that going in. So they didn’t just hire security guards.

  Management had them trained in combat and riot control, and even established a post for Police Chief with his own hierarchy of subordinates, staff, and chain of command all the way down to the lowly beat cop walking through the lobbies and hallways. Each cop carried an electronic baton which functioned much like an old cattle prod. It had settings for merely shocking an unruly customer, and even had a stun setting for incapacitating any miscreant who dared to defy the rules.

  Police were expected to maintain order. That was their main function. ANY disruption of public peace or threat of violence was quelled brutally and quickly. They prided themselves on that. And why wouldn’t they? Most all were Pumalars who’d finished their mandatory ten year military service and come to Star Pussy to enjoy their middle age. Many others were tough Human, Porkonji, or Zorgolongian males who could handle the rigorous training and enjoyed the benefits of working at a sex palace with an Employee Grade which gave them access to most all the best pleasure venues. Fearsome and intimidating to begin with, Star Pussy Police for the most part loved their jobs as patrolmen; and would pounce on almost any being for even the slightest infraction. After all, their employee grade was based on the number of reported disturbances within their patrol area.

  And they’d throw you in the Brig for most anything. They didn’t hesitate either: if a customer started a fight or quarreled with an employee or another customer—no matter WHO started it frankly—the SP Police would lock you up, refund the cost of your hotel room, and send you back to your home planet on the next available ship. They were just that strict, and they very well could be. After all, who would a customer complain to? There was no governm
ent there. There were no courts or judges. Everyone just understood that was the way things were. If you came to Star Pussy, you should be there to have fun… drink, get rowdy, have lots of sex, enjoy yourself. Then go home. But if you fucked up and got in trouble with the SP Police; God help you. No one else would. The SP Police could handle most anything that ever happened on Star Pussy. Well… most anything that is.

  Chapter 13:

  Meanwhile Back on New Australia

  It had now been over two very long years since the prisoners of New Australia Planetary Prison had risen up and overthrown their captors.

  The initial success of capturing a pirate ship lured into docking with the Anarchy thinking it was the old Earth Cruiser Unity, led to the beginning of a golden age of piracy and plunder for the Nausties. This role suited them well. Thousands of tough former miners were soon lining up for a chance to join the growing pirate fleet. It eventually numbered ten and ranged from small transport and scout ships—all the way up to the massive Earth Cruisers which were fully armed now and capable of pouncing on most any ships of the same size.

  After the first victorious battle in which the unsuspecting pirate ship cruised right up to the Anarchy answering its fake distress call, the Nausties found themselves well-established in the piracy and smuggling business. Within hours, the hidden brigade of Pumalar warriors and human cutthroats inside Anarchy’s hold had sprung the trap and fought their way onto the pirate ship to defeat the enemy crew. Captain Snout then turned the quickly overwhelmed enemy pirates into crewmen—those who’d survived the brutal combat onboard both ships that is.

  And with two fully complemented pirate space craft, Snout then turned his attention to searching for new targets. He directed his squad of two pirate raiders to major shipping lanes and just waited for new prey. It didn’t take long. Within a month they’d seized yet another Earth Freighter, and plundered it. This ship was loaded to the gills with food, having just left port with fresh produce, pressed sea plankton wafers, and frozen fish. The resulting return to New Australia yielded a full warehouse of food, which the planet desperately needed; and it was distributed to a very happy population of Nausties who hadn’t seen fresh vegetables and fruits in years.


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