A Desconian Marriage of Convenience (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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A Desconian Marriage of Convenience (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 10

by Rachel Clark

  But then Jax stopped, moved away, leaving her empty. She gripped Tosh harder, wanting, needing him close. She sighed when he replaced Jax’s cock with his own. “I love you, Jen,” he said as he fucked her slowly. “And I promise to love you forever, no matter what the future holds.”

  Tears filled her eyes at his beautiful words as Baylen pressed up against her back, his fingers pressing between her ass cheeks, pushing more of the lotion into her anus. She was too needy to stay still, lifting and lowering on Tosh’s cock as Baylen stretched her with his fingers.

  “Come here, baby girl,” Jax said as he lifted her away from both of them. She was so horny from the lotion, so turned on by the claiming that she could barely breathe, but a part of her knew it was these men alone who stole her control. Even with the increased arousal, without her men so close she would have been able to resist. There would never be any others. Jax, Tosh, and Baylen were the beginning and the end of her world.

  Jax watched her face, his eyes seeing way more than she intended to show, but it was the reverent kiss that turned her to jelly. He lay back on the padded bench. It seemed to be a type of altar in the middle of the room, the guests circling it as they watched her men lay claim to her body, heart, and soul. She crawled up Jax’s body, sinking gratefully onto his cock as he wrapped a hand around the back of her neck and pulled her down. He caressed her spine, his fingers gliding over the smooth skin where once she’d had the scars of her whipping so long ago. Tosh had been right. It felt like a new start, a fresh beginning. She no longer carried the reminder of being punished for something that was so very natural.

  Baylen slipped his fingers back into her ass, caressing the sensitive skin until she was pushing back against him, greedy for more. She whispered the word “yes” as he placed the head of his cock against her ass and pushed in slowly. She squirmed against Jax, needing to both push back against Baylen and crawl away. Tosh gentled her, smoothing a hand over her shoulders, his head dipping to press soft kisses to her face. “I love you, Jen,” he said in a very serious tone. “I’ve loved you since the day we met. You’re the only woman I’ll ever love.”

  Tears filled her eyes, the emotional connection she felt to all three men weaving around her, leaving her breathless, the incredible sensation of holding both Baylen and Jax inside her body damn near overwhelming.

  “Tosh,” she whispered, reaching for his cock. He moaned at her gentle touch, but when he realized she wanted to taste him, he hesitated.

  “Are you certain?” he asked with a half smile. It was obvious he liked the idea, but as always he was trying to protect her.

  “She’s sure,” Jax groaned as he shook underneath her. “Don’t bite him, baby girl. I’m about to start moving.”

  She giggled and nodded, leaning over awkwardly, sighing in relief when Tosh moved closer and made it easier. And then slowly all three men started to move inside her. Her ass throbbed, her pussy pulsed, she swallowed convulsively around Tosh, and the whole time she tried desperately to hold back her own orgasm.

  Baylen moved, somehow pinning Jax down as he started to thrust into her ass faster. Jax growled a sound of need, his hands roaming over all three of them as Tosh and Baylen started to fuck her in earnest and Jax could do nothing but lie back and enjoy it.

  “Come now,” Jax demanded of all three of them. Tosh grinned, moving faster into her mouth. Baylen shuddered, his cock pulsing as his thrusting fell out of rhythm, his body twitching and jolting as his cum filled her ass. Tosh touched her face, claiming her attention, watching her closely.

  “Ready?” he asked. She nodded—sort of—and groaned as the first salty streams of cum filled her mouth. She swallowed around him, making him jolt several times before sighing and pulling away. Baylen lay on top of her long enough to whisper, “I love you, Jen. We’re never letting you go.”

  She nodded, happy tears filling her eyes as Baylen moved away and Jax started to move. She had time enough to see Tosh and Baylen embrace before Jax dominated her attention. His hand pushed between them, his clever fingers unerringly finding her clit and rubbing over the swollen bud again and again.

  “Come for us, Jenelle. Come because you love us as much as we love you.”

  The words were so beautiful, so appropriate. She did love them, would do anything for them, including staying forever if that was what they truly wanted. She gasped as heat exploded in her abdomen and every limb shook in ecstasy. Lightning bolts of pleasure streaked through her, every muscle pulsing in delight as the rocking, rolling, shivering, shaking sensation went on and on and on.

  Jax came with her, thrusting hard and deep one last time, dragging her onto his cock, his cum pulsing deep into her pussy, the combined love of all three men filling her heart.

  She collapsed against Jax, sighing in satisfaction as all three men stroked their hands over her lovingly. “I love you all, too,” she finally confessed. “I don’t know why you want to keep me, but I’m selfish enough to want to stay.”

  Jenelle jolted at the hard slap on her ass but couldn’t help the giggle that escaped her. Perhaps it was the lotion still working, but that had felt rather nice.

  “Don’t talk yourself down, baby girl,” Jax said with a low growl in his voice. The second slap was even more unexpected, but she moaned in delight anyway. “We love you. That is the beginning and the end of our story. No more talking of leaving us, ever.” Jax smiled, pulled her down to kiss her thoroughly, and whispered against her lips, “Ready for round two?”

  “Always,” she said with a soft laugh, squealing happily when his large hand smacked her bottom once more.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Tosh watched his mubella talking to the women in the compound and loved her even more. She had such a caring heart. Considering the way she’d been raised, it was almost a miracle that she could feel anything for anyone at all, yet every day she proved how beautiful a soul she was by dealing with refugees from Earth with sensitivity, compassion, and caring.

  She was turning out to be a better counselor than some of the highly trained Desconian staff around her. Jax had suggested she pursue it as a career, but so far Jenelle was happy to keep doing what she was doing.

  It had been three months since the claiming ceremony, and Tosh couldn’t be happier knowing that the woman wore his family crest simply because she truly loved him. It was clear to Jax and Baylen also that Jenelle was the one perfect fit for them. No others would ever do, and they would never, ever, regret claiming her.

  But Tosh still saw the longing in her eyes when they visited Deanna and her family. The triplets had arrived safely. A little earlier than they’d hoped, but if there was one thing Desconian medicine excelled at it was the care and treatment of newborns. With the birthrate being so low, each and every child was more precious than anything else on the planet.

  He also sensed the guilt Jenelle felt every time one of the human women she’d known joined a Desconian family and started making babies. He knew that she wondered if their lives would be different if they hadn’t met her.

  She loved them and she’d promised to stay with them forever, but for Jenelle the inability to give them children would always affect her deeply.

  That’s why he’d tried so hard to find an answer.

  But it wasn’t perfect. And it would involve more people than just the four of them. It was a decision that would need to be carefully considered, but as much as it made him feel guilty for keeping a secret from their husbands, he felt an overwhelming need to explain it to Jenelle first and give her a chance to back out without the others ever knowing.

  “Finished for the day?” she asked as she came over to cuddle into his embrace.

  “I am,” he said, holding her tight, loving her more with each breath. “You?”

  “I just want to check in with Ally before I go. Her son is teething, so she hasn’t been sleeping well.”

  “Before we do that,” he said quietly, “could we maybe talk in my office?”

Talk?” She raised an eyebrow in question. His last couple of “talks” had ended up with them both naked and sweaty. He grinned, but because he was still undecided on how to approach her with the solution he’d found, he really didn’t feel it. “Are you okay?” she asked, obviously sensing his disquiet.

  “Yes,” he said quickly, “I just wanted to discuss a procedure I found in ancient medical texts from Earth.” She gave him a curious look but headed to his office without asking any more.

  When the door closed behind them, he still had no idea where to start.

  “What was the procedure for?” Jenelle asked, giving him an encouraging smile.

  “It was originally designed to help infertile couples on Earth.”

  “Seriously?” she asked with a soft laugh. “How far back did you have to go to find that? Earth has been overpopulated for centuries.”

  “Quite a while,” he confessed. He rubbed the back of his neck as he tried to find the words to explain. “I found something that might—and that’s only a might, there are no guarantees, and I still need to talk to Kallum and a few other colleagues to make certain we are even capable of doing it—but it might help us with starting a family.”

  She looked stunned, and he honestly couldn’t blame her. He’d been astounded to realize there was already extensive research into the solution.

  “Several hundred years ago medical science on Earth developed a procedure called in vitro fertilization. It means they harvested the ova—the eggs—from a woman’s ovaries and fertilized them outside of the body. Then they transferred the fertilized egg into a healthy uterus.” He could see in her eyes that she understood where he was going with this. She already knew that her ovaries were intact and healthy.

  “So what we need is a woman with a healthy uterus to carry our babies?”

  He nodded. She hadn’t sounded as excited as he’d worried that she might, so it seemed she was taking the ramifications of the idea very seriously. It was a big thing, to ask someone to carry a child to term for them—especially if they expected her to hand the baby over as soon as it was born. Even if the baby wasn’t the genetic offspring of the woman who carried it in her body for nine months, there would undoubtedly be a bond with the child that would be hard to give up.

  He’d delivered many babies in his time working for the Desconian Fertility Council, so he knew how emotional the experience could be—especially for the woman giving birth.

  “I was thinking we could maybe talk to Deanna.”

  “No,” Jenelle said quickly, dashing the hope he hadn’t even realized he’d been holding on to. He was happy with their marriage. He and Jenelle and Tosh and Jax were happy together. They truly didn’t need children in their lives. “It would be too much to ask with the triplets so young.” She gave him a sincere smile. “And I know they’re already talking about adding to the family.”

  Tosh tried to smile with her. Deanna had been exhausted, emotional, and overjoyed when her babies had been born, but it hadn’t stopped her from asking how long before she could safely become pregnant again. The woman had simply been a natural at having babies. Unlike some of the poor women who suffered through months of morning sickness, bloating, sciatica, and every other uncomfortable side effect of pregnancy, Deanna had practically glowed the entire time. Considering she’d carried triplets, it had seemed damn near miraculous to the medical staff caring for her.

  But if Jenelle didn’t want to ask Deanna, then what choices did they have? Asking a complete stranger to carry a child for them felt wrong and fraught with terrifying possibilities. There was no legal precedent for who would, in the eyes of Desconian law, be considered the parents. It would be much better if they could find someone close to them.

  “What about Galeena?” Jenelle asked quietly. “She once told me her fertility issues were about her eggs, not her womb.” She laughed softly. “We actually joked at the time that between us we were one whole woman.”

  It hurt him to hear her describe herself as incomplete, but it was why he’d sought an answer for her medical issue in the first place. They were happy to love her exactly as she was, but she would always feel inadequate. Hopefully with children in their lives that would change.

  “Are you sure?” he asked as so many possible problems ran through his mind. “She hasn’t been the easiest person to get along with recently. I still haven’t forgiven her for upsetting you at dinner three months ago.”

  Jenelle nodded in agreement. “That’s true, but we’re friends now. We might not be best friends yet, but I think sharing a pregnancy would help with that.”

  He wasn’t so sure. He’d loved Galeena like a sister ever since he’d met Jax, yet he’d been surprised by her reaction to Jenelle. He wouldn’t have thought her capable of such vitriol until it had come out of her mouth. But asking her to carry their baby to term didn’t seem like such a good idea.

  “What if she won’t give the baby to us once he’s born?”

  Jenelle moved closer, wrapping her arms around him as she spoke. “The day that Galeena and I were joking about being one whole woman, I realized then that if I could have given her my ovaries I would have. Children are so important in Desconian families I would have been pleased just to be able to give you guys a niece or a nephew.” She reached up and cupped his face so that he was looking directly into her eyes. “With this procedure you’re describing, it sounds like my wild imaginings might actually be possible. If it’s okay with my husbands, I’d like to offer Galeena the chance to have her husbands’ children as well.”

  “You’d do that for her?”

  “Of course,” she said, looking a little bit surprised by his reaction. “She’s family.”

  Tosh held his wife tighter and tried to blink away the tears filling his eyes. This was why he loved her more and more each day. He had no idea how someone who’d lived through the things she’d lived through could have such a generous heart, but he thanked the goddess that she’d come into his life.

  There was a list of things that could go wrong, a veritable cargo load of trouble they might face, but if he knew one thing for certain, it was that they’d face it together—him, Jax, Baylen, and the incredible woman that they’d never, ever considered a convenience.




  Rachel loves romance in all its forms. She writes contemporary, BDSM, paranormal, and science fiction in MMF, MF, MFM, MMMF, and lots of other pairings. Her one unbreakable rule is that every story must have a very happy ending.

  For all titles by Rachel Clark, please visit


  Siren Publishing, Inc.





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