Eternity of Vengeance (Extended Edition) : Book 7 of the Heku Series
Page 55
“Maybe I should go address the Encala Council to see if they would give me information,” Alexis said. Everyone was amazed at how softly she spoke and how refined her movements and actions were.
“You may, if you wish,” Iuna said.
“No, she’s not going to the Encala Council,” Kyle told him. “If you won’t tell us what we want to know, then we’ll just have to find out on our own."
“Do not threaten us.”
“That’s not a threat,” Quinn told him. “You know that it’s in the best interest of ourselves and the Valle to know as much about you as we can.”
“Then you also realize that it’s my responsibility to protect the Encala and if I feel withholding information is what it takes… then so be it.”
Alexis sat back for the rest of the meeting and only twice had to remind the enemies to stay calm. They knew she had to look them in the eye to turn them to ash, but they also got the impression that she was less likely to use that ability than her mother. Her voice never rose above a soft whisper. She never stormed out or added her opinion when Emily would have.
Four hours after the meeting started, she began to watch Salazar and the Equites Chief Interrogator. Salazar seemed nervous and never once looked at her. Richard continued to observe the enemy and didn’t seem to be paying attention to what was going on. It wasn’t until the meeting was almost over that he spoke.
“What are you so nervous about?” Richard asked Salazar.
He frowned, “I don’t know what you mean.”
Chevalier nodded, “I’ve seen it also. Are you hiding something from us?”
“I most certainly am not.”
“If we’re done, then we will be going,” Sotomar said, and then started for the door.
“I’m not done with Salazar,” Zohn said, standing up. “He’s nervous and hiding something.”
The Encala watched the interaction with some amusement.
“You’re out of practice,” Salazar told Zohn. “I’m hiding nothing.”
“He’s lying,” Richard said, and then smiled. “I would think a Chief Interrogator would be able to lie better than that.”
“I’m not lying and I am insulted by the accusation.”
“You may go,” Dustin said to the Encala. Alexis glanced at him and bottled up the hatred she had for him. She’d learned to hide any dislike for the Powan, knowing that he was part of the Council and should be treated with respect.
Iuna smiled at the Valle and then left with the Encala’s Chief Enforcer.
“You cannot keep us here,” Sotomar reminded the Council. “Salazar has done nothing to you to warrant imprisonment.”
“Get out of my sight,” Zohn growled. The Council watched the Valle leave and then turned their chairs to converse.
“May I be excused?” Alexis asked.
“Thank you for coming, Alex. It’s always more civil if you are here,” Quinn said.
She bowed slightly and then left, meeting up with her Cavalry guards out in the main hallway.
“How fun was that?” Dain asked from behind her.
Alexis turned to her younger brother, “Not fun, but necessary.”
“Didn’t sound like any fun either.”
“You really shouldn’t listen in on the Council. It’s private,” Alexis said as she and Dain started down the hallway together.
“Nothing else to do in here.”
“It’s still not your place.”
Dain rolled his eyes, “Yeah, whatever. Until they allow me to join the guard staff, I have nothing better to do.”
“You know why they won’t allow it.”
“Yes and it’s stupid.”
Alexis sighed, “You have to understand where Dad is coming from. Mom wouldn’t allow it, you’re only 10.”
“Years, yes.”
“It doesn’t matter. In Mom’s eyes you would still be a child.”
Dain sighed, “I’m still going to ask the Council again.”
“Just leave them be, Dain. They are busy.”
“Don’t care,” he said, and started away from her. She stopped and watched him walk to the council chamber doors and talk briefly to Derrick before stepping in.
Dain walked up haughtily to the Council and Chevalier sighed, “What now, Dain?”
“You know why I’m here,” he replied, and smiled at his Dad.
“Denied, you may go,” Kyle told him, then began to look through a ledger.
“Nope, not taking no for an answer. Mom’s been dead for 2 years. You can’t keep me from joining the guard staff just because she may have not wanted me to!”
“Yes, we can,” Zohn told him.
Dain’s eyes narrowed, “You let Allen.”
“That was different.”
“No, it’s not.”
“Not now, Dain,” Chevalier said.
“When then?” he asked, crossing his arms.
“When you are older.”
Dain growled and then blurred from the council chambers, slamming the door after him.
“I don’t see why he can’t join the guard staff,” Dustin said. “He’s bored and only gets into mischief.”
“No,” Chevalier said sternly, and then turned to talk to Kyle about an upcoming trial.
Alexis saw Dain storm out of the council chambers and sighed, “He’s only causing himself more trouble.”
“Yeah, but he’ll learn,” Silas said. He’d just taken over as one of her guards.
She turned to him, “May we go out on horseback and take the dogs?”
Silas whispered into the air and then sighed, “Sorry, we’re training today. You’ll have City Guards for a while.”
Alexis nodded and smiled, “Ok then, maybe later.”
Silas was amazed at how well she took things and how she never attempted to slip away from guards, whether Cavalry or City, “You could go see Garret.”
The only time Alexis ever became flustered and blushed, was at the mention of her boyfriend, “Well… maybe.”
Silas grinned. He liked how quickly she blushed and how she could barely speak when his name was mentioned. The Cavalry was all afraid to tell Chevalier when she began to date one of the City Guards a few months before, but he took it surprisingly well. Dain, however, flew into a rage and threatened to kill the heku. Once Chevalier got him calmed down, Alexis was able to start officially dating the heku.
Alexis could feel the heat rising to her cheeks and quickly moved up the stairs to her room. She was in the middle of writing a book about the Winchester family, taking into account the information Camber knew and then talking to those who knew Emily best. She also was able, after many attempts, to talk the Council into letting her call her Uncle Alec and he was able to give her information on Elizabeth’s family.
She sat down at her desk and began typing on a laptop she bought for the sole purpose of writing.
“Sir, he’s here,” Derrick said, peeking into the council chamber.
Chevalier nodded, “Good, let him in.”
A heku entered, dressed in the signature clothing of one of the Valle’s City Guards. He stood before the Equites Council and bowed, “I came as requested.”
“Your mission is over,” Chevalier told him. “We understand that by bringing you here your cover would be jeopardized.”
The heku nodded.
“What did you find?”
“Salazar spends very little time with the Valle Council. He has his own coven and is there most of the time.”
“Where is it?”
“In Vermont, Sir. It’s the Green Mountain Coven.”
“How big?”
“Last count was 117 heku, including Salazar. Rumor has it that his coven is locked up tight though. They accept no new members and only rarely does one even venture out of the city walls.”
“So most of his time is spent away from the main city?” Zohn asked.
“Yes, Elder. I overheard the Valle Council speaking that if he didn’t st
art doing his job, he would be replaced.”
Chevalier thought about the information and tapped his pen lightly on the desk.
“Do they suspect why?” Kyle asked.
“Yes, Sir. Sotomar suspects that Salazar may have a prisoner that he’s keeping from the Council.”
“A prisoner? Why keep it secret?”
“That they weren’t sure of.”
Kyle nodded, “That makes sense then.”
“I still don’t like it,” the Chief Interrogator said. “I feel like he was nervous being here.”
“You may go,” Chevalier said to the heku. “Take a month off and then return to your Captain.”
“Thank you, Elder,” he said, and then bowed before leaving.
“Let’s attack him,” Chevalier suggested.
Zohn grinned. That was Chevalier’s response to anything suspicious, “We have no provocation.”
“He lied to us.”
“It’s been quiet around here,” Quinn said. “I concur… let’s send out a team and find out what our dear Salazar is hiding.”
“You going then?” Kyle asked Chevalier.
“No, I have things here I need to do. Why don’t you lead the Cavalry and see what you can find.”
Kyle grinned, “Right away.”
Chevalier watched Kyle disappear and then heard him call for the Cavalry, “It would be fun to go.”
“We need you here though,” Zohn reminded him.
“I know, but I haven’t killed anyone in almost 24 hours,” Chevalier chuckled.
Quinn shook his head and grinned.
Kyle stood outside of the compound and surveyed the area while the 84 members of the Cavalry waited in the trees. He could hear only quiet whispers from inside of the compound and the front gates weren’t guarded, but were electrified.
“Mark,” Kyle whispered, and then turned when the General stepped forward. “Thoughts?”
“Kill the generators or go over the walls. I don’t see anything up there,” Mark told him, looking up at the top of the 10 foot high cement walls.
“He’s in there,” Kyle whispered.
Mark nodded.
“Do it.”
“Team 4, over,” Mark said, and then watched as twelve heku in green capes quickly scaled the cement wall. Screams and the sound of fighting started immediately, “Team 1, 2, and 3, go.”
Kyle walked over to the front gates when they opened and Kralen stepped out, “Come on it, it’s a party.”
“It’s no fun when they don’t even try to fight back,” Mark sighed, and then walked into the compound.
“Salazar’s in the main house,” Silas told Kyle.
Kyle nodded, “Easy enough, let’s go say hi.”
“It’s weird how little defenses he has,” Mark mentioned. They all walked up to the main house located in the center of the compound. In relation to the size of the coven, the mansion was overly large and ornately decorated.
“Makes me nervous,” Kyle said, stopping at the door.
Kralen moved forward and knelt down by the door. He studied it for a moment before turning, “That door is rigged.”
“As are the windows,” Silas said, moving up to them.
Horace came up from the back of the house, “It all is. We touch one inch of that house and we’ll be electrocuted.”
Kralen’s eyebrows rose, impressed, “It’s like a large tessla coil. Not only will the one who touches it be electrified, but it’ll shoot electricity out around it.”
“That’s new,” Kyle said, looking around the quiet compound.
Silas nodded, “I’m thinking this prisoner they have is pretty important. To keep it from the Council makes me think it’s a Valle.”
“My thoughts exactly. A Valle that, more than likely, the Equites would want.”
Kralen blurred around the compound and then returned, “I don’t see a generator or any power wires going into the main house. It’s more than likely supplied either by solar panels or underground wiring.”
“Well, we need in there,” Kyle said, deep in thought.
“Yeah, before they call for Valle backup,” Mark sighed. “I’m guessing we have about 4 hours before help arrives.”
“If he dares call for help.”
“Right off hand, I don’t see solar panels,” Horace said from atop one of the nearby houses.
“Then it’s underground,” Mark said, kicking dirt on the ground. “I say we dig.”
Kyle chuckled, “Fine… let’s dig then.”
It didn’t take long for the Cavalry to locate the underground wires. Although smart to think of hiding the wires and making a tessla coil, the execution was done hurriedly. As soon as the power was cut to the main house, Kralen walked up the stairs and knocked.
“Il y a quelqu’un à la maison?” he called out, and then kicked the door, shattering it into pieces. Kralen and his team walked in first and saw no one. “Hellooo?”
“This won’t be hard. Find them,” Kyle said. The Cavalry immediately spread out through the large mansion and began going door-to-door. Any heku they came to was immediately killed. Orders were clear, kill anyone except Salazar and any prisoners they found.
“Sir, we found the prison,” one of the Cavalry’s Commanders said.
Kyle nodded, “Great, let’s go have a look.”
Kyle followed the Commander down into the large prison and began going through each prisoner one at a time.
Mark grinned when he stepped into the massive state room, “Nice, we found his bedroom.”
Kralen jumped back onto the bed and put his hands under his head, “Comfy.”
“A bit cushy for my taste,” Silas said, going through some of the drawers.
“What do you expect? They’re Valle,” Kralen said, crossing his feet.
“Are you just going to nap?” Mark asked him.
Kralen grinned, “Maybe.”
“Speaking of cushy… idiot has a pet,” Silas said, motioning to a cage in the corner. It was covered by a thick blanket, but some of the bars showed from under it.
“Nice, guess we could kill it for him,” Mark said. He began to go through the walk-in closet.
“That’s a big pet,” Kralen said, looking over at the cage. The base footprint of the cage was 3 ½ ft x 3 ½ ft and 3 ft high.
“It’s weird though, I don’t smell a pet.”
“Me either. Maybe he masked it… Valle and their bloody scents.”
Mark sighed, “I’m finding nothing in here.”
Kralen sat up on the edge of the bed, “Fine… let’s kill his pet and then get out of here.”
“Sounds good to me,” Silas chuckled. He reached over and pulled the blanket off of the cage and then gasped and stumbled backwards. The familiar scent hit the heku suddenly and while their mouths began to salivate, their hearts pounded.
Inside the cage was a small form curled up into a ball and rocking slowly. Her red hair was knotted and matted and hung down against her back. The once white nightgown was dirty and stained and hid her body behind its thick fabric. With her face carefully tucked between her arms, the only familiarity was her scent.
“It’s…” Kralen whispered, standing slowly.
Mark spun and took in fresh air from the doorway, unable to speak.
Silas watched the tiny form rock slowly, not making a sound or even acknowledging they were there. He dropped the thick blanket and took a step forward and whispered, “Look at me.”
Kralen watched with wide eyes as the form stopped rocking for a moment, and then began again.
“Mark,” Silas whispered.
Mark finally turned when he regained full control and walked over to the cage. He knelt down and touched the bars, “Look at me.”
She didn’t respond, but continued to rock slowly.
Mark glanced at Kralen and then softly called for Kyle.
Kyle heard his na
med called and smiled. He hadn’t found any prisoners of interest and figured Mark had found either Salazar or the prisoner they were looking for. He blurred up, following Mark’s scent, and appeared in Salazar’s bedroom. He froze when the well-known scent assaulted him and he fought the urge to tear the bars apart and feed from whoever was creating it.
Kralen took Kyle’s arm, “Acclimate before going closer.”
Kyle shut his eyes and quickly honed in his intrinsic need to feed. Once in control, Kralen let go of the Chief Enforcer’s arm and he walked forward and knelt down beside the cage, “Is it…?”
“We don’t know,” Mark told him. “She won’t look at us.”
Kyle swallowed hard, afraid to even speak her name, “Emily?”
The woman continued to rock endlessly, never responding to anyone around her.
Mark pulled the lock off of the cage and opened the door. Only then did they see her move. Her body tensed and she turned slightly away from them. When she moved, they saw the single shackle wrapped around her right ankle and chained inside of the metal cage.
Kyle reached out slowly and gently touched her arm, “Please, look at me.”
She gasped and jerked away from his hand. He withdrew it quickly, not wanting to scare her.
Kralen moved forward and looked at Kyle before turning to the cage and raising his voice, “Look at me this instant!”
She began to tremble at the fierce command and slowly raised her head. Matted red hair was stuck to dirty sweat on her face and her entire body shook as Emily looked up at her former guard.
“Oh my God,” Kralen gasped, and his hands balled into fists.
Emily quickly hid her face again and slowly began to resume rocking.
Kyle reached in and gently began to pull her out of the cage, but her blood-curdling screams pierced the mansion and he quickly let go of her. She moved suddenly back on top of a small, thread-bare blanket that she was sitting on, and began to rock again, her body still shaking with fear.
Mark caught his breath and reached out to tear the shackle from her ankle, but stopped, “It’s not even locked.”
Emily reached a shaky hand down and began to softly rub the metal shackle.