The Hybrid's Submission (The Submission Trilogy Book 1)

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The Hybrid's Submission (The Submission Trilogy Book 1) Page 3

by Ezra Dawn


  Shut up, I’m trying to concentrate.

  Ooo testy testy.

  Go back to being quiet.

  Sir yes sir.

  Leaning forward, I take Brant’s lips in a teasing, explorative kiss. I want to map his mouth with my tongue, learn every ridge and groove. I’ll do the same with his muscles. Everyone says a claiming is usually frenzied and over quickly, but I want to take my time, savor the moment. Especially, since I have to do it twice, once for my wolf side and once for my demon side.

  Brant pulls away from me gasping for air, and I smile as I move the assault to his neck and down. I take my time, teasing his nipples with licks and bites before moving down further and pressing kisses to his abs.

  Brant whimpers as I finally unbutton his jeans and pull them down revealing teal silk briefs that hug his physique perfectly. “Well, well now this is a sexy surprise. Do you wear these all the time or is it just for me?”

  Brant blushes and says. “I like the way they make me feel. Confident. Sexy.”

  I remove his briefs and say, “You don’t need them to make you feel sexy. You are sexy, but I do like how they look on you.”

  I lick my lips and say, “I think I might buy you some to wear around the house. I fucking love the idea of you walking around wearing nothing but those tiny little briefs.”

  He groans and reaches for his cock. Hmm…seems like he likes that idea. I gently knock his hand away and take him into my mouth, sucking him down to the root. Since I’m not sure how long it’s been for him, I use the blow job as a distraction and reach for the lube. After squirting some on my fingers I warm it up before inserting a single finger into his ass. He moans and thrusts into my mouth. I insert a second finger and he looks down at me, “You have on too many clothes.”

  I wink at him relinquishing his cock with a pop. “I’ll strip as soon as I’m done prepping you.”

  “You’d better. I want to explore those tattoos.”

  “You can explore my ink anytime you want.”

  “Good, now get back to sucking my cock.”

  I laugh and say, “So demanding.”

  “You know it.”

  With a wink, I take his cock into my mouth once more and insert a third finger, rotating them around to make sure he’s stretched fully. When he’s close to coming, I move away and slip out of my clothes before returning to him and positioning myself at his entrance. “Ready?”

  He nods and wraps his legs around my waist.

  I lube myself up and push inside him. Gods, I forgot how good sex could feel. After giving my mate some time to adjust, I pull out and push back in, setting a slow but steady rhythm. I want this to last but it seems my mate isn’t going to let me go the slow route.

  Brant uses his feet to try and get me to go faster. When that doesn’t work he gives me a pleading look and says, “Harder baby. Please.”

  Fuck, the way he says please is like a pleasure shot straight to my groin.

  Groaning, I give in to what he wants, picking up the pace and thrusting into him, hard. “Yes, that’s it. Give it to me. Fuck.”

  Leaning forward, I nibble on his ear and whisper, “I wanted this to last. It’s been so long.”

  He reaches down and grabs my ass with both hands. “We have all the time in the world to make it last. Now, fuck me like you mean it before I take matters into my own hands.”

  Taking that as a challenge, I pin his hands above his head and begin fucking him in earnest. The sounds of slapping skin and moans is like music to my ears. Rolling my hips, I begin to peg his prostate on each forward thrust causing him to nearly scream in pleasure. The scent of Brant’s come hits my nose and I smile at the debauched expression on his face. He looks absolutely stunning in the throes of passion.

  After a couple more hard thrusts, I sink my teeth into his neck and place a hand over his heart, claiming him as mine in the way of demons. The mark on his chest will look like a tattoo in the form of a wolf head with black wings. There’s magic laced within it so it’ll protect him from other demons as well if he needs it.

  I feel a bite of pain at my neck that quickly morphs into pleasure, causing an orgasm to power through me.

  I take a few more sips of Brant’s blood then gently remove my teeth sealing the wound with my tongue. Brant does the same and I let myself relax, laying on top of him, with my head in the crook of his neck. “If I’m too heavy, I’ll move.”

  Brant shakes his head and says, “Don’t. I like you there.”

  I feel his fingers lightly stroking over my back and arms, causing me to shiver. When he starts moving his left leg, so it glides over my hip and side, I find my cock starting to harden again. His fingers then tangle into my hair and begin stroking my scalp. With pleasure pinging through my system, I lean up on my elbows and take Brant’s lips in a kiss, thrusting my tongue inside as soon as he opens for me. When his hands travel to my ass I take it as an invitation and slowly start to move inside him once more.

  Gods, I’m going to be sore in the morning, but it’ll be well worth it since I get to see him like this. My mate’s face in the heat of passion is an exquisite sight to behold. The way his eyes practically glow in their intensity, how he bites his lip when he’s concentrating on the task at hand, but most of all, the expression he makes when he comes. I could live off that expression alone, it’s so damn beautiful.

  The come on my chest from our first round is drying and beginning to itch so I can’t let him savor this second round like I know he wants to. Hooking my leg over his, I flip us so that, I’m the one on top now. Once Aithusa gets over the shock, a wicked grin crosses his features as his hands land on my hips. I press a kiss to his lips then I begin to move, slowly at first, then faster and faster until we’re both shouting in completion. I feel a bite of pain at my neck, causing me to orgasm once more but it’s only a dribble this time.

  Exhausted, I collapse on Aithusa’s chest careful not to dislodge him as his teeth are still embedded in my neck. He gently pulls away and licks the wound closed. The look of pure blissful happiness on his face is worth the twinge I’ll feel in my ass tomorrow. I’d walk through a blizzard naked just to keep that expression on his face. My stomach growls and I burst out laughing.

  Aithusa smiles at me and says, “What’s so funny?”

  “I forgot to order the food.”

  He laughs and says, “I’m sure they’re still open and if not, I can cook us something.”

  I raise an eyebrow at him. “You cook?”

  “I do.”

  “I think we should shower first.”

  “You’re probably right. Let’s go then, otherwise we’ll never leave this bed.”

  “As if that’s a bad thing.”

  Aithusa kisses my cheek and says, “It’s not, but I don’t like the idea of keeping my mate from eating just so I can fuck him senseless more than once even if it would be a pleasurable experience.”

  I lick my lips and say, “Let’s get cleaned up, eat something and then you can fuck me senseless for the rest of the night if you want to. Sound fair?”

  He growls but it isn’t menacing at all. “More than fair mate, more than fair.”

  I wake up to an empty bed and something smelling absolutely delicious in the kitchen. Stretching, I hop out of bed and pull on a pair of pajama bottoms. After taking care of business in the bathroom, I make my way toward the kitchen.

  What are you doing wolfie?

  Hush snookums, you had all the fun last night, it’s my turn to meet our mate.

  Oh gods, you’re going to give the man a heart attack.

  Am not.

  Are too.

  Am not.

  Are too.

  Shut up and let me do my thing.

  Don’t send him running wolfie.

  I promise I won’t.

  Now that the grumpy demon is under control, I can give our mate a proper greeting. I find Brant in the kitchen cooking something sinful. Sneaking up behind him, I wrap my a
rms around his waist, lick the side of his neck and kiss the same spot. “Good morning snookums. What’s for breakfast? It smells divine.”

  Brant sounds like he’s choking for a minute and then he laughs. Deep belly type laughter. He looks over his shoulder at me and smiles, “Omelets, bacon, and cinnamon rolls. There’s coffee in the pot if you want some.”

  Pressing another kiss to his neck I say, “Thanks gorgeous,” and head over to the coffee pot.

  Brant leans against the counter and says, “You weren’t kidding when you said you had two different personalities.”

  I bite my lip, suddenly hit with a case of the worries. “That’s not a problem is it? I mean we’ve already claimed each other, I know the bond isn’t totally complete yet but it’s a done deal. I’d hate it if I sent you running now.”

  Brant crosses the kitchen in two strides, wrapping his arms around my waist. “I’m not going anywhere. Like you said it’s a done deal. We’re in this together now. Besides, I kind of like this side of you.”

  Flashing him a cheeky grin I say, “More than the other side?”

  He shakes his head and smiles. “Not more no. Equally.”

  I press a kiss to his lips and wink. “That’s all I needed to know. Later, snookums.” With that parting shot I let my demon side come forward as my wolf side retreats.

  Blushing furiously, I take a sip of my coffee and say, “Sorry about that.”

  He strokes my cheek and says, “Aww sweetheart don’t be. I enjoyed meeting the other half of you, even if it was only for a short time. Now, sit down and let’s have breakfast.”

  See he liked me. Told you I wouldn’t scare him off.

  Shut up wolfie.

  Shutting up.

  I grab the plate Brant indicates as mine and take my coffee with me to the table. Once seated, I wait for Brant to sit down as well before I start eating. Fuck my mate is a good cook. “This is really good.”

  Brant smiles and says, “I’m glad you like it.”

  “So, what are we doing today? I have to work tonight but I could probably get some time off.”

  “Well, I have to go to my hotel, pick up my truck and get the rest of my clothes. I figure I’ll be staying here with you until we’ve gotten everything in order so you’re free to come home with me.”

  “I can drive you if you want me to.”

  He nods. “That’d be great. You mind if I borrow something to wear?”

  “Not at all. What’s mine is yours.”

  After we’ve finished eating, I stay behind to put the dishes in the dishwasher while Brant goes into the bedroom to get dressed. Sneaking a peak around the corner, I see the door to the bedroom is closed. Grabbing the landline, I make a phone call.

  “Igor’s Custom Jewelers, this Igor.”

  “Igor my friend. It’s Aithusa.”

  “Aithusa! How are you? What you need? New silver collar for new sub yes?”

  “I’m good Igor, and you’re close but no. I need a collar yes but this one will be special.”

  “Ahh, finally settling down eh?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Tell Igor what you need, I get it done.”

  I describe the design I want for the collar and when I finish I add, “And Igor? I need it done ASAP. Three days max.”

  “Igor will have it done in two. I start right away.”

  “Thank you, Igor. Your quick service is appreciated.”

  “You pick it up tomorrow at earliest. Will call as soon as it is done.”

  The line goes dead. I start the dishwasher and head for the bedroom. The shower is just cutting off when I enter, and I have to bite back a groan as my mate strolls out in all his naked glory, drying himself with a towel. If I don’t get dressed now, we’ll never leave the apartment. Steeling myself with resolve, I make a beeline for the closet and quickly change into a pair of jeans and a muscle shirt. Grabbing a pair of socks, I pull them on as well before donning my black combat boots and my aviators.

  Brant is dressed and waiting for me when I exit the closet. Taking his hand in mine, I grab my keys, cell phone and wallet from the table in the entryway, set the alarm, and lead him out the door, locking it behind us.

  Before I jumped in the shower this morning, I made a phone call to my brother Boyd. He’s the best contractor in our pack and I needed to ask for his help. The conversation still has me smiling. I’ll never live it down.

  Earlier that morning….

  My mate has insecurities. I could tell when he got so worried about having two separate personalities. I want him to know that it doesn’t matter to me. Hell, I feel like I won the mate lottery. I got two mates in one. He’s amazing and I want him to feel welcome when we get back to my pack so even if it means being ragged on for the foreseeable future I decide to call my brother Boyd. He’s the middle child and a damn good contractor.

  Grabbing my cell phone out of my jeans, I dial his number and wait for him to answer. “Hello?”

  “Hey bro.”

  “Damn Brant, I haven’t heard from you in a while. How goes the search?”

  “The search is over but that’s not why I called.”

  “It’s not?”

  “Nope. I need a favor.”

  “What is it?”

  “Remember how I said, I didn’t know what I wanted to do with the unfinished basement of my house?”


  “Well I know what I want to do with it.”

  “Okay, let me grab a pen and paper.”

  I hear some rustling, and the click of a pen. “Okay, what do you want to do.”

  “First, it needs to be soundproofed.”

  “Got it. What else?”

  “I want the door leading down there taken out and a steel reinforced one with a keypad lock put in it’s place.”

  “Damn bro, you planning on locking people up down there or something?”

  Chuckling I say, “Or something.”

  “Okay what else do you want?”

  “I want the carpet changed to a plush obsidian. The walls painted a deep red and I want the biggest four poster bed put in there you can find.”

  “Holy shit, you’re building a fucking dungeon.”

  “Yes I am. My mate is into BDSM and I want him to have everything he needs to feel right at home. So, once you’ve got the bed in there I want you to fill the place with anything someone active in the BDSM lifestyle would need. Whips, chains, ropes, spanking benches the whole nine yards. I want it all. Do it right and I won’t tell mom what really happened to her Corvette.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “Oh, I would.”

  “Congratulations on your mating. Does this mean you’re going to be the submissive in the relationship?”

  I can hear him snickering on the phone and I roll my eyes. “What my mate and I do in the privacy of our bedroom is none of your business.”

  “I’ll take that as a yes. Wait till I tell Brayden.”

  “You do, and I’ll tell him what really happened to his pet hamster.”

  “That’s not fair! I didn’t mean to eat it! It’s the hamster’s fault for escaping the cage. My wolf thought it was prey.”

  “Uh huh. Sure. You just didn’t like the fact that it ran on its wheel at all hours of the night, so you got rid of it.”

  “This isn’t the mob. We don’t get rid of things because they piss us off.”

  “Uh huh. Sure.”

  “I uh won’t tell Brayden. This project will be top secret. Promise. I’ll do all the work myself.”

  “Thanks bro. I love you.”

  “Uh huh. Sure.”

  “Oh, by the way, I need the room finished by the time I get back which should be about two weeks.”

  “It’ll be done. I’ll see to it.”


  Present time…..

  As Aithusa and I travel down the road on the way to my hotel, I find that I want to know more about him, so I turn from the window and say, “Tell me about your

  “Well, my parents are fated mates. They’ve been together for a little over one hundred years. Their names are Draycar and Mira. I have an older brother named Falcon who met his fated mate about twenty-five years ago. They’re expecting their fifth child. I haven’t met any of their children because I refused to go back home, and I moved around so much they couldn’t come visit. Thanks to you though, I’ll get the chance.”

  “Do you and Falcon get along?”

  “We didn’t always. I think it was a case of sibling rivalry combined with the fact that my wolf was submissive and his was closer to a beta in nature. I remember one time when we were kids and we were playing around. He shoved me, and I busted my eye open on a rock. Me being only around eight at the time I was still a crier whenever I got hurt. My parents came running and then the voice in my head got louder. Suddenly, I didn’t feel the pain anymore and my parents were staring at me in shock. That was the first time my demon side took over to protect my wolf side from pain. It was also the day my parents realized I was a true hybrid and not just a wolf with some demon magic. Whenever my brother and I played after that, it was my demon side who was in control.”

  “Were your parents accepting of your hybrid status?”

  “Oh yeah, they love me no matter what. They knew I was gay before I did thanks to my wolf side personality being so flamboyant sometimes. After leaving the pack, my family was what I missed most. Tell me about you, any brothers and sisters?”

  “Two brothers, both younger. Boyd and Brayden.”

  “Someone liked the B names huh?”

  I laugh and say, “My mom. We were born so close together we could’ve been triplets, so she named us all with B names.”

  A sad expression crosses his face but he quickly covers it up. Damn, my dad really did a number on him. I just hope that with time and a lot of love, he’ll be able to move past what happened and we can have a happier future together.


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