The Hybrid's Submission (The Submission Trilogy Book 1)

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The Hybrid's Submission (The Submission Trilogy Book 1) Page 4

by Ezra Dawn

  We pull up at the hotel and I climb out of the car. Aithusa reaches for the door handle but I lean back inside and shake my head. “You don’t have to come inside, I’ll only be a minute. When I’m done, we can pick up some lunch to take back to the apartment with us and spend the rest of the day in bed before you have to go to work.”

  He leans across the console and presses a kiss to my lips. “I look forward to that.”

  I kiss him one more time before heading into the hotel. I pull my room key from my wallet, and head up the stairs to my room. Once I’ve got the door open, I quickly pack my clothes and toiletries. When I’m sure I’ve got everything, I go back downstairs, leave the key at the desk and make my way to my truck which is parked next to Aithusa’s car.

  Aithusa rolls down the window and says, “How about Vietnamese for lunch? We didn’t get to have it last night.”

  I laugh and say, “Sounds good to me babe. Want me to meet you back at the apartment and we can order in? Or go out?”

  He smiles and says, “We can go out if you want but that defeats the purpose of staying in bed all day.”

  “Hmm…you do have a point. We’ll order in.”

  “I’ll see you back at the apartment.”

  “See you there.”

  After spending the day, lazing in bed with my mate watching movies, eating take out and exploring each other’s bodies. I dread leaving him to go to work. I thought about taking the night off but since I’ll be putting in my two weeks’ notice when I get there I thought it would be best if I actually worked. Thank the gods for Igor and his quick work otherwise I’d have to beg my mate not to go to the club tonight while I work. I didn’t expect him to finish the collar so soon, but I think he somehow knew I needed it right away. With his shop being on the way, I had no trouble swinging by and picking it up on the way back from the hotel earlier in the day. All that’s left now is to give it to him and pray he accepts it. He said he would but saying and doing are two very different things.

  I don’t realize I’ve been sitting on the bed staring at the box for the entirety of Brant’s shower until he sits next to me and says, “What’s that?”

  I brush my nose along his neck and pass the box to him. “It’s for you.”

  A confused expression crosses his features but he takes the box anyways. I wait patiently as he opens the box and says, “Oh babe. It’s gorgeous. When did you have time to do this?”

  “I ordered it this morning. Igor is very good at what he does. I didn’t think it would be ready so soon, but it was. He must’ve had something already made that he could work from.”

  He takes it out of the box and says, “Put it on me, please.”

  I take the collar from him and clasp it around his neck, placing a kiss below it when it’s in place. “The chain will expand when you shift if you decide to wear it all the time. As I said before, I won’t force you to do that. You can wear it when we go to BDSM clubs and do scenes in the privacy of our own dungeon, but I won’t make you wear it constantly. That decision is yours.”

  Brant climbs into my lap and takes my face in his hands. “I’ll never take it off. To me, this is another way for you to mark me. Something people outside of our world can see and understand.”

  Grinning at him I say, “The only thing left would be to marry you.”

  He growls and says, “That could be arranged.”

  “We’ll discuss the topic of marriage after we’ve been together longer than a day.”

  “Has it only been a day? Feels like it’s been longer than that.”

  “Well, it’s like that for paranormals like us. Mating pull and all that.”

  Brant starts kissing my neck and says, “I think it’s more than just the mating pull. Gods, I can’t get enough of you.”

  I try not to laugh when he pushes me down on the bed and begins assaulting my collarbones with sucking kisses and licks. “Brant, sweetheart, we’re supposed to be getting dressed. I have to be at work soon.”

  He lifts his head from where he was sucking up a mark on my collarbone and says, “What am I going to be doing at the club while you work? I’m not sure I’d enjoy sitting at the bar all night, but I don’t want to be away from you either, so I can’t stay here.”

  I stroke his cheek and say, “I have friends. I’ll introduce them to you and you can hang out with them. When I have a break, I’ll join you and we can dance for a bit before I have to get back to work or visit one of the back rooms for a quickie.” I waggle my eyebrows on the word quickie causing him to laugh.

  “You’re insatiable.”

  I lick my lips and say, “So are you. Now, kiss me so we can get ready to go.”

  “You never have to ask for that.” Brant leans forward and presses a kiss to my lips. When he swipes his tongue across the bottom one, I automatically open for him. Allowing him to control the kiss is one step towards submitting to him completely. Am I ready for that? I don’t know, but I hope that one day I will be. He deserves nothing less than everything I have to give. Isn’t that a scary thought?

  You love him.

  I do.

  Are you going to tell him?

  When I’m ready to.

  Don’t wait too long snookums, he deserves to know how we feel.

  You too?

  Yeah, me too. Think it happened when he accepted me without question. When did it happen for you?

  When he chose to come back for us.

  We should tell him.

  We will.


  No, but soon.

  I didn’t expect Aithusa to present me with a collar right away, but I have to admit, it is stunning. The collar itself is a thick silver flat chain encrusted with sapphires and onyx gems. The locking mechanism has a tag attached to it which is engraved with Aithusa’s name and the words per sempre il mio amore. I’m not sure what that means and while I desperately want to know, I’m afraid it won’t be what I’m hoping for. Truth is, I’ve fallen hard and fast for my hybrid mate and I am aware that we’re nowhere near saying the ‘L’ word out loud, I can’t help hoping that he feels the same way. Because if he doesn’t, that might just kill me.

  Because I distracted Aithusa with kisses and a mutually satisfactory blow job we ended up being late. Aithusa had to clock in for work before he got the chance to introduce me to his friends, so it seems I’ll be fending for myself. Not a big deal, I know how to make friends. I think I’ll stick to the subs though, even if my mate has probably been with most of them. They’re the safer option than trying to befriend any of the Dom’s in here.

  Looking around I notice a few collared subs sitting at a table nearby. Grabbing my beer, I catch Aithusa’s eye and tilt my head towards the table in question, so he knows where I’m headed. When he nods, winks, and goes back to work, I take that as a sign that it’s okay to join the subs at the table.

  All conversation stops when I stop in front of the table. The three subs sitting there all look at me with raised eyebrows as if asking silent questions. Trying not to blush I say, “Um, hi. Do you mind if I join you?”

  The sub on the end with blue streaks in his hair says, “If you’re just trying to get us to do a scene with you then you can walk away. All of us are collared and we don’t do scenes with other Doms unless our Masters approve it first.”

  “That’s not why I asked. I’m new here and have zero friends.”

  The middle sub who has blonde hair says, “Why do you want us as friends? Shouldn’t you be with the Doms at their table?”

  The sub on the end smacks the blonde one upside the head and says, “You know looks can be deceiving Mikah some of the biggest men can be the most beautiful submissives. Both of you, quit being assholes.”

  The two subs blush and the one on the end says, “Please have a seat. These two don’t do well with outsiders trying to join our group of friends especially when your size screams Dom.”

  Taking a seat, I say, “I totally understand. I’m Brant. What are your names?”r />
  The sub who invited me to sit down says, “My name is Vincent. Mikah is the one in the middle and on the end there is Shadow.”

  “Nice to meet all of you.”

  Vincent says, “Now, if you’re in the market for a sub we can definitely point you in the right direction.”

  It’s then that I realize the shirt I picked out must not do a very good job of showing off my collar. Holding up my hands I shake my head and say, “No, I’m definitely not looking for a sub. Being a Dom is not my thing.”

  Shadow says, “If it’s not your thing, then what are you doing here?”

  I pull the collar of my shirt down and grin when they gasp. Vincent leans forward and says, “That’s a beautiful collar. See Mikah, told you looks could be deceiving.”

  Mikah rolls his eyes and says something under his breath that sounds like ‘smug bastard’ and ‘always right.’

  “So, what were you all talking about before I so rudely interrupted?”

  Mikah claps his hands together and waggles his eyebrows. “Club gossip. The hot topic right now is Master Aithusa. The man takes a new sub every month and has strict rules, no penetrative sex, no permanent collars. All the subs in here that don’t have collars are vying for the position of sub of the month for him. Although some have goals of getting him to break his rules. We were just discussing theories as to what it would take for him to break those rules.”

  Shadow says, “I said if the man stayed celibate long enough, and the right sub decided to seduce him, he’d break the no sex rule.”

  Vincent says, “and I said even that idea wouldn’t work that it’d probably take finding his fated mate for him to break his rules. The man has a will of steel.”

  Mikah turns to me and says, “So Brant, thoughts? What would it take for Master Aithusa to break his rules?”

  Before I can answer, someone grabs my arm and pulls me roughly from the booth. My new friends shout, “Hey! You can’t do that!”

  I try to pull away from the person holding onto my arm, but his grip is strong. “Let go of me.”

  His breath hits my face and I try not to gag, it smells like a rancid distillery. He rubs his cheek against mine and the more I try to pull away the more he digs his shifted claws into my elbow. Fuck that hurts. “Hello newbie, come with me. We’ll have some fun together.”

  Judging by the crazed look in his eyes, it won’t be fun at all. Jerking my shirt to the side I say, “I’m collared! Let me go!”

  He rolls his eyes and says, “That trinket? I bet you bought it for yourself to keep people away from you. It won’t work on me. You made a mistake with that plan. You haven’t been here long enough to earn a permanent collar. Let’s go.”

  One of his hands moves to my ass and I have to fight the bile rising in my throat as he drags me across the dancefloor. Suddenly, my captor is gone and I look over my shoulder to find him being held captive by a big beefy man who is obviously a bouncer.

  My newfound friends flock to my side, shouting for a first aid kit and asking me if I’m alright but I’m not. I won’t be until I’m in my mate’s arms. Suddenly, I hear his voice shouting, “Get out of the way damn it!” He shoves his way through the crowd, snarling at anyone who dares argue with him and then he’s there in front of me, and I fling myself into his arms.

  When I didn’t have time to introduce my mate to my friends I was a little worried about how he’d cope on his own. I should’ve known he’d have no problem making friends. I’m glad he chose a group of collared subs to befriend instead of a group of Doms. It means I could focus on work and not have to worry about him. But, when I looked up from the bar and found him gone, and his new friends looking panicked as one raced towards a bouncer, I knew something was wrong.

  I couldn’t pinpoint his location in the throngs of people and with the noise and scent in the air, it was hard to track him. Still, I knew something was wrong and I leaped over the bar to follow the bouncer as the sub led him through the crowd. By the time I got there, the situation had been handled but being this close, I could clearly scent my mate’s blood which has my blood boiling. Anger fueling me I shouted at the nosy onlookers, “Get out the way damn it!”

  When they wouldn’t move, I began shoving them aside and snarling at anyone who dared to challenge me. Finally, I broke through the crowd only to end up with an armful of terrified mate. Wrapping my arms around him I nuzzle his cheek until he calms down. Once he’s somewhat calm, I take a step back to look him over and notice the blood running down his arm. “Oh honey, you’re bleeding. Let me see.”

  He holds out his arm and I take his hand, turning his arm this way and that to examine the wounds.

  The crowd parts as the Alpha makes his way over. When he stops in front of us he looks around and says, “What happened here?”

  One of the subs my mate has befriended says, “Sir, Brant was sitting with us and we were chatting when drunk tank over here decided to jerk him from the booth and drag him off to who knows where.”

  Brant turns to address the Alpha and says, “I think he wanted me to do a scene with him. When I told him I was collared he called it a trinket and accused me of buying it myself to avoid unwanted advances. He said I hadn’t been here long enough to earn a permanent collar.”

  The Alpha looks at me and says, “Aithusa, I assume since you’re the one he’s clinging to that you’re the one who collared him. Even though this is probably a stupid question I’m asking it anyways, did you collar him or is what the ‘drunk tank’ as this sub so eloquently put it actually true?”

  Pulling my mate closer, I say, “No, I collared him. He’s my fated mate. I know mating scars don’t seem to mean the same thing as a collar does and I wanted my mate protected from unwanted advances. Apparently, even that is no longer sacred here. Which is why, I’m glad to be leaving. My mate is Alpha of his pack and we’ll be returning there as soon as my affairs are in order. I put in my two weeks’ notice with Sage so if there’s nothing else, I’d like to take my mate to one of the back rooms, so I can tend to his wounds.”

  The Alpha nods and says, “Of course, take the rest of the night off, please, and congratulations on your mating. You have every right to ask for restitution as this shifter caused your mate harm. What do you want to do?”

  “I’ll leave his punishment to you. Excuse me.”

  Wrapping an arm around my mate’s shoulders I lead him towards the back of the club where the play rooms are located. Finding an empty one I usher him inside and lock the door behind me. Taking Brant’s hand, I walk over to the bed in the center of the room and make him sit on it. Straddling him, I gently, pull his shirt over his head so I can assess the damage done to his arm. The cuts aren’t big but they’re deep, like the bastard dug his claws in every time my sweet mate tried to get away. Fuck, I should’ve killed him.

  You did the right thing. Brant is more important.

  But that bastard hurt him.

  Yes, he did, and now it’s up to us to take care of him. Show him what it means to be loved.

  I can do that.

  Then do it.

  Leaning forward, I lick over the wounds, until they’re sealed shut and every trace of blood is gone. I can feel Brant getting hard as I continue the sensual assault by worshiping his other arm before moving to his chest. Brant whimpers and begins rocking his hips, pressing his jean clad cock against mine. I pull back from teasing his nipples and say, “I think now would be a good time to discuss limits and safewords.”

  “Limits? Safewords?”

  I nod. “Yeah, limits are basically put into two categories, soft and hard. Soft limits are things you’re nervous about or hesitant to try but something I could probably talk you into. Hard limits are things you would never do no matter what and no amount of talking would ever convince you to try them. For me, a hard limit is anything involving golden showers or scat play. Some people are into that sort of thing, but I wouldn’t touch it with a ten-foot pole.”

  Brant shakes his head and
says, “I think that would be a hard limit for me too and fisting. I don’t think I’d like the idea of having your entire hand up my ass. Other than that, I think I’d be willing to try anything once.”

  I bite my lip and say, “How are you with pain?”

  “I like to think I’m pretty tolerant why?”

  “Would you let me judge your pain tolerance? If I know how much you can handle, then I’ll be able to figure out what you’ll enjoy.”

  “How will you figure out my pain tolerance?”

  Grinning I say, “By starting with my hands and spanking your pretty ass. I’ll work my way up from there.”

  “And if I can’t handle it.”

  “You say your safeword and it stops. We discuss what caused you to safeword and what I could do different then we go from there. You’ll have more than one safeword. One that means stop, one that means ‘I like it keep going’ and one that means ‘slow down.’ Most subs just use Red, green and yellow but if you want to choose words that are unique to you that’s fine.”

  “No, red, green and yellow are fine. They’re easy to remember and clear cut so I know what each one means. Why are we discussing this now? I know it’s important since you need to know these things before doing a scene but why now?”

  I take his lips in a carnal kiss and whisper, “Because, I need to claim you again and after what happened earlier, I’m not letting you walk out of this club unless you’re wearing my marks.”

  Brant smiles at me and says, “So, what do you plan to do to me?”

  I tilt my head to the St. Andrew’s Cross in the corner. “See that? I’m going to strap you to it then I’m going to gauge your pain tolerance by working from bare hand spankings to whips and canes. Once I’ve thoroughly marked you by covering you in welts and bruises, I’m going to fuck you, claiming you as mine all over again. If you don’t want that tell me now and we’ll leave. I’ll commit myself to a semi-vanilla lifestyle and we’ll never speak of doing a scene like this again.”


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