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The Hybrid's Submission (The Submission Trilogy Book 1)

Page 5

by Ezra Dawn

  Brant wraps his arms around me and says, “Tie me up lover, I’m yours to command.”

  Flashing him a wicked grin I wink and say, “Get naked.

  Don’t be nervous. Don’t be nervous. Fuck, I’m so nervous. I’m about to let my mate whip me for pleasure. Is that insane or what? No. No, it’s not. To some it might be weird and abhorrent but to me, it feels right. I know Aithusa needs this. He needs to be in control of things because being in control is the only way he can protect himself from getting hurt. It’s how he keeps people at arm’s length. I get that now. I understand it. My dad’s rejection changed him, and this is his way of coping. This is his outlet. I also know that whatever he’s about to do, I can stop it if I want to. If I don’t enjoy it, I have the power to end it and it’s that thought that helps me relax as he straps me to the cross.

  He checks the bindings to make sure they aren’t too tight and then he walks away. I hear the sound of drawers opening and closing, leather rustling, and some sort of packaging being torn open. When he comes back, he lays out his items on a table next to me, there’s what looks like a paddle, a riding crop someone would use on horses, a flogger, a whip, and a cane. Next to the cane, is a tube of lube and a butt plug.

  He drops a kiss on my shoulder and says, “I’m going to lube you up first and insert this plug before I start. It’s a brand new one so it hasn’t been used by anyone else. I know everything is sanitized after each use but I’m a possessive bastard and don’t want a previously used plug anywhere near your ass.”

  I laugh and say, “It’s okay. I trust you.”

  He kisses my neck and says, “I won’t take that for granted. Now, after I get started I’ll ask you periodically how you are, as the scene gets more intense you’ll find it harder to string sentences together, those are the times when you use your safe words okay?”

  “Got it.”

  I hear the sound of lube being opened right before a mass of it is poured over my hole causing me to shiver. “Cold.”

  “Sorry love.”

  Love? Did he just call me love? Surely, I didn’t hear that right. He can’t have meant it, right? It’s just a term of endearment. Before I can ask him about it, I feel his finger push into me and I moan. One finger quickly becomes two and he scissors them, stroking over my prostate. “Fuck.”

  “Like that huh?”


  His breath tickles my ear as he whispers, “Yes what?”

  He inserts a third finger and twists them, nudging my prostate. Moaning, I say, “Yes sir.”

  Aithusa grabs a handful of my hair and tilts my head back, “You’re catching on, lover.” His expression is nothing short of feral as he lowers his head and takes my lips in a kiss that scorches me from the inside out. I’m only slightly aware of his fingers being replaced by something hard, with little give, and definitely bigger than his fingers. The plug. Damn, he knows exactly how to drive me to distraction. When he pulls away, he presses another kiss to the underside of my ear and whispers, “Ready to begin?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “We’ll start with thirty swats just to see how you take it. Count them out for me.”

  A gentle caress on my ass is the only warning I get before he raises his hand and brings it down hard. I gasp at the sting, but it quickly turns into a moan as pain morphs to pleasure. Remembering that I’m supposed to count, I say. “One.”

  He alternates between cheeks, caressing the sting then slapping me again. Before I know it, I’ve already counted to thirty. My ass is on fire from the spanking I just took, but I feel great. My cock is hard and I know if my mate keeps up with the painful yet pleasurable torture he’s inflicting on me, I’ll come more than once tonight.

  Aithusa caresses my ass cheeks and whispers, “You did so well love. Are you okay to keep going?”

  Warming at the endearment, I nod. “Yes. I can keep going.”

  “Good. I’m going to use the paddle next. Twenty-five swats. Ready?”

  I nod.

  “Count them for me.”

  I hear the sound the paddle makes as he swings it through the air. When it lands on my ass, the difference in pain causes me to jump a bit, but it’s nothing I can’t handle. Relaxing into the pain, I start the count once more. “One.”

  The way my mate handles pain is a stunning sight to behold. He’s taken everything I’ve dished out beautifully and I know he’ll handle a Kinbaku scene like a champ. None of the other subs I’ve played with have as high a pain tolerance as he does so I’ve never been able to use Kinbaku in its more complicated forms. Most of the time I’ve had to use basic Shibari techniques but now, I have hopes that the scene I’ve most wanted to do is within reach.

  If my mate were a true sub he’d probably be begging for more right now, but he’s not. Instead, he’s quietly taking my orders without question and without asking for anything in return. Still, I’m going to make sure he’s rewarded. We’ve been at this for a few hours after all and it’s the least I can do. There’s only one more item left on the table now, the cane. If he can handle this then he can handle Kinbaku. Picking up the cane, I admire my handiwork. My mate has raised welts over his back, ass and legs. Some of them are already turning into bruises.

  “Five swats love and then we’re done. Are you ready?”


  Raising my hand, I bring the cane down on his ass with a resounding thwack. He cries out but counts it. “Fuck. One.”

  The next swing lands on the back of his thighs. “Two.”

  The third on his back. “Th-Three.”

  Then I start over, landing the fourth on his ass and the fifth on his thighs once more. Dropping the cane on the table, I step forward and gently wrap my arms around him. He whimpers as shivers wrack his body. “You took that beautifully love. Are you ready for your reward?”

  He looks at me over his shoulder, his expression is glazed over and I know he’s still feeling the effects of the scene. Still, he manages to nod so, I reach between us and gently remove the plug from his ass, replacing it with my cock. Since I just put him through his paces I take it slow, easing in and out of him as carefully as possible. He’s already on the edge of orgasm so it only takes a few thrusts to get him there. Pulling out of him, I take my cock in hand and stroke myself until I shoot my load all over his back and ass.

  Tucking myself back into my jeans, I button them up and start unstrapping Brant from the St. Andrew’s cross, massaging circulation back into his hands and arms before moving to his feet. When he’s free I put an arm around his shoulders, one under his knees, and lift him into my arms. Each of the playrooms have an attached full bathroom so administering aftercare is easier. I sit him on the toilet while I get the shower running. Once I’m sure it’s warm enough, I strip out of my clothes and help him under the spray.

  First, I shampoo and condition his hair, then I pour soap into my hands and wash his body. A loofa or rag would be too rough on his sensitive skin. Once he’s clean, I turn off the water, grab one of the towels and gently dry him off while carefully patting his back, ass, and legs dry.

  Grabbing some salve from the medicine cabinet, I carry him back into the bedroom and lay him on the bed face down. Poor thing is still out of it and probably will be for a bit thanks to the intensity of what we just did. I pour some salve onto my hand and begin rubbing it over his back, ass, and thighs. When that’s done, I wipe my hands off and begin cleaning up everything I used. I drop the butt plug in the sanitizer that every room has and wipe down all the equipment I used with the special cleaner. Once everything is back in its place, I crawl on the bed beside Brant who watches my every move.

  Reaching out, I stroke his cheek and say, “How are you feeling?”

  “Like I’ve been rode hard and put away wet.”

  I stare at him blankly for a moment before laughing. “It wasn’t too much for you?”

  He shakes his head. “I enjoyed it. I probably could’ve handled more. Are we staying the night here or c
an we leave?”

  “We can leave if you want, although putting your clothes back on might be a little painful.”

  He grins at me and says, “I’m okay with that. Take me home. I don’t think I can sleep here.”

  Climbing from the bed, I help him get dressed before searching for my own clothes and putting them on. When we’re both dressed, I put an arm around his shoulders, unlock the playroom door and lead him out through the club. On our way to the front doors we’re stopped by the three subs he befriended earlier in the night.

  The tallest of the three steps forward and says, “Are you okay Brant? We’re sorry we didn’t stop that guy sooner.”

  Brant waves a hand and says, “Don’t blame yourselves it wasn’t your fault. Besides, I’m more than fine.”

  The sub raises his eyebrow, grins, and says, “Really? Care to elaborate?”

  Deciding now is a good time to step in, I clear my throat and say, “Sorry gentlemen, I understand you were worried but as you can see he’s fine. Now, if you’ll excuse us, my mate and I just did an intense scene and I’d like to take him home.”

  Brant smacks my arm with the back of his hand and says, “Don’t be rude, babe.”

  I give him a grin that’s all teeth, “Rude? Who’s being rude? It’s the truth, besides, I have plans for our bed that don’t involve sleeping.”

  Brant smacks me on the arm again while blushing. “Babe!”


  “Shut up!”

  I waggle my eyebrows at him and lean in close enough so that I won’t be overheard. “I’ll shut up when we’re at home and I have your cock down my throat.”

  He gulps and turns to his friends. “I ugh, have to go. Thank you for worrying about me. We’ll talk later!”

  The three subs start laughing as Brant takes my hand and drags me through the club and out the front doors.

  Two Weeks Later…

  I can tell my mate is nervous about going back home and I’m not sure how to help him. He hasn’t let me claim him properly and I’m worried he still doesn’t trust me enough. Because our bond is technically incomplete, we don’t have a mind link, so I have no idea what he’s thinking or how he really feels. All I can sense is nervousness that’s steadily gotten worse the closer we get to home. We spent the past two weeks in and out of bed, getting to know each other, and packing his things. While most of it has been packed on the back of my truck, there’s a shipping trailer hauling the rest. I didn’t want him driving by himself, so we opted to have his Mustang and Harley transported with the rest of his boxes.

  We’re only a mile out now, I look over to find him chewing his thumbnail and bouncing his knee. Reaching over, I settle a hand on his leg and squeeze. “It’ll be okay babe. You don’t have to meet anyone right away. We can go to the house, get settled in. I promise it’ll be okay.”

  He smiles and covers my hand with his, “I’m fine love. It’s just strange being back here after all this time. Brings back memories.”

  “Good ones I hope.”

  He nods. “Some good. Some not so good.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “Not really.”

  I wave at the enforcers on patrol as I pass and say, “Well, we’re here. Welcome back to the Mt. Rainier pack.”

  Aithusa looks around and says, “There’s a lot more houses than I remember.”

  “The pack has grown in the last thirty years.”

  Parking the truck outside the house we’ll call ours I turn and face him. “This one is ours. Are you ready to go inside?”

  He nods and climbs out of the truck.

  I climb out as well and close the door. Turning to face him, I’m struck by the serene expression on his face. He’s standing with his face tilted towards the sun, his eyes closed as he scents the air. When he finally turns to look at me, there are tears in his eyes and he says, “It’s good to be home.”

  Walking around the truck, I take his hand and say, “Let’s go inside. I’ll give you the grand tour. I’m sure word will get around that I’m back soon enough, so we’ll only have a short time to ourselves before people start to come calling.”

  He nods and follows me into the house. I show him the kitchen, the living room, the laundry room, the backyard, the upstairs that has three spare rooms two and a half baths and a master bedroom with attached bath. When we get back downstairs he says, “You didn’t show me what was behind the steel door.”

  “That’s a surprise. I was saving it for last. Come on.”

  I punch in the code on the keypad and open the door. Aithusa walks through it to stand on the stairs and waits until I’ve closed the door behind us before continuing down the stairs. The lights cut on automatically as soon as the door is opened from the outside and stay on until they are either turned off via remote or turned off when the keypad is used from the inside.

  When we reach the bottom of the stairs, Aithusa stops in his tracks. Since I’m standing on the last step while he’s standing on the floor I’m now taller than he is and can rest my chin on his shoulder as I wrap my arms around him. “I told you I’d build us a dungeon.”

  “When? How?”

  “The day you ordered my collar, I called my brother and told him to build this. He’s the best contractor in the pack and I knew he’d have it done by the time we got here. I told him to include anything and everything you would need. I’ll probably be ragged on for years to come for it but it’s worth it just to see how happy you are. Shall we take a look around? If there’s anything you’re missing I’m sure we can get it for you.”

  I follow him around the room as he looks through drawers and examines whips and floggers. When we circle around to the bed he says “Damn, your brother really did think of everything.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He points, and I look up. “Suspension hooks. There are multiple sets around the room. I can’t wait to try them out.”

  “And just what, pray tell, do you plan to hang from them?”

  He looks at me from the corner of his eye. “A sex swing maybe, but for the most part it’ll be you.”

  “How are you going to do that?”

  “It’s called Kinbaku. It’s Japanese bondage. Painful, but when done right will leave you feeling euphoric.”

  Licking my lips, I say, “When do you want to do it?”

  “I’d say now but we don’t have time. We’ll do it tonight if we aren’t too exhausted from the meet and greets.”

  “Are you sure? I think I can put off meeting everyone until tomorrow.”

  “I doubt you’ll put off your family until then love and we don’t need them barging into the house searching for you while I have you bound and hanging from the ceiling.”

  “This room is soundproof.”

  “Yes, but your brother built it, so he has the code.”

  I stare at him wide-eyed. “We’re changing it as soon as I figure out how.”

  Aithusa laughs and says, “Come on love. Let’s go upstairs. The sooner we get this over with the sooner we can come back down here and christen the place.”

  I pull him in for a kiss, squeezing his ass a few times just because I can. “I’ll hold you to that.”

  When I pull away from him he growls and says, “Make sure you’re wearing a pair of those sexy silk briefs when we come back down here tonight. I have plans for your body and those briefs are a part of the vision.”

  Shivering at the thought, I follow him up the stairs. “I’ll be there with bells on.”

  I’m not sure I’m ready for the whole meet the family situation but it has to happen sooner or later. Not like I can drag Brant into the bedroom and hole up in there for a year. As much as I like the sound of that, he’s the Alpha and the pack needs him as much as I do. Now, isn’t that a helluva thought. I haven’t told him how I feel, and while I know I need to tell him soon, I want to be sure he feels the same way first. I’m positive I couldn’t handle it if he didn’t.

  It seems we ma
de the right decision in waiting to break in our dungeon because as soon as we open the steel door, there’s a knock at the front one. Brant goes to answer it while I head into the kitchen for something to drink. I’m going to need some form of liquid courage in order to face his mother and brothers.

  Grabbing what looks like vodka from the freezer, I take a huge sip, wincing at the burn. Voices carry from the living room and get closer, so I put the vodka back and turn around as my mate leads his family into the kitchen. His mother is carrying a casserole dish and his brothers are carrying what look like sides.

  Brant says, “Mom, you didn’t have to cook us anything.”

  She shakes her head and sits the casserole on the table. “Nonsense. You just got back, you’re probably tired from the long trip. It’s the least I could do.”

  “You just didn’t want us ordering takeout.”

  She shrugs and says, “All that grease isn’t good for your health. We might live for centuries but that doesn’t mean we don’t take care of ourselves. Now, introduce me to your mate.”

  Brant leads her over to me and puts an arm around my shoulders. “Mom, this is Aithusa. Aithusa, this is my Mom.”

  She holds out her hand and I shake it. “Nice to meet you ma’am.”

  “Please call me Rachel or mom. Whichever you prefer. You’re family now.”

  Smiling I say, “Well then Rachel, what did you make? It smells divine and I’m starving.”

  She laughs and says, “Ooh Brant, you’ll have to watch out for this one. He’s got charm.”

  Brant laughs and says, “I know I don’t have anything to worry about with him. We’re mated, I’m the only one he has eyes for now, isn’t that right babe?’

  I smile and press a kiss to his cheek. “Only you love, only you.”

  Rachel says, “Aww you two are so adorable. I made you some lasagna, a salad and some garlic bread. It’s still hot so you don’t have to reheat it.”

  One of the two men who came in with Rachel nudges Brant with his shoulder and says, “Hey bro what about us? Aren’t you going to introduce us to your mate?”


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