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Wolf’s Wind

Page 4

by Vonna Harper

  “Skye once told me he didn’t want his son logging and that played heavily into Skye’s decision to get on with Fish and Game.”

  “You never considered doing that, did you, even when I begged you to?”

  “I wanted to start making money right away, not wait until after college.”

  “Even if the risk—no, I’m not going to go there. That’s history.”

  “Yes, it is.” Leaning forward, he touched his lips to her forehead. “No one can change the past. There’s just the future.”

  And the present, if you have the courage to grab it, sis.

  “Leave me alone,” she ordered her brother’s ghost. “I don’t need you telling me how to run my life, not after what you did to yours.”

  Then run it.

  “I will, damn you. I will.”

  Pushing away from Brett, she sank to her knees, gliding her hands down Brett’s thighs as she did. Groaning, he caught her soaked hair in both hands. Even if he’d anchored her head, she would have continued, but his hold was only a wordless communication. Feeling as if she might float forever in the world she found herself in, she wrapped her arms around his legs and rubbed her cheek against his cock.

  “This is what I want to do,” she told Skye. “Deal with it.”

  When she increased the pressure on Brett’s cock, he groaned again, the sound even rawer than the first. Driven by the rumble racing throughout her system, she turned her head so she could press her other cheek against him. His fingers jerked.

  “Do you want me to stop?” she asked.

  “No. But why n—Are you sure this is what you want to do?”

  “I’m not sure of anything.” She spoke so her breath washed over the trapped mound.

  “Neither do I.”

  Taking his words as approval, she lightly raked her teeth over taut, wet denim. Again and again, she ran them along his contours. As long as his clothing was in place, she couldn’t hurt him, couldn’t touch him really. Even with impatience making her jaw ache and her pussy tighten repeatedly, she fought the beast this setting had spawned. She wasn’t an animal, not yet.

  Despite the disjointed sounds of their breathing and tension threatening to snap her spine, a long and plaintive moan sped along her nerves. With as much of his cock in her mouth as she could manage, she acknowledged the other presence.

  “I don’t understand what’s happening,” she told her brother. “If you do, I need you to tell me.”

  Live. Embrace the moment.

  “Is a moment enough?”

  Only you can answer that, you and him.

  Not bothering to respond, she concentrated on what she was doing. She was on her knees inside Brett’s trailer and trying to deal with the sexual tension demanding she take his zipper tab between her teeth and pull down. Even as the zipper gave up its hold on his jeans, her brother’s essence continued to press against her.

  Done with her first task, she tackled the button with fingers that had nearly forgotten how to work. With each moment, Brett dominated more of her world.

  “Damn, damn,” he hissed. He surrendered his hold on her hair only to press his fingers against her scalp.

  Much as she wanted to say the same, she didn’t trust herself to try to speak. Maybe she’d forgotten how to make human sounds.

  Although his jeans still caressed his narrow hips, his cock now filled the gap she’d created. He wore plain white briefs, and dark male flesh pressed against the slit, prompting her to peel back the cotton and free him. Sucking in his breath, he rocked away, prompting her to clamp her hands around his buttocks.

  “Please stay,” she begged.

  “I wasn’t—”

  “Why is this happening?” Not waiting for the answer she knew wasn’t there, Carlan ran a wet tongue over the mix of hard cock and satin flesh. A shudder rocked him. Ignoring his fingers pressing against her scalp, she bathed every exposed inch of him. She might have lost courage if not for his cock’s sweet, vulnerable skin. Turning her head this way and that, she licked its length and breadth, pausing at the tip and lapping at the drops that gathered there.

  Her damp licks came faster and faster. Her neck burned, and blood swelled the veins on her temple. They should have begun with a conversation about life’s lessons and lumps followed by gentle touches, a companionable hug, perhaps. From there they’d move on to the touch of lips against lips, all civilized.

  Instead, there she was, crouched before a man she’d barely seen or spoken to in years, a man who’d recently seen her at her most vulnerable.

  Her head pulsing in time with her heartbeat, she stared at the first cock she’d touched and taken into her.

  “I don’t know what I would have done if I hadn’t run into you,” she admitted. “Maybe lose my mind.”

  “You’re not that kind of woman.”

  “How do you know?” she asked, unable to take her gaze off what was deeply familiar and yet new. “We haven’t so much as spoken in years.”

  “You always knew what you wanted to do with your life—live it to the fullest, beyond Prospect’s narrow confines.”

  “I did say that, didn’t I?”

  “A number of times. I didn’t want you to leave.”

  “Just as I didn’t want you to stay. That’s what it all came down to, isn’t it? Different goals.”

  “It was more complicated than that,” he muttered. “So complicated, we couldn’t work through things.”

  “So we broke up.”

  “It took me a long time to get over you.”

  I’m not sure I ever did. Maybe that’s why I never married. “I hated graduation night, knowing we weren’t going to spend it together.”

  Giving up trying to focus, she again rocked forward. At the same time, she closed her thumb and forefinger around the hard ridge where his foreskin had once been, lifting and drawing his cock to the side. His breathing raged, and he went back to using her hair as reins. Drinking in a great draught of the scent of pre-cum, she lathed his vein-corded underside. Her tongue was no match for his steel, and she reveled in the difference.

  Rhythm came from a place she’d never been. She became tireless and insatiable. Hands roaming his buttocks and knees by turn, she bathed what she longed to bury deep inside herself. Dizzy didn’t say the half of it, but even as her vision died and her nostrils flared, she fed off this sudden drunkenness. His essence was everywhere in her, her tongue satiated and still starving. She slurped and sucked, barely touched and plowed, and each time she did, her cheeks flamed, and her belly clenched.

  He kept making raw sounds, swaying and jerking by turn. Degree by degree, the interior heated. Her clothing abraded her skin, her bra clamping against her now too-big breasts. No matter how many times she twisted her hips about, her panty’s crotch trapped her sex.

  Finally, though, the strain on her knees demanded attention. Her mouth wide around his half-swallowed cock, she acknowledged the rough vinyl. For a few more moments, she held discomfort at bay while taking him deep and deeper yet, and although her head felt as if it might explode, she didn’t give a damn. At the touch of cock against the back of her throat, she blinked away tears. Then she gagged.

  Reluctantly freeing him, she tried to drop her head so she could concentrate on breathing, but he wouldn’t let her. Immobilized by his grip on her hair, she stared at her flesh-colored world. “What?” she managed.

  “Any more of that, and I’m going to come.”

  A vision of him exploding, not in her mouth but all over her breasts, pulled her back into reality. Using his legs to brace herself, she planted her feet under her and stood, her knees creaking.

  “Like you did the first time?” she couldn’t help asking.

  “Don’t remind me.”

  “It’s all right. I didn’t know what to think or how to react, but we figured things out.”

  “We did, didn’t we.”

  Carlan winced. “We thought we had, but
we were wrong.”

  Chapter 5


  The rain hadn’t let up, and the wind had increased. Even as the storm attacked his trailer, and the wolves, maybe, continued their vigil, Brett wouldn’t care if his temporary home was upended. How could something so inconsequential enter his mind, when his cock raged and his hands were all over Carlan, his mind full of what they’d been talking about.

  Already he’d wadded her sweater under her armpits and pushed her bra up over her breasts. Damn, but they were fine, the areolae dark against pale cream. It didn’t matter that he’d seen, fondled, and nibbled others. Hers were the only ones he cared about, claimed all his attention.

  Half drowning in a swirl of emotion, he grabbed her around the waist and lifted her onto his high and too-narrow bed. Leaning forward, he lightly closed his teeth around a hard nipple. With it securely and gently trapped, he tongued what intruded into his mouth.

  “Oh shit, shit!” She started to place her arms behind her for support, only to surge forward and lock her hands around his shoulders. Although she trembled, her grip was strong.

  He couldn’t bring anything into focus. His world became a swirl of stormy hues and a mind that refused to settle on anything. Fighting impatience, he reluctantly released Carlan’s nub only to lay claim to the other. Taking hold of her thighs, he started to spread her legs, only to stop. Silently cursing her jeans, he tried to will himself to back off long enough to shed the rest of her clothes, but her taste had already reached the back of his throat. Opening his mouth farther, he drew in her sweet, swollen flesh.

  “Shit, oh shit.”

  Her nails dug into muscle, pressed against bone. A burning sensation lanced the fog he’d embraced. He no longer knew her. She’d changed from an innocent teen into an adult who’d recently lost her brother and shouldered responsibilities for her parents. Yes, at this moment she might want nothing more than what he offered her, but once she’d been satisfied—


  By putting his full effort into it, he backed off so he no longer sucked on her breast. He lightly bathed her nipple, chuckling when she twisted and turned. By turn, he licked the underside, left and right, even along the top, much as she’d done to his cock. Not long ago she’d sat frozen, but now need kept her in constant movement. The scent of sweat touched his nostrils, but whether it came from her or him, he couldn’t say. He wanted her under him, naked and slick with her own sweat, her pussy hot and wet.

  She’s my sister; don’t ever forget that.

  Shaken, Brett struggled to close his mind to anything, except Carlan.

  I’m trying to guide her to a truth about herself, one I hope will set her free. She deserves the truth from you as well.

  “Go away.” Brett silently railed at what, beyond all logic, was Skye’s voice.

  Listen to me. If you don’t tell her what’s been going on inside you, the two of you don’t stand a chance.

  Unnerved, he lost his hold on Carlan’s breast.

  “What?” She arched toward him. “Don’t—please, don’t stop.”

  Distracted and disbelieving, he lightly raked his teeth over the breast he’d been ignoring. She mewled. The grinding sensation in his belly spread down, taking his mind with it. Barely thinking, he claimed her shoulders and pushed so she fell back onto the bed, her head turned toward him, and her sweater still bunched under her armpits.

  There has to be more than sex between the two of you.

  “Leave, damn you. Leave! You’re dead.”

  Am I?

  Taking hold of the waistband of Carlan’s jeans, he dispensed with both fastening and zipper in a single desperate move. Then he tugged the wet and sticky denim down over her hips. Inch by quick inch, he exposed her thighs and knees while she cupped her breasts and her head thrashed. Skye wasn’t there; he wasn’t!

  Impatience made him awkward, but he managed to pull off her tennis shoes without untying the laces. Her socks came next. Leaving her jeans clinging to her calves like rope bindings, he took hold of her ankles and lifted her legs, resting them against his left shoulder.

  She started. “What—”

  “What am I doing?” Sliding a hand under her equally wet panty, he pressed his thumb against her crotch. “What we both need.”

  “Shit, shit.” She thrashed her head back and forth on the bed.

  “You didn’t used to curse,” he told her.

  “And you didn’t used to manhandle me.”

  “That’s what you think this is?”

  “I don’t know anything, Brett,” she said and tightened her thighs around his hand.

  Wondering when he’d confess the same, he waited her out, waited for Skye. After a moment, the tension in Carlan’s thigh muscles relaxed. His vision blurred again. Running his thumb under her panty’s crotch, he stroked soft, swollen, hot, and damp flesh.

  There it was, that tiny, complex knot of flesh, the core and center of a woman’s pleasure. Whether he went after it with determination or barely touched made little difference. One moment her clit was there waiting for him. The next, it disappeared within satiny folds. Claiming it became a game without rules, an instinctive dance. She gasped and jerked, tried to crawl away only to push herself against him. The cold moisture her jeans had deposited on her legs became warm under his hands, then slid into hot.

  Giving up trying to capture her clit, Brett turned his attention to her labia and the wet cave between them. After coating his forefinger in her cream, he parted her and slid in. Her breath snagged, then exploded. “You know me…so well,” she wailed.

  He’d have to tell her how wrong she was, but not now. Biting down on a moan, he went deeper. Her sex juices drenched his finger as her inner muscles closed around him.

  “Brett! You’re killing me.”

  “You don’t want—”

  “I want, I want!”

  Maybe it was the way her heels pressed against his shoulder that distracted him. Maybe his impatient cock was responsible. Either way, frustration slammed into him.

  Damn it, as long as her jeans roped her, there was no spreading her, no fully claiming and controlling. Drawing his fingers out of her, he started to lift her legs off him.

  “No! Please, don’t tease me,” she begged.

  “That’s the last thing I intend to do,” he told her, although maybe later, once the potent rush of need had been dealt with, he might take her down roads intended to bring her to the end of sanity.

  He’d love to hear her scream.

  Only her voice.

  The damnable wet denim resisted, but finally he’d untangled it enough that he was able to pull it off her feet. Her panties was a much easier matter, which left her nude from the waist down and her other garments all but useless. If it were him, he’d hate having a sweater wadded around him, which prompted him to lower her legs to the bed. Still cradling her breasts, she regarded him.

  Ignoring the questions in her eyes, he drew her hands off her and positioned her arms over her head. The loose and bulky sweater offered up no resistance, and in seconds, he’d tossed it aside. Deliberately not meeting her gaze, he reached behind her and unhooked her bra. Her sigh was a little thing, albeit long and deep, as she reached for him. Much as he wanted to draw out the final disrobing, he couldn’t stop his fingers from claiming her bra and yanking.

  “Just like that,” she said, her hands fluttering.

  “Yeah, just like that,” he parroted. The words dispensed with, he again took hold of her ankles and lifted. This time, he planted one leg on each shoulder and spun her toward him, improving his view of her exposed sex. Her thigh muscles tightened and then relaxed.

  His intention, maybe, had been to continue what he’d tried to accomplish when he’d first plundered her, but before he could put his mind to spreading her even more, the voice returned.

  I can’t stop what’s happening. This is between the two of you. But she deserves a whole man, not one
running from his demons.

  Should he tear himself away from Carlan? Confront what of Skye was there and insist he didn’t know what he was talking about?

  He couldn’t, because Skye was right.

  “Brett, you’re doing it again.”

  “I’m sorry. It’s the last time.” Maybe.

  Dropping to his knees, he pulled her even closer. She reached for him, stopped. The earthy scent of an aroused woman penetrated every molecule of his being as he placed his head between her legs. Whining, she splayed them outward.

  Tongue wet and extended, he touched. Flesh like satin, like silk, like magic, gave way before his assault. He pushed her sex lips one way and then the other, sometimes separating them so he could bathe at her entrance, sometimes licking long and smooth while she dug her fingers into the sleeping bag that served as bedding. There was nothing human about what escaped her throat, and her cream was endless, challenging him to drink himself into a stupor. He slipped in. She jerked and might have wrenched free if he hadn’t increased his hold on her hips. Once he was sure of his control, he went after her again.

  Curling his tongue, he ran its tip over the top of her pussy. She tried to press her buttocks into the bed, and her entire body shook. Wanting to please her as much as possible and keep her off balance, he started to withdraw, only to push in.

  “Oh, oh, oh!”

  She had a beautiful voice, strong and rough at the same time. He didn’t believe there was any sound she could keep locked inside her. Propelled by the thought, he swiped here and there, reaching deep until his jaws ached, only to back off and fatten his tongue so it touched every inch of her channel. He swam inside her, taking her to the edge while risking the same himself. Thin, hot rivers of need carved their way through him to burn his muscles, but even as he stood at the edge of a climax, he forced himself to focus on her.

  His jaw ached, forcing him to shut his eyes and concentrate with his tongue settled along her length. Tiny shivers flickered through her, but he didn’t believe she was climaxing. And if she was, he’d make it his mission in life to kick her up another notch. She needed and deserved to explode, to believe she was dying and not care, to rip free of anything that might constitute civilized behavior.


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