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Page 6

by Harley McRide

  He reached thirty and BOOM! He fell forward with the force of the blast behind him, the air was thick, the cloud of dust swept over him and he put his head in his arm and breathed through his sleeve. Fuck, this sucked. He counted, waiting at least for the worst of the dirt to settle once again, he didn’t want to inhale dirt for the rest of the day until he could get to the next cavern where there was water waiting for him to at least clean himself up a little.

  “Oh shit,” Georgie said and knelt down next to him. He looked up and saw she had her shirt over her mouth and she was feeling him over.

  “Baby,” he groaned and said, “can you maybe stop running your hands over my body while I am laying here on the floor, if I get a woody, it will take longer for me to get up.”

  “What?” Georgie said, confused, and then she rolled her eyes. “Really, you are going with a cock joke when I thought you were dead?”

  He rolled over on his back and grinned up at her and nodded. “Yeah, figured it would help me get into your good graces, did it work?”

  Georgie shook her head. “No, now come on. We need to keep moving.”

  “Nope,” Boomer said and then pushed his way up. “First I need to make sure the tunnel is sealed; I don’t want any of those bastards getting through the dirt.”

  She nodded and then paused. “Okay, I will wait here.”

  “Hey, you should have been a lot farther than this,” Boomer said and glared at her.

  “Yeah, well, I decided you weren’t planning on following directions anyway so I found a little dip in the wall and pushed myself back in it a little,” she said with a grin. “Just in case you fucked things up, you know.”

  Boomer snorted and shook his head. “Yeah, okay, gimme a minute, I will check it out and come back.”

  She nodded and watched him move backwards. She sucked in a little breath and told herself not to cry, but she was close. When she had seen him lying on the ground, she had panicked. She didn’t want to be alone down here, she didn’t want Boomer to get hurt, she didn’t want to get hurt, basically, she really wanted to treat this a little bit like a field trip, you know the kind you had in school where you have to go and find crap, well this was her field trip, she was living in denial.

  Chapter Seven

  “They are at the entrance of the tunnel at the shack,” Fling said to Bear who was already waiting with him for word from Boomer. They had everyone ready to roll, it would take Boomer and the woman three days to make it to El Paso and it would take the Furies two days to ride there. They were meeting them and making sure no one else tried to fuck with them.

  “Let’s roll out, tell the Ops we are leaving the Prospects and half of the guys, we need some help with security until we get back. Make sure it is installed and ready,” Bear said to Ridge Runner who had walked in the office.

  Ridge was solid, he had been a Fury since the beginning, fresh out of the military, and little more than disillusioned and he had fit right in. Not because they had a beef with the military, but because sometimes, they all knew that the bad guys didn’t play by the rules, and the official men and women in service had to.

  “You got it,” he said and then ran a hand down the back of his neck. “Man, hate to bring this up right now. But we have a shipment coming in tomorrow. What do you want me to do with it?”

  The shipment was needed, it was a packet of fresh and clean IDs and other paperwork to give someone a new life if they needed it. Several of the people they helped over the last few years, the victims they had rescued, or stumbled upon, needed them. They had run out the last go around, and they would need them.

  Fling nodded. “Who is the carry? Do we know enough to make sure we are dealing with who we think we are dealing with?”

  The couriers were usually random people who were in need of money. They had never had the same one more than once, and they had often had to make the courier wait while they verified who they were. But Fling didn’t want anyone around the compound while he was gone. They wouldn’t have the resources to check shit out. Ridge frowned and then looked at Bear and said, “I can check, and then have the Ops help with the drop. I just don’t want to wait for these papers, you know. ‘Cause the instant we do, you know we will need them. Besides, with lockdown on the compound, no one in no one out,” Ridge said and Fling nodded.

  “Yeah, this shit came at a bad time, although they probably knew that as well. Ask Creed, and only Creed, for cover. I will call back and make sure shit is good when we break. Come on, Bear, let’s get on the road.”

  Bear nodded and they walked out into the courtyard. Sunny and the other old ladies were standing there waiting. Fling walked to where she was standing, and smiled at her.

  “Come on, Mama, I will be back before you know it, with Boom in tow,” he whispered and then kissed her softly.

  She nodded as she pulled back and looked him in the eye. “End this.”

  He nodded and said, “I will, I promise. Make sure everyone stays on the compound, we are in lockdown until we return.”

  She nodded and then looked at Bear who was standing with Bob, she was staying with the Furies while Bear was gone, she had requested it, and Sunny had appreciated the woman’s dedication to her man. She was a Lady Rider, and an Ops Warrior bitch, but she had made it well known in the last week she was also part Fury, which had gone a long way with some of the men and women in the club.

  “Let’s ride,” Fling called out and then men said their last goodbyes and they mounted their bikes. Tank, the Road Captain, rode out first and they followed. He looked to his side and saw some of the Ops Warriors nodding at them as they rode, this was a good move, at least if shit went down this time, the other club would have their back.

  Boomer and Georgie made it to the next little cavern, which Boomer hadn’t planned on sleeping at but now they were forced to. It was only about a two hour walk, but by the time they got there, both of them were exhausted. It had been a long day already, add that to all the excitement and they both could have slept standing up.

  She leaned down against a wall while Boomer moved around and gathered the lighting and turned them on. She took a deep breath, still stale, but they had been moving pretty quickly.

  Boomer had gone back and found the cavern had indeed collapsed and wasn’t passable by anyone. Which would give them time to move. Without the tracking device, they could try to guess where the tunnel came out. For now, they were safe, but Boomer didn’t trust it. Those pricks had very deep pockets and a lot of connections. He knew if they wanted, they could find it. So they needed to move and do so quickly and without delay. Boomer didn’t want to come out into a fucking trap, nor did he want to chance they found the other entrance and sealed them down there either.

  Of course, he wasn’t going to tell Georgie any of this, the woman had been a trooper throughout this, she didn’t need to panic anymore. He grabbed water, two towels, and also two MREs and went and sat down next to her. The ground was what they were going to sleep on tonight, this cavern didn’t have beds like the other ones did, it was used mostly for the stragglers who needed more time when walking the tunnel.

  “So,” Boomer said and dumped one of the waters on a towel in his hand and wiped his face. She followed suit and he grimaced when he saw the dirt that came off his face. Yeah, he had to look like crap right now.

  “Yeah,” Georgie said and sighed when her face was clean and she had wiped up as much as she could from her neck as well. “I feel like a pound of dirt was dumped on me.”

  “Well, being down here will do it to you. Sorry, there are no cots here, we are going to have to tough it out tonight at least,” Boomer said and she shrugged and laughed.

  “Just like camping, but without the fire and s’mores.”

  He nodded. “Well, maybe when we get out of here, we can have some s’mores.”

  “You are on,” Georgie said and then looked at the MREs and grimaced. “Yum, gourmet dinner for two?”

  “Yep, best food you will ev
er taste right here.” He smiled and tore open one side and poured the contents on the floor and did the same with the other one. “Well, let’s see, we have spaghetti, or beef stew, and of course, the ever popular applesauce, cheese wiz and crackers, and for dessert a brownie or a cookie,” he said.

  She laughed and said, “Whatever, I am almost too tired for words right now.”

  “Cool, lean back, I will prepare our masterpiece then we eat, sleep, and start over again tomorrow,” he said and she nodded and closed her eyes for a second. Boomer nudged her what seemed like a second later and said, “Come on, eat, then back to sleep.”

  She nodded but didn’t talk, it seemed like such an effort at that point, she was tired, and when she finished the food she smiled, helped him clean up, and then he spread a blanket on the ground and settled on one side and winked at her when she raised an eyebrow.

  “I promise; I will respect you in the morning,” he said and she smiled and shook her head, sinking to the blanket and laying on her side facing him.

  “That’s good, because I would hate for my brother to kill you because you took advantage of me in a moment of weakness.”

  Boomer grinned. “I can’t wait to meet this family you keep talking about. You said your mom and dad are visiting San Diego right now, do you think they will still be there when we get back?”

  She looked at him like he was crazy. “Uh yeah, which part of overprotective, annoying, interfering, and obnoxious did you misunderstand. Not only will they still be there, I am going to be lucky if all of the people in the Bronx that I know aren’t there.”

  Boomer swore under his breath and sat up and looked at her. “Fuck, I am so sorry, Ice wanted me to tell you something, but with everything that happened it completely flew out of my head.”

  “What?” Georgie said, sitting up and looked at him. She was awake now, because by the look on his face, she knew she wasn’t going to like this.

  “Someone named Falon O’Malley?” Boomer said.

  She nodded slowly and she said, “What about him?”

  “I guess he was shot in a drive-by early this morning. They had just gotten the call and your sister was trying to figure out what had happened. They didn’t want to tell you but Ice said they also didn’t want you finding out later either.”

  Georgie nodded slowly and then looked at the ground and whispered, “Is he dead?”

  “No,” Boomer said. “He was struck in the back twice, one was close to his spine, the other hit his spleen and he had it removed. He is in critical condition though.”

  She looked up and smiled at him. “Falon will make it, he doesn’t know the meaning of the word die. The boy was like annoying as shit, but in a cute and kinda offensive way.”

  “We will know more when we get out of here,” he said and laid back, she did as well, kinda staring off into space and he said, “Tell me about him?”

  “Falon?” Georgie laughed. “His brother is Tony’s best friend, well really they were all best friends, but out of all the six O’Malley boys, Falon has always been the one I was closest too. We are a year apart. In school, when the others had graduated, and Falon was stuck with Sofia and I, most people thought he would go and hang out with his friends. But he didn’t, he made his friends hang with us too. He told everyone that his job was to make sure the Roark girls didn’t get fucked over in school. Hell, all the guys were scared to ask us out for the longest time. But, him and all the O’Malleys, they are like an extension of family. We spent so much time with them growing up, I swear, you would have thought we were all related. Our parents are best friends; the brothers are best friends. Mia, she is our best friend too. It was awesome growing up, we were never alone. If we needed anything, someone was always there.”

  “Sounds very cool. I was an only child; my parents have both passed. But, they were cool,” Boomer said and yawned.

  “Well, let’s get some sleep, we have a long walk ahead of us.”

  Chapter Eight

  Boomer opened one of his eyes, they were gritty, shit, sleeping on the floor sucked, however, the soft little woman who was laying on top of him currently made up for the pains in his back. Damn, he thought and then remained still as he took in the feel of her body against his. It felt right somehow, and he lifted his hands to hold her still, he didn’t want to lose her yet.

  He usually didn’t like to cuddle with women, it seemed kinda too intimate, or maybe he just didn’t like to feel this kind of closeness with anyone. Boomer wouldn’t call himself a commitment-phobe, he wasn’t afraid of commitment, he just didn’t really want to get into a relationship with someone who couldn’t handle what he did. Because the biker thing was only the tip of the ice berg, but for some reason, he really felt like Georgie would understand why he and his brothers did the job they did. Devon, Titan, Birdie, they deserved retribution, there were bad people in the world, a lot of them. However, Boomer had long ago come to terms with the fact there were levels of badness.

  The Furies, they may not walk strictly on the right side of the law; however, sometimes the law doesn’t provide for the evilness in some people. Anyone who killed a child, he didn’t give two shits who the fucker was, needed to be dealt with. They had all heard the arguments some people have thrown out there. Justice is something the laws of the land must dish out. Wrong, because if that were the case, he knew of several people who deserved to die and were currently rotting away in prison.

  When people say, it is justice for them to sit and think about their actions, I really want to shake the shit out of those people. Did they even comprehend that a person who committed a savage and hateful crime wouldn’t care where they were at? They would continue to do their nasty evil things, only behind bars, and to top it off, we have to pay for them to be cared for, fed, clothed, all of it. How the hell was that fair, when people who were loved were lying dead in the ground. Shit, he didn’t expect everyone to agree with what the Furies did, but taking a chance on a woman completely disagreeing and leaving because they couldn’t handle it were two different things. Boomer just wasn’t sure which side he fell on, but he knew he hoped that Georgie would be able to handle what they did.

  She moved a little, wiggling until his body and his cock, which was already hard, got a little harder. Fuck, he wanted this little woman. Their attraction had started the second she had awoken in that godforsaken hole. It kept building, he knew she felt it, which was why the kiss had been on his mind.

  Georgie moaned a little and then opened her eyes, she froze when she realized she was laying on top of him, not by his side like when they had first fallen asleep. Both of her legs were draped over his hips, and her pussy was pushed to his cock. Damn, if he grinded her a little, he knew he would come in his pants, and yeah, that wouldn’t be good since they had no change of clothes and he didn’t want to walk around sticky in his pants.

  She popped her head up and looked down at him. “Oh my God, I am so sorry, I don’t know when I crawled on you.”

  Boomer smiled and said, “No problem, baby, anytime you need someone to crawl on, I will be glad to oblige.”

  She laughed and said, “Good to know.”

  Boomer stared at her face, taking in the gorgeous way she looked with her hair all mussed up, and her eyes looking sleepy and seductive. Then he looked at her lips and damn, they were shining because she had just licked them, plump and pink, he couldn’t resist. He leaned up, and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her head down to him with just a little pressure on the back of her neck. It didn’t take much, she was more than willing, he thought.

  “Morning,” he whispered and his lips covered hers, he kissed her slow and sweet at first, teasing her a little, kissing the corners of her mouth, and then finally taking her lips and running his tongue down the seam. She sighed and opened her mouth, who cared about morning breath when you were in a tunnel twenty to thirty feet underground.

  The kiss was intense, when she opened her mouth and he swept his tongue in, she moaned and shivered
a little. Oh hell yeah, she wanted him, she wanted this. Damn it, he really didn’t want to move right now. She was so soft and sexy, everything he fucking wanted, well, since he met her, she was everything he wanted.

  Georgie pushed her arms to the side and then braced herself, pushing up so her torso was just off his body and she was grinning down at him. She rotated her hips and he narrowed his eyes at the little vixen. She leaned forward and kissed him with the same intensity as he had kissed her, this time being the aggressor. He loved it, she was a match for him in every way, he thought. Sweet and soft sometimes, cute and silly sometimes, but right now, sexy and sassy. She tasted him and kept grinding on his cock until he was sure he was going to blow.

  “Baby, awesome wake up! However, we need to get up, grab something to eat, and get a move on. We have a full day ahead of us, and I really don’t want to be walking with come in my shorts,” he whispered and her eyes widened and then she grinned.

  “I could always make sure it wasn’t in your shorts!” She laughed and he shook his head.

  “Tempting, but the first time you see my cock, I really don’t want to be laying on a dirt bed,” he said and she laughed.

  “Right, don’t want dirt to get in some of those uncomfortable places.”

  Boomer chuckled and then hugged her and kissed her quickly and said, “Nope, that wouldn’t be fun.”

  They got up, used the facilities such as they were, a curtain covering a small cut out place in the wall with a rather crude outhouse, it worked. Then they grabbed some of the breakfast bars that were on the shelf and two waters. Georgie groaned. “I would kill for some coffee about right now.”

  He laughed and said, “Yeah, well some of the MREs have instant, but the breakfast ones aren’t here, hopefully they will be at the next one.”

  They left the smaller cavern and began to walk. The whole way they talked and learned a little more about each other, which at this point, Georgie felt like she knew him better than most guys she had dated. It was usually difficult to get guys to talk, but then of course, if you thought about it, dates usually consisted of night time meals, drinks, or at an apartment or house, where really the guy was trying to get into your panties. This was different, they were alone, walking, and talking. Building not only a friendship that would last since one, they were going to be neighbors and two, they had a lot in common, but also, building something else, something she wasn’t going to put a label on because if she did and something happened, it would completely suck.


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