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Trellis II Ascension (The Lone Colony Book 2)

Page 12

by David Byrd

  The couple was stunned but holding each other up mentally and working through the fear and finally resignation that the recent events and revelations brought.

  “Hollis when you said key do you mean the golden box?” Jasper asked.

  “Yes it appears to be a box but is infinitely more complex,” Hollis said. ‘It samples the world data linked in with this complex and also has a built in DNA detector and memory imprint capabilities. Those capabilities gave you the visions to arrive here and your DNA allowed you to open and activate the complex in a basic mode.”

  Jasper fished the box out of his pack and gave it to Katia.

  She held it in her hands and the box began to glow with the intricate tracings coming to life once more. When the infinity symbol started glowing, something new happened. The symbol became brighter and started to disintegrate. First the symbol, and then the top of the box dissolved into nothing. Inside the box, lay an object looking like a rock or a crystal.

  In the center the room a small opening appeared in the floor. Hollis urged Katia to place the crystal in the recess and press down. She did as he instructed and the crystal moved downward and a door over the top slide silently closed. At the same time three chimes were heard.

  “There now that’s much better,” Hollis said. “That was the key to the kingdom so to speak and it could only be inserted by you my dear. It has opened up systems that were locked to me earlier until all of the steps had been completed starting with your arrival. All of my systems are now active and I’ve sampled the planets remaining particle count. It seems we are down to less than 10% so we have a lot of work to do right away before people starve.”

  Chapter 30

  President Grayson Carter was beginning to be alarmed by the sudden complaints reaching his office. First various complaints about all kinds of things not blinking in, but then more serious reports of deaths related to the same. Replication of additional blink reactors had seemed to increase the problem. It was unprecedented and he was utterly unprepared to deal with it. Presidents for hundreds of years had been little more than figureheads…a remnant of old Earth.

  Ding…a personal connection chimed in his link and he accepted the connection. The image of a young woman appeared in his mind.

  “President Carter, my name is Katia and I have an urgent matter to discuss with you that affects every person on the planet,” Katia said. “I’m here with…”

  “Young lady, how on Trellis did you get my personal link code?” Carter asked interrupting. “I’m going to have to change that code now.”

  “Sir, I have news that could mean life or death for millions,” she said.

  “I’m sure it’s all very important,” Carter said soothingly. “Just link with my Aide and he will set an appointment for…oh sometime next month…Good Day.” He said closing the link channel.

  Katia looked over at the image of Hollis and Jasper giving her encouragement but she was feeling inadequate for the task.

  “Now what am I supposed to do?” She asked. “He just thinks I’m either crazy or just some kid pulling a prank.”

  “Don’t worry my dear, I have quite a number of contingencies to choose from to help in case of a situation like this,” Hollis said. “Now let’s get started shall we.”

  President Carter had a dream that night. He was visited by each of the founders in turn telling him of important events taking place regarding the particles and that a young woman named Katia was the answer. He merely thought at first that it was just a replay in his subconscious of the unannounced call he received but he was reading a lot of chatter on link regarding people having the same dream. He called in his aide to discuss the matter.

  “Jordan what do you make of these dreams some people seem to be having?” Carter asked. “It seems to that a lot of people are chatting about it on link.”

  “You mean you really don’t know?” Jordan asked. “I mean it’s all over every channel in link Mr. President and it’s a lot more than just a few people.”

  “Oh…And just how many people had this dream?” Carter asked.

  “Everyone Sir,” Jordan replied.

  For the next seven days Hollis inserted the “dream” into the link of every person on the planet and gradually changed the message to include Katia and her historic lineage. After a week the President was eager to talk to Katia, Jasper and Hollis as thousands of people were flooding the channels with concern and even panic in some areas. The whole fabric of reality for millions of people comfortable in their complacency were suddenly thrown into a world where they might not have everything they wished for. With the president agreeing, Hollis setup a worldwide link conference to explain the situation to the people and to help calm fears. Jasper merged with Katia and gave her the confidence she needed as the session began and she appeared in everyone’s link display.

  “Hello everyone, my name is Katia Arnold and I’m here today with my friend Jasper Newton and Hollis Meska, who is the embodiment of the original colonist. I know that many of you are afraid. I mean I’m afraid also. I’m no different than any of you. Jasper and I love air surfing and hanging out just like anyone else but what you have been seeing is the truth. As a people we have failed our potential. We were given a great gift when the terraforming process started ages ago. We could have continued growing and changing and learning but instead we chose to use the planet as a big storehouse to fulfill anything we wished for as if it was magic. But the magic is now running out. We have very little left and what is left needs to be used specifically for our survival. That includes building hydro farming towers and water pumping plants because believe it or not, we don’t have those skills anymore. But there is hope. The Guardians living in Ancora, the site of the first colony have been living their lives for centuries as if the void particles never existed. And they do have the skills and training necessary to help the rest of us adapt. We also have some very special teachers that will help. We’ll speak again, and Hollis will be coordinating with the President and representatives from every city to come to Ancora for a meeting to discuss the logistics of moving forward. Thank you.”

  Katia visibly sagged after the speech and gratefully accepted mental support from Jasper. Hollis was staring at Katia with an odd expression.

  “Hollis what is it?” Katia asked concerned. “Did I say something wrong?”

  “Oh my dear…heavens no...I’m sorry but you know in a very real sense I am Hollis Meska and watching you just now gave me a clear memory of a time long ago. You are so very much like your ancestors Katia Arnold.”

  Chapter 31

  Fear, panic and confusion gripped many of the people of Trellis II. The informative dreams had helped pave the way for the truth of Katia’s message and the increasing number of blink failures all across the globe factored into that. Following a schedule Hollis setup with the president, representatives from every part of the globe arrived in Ancora for the strategic planning session. Lorken and his top scientists and engineers from all disciplines held breakout sessions with smaller groups but rotated to encompass every representative. The urgency of the situation was not lost on anyone especially in Ancora where nothing could be materialized. Hollis arranged for a series of devices to be installed in Ancora and the surrounding farms, factories and complexes that would allow his persona to appear and speak sometimes in many areas at the same time on different subjects. At the conclusion of the sessions a priority list drafted by Hollis based on current expenditures of particle energy and taking into account the needs of the population was developed outlining the creation of hydro farms, pumping stations and technology/industrial stations across the globe based on need and available particles. Once ratified, Hollis began the creation using stored templates and new science and technology developed by the Guardians. Their work was invaluable due to the centuries of refinement.

  Two months later the plan had been executed and Hollis reported that the total world level of remaining energy to be 4%. To keep this in reserve for any
emergency situation, Hollis created monitoring abilities for each local governing body. Anyone caught replicating without permission would be subject to arrest. Learning centers for every skill needed were setup in Ancora with attendance initially limited to a few people from every city and area to spread knowledge as far as possible in the shortest amount of time. Link helped tremendously as thousands could attend virtually at the same time.

  “Katia how are you today?” President Carter asked. He had contacted Katia in the Plakorii complex and now appeared in the center of the room.

  “Mr. President,” she said. “I’m fine; I wasn’t expecting your call. Is everything alright?”

  “Oh dear call me Grayson please…No need to be so formal…after all we will be talking quite a bit from now on,” he said jauntily.

  “I’m not sure what you mean Sir?” She said.

  “Well, by unanimous vote of the people, you have been elected as the Secretary of Information. You are the only one who can manage the Plakorii store of knowledge and with it the services of Hollis Meska. So it’s fitting that you have the title as well.”

  “I don’t know what to say except…thank you,” she said.

  “Think nothing of it…It’s a beautiful day don’t you think?” He asked.

  “Why yes…but if you don’t mind Sir…Grayson that is. You seem to be happy or more present if you know what I mean.” She said.

  “Well that’s because I am. In fact more and more people are happier. Oh there are some who will never be happy with anything but you see what’s happening has given people a purpose. Something to get up for every day. Something to strive for as we haven’t done in centuries. People have to actually work again and contribute to society. It’s exhilarating I must admit. Well that’s all for now and I’ll be in touch.”

  Katia went and found Jasper and they decided to head over to Ancora for the day. Lately they had been needed more and more as people came and went for classes. It was a bustling place now and people were also starting to take advantage of Serenity Park again as well for family outings.

  As they walked around inside Ancora dome, people were everywhere bustling about. Walls had been removed to make way for large classrooms on the first floor. They strolled past the first labeled Hydro Farming and Botany. It was brimming with people as food was a primary concern now. Teaching the class was a familiar face to Katia but Jasper was just realizing that he could see objects behind the lady speaking.

  “Is that…I mean do you know who that is?” Jasper asked in amazement.

  Hollis appeared beside them suddenly.

  “Of course my boy…That is Faye Hasten. Who better to teach a profession she started on this planet after all.” Hollis said. “All of the original settlers are teaching in some capacity. You see all five of us recorded our thoughts and personalities…not just me. We felt that one day our knowledge could be used and here we are.” Hollis said.

  “That’s fantastic. Maybe I’ll have one of them for my classes.” Jasper said. “I’ve decided to become an Aeronautical Engineer. I mean we have to leave the planet sometime. And that shield won’t last forever.”

  Oh that…well you needn’t worry about that my boy, the orb energy shield network stopped working o…a hundred years or so ago. The KT reactors used were tiny and it took over a thousand years to deplete but all things come to an end.” Hollis said and as quickly as he had appeared he dissolved and was suddenly gone.

  “Does he do that often?” Jasper asked.

  “Yes I’m afraid so,” Katia said laughing. “He had special equipment placed all over the area that allows all five of the original settlers to appear at will.”

  “So what are the others teaching?” He asked.

  “Jean is teaching kids again and Noel is teaching leadership and he has a self-defense class once a week. Max is down in the central park with his engineering class. We can go down and ease drop if you like.”

  “Sure I’d like to,” Jasper said. “You know Katia…things are going to be alright. Maybe even better than before.”

  “I know, somehow I just feel it. Everything is as it should be,” she said.

  The couple made their way down to the park and joined the last row listening to Max Barlow looking larger than life with a heavy beard and big booming laugh. He was covering the finer points of molecular adhesion of dissimilar materials. As he came to the end of the lecture he looked at the crowd and seemed to have a twinkle in his eye if that was possible.

  “Now I have a matter of grave importance to discuss with you my friends,” Max said earnestly. “I want to teach you how to make…beer.”

  While Max had the rapt attention of the audience, Katia and Jasper merged.

  “You know Jasper…Everything is going to be alright. Everything is as it should be.”




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