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Beyond Hope's Ridge

Page 11

by Silver McKenzie

  Steph considered Margie’s words. It was a shame Matt’s recent dealings had left her wary and suspicious of him. Heat crept along her neck. She’d even had the thought that she should just close Heat Wave until he returned and they had an agreement; she wasn’t sure she’d be paid. It was an awful way think when his father had just had a heart attack. Whether she was paid or not, she would typically be the first to help out a friend. She sighed.

  “That sounded ominous,” Ryan said. “Everything okay?”

  “Just realizing I’m not very generous toward Matt. In theory, he’s offering me a life-changing opportunity, and I’m suspicious of all of his motives. I need to change my mindset and take him at face value to try to make Heat Wave work. If it turns out I’m mistaken, then I’ll deal with that later.”

  “Is Buster working on the project with you?” Margie asked.

  Steph nodded. “It’s early days, but yes, that’s the plan.”

  Ryan raised his eyebrows at Margie. “Why would you want to know that?”

  “No reason. I saw him in here earlier and wondered. We were friends in school, that’s all.”

  “Friends? You were madly in love with him.”

  Margie punched Ryan playfully on the arm. “I was not. I thought he was cute, that was all. And don’t you dare tell him that. I’m certainly not looking for a relationship with Buster or anyone else. It’s way too soon.”

  Ryan pulled Margie to him again, squeezing her to him in a brotherly show of love and compassion. It was how Steph should be reacting too. She was glad that Margie couldn’t tell just how tightly her jaw was clenched.

  “Now,” Ryan said, breaking the more somber mood that had settled over them. “I’m arranging a night out next weekend, and I need a date. You up for it, Steph?”

  Steph stared at him. Was he asking her on an actual date, or was that just a friendly invite to hang out with friends?

  Ryan laughed. “You don’t have to rush to accept, but some indication that you heard my question would be nice.”

  Steph shifted uncomfortably. “Sorry. I just wasn’t sure if you meant a real date just the two of us or a group thing with lots of people.”

  Ryan raised an eyebrow. “Would it matter?”

  Yes, it would. But Steph didn’t voice her thought. She didn’t want to embarrass Ryan, but she was also aware that he might have different feelings for her than she had for him.

  “There’s a group of us going, Steph,” Margie said, saving her from having to ask more questions. “Ryan’s trying to get me back into the land of the living. We’re meeting at Traders for drinks at seven next Friday. He’s inviting Zane and Asha, and Zane mentioned his sister might be in town. He had planned to invite Matt and the guys he works with, but that’s probably not relevant anymore.”

  “I’ll mention it to Buster when I see him,” Ryan said. “Travis and Jodi might want to come down from Drayson’s too. Get everyone together.”

  Steph’s stomach flipped at the thought of a night out with Buster. She quickly reminded herself it was a group date, and again, she shouldn’t be thinking like that. From the way he’d spoken, there was a possibility Buster might get back together with Eve. She certainly couldn’t come between a marriage reconciliation. But if he didn’t? She left the thought hanging.


  “Of course I’ll come,” Steph said. “It sounds like a lovely idea.”

  “Excellent.” Ryan winked. “I’ll consider myself fortunate enough to have a date. Now, we’d better get back to work.”

  Steph took it as her cue to leave. She needed to get back to the studio for Bodhi’s final class and also work out how she was going to run classes over the next few weeks. She would need to cancel a few from the schedule with Bodhi no longer teaching. She also wanted to look around the property more and give thought to her ideas for the retreat. She liked Buster’s plans to have a lake as a feature for the cottages and wanted to work through some ideas of her own. She was annoyed that something still squirmed in her gut, telling her to be careful of Matt, but as long as she was cautious, she hopefully wouldn’t be blindsided or disappointed as Asha had been.


  Buster woke on Saturday morning, dreading the silence that a weekend usually brought with it. He’d enjoyed the previous weekend with the rock climbing and then the trip out to Hope’s Ridge, but he didn’t feel he had an excuse to turn up there again, and part of him knew he shouldn’t. He’d arrived home upbeat the previous night. The time spent with Steph had given him a lift, as it did each time he was with her. But then his phone had rung, and he’d been brought back to reality. It was the prison asking if he would accept a call from Eve.

  He moved into the kitchen, replaying in his head the conversation they’d had.

  “I’ll understand if you can’t come on Tuesday,” Eve had said. “It’s a big day for both of us, and if you’d prefer to spend it on your own, then I do understand.”

  Nervous energy coursed through Buster as he spoke with his ex-wife. Her words were at complete odds with what her tone conveyed. She was saying the right thing, but he could hear the combination of hope and fear in her voice. She needed him with her on Tuesday but was afraid to ask outright. Had she done this when they were married? Given him an out before he even answered? Did he let her down so often that she felt she needed to tread carefully?

  “Of course I’ll be there on Tuesday,” Buster said. “Am I allowed to bring anything with me? Photos, maybe?”

  Silence greeted him, but he could still hear the faint sound of Eve’s breathing.


  “Sorry. No, just bring yourself. You’re not allowed to bring anything in.”

  “Okay. What time would you like me to come?”

  Eve gave a little laugh. “I don’t have any plans for the day. Visiting hours are between nine and two. But they won’t let you in after twelve-thirty so before then.”

  Buster knew he’d be up early that morning. He wouldn’t sleep much the night before Holly’s birthday, that he was sure of. It was a four-hour drive to the prison, and he could be on the road early. “How about I aim for ten?”

  “Perfect. And Henry, thank you.”

  Buster had hung up realizing the fear and worry he’d heard in Eve’s voice when the conversation started had disappeared the moment he’d said he would be visiting.

  He put a pot of water on the stove to boil and sat down at the kitchen counter. He’d always considered himself a good person, but right now, there were many indicators he was a terrible person. His ex-wife was in prison, for which he was partially responsible, and he was feeling happy in the presence of another woman. A woman part of him would like to get to know better, but another part forbade him to. Imagine if he put Steph through anything like the trauma he’d put Eve through. He closed his eyes and buried his head in his hands. How had life become so complicated?


  The weekend classes reached capacity. Steph hadn’t been sure how their regular clientele would react to Bodhi’s departure, but other than the hugs, tears, and well wishes from those who’d attended his last class on Friday, it was business as usual. She hadn’t had time to scale back the weekend classes, so she had taught three classes back to back both Saturday morning and late afternoon and the same again on Sunday. By Sunday night, she was exhausted.

  She arrived home, grateful to find Zane in the kitchen and a large pot of lentil soup simmering on the cooktop.

  “Ash’s coming over soon,” Zane said. “Hope that’s okay.”

  Steph smiled. “She’s my sister. I’d love to see her. It’s more whether I cramp your style if you want it to be the two of you.”

  “Of course you don’t. And she’s got something for you.”

  Steph frowned. “What is it?”

  Zane opened the oven and put in the loaf pan he’d prepared earlier. “I have no idea. Something was sent to your parents' place, and she’s delivering it.” He turned back to her, his face becoming
more serious. “Did you speak to Matt today?”

  Steph nodded. “Yes, his dad’s doing as well as can be expected. He sounded pretty stressed. The Lake Drive development was about to start construction and now will need to be delayed. Plus, having just bought Heat Wave and having the cafe open, he’s under a lot of pressure.”

  “I should probably call him,” Zane said. “See if he wants me to do anything to help.”

  “Help who?”

  Zane and Steph turned as Asha walked into the kitchen. She grinned. “You always say come on in, so this time I did.”

  “Good, it’s about time,” Steph said. “I’d give you a hug, except I’m still sweaty from the last class.”

  Asha put a large box on the counter. “Who needs help?”

  Steph hesitated and looked at Zane.

  “Matt,” Zane said. “He’s got a lot happening here but won’t be back for a few weeks. Steph was saying he sounded pretty stressed.”

  “Yes, we should do whatever we can to help,” Asha said.

  Zane put an arm around her and pulled her close. “Another reason why I love you, Ms. Jones. Willing to help the enemy.”

  Asha shrugged. “Some things are bigger than everything that happened. Family and health are much more important. I’m happy to do anything he needs, other than shut down the food truck or stop the development at Irresistables.”

  “I’ll give him a call tomorrow,” Zane said.

  “Now,” Asha pushed the box in Steph’s direction, “speaking of Matt, this arrived at Mom and Dad’s this morning. They were going to drop it by for you, but I said I was coming your way, so here it is.”

  “Matt sent something to Mom and Dad’s?”

  Asha nodded. “Guess he knows their address from years ago but not your address now.”

  Steph took a knife from a drawer and slit open the box. She took two boxes from inside, her mouth dropping open. “A phone and a computer?”

  Asha laughed. “He doesn’t know you at all, does he?”

  Steph put the boxes on the counter and reached back inside the box. “There’s a note.” She smiled as she read Matt’s neat scrawl. “Steph! Here’s to our partnership and me being able to contact you. Please learn how to use both of these ASAP so I can at least call and email you! Both the phone and computer are set up and ready to use. I’m sure Zane will give you a quick lesson. I’ve asked my lawyer to draw up a temporary agreement, so you know you’ll be paid for the work you do between now and when we finalize everything. Copy attached. Matt.” Steph flipped over to the next page and read through the agreement. Her eyes widened as she read the terms.

  “If he’s trying to rip you off,” Asha began, her hands balled into fists.

  Steph shook her head and handed Asha the agreement. “He’s not. Reading this, I think he might have had a head injury.”

  Asha stared at the document before handing it to Zane.

  He looked to Steph for approval before reading through. He gave a low whistle. “Well, I don’t know what you were earning before, but this looks very generous.”

  “I can’t accept that. He has no idea what yoga teachers earn.”

  “You won’t just be a teacher,” Asha reminded her. “You’ll be running the business, and I assume planning the new development with Buster. According to Matt’s agreement, he wants everything to keep running as if he was here.”

  The box containing the new mobile phone rang, causing them all to jump.

  Zane laughed. “That has to be Matt. Nothing like a grand entrance.”

  Steph opened the box and took the phone from it. She was relieved to see a green button to accept the call. While she had never owned an iPhone, she’d used enough to know the basics.


  “Phew! Not only did you get it, but you answered it.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Just tell me you’ll keep the phone charged and answer it when I call. And before you even ask, no, I’m not going to call you every five minutes, but with the studio and the development, you need to be easier to reach.”

  “The phone’s easy enough, but my computer usage is limited to the system at Heat Wave.”

  “It has email and the web, doesn’t it?”

  “Of course.”

  “Then you’re set. I’m calling to see if you’re okay with the temporary contract I had drawn up?”

  Steph hesitated. Should she tell him it was too much?

  “I realize with what’s happened with Dad that we haven’t had a chance to discuss the terms, and I’m open to changing things if you think it isn’t fair.”

  “It’s more than fair, Matt. I was going to ask you what else we can do to help.”


  “Asha and Zane are offering their help too. Anything you need with the other developments or your business in general.”

  Silence greeted her. She took the phone from her ear and looked from Asha and Zane. “I think I hung up on him.”


  She put the phone back to her ear.

  “Sorry, I was just a bit overwhelmed. I’ve had so many messages of support from people. I’m finding it hard to believe, to be honest.”

  “Both Asha and Zane are with me now, and the offers are genuine. I think Zane planned to call you tomorrow to see if you need any help with the Lake Drive development.”

  “Tell him I appreciate the offer, but I’ve put another foreman on the job today. He’ll be in touch with Buster in the morning, and I’m hoping we won’t lose any time on that project.”

  “That’s great, Matt. Any more news on your dad?”

  “He’s recovering well, and I should be able to bring him home midweek.”

  “Well, if there’s anything you need, just let me know.”

  Matt laughed. “Now that I can reach you, I will. And Steph, thanks.”

  The call ended, and Steph turned to Asha and Zane. “His dad’s doing well, and he’s appreciative of everyone’s offers to help. He’s got a foreman starting tomorrow on the Lake Drive development, so he won’t need your help, Zane.”

  “Probably someone from Drayson’s Landing,” Asha said. “There’s no one else in town that I know of who would be suitable for that.”

  “Guess you’ll find out tomorrow if you keep your eyes open,” Steph said. “Whoever it is will be working right across the road from Irresistables. Now, I’m going to go have a shower, and then if you’ve got time, I might need a quick lesson on how to use this computer.”

  Steph smiled as she walked toward the bathroom, listening to Asha laughing with Zane.

  “I’ve wanted to drag Steph out of the dark ages for years, and it’s Matt Law who manages to do it. Of all people.”

  She didn’t hear Zane’s reply but could picture Asha’s eye-rolling. She was proud of Asha’s response to the Matt situation. Matt had treated Asha and Charlie terribly, but seeing Asha rise above their past issues and show genuine compassion and care for Matt said a lot about who her sister was. And Zane too. He wasn’t immune to Matt’s poor treatment. They were both good people, and she couldn’t be happier to think that marriage was a possibility.


  Buster pulled up outside the Sandstone Cafe at ten to eight. He’d received a message from Matt that he’d appointed a new foreman who wanted to walk through the plans and schedule for the apartment development with him. The three properties adjoining the Sandstone Cafe were in their final stages of being cleared, and work would begin later in the week.

  Buster had been relieved to get Matt’s message and realize that the project would continue as planned. With ten minutes to spare before meeting the new foreman, he decided to duck across the road for coffee from Asha’s food truck. He’d need to alternate his purchases between Asha and the Sandstone Cafe to keep everyone happy.

  He grinned as he approached the food truck. Charlie Li was deep in conversation with Asha. They looked up as he approached.

  “Coffee?” Asha asked

  “Yes, please. How are you both?”

  “Excellent,” Charlie said. “Today is a very good day. How are your ideas for our development coming along?”

  “I’ll have something to you both by the middle of the week,” Buster said. “It’s exciting.”

  He took some money from his wallet and passed it across to Asha when she held out a coffee cup to him. “Thanks, I’d better hurry. I’m meeting Matt’s new foreman in a few minutes.”

  “He mentioned to Steph last night that he’d appointed someone,” Asha said. “I guess that’s a good thing for you and Travis, no holdups with the project.”

  Matt nodded. “As long as this foreman knows what he’s doing. Matt’s usually really involved with his projects. I just hope this one doesn’t go off the rails without him here.”

  “I’ll walk with you,” Charlie said, ushering Buster from the food truck. “You don’t want to keep Matt’s man waiting.”

  Buster smiled at Asha and followed the older man. “How are you doing, Mr. Li?”

  “Very well,” Charlie said. They crossed the road, and Charlie stopped outside the development site. He checked his watch. “Eight o’clock.”

  “No sign of Matt’s guy,” Buster said. “I hope whoever he’s got is going to be reliable. Matt doesn’t need extra stress right now.”

  Charlie shook his head. “No he does not, and we will make sure things run like clockwork.”


  Charlie held out his hand. “Yes, we. I am Matt’s new foreman.”

  Buster choked on his coffee. “You? Are you kidding?”

  “You think an old man can’t do the job?”

  “No, that’s not it at all. It’s just that Matt hasn’t treated you well, Mr. Li. Are you sure you’re the right person to do this?” And do you have any idea of what this job entails? Buster couldn’t believe Matt would give the job to a ninety-six-year-old. This was ridiculous. Was he messing with them? He couldn’t imagine any other explanation.


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