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Luna's Lovers [Beyond the Veil 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Honor James

  It took her a great deal of time before she finally nodded. She didn’t leave his arms though because it felt safe. It felt right to be there. Sniffing, she whispered, “I don’t know if I’m more afraid of finding out that I’m all alone or finding out that there is someone there and they just never cared enough to find me.”

  “Luna, you will always have us,” he said softly. “Always. No matter what, Luna. Now, no more tears.” He brushed his thumbs to her cheeks and smiled. “It will be all right, I don’t know how, but it will be. Just trust in me and Volker and we’ll help you get through all of this, okay?”

  “I’m trying. I never cry,” she muttered and after a few minutes was able to pull herself together. “Okay.” She nodded and pulled back from him slightly. “Thank you for letting me do that. I think that I had to get that out. This is too much to wrap my mind around. I went from being a human to something altogether different and I simply don’t know what to think or how to feel about this. At all,” she whispered honestly to him.

  “I know,” he said softly. Stroking his fingers over her cheek he slid his hand around to cup her face. Sliding off his stool he wrapped his arms around her again and just held her for a long time. “Come on,” he said, after a time. “Let’s go and sit down in the other room, you can just digest and if you have any questions you can ask.”

  “I think that sounds like a good plan.” She had been searching since she woke for answers and now that she had them, she wasn’t so sure she wanted them. She knew what it was to be human, understood it. “What is it to be a Spiryte?” she asked suddenly. “I’ve never met one and I have no idea how to even think to be one.” Would she be able to somehow come into control over shocking people?

  Leading her into the living room he sat and tugged her down next to him on the sofa. “A Spiryte is like, well. I suppose in human terms it would be a witch if female and a warlock if male. They can create spells and magic through experience and their own energies. You actually do know one, well, maybe. Gavriel, Lilly’s other mate, the non-scary-looking one is a Spiryte.”

  She frowned and shook her head. “I’ve never met him. I’ve met Artaxias, but never the other one. I’ve heard Ax talking about him though. Usually with a groan and something about the pup’s mother? Whatever that means.” She shrugged and leaned into Kristjan. “Is that why I am so good at Cryptology? I can see the puzzles that others can’t?” She couldn’t say humans, because she still felt human.

  “Quite possibly,” he said, sliding an arm around her shoulders to hold her close. “We will have to introduce you to Gav, he’s pretty cool. And I think he can help you, help you figure out if this electro whatever is part of your abilities or something else. He is a bit of a rascal though, drives Ax nuts more often than not with stunts and shit, but he’s solid and will always have your back. I’ll talk to Volker later and see if we can’t arrange for them to drop by for a visit, or at least Gavriel.”

  “As long as you trust him I will.” She rubbed her cheek to the side of his neck just as she had Volker the night before. “What is it about you that makes me want to touch you skin to skin so much? Is it the whole being a mate thing?” she asked softly. “If so, I think that I could totally get used to this.” Which was the utter truth.

  “It is part of the ‘mating thing’ as you call it.” He chuckled. “But it’s also the part of you that’s craving skin to skin contact. You’ve been denied it for a long time, even something as casual as a handshake, and you are one of the races to top it all off. While we are particular about who we touch, we are quite affectionate with those we trust and damned affectionate with our mates.”

  “It really has sucked not being able to touch anyone,” she admitted. “I’ve hated it, but it was what it was.” She nuzzled him again. “And I’m glad that you are affectionate. Does that mean that I can look forward to being touched by you and Volker often?” She certainly hoped so because the mental fuzz that seemed to be a part of her was clearing slowly. Not allowing memories in, but just not hurting as much with every touch that she received from these two massive, holy shit, massive men.

  She could feel him nodding, the slight scruff on his cheek rubbing to her skin. “A lot, we’ve been looking for you for a long time. Had we known you were just down the hall and a couple floors under us we’d have fucking parked our asses on your desk. At least until you realized we were there and then likely made off with you to some deserted spot on the planet for days, weeks even, of wild and kinky sex.”

  Luna flushed and she pulled back to look up at him. “You do realize that I hadn’t been able to touch anyone, right? That I’ve never, touched anyone before?” She hoped that he got the meaning because she was certain that if he didn’t she would die of humiliation if she had to tell him that she was a virgin. That was bad. All around bad. She was mated to two of the sexiest races alive, and here she was a virgin without knowledge of just what the hell to do with one man let alone two.

  “Oh, believe you me, darling,” he smiled, a slow curl of his lips. “Volker and I got that right off and are extremely happy. But, you do realize, you don’t know what you were up to before the accident. Who knows what you were about then. Though, hopefully, you were a lot like now so maybe, if we’re super lucky, we’ll get to teach you all the wonders of sex and the many delights the body holds.”

  “Well no matter what you will be teaching me because it doesn’t matter what happened before the blast that left me with metal in my head. I don’t recall the before time so I love the idea that the two of you will be teaching me everything and anything that I need to know.” Luna did however pause, for a long moment she didn’t say a word and then whispered, “What if there was someone that laid claim to me over there? How would I know? Do the markings on my back show the two of you as my mates as the markings on your wrists show me as your mate?” She prayed and hoped so at least.

  “You are not claimed by a mate, mainly because Volker and I aren’t shooting blanks. Which, had only one mate claimed you, we would be and we’d ache from not knowing you. Unlike human relationships, if a mating occurs without all parties present and active, those left out are forever destined to walk their path yearning for what they can’t have. They can never have a family, never have kids and always have a hole within that they just can’t fill. It’s why those of the races are damned fucking careful about the matings. But, the other thing is, you don’t have a mating mark on your body. Well, unless you have some under those clothes that you think are tattoos as well.”

  “No, only those on my back. I’m glad that I don’t have a mate. It’s weird though, one would think that the women would somehow be marked as well showing who her mates might be. It would be nice to know if I just had the two of you or if we had to find a third. God I hope not though.” Her last thought was tossed out there quickly, quietly.

  “It’s highly unlikely, like in the trillions to one category of chances,” he said. “Unmated males that are marked, or females for the same male, tend to gravitate to one another over time. No one knows why for sure, but it just happens as a natural course of events. Volker and I have known about you since puberty and have been out and running around for, well, let’s just say a very long time. We’ve never had any other show up with the same mark in all that time. So, chances are very, very good, we’re it for you, babe.”

  “Thank heavens.” She knew that the relief was there in her voice but she couldn’t help it. “No offense or anything but I don’t think that I could handle having more than two of you as mates. The two of you are over the top. In a good way, in a way that has my panties wet and has my body revving.” She slapped her hand over her mouth again. Eyes wide and cursing herself. She had to get a control on her freaking mouth just running off and saying whatever she felt for the two of them at any given moment in time.

  He threw his head back and laughed, the sound deep enough to send the vibrations right through every point which touched him. “Gods I love how fucking honest you ar
e. That’s a race trait, darling, nothing fucking human about that one. The lack of filter though,” he snickered, shaking his head. “Hell, that’s just all you, babe.”

  “Seems to be only with the two of you,” she admitted with her head down, her hair framing her face and hiding her blush. “Crapballs I have seriously got to learn to temper that or I will mutter something sometime that will have all three of us blushing, not just me.” She was worried that she would somehow say something that would get them in trouble or offend them. “Because when it comes to the two of you all I keep seeing is protection, safety and I feel need. Hunger, desire. Things that I’ve never felt before in my entire freaking life.”

  “That’s a good thing, Luna. And don’t ever worry about offending or embarrassing either of us. It takes one hell of a lot to do either to us. Yes, I’m sure there will be some point where you might manage to embarrass us, but who cares. You’re not doing it to be malicious in any way, you’re just speaking your mind. We’d never fault you for that and, trust me here, we’re going to do the same with you.”

  “I hope that you are right. Just keep that in mind when I do embarrass us all I will likely be looking for the floor to open up and swallow me whole. I’ve never experienced this before, not being able to hold my tongue when I’m around someone. This is super odd. I’ve worked with people that are absolute idiots before and I never out and told them what fools that they were. I was able to keep those inner thoughts to myself but it seems like you and Volker have broken that part of me. Not that I’m complaining. Well, much at least. “She would like to occasionally have a private thought about them, but knew in an instant that she would still tell them. How odd was that?

  “We’re not complaining either, Luna. Besides, in a mating, there should always be full and complete disclosure. Honesty is our way and between mates, it’s all the more important. Now, let it all go for the time being and just relax. It will all work out as it should, when it should and we’ll be just fine. So, deep breath in and let it out slowly, letting all the tension and worry just flow away from your too damned cute body.”

  Grinning Luna actually blushed when she finally asked him, “You think I’m cute?” She had turned so she could look up at him, sighing in contentment because he really was a beautiful man. “Good heavens you are totally lickable.” Again with the runaway mouth! “Crap, sorry!” She was seriously going to have to pay for therapy or something because of how she spoke to her mates. “I mean, oh heck. You know what I mean.” She was scarlet red now, blushing so hard she was sure that an egg could be fried on her face.

  His smile was slow and had something in the vicinity of her belly turning to goo. “You think I’m lickable?” he asked, his voice was about an octave lower and stroked over her nerves. “Well, hell woman, lick away. Trust me, I am not going to stop you from taking a taste. Especially when I’m having the exact same urge for that little spot right behind your ear that is just calling to me.”

  Luna moaned, he wasn’t even intimately touching her but she moaned in pure pleasure. “I have a feeling that this is going to be very, very strange for all of us. For the two of you because I keep telling you every single thing on my mind and for me because I’m going to have to learn to live with a blush.” She was blushing head to toe and knew it. “So what happens in a mating?” That was a switch of topics, but one she was curious on. “How can two men mate one woman at the same time?”

  “If I tell you, that blush you have right now is going to go up about six color shades and, just maybe, become permanent. Are you sure you want to know that right now, Luna? I will tell you but I’m worried about how very pink you are. It’s a good color on you, don’t get me wrong, but violent red might not be such a good look.”

  “Oh lord love a duck.” Luna pressed her face back to the crook of his neck and smiled. “I know that I have to learn eventually how this will all work but that can wait for a bit, right? I mean you both have to ensure that you won’t hurt me and all that fun stuff, right? And you have to make sure that I won’t hurt you, right?” That was her worry again, hurting them somehow.

  “Oh, sweetling, we will definitely be ensuring we don’t hurt you. Stroking you, teasing you, stretching you until you are able to take us in,” he whispered against her ear. “I’m thinking maybe a couple of toys to help you out, loosening you up a little at a time until we just slip right on in.”

  Yep, forget red. She went straight to the highest spectrum of color possible. Her cheeks were hot, well her whole body was at his words. She bit him, she couldn’t stop herself. She bit his shoulder and the voice that she spoke with next was a rumble, a purr almost. “Gods you make me want to do that right now. Damn you. I swear that I’m going to have to start to wear adult diapers because you make me so wet.”

  “No, just ditch the underwear entirely. And wear skirts, so we can gain access to your pussy whenever we have the need for a snack. But, since you’re not flaming red, I’ll explain the rest of it. We’ll give you a set of butt plugs to use in progression over a period of time. These will stretch your anus out enough for one of us to take you there. The other gets to slide into your wet little pussy and then we both take you, mark you and make you ours.”

  Luna came, literally she orgasmed at the images that his words put into her mind. She groaned against the side of his neck and rubbed as much of her body against his as she could. “Oh God.” She felt her face flame red, but felt the moisture between her thighs as well. “Jesus H. Christ I think that I just had my first orgasm, and you aren’t even freaking touching me. Just the words, the images,” she moaned. “Crap.” She was so going to hell in a handbasket for the things she was wanting and needing with these two men and knew it. “How can just words make me ache and need so much?”

  “Because you are highly suggestible,” he said, his words soft and soothing. He was also stroking her hair, easing her she realized on some level that went hand in hand with her inner sexual goddess. “You have great visualization skills and I only had to give you a little guidance to set you off. Which is very good to know, we can use that at a later date.” He chuckled softly.

  “I could almost swear I could have felt you touching me, well you know, there?” She had a lot to get over it seemed. “And I liked it. I am not opposed to any of this, by any stretch of the imagination. In fact I really would like to know more about this, mating and loving and well, everything.”

  “Good, and soon enough, I will be touching you on your pussy and ass. I’ll have my mouth on you, my tongue lapping up all that sweet and silky juice that your pussy is letting loose. I’ll be sliding my fingers into your little cunt, rubbing at your clitoris as I pump my fingers in and out, harder, faster, slower and with a twist until you are right on the edge. Then I’ll pull back, calm you and we’ll start all over again. And again. And again.”

  Luna pressed her face hard against the crook of his neck. A moan of pure need escaped her lips as she pressed against him, her legs squeezing tightly as she felt the moisture once more seeping from her pussy. “God you are killing me,” she whispered, her hands moving over his chest, nails raking against his shirt in desperate need to touch, to feel. For everything!

  “You’ll live,” he said, chuckling deeply as he hugged her closer. Stroking her hair gently he stroked her hair lightly. He stayed quiet, likely to allow her time to calm down a little more. “Do you have any other questions you want answered, Luna?”

  “I think that I might melt into a puddle at your feet if I ask any more questions.” There was stark admission in her tone, but also need. “Life will be interesting won’t it?” she asked quietly, trying to regain her balance once more. “What should I do?” Out of left field she came with that question. “Should I seek out if I have family over there? Should I see if I really was just left for garbage on this side of the Veil? If so I really would like to know why.”

  “Why don’t you let Volker and I do some digging around. We have contacts all over the place and they ca
n be very discreet when they are of the mind to be. So we’ll have them do a little poking and see what pops up. Then, with a little more information, you can make a decision that you can live with.”

  “Sounds good to me.” Luna sighed and rubbed her cheek to his shoulder again. “I don’t think that I could survive being hurt again.” She whispered honestly. “I truly don’t. I know how horrible that sounds but I’ve been alone for so long and now the two of you have walked into my life and I feel as if there might be something out there, something more. But what if there isn’t? What if my name isn’t Luna Black and your true mate is out there waiting on you to find her?” She had fears, assloads of them.

  He moved her then, right into his lap and wrapped her up tight in his arms. “You are Luna Black. You are our mate. It’s not just the markings, Luna. It’s a knowing inside where it really matters. There’s a connection to you I can feel, a hum in my very veins when you are close that excites and—” He cut off his words, a grin on his face. “Well, I shouldn’t admit this but I will, makes me fucking horny as hell and all I want to do is jump your bod.”

  “As long as you are sure.” She had her arms around him and held him close. She felt it too. She felt connected to him and Volker unlike anything she had felt before. She would know if this feeling had happened before, right? “I just need the two of you in my life. Now that I’m able to touch someone and not hurt them I don’t think that I will ever be able to let go.” That was as close to a warning as she was going to give them.

  “Good.” He nodded, his cheek rubbing over hers. Squeezing her closer he pressed a kiss to her neck. “Not letting you go, little Luna. You are ours and that’s all that matters. Trust in us, trust in yourself and we will make it through everything. I know it’s hard now, not knowing who you were, but you know who you are right here in this moment. You are special, you are important, you are treasured and you are amazing. Believe in that, breathe it and live it, for it’s true.”


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