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Luna's Lovers [Beyond the Veil 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 13

by Honor James

  “Thank you.” Her words were barely whispered, she was speaking so softly she wasn’t certain that anyone would really hear her. Lifting her hand which felt like it was weighted down with lead she put her cold fingers over her eyes and sighed. “Remind me to smack Gavriel when we see him next, please?” She had the mother of all headaches, and hurt too much to even try to see if he was able to “loosen” the block she had.

  “Will do,” Volker said. “We have something for you to take, perfectly safe for a Spiryte, to help with the headache. If you’re interested. And we have a bottle of that water with electrolytes and such added, it should help a bit as well.”

  “Sounds good,” she whispered softly and swallowed again. “Okay, can I have a drink and whatever it is that you can give me so that hopefully I can actually sit up and talk to you two again? I want that you know. To be able to talk with you, touch you, to not feel like my brain has been ran over by a transport.”

  A soft chuckle from her other side, Kristjan. “Here are the pills,” he pressed two tablets into her hand. “And I have a bendy straw in the drink so you don’t even have to move. Just suck back and swallow.” There was a brief silence before he snickered. “Damn, that sounded really dirty.”

  Luna did snicker, she groaned when she did so. “No making the lady with the full marching band and heavy metal band dueling it out in her head laugh please.” Accepting the pills she swallowed them back and groaned. “Geez Louise I hurt like a mug,” she grumbled.

  “Whatever that means.” Volker chuckled. “Just relax, Luna. We’re going to let you sleep for a little longer I think. I’m just glad you woke up for a little bit, we were getting damned worried that you wouldn’t. Drink some more of the water and then sleep, let the pills do their job all right?”

  “That is a very, very good idea. It’s one that I firmly will stand behind.” Luna turned just a bit and reached out. Grasping Volker’s hand she gave it a squeeze. “Will you snuggle with me? Both of you? You are both so nice and warm. Please?”

  “Absolutely,” he said softly. She felt him lift her hand and this his warm, firm lips were on her knuckles, brushing a kiss to her skin. “Let me just do one more look around while you finish your water and then we can all relax knowing we’re secure.”

  “Sounds good.” There was a moment’s pause and then she asked, “Will you bring back another wet and very cold cloth please? It feels wonderful on the back of my neck.” The one now was getting warm and she wanted cold again.

  “Of course I will, Luna.” She felt the bed dip and then his breath caressed her cheek a second before his lips brushed her skin. “I would do anything for you,” he whispered. “You should know that by now, little mate.”

  That had her smiling. “I know. And remind me to show you how much I appreciate that when I’m feeling less like my head is about to splinter.” But she could feel the power that had been opened inside of her flowing in her veins. She could feel the spark that was her people’s power and didn’t tamp it down, but didn’t explore it either.

  “I somehow doubt I will be required to remind you, Luna. Given you were ready to jump our bones not more than a few hours ago until we talked you into letting Gavriel split your brains into little pieces.” He really didn’t sound all that happy any more, more like he was blaming himself for his part in talking her into it.

  “We all three know that it needed to be done though.” She spoke softly, her eyes still closed in deference to her headache. “We knew it had to be done, so we did it. Now we can go into the rest of our lives together with wide open eyes and knowledge of what is really happening. Now we can find my brothers,” she added in a whisper.

  “Yes we can.” He smiled against her cheek. Pressing a kiss to her skin his heat moved away and the bed shifted again, indicating he’d gotten up. “I won’t be long,” he added, to reassure her.

  “She’s still got half a bottle to go before we can let her back to sleep. Grab another one on the way back will you? She’ll need it later I’m sure,” Kristjan said, his voice low, which was appreciated.

  “Cold compress and another water, got it,” Volker said and she could hear him walking away.

  Luna cracked open her eyes and looked up at Kristjan. Smiling, she licked her lips. “You amaze me. Utterly, completely and fully. I can’t believe that I could feel so much in such a short time but I do. For both of you.” She closed her eyes again however and simply snuggled in close to the heat. “I’m happy.” Well, when her head stopped beating that was.

  His chuckle jiggled her around a little but there was very little sound. “I’m sure you’ll be even happier when you can keep your eyes open for more than a moment and without all the squinting too. But that will be later. First you need to finish this water so you are hopefully properly hydrated and then you can sleep. Suck it back, Luna,” he told her, the straw brushing her lip.

  “I do love it when you talk dirty to me,” she teased with a smile. She did however wrap her lips around the straw and drank the water small sips at a time. A larger one would hurt her head far too much and she knew it.

  “I will remember that for the future,” he said. She could hear the smile in his words as the bed jiggled a little from his laughter. “Almost done, Luna. Couple more sips and I’ll set this aside and then we can just relax and wait for Volker to return.”

  “That sounds good.” She did as instructed. She took it slow on her sipping, she relaxed more and more with Kristjan talking to her and simply enjoyed his company. “I feel him close.” She hadn’t heard a sound but she felt Volker close. Weird. Completely.

  “Really?” he asked. At her nod he let out a soft hum of sound. “Must be your abilities since we aren’t mated yet. And proves, even more so than ever, that we’re your mates. Your soul recognizes us and searches for us when we’re not close. But with your abilities blocked you couldn’t, now that they are not, the Gods help us if we ever get on your bad side,” he teased with a chuckle.

  “Then don’t get on her bad side, Kristjan,” Volker said as he came back into the room. She heard him ease the door shut softly and then his footsteps on the carpet coming to the bed. The mattress dipped at her side when he sat and she could feel him shifting around until his heat was along her front side, the entire length.

  Luna sighed when she felt both men sandwiching her in and smiled. “Perfect. Thank you. I think that I needed this far more than I had thought that I had needed it. I think that I will need this every night for the rest of our lives. Please make sure that you arrange this for us?”

  “We’ll need to get new assignments and not travel any more, though I have a feeling the AEDA brass may have words on that,” Kristjan said. “But we’ll make it happen for you, Luna, because you asked and making our mate happy is all that matters.”

  “Thank you for that. Because if you two had to go out for missions or whatever I would go with you. I refuse to ever sleep alone again. I need both of you, not just one, but both of you for us to all sleep together for the rest of our lives.”

  “Decided that already did you?” he asked with a chuckle. Pressing a kiss to her cheek he rubbed a thumb over her belly lightly. “Well, we may still need to go on a few training junkets but we’ll arrange it so we’re in the same place at the same time so you can come with.”

  “Good.” Luna’s eyes were closed and the heat of the men surrounded her. “I care so very deeply for you both. Such a short time and already you are both everything to me. So yes, no more being alone. No more not being together.”

  “We will make it work,” Volker said, his words a promise. “For now, Luna, you need to sleep and heal. We have many days ahead of us to look forward to, but you need to be able and ready to take them all on. Currently you couldn’t move if you had to.”

  “Yes, sleep sounds good.” She yawned and nestled in closer to one of the warm bodies holding onto her. “Healing is good so that we can all complete this bond. I know that I want it so very much so I’m sure that y
ou want it as well.” Petting the man in front of her she yawned again, smiled, nodded, and whispered. “Good rest.” Was all that she said before dropping off into sleep.

  Chapter Ten

  “Good morning.” Kristjan smiled at her.

  She’d finally dragged herself out of bed and had a very long and hot shower. She finally felt a little better and the day was looking up given there was bacon on the table.

  “Sit, start digging in. There are eggs in the bowl, cinnamon buns on the tray and of course lots of bacon. Volker is just feeding so he’ll be back in a couple of minutes to join us for breakfast. You prefer milk for breakfast, right?” he asked, looking a little unsure.

  That had Luna frowning. “Why doesn’t he feed from me?” she asked quietly. “I personally would like that a great deal. And you made me bacon.” She felt her mouth watering. “I love bacon.” And he knew it. “I just wanted to ask why he wouldn’t feed from me.”

  “Because we haven’t discussed it yet,” Volker said from behind her. His arms slid around her middle and he brushed a kiss over her cheek. “We don’t take from anyone without consent unless it’s a dire emergency and that has to be life threatening. We’re not as vicious as the humans like to portray us to be.”

  “Well just so that you know, for future reference, I want you to feed from me. I would love for you to be taking from me as we made love. I would very, very much love that,” Luna said as she leaned back against him. “Just so that you know.” They hadn’t been intimate yet but she knew what she wanted and needed and that was it. She wanted her Vhampire mate to feed from her when they made love.

  “I will take from you when we mate and any time after that you wish.” He brushed his lips down over her neck and nibbled. “Right here. This is where I will bite you as I fuck your tight little ass,” he said softly. He thrust his hips toward her and she could feel the length of his hard cock rubbing her ass.

  Luna moaned. “How soon?” she begged. “Oh Gods.” She was ready to die. She was in need. She was desperate and she wanted more. “Please,” she whimpered. “I need.” She needed them more than food right now. “How soon until we can mate? I need to be yours and have you being mine.”

  “After you eat,” he said softly, stilling her hips. Pressing a kiss to her jaw he nuzzled at her skin. “You didn’t have anything last night and you need to have a good meal in you if I expect to take enough blood for the mating without you passing out. So eat your breakfast and then we will mate, if you are agreeable.”

  “Oh I am very, very agreeable,” she whimpered. She looked to Kristjan and smiled. “Feed me, Kris. So more bacon please. Oh and if you have eggs I would love to have some eggs. Over medium. I like the yolk a little runny but not the white part.”

  Shaking his head at her he moved closer. “You turned her brain to mush, already. You shouldn’t do that when we need to feed her.” He took her by the hand and settled her at the table. He then lifted the bowl before her spot and, nice as could be, slid the egg she wanted out onto her plate, then dumped a lot of bacon on next to it. After dropping a cinnamon bun on her plate he kissed her hair. “Eat, you sweetly addlebrained little bundle of hormones.”

  Grinning Luna winked at Kris. “Oh come on, tell me that you aren’t just as desperate to have me as I am to have you. If you can honestly tell me that you aren’t as needy, as desperate as I am then I will gladly step back.” She knew that he was though, if the bulge in his pants was anything to go by at least.

  “I’m telling you no such thing. But you need to eat before we discuss any of this,” he said, glaring down at her. Really would be more effective if he didn’t have such an affectionate look in his eyes. “Eat your food. And what do you want to drink with your breakfast, woman?”

  “I want milk please,” she said as she began to eat the meal that Kris had prepared for her. “I happen to really and truly love that you are both taking care of me as much as you are. I’ve never really had anyone taking such amazing care of me.” Even before. Before when she was in the home with her true family no one truly took care of her the way that these men did. They made her realize that their world revolved around her and she couldn’t be happier about it.

  “You are our mate, you are always our first priority,” he said. Coming back to the table he set the glass of milk before her and then took his seat. Volker filled a mug with coffee and passed it over to Kristjan before filling a second and sitting to sip at it. “No matter what, Luna, you come first in our lives. Yes, it means doing a little fancy footwork for the first while, but it’s all worth it when we’re together.”

  “That’s good because I will do whatever it is that I have to do in order to make it better for us all to get together as well. I just need for you both to be open with me. I need for you both to always tell me what you need and when you need it?” she asked with a smile.

  “We will,” Volker said. “We’re not exactly wilting wallflowers who will keep our mouths shut. Especially that one,” he tipped his cup toward Kristjan, who went for an offended look that fell into a grin.

  “Good because I won’t keep my mouth closed either, as you both well know.” Heaven only knew that she would tell them absolutely everything and anything at all that she had going on in her mind at any moment in time.

  “I’m sure we’ll figure out a way to keep your mouth otherwise occupied, from time to time,” he said. Smiling ever so slightly Volker sipped his coffee before setting the cup down. “In fact, I know of one surefire way to keep it very, very busy.”

  “Oh I’m very sure that you will both find a way to keep me occupied and I’m very happy with that.” Luna tilted her head to the side and with a grin asked. “Really? And what is it that you are thinking will keep my mouth occupied?”

  He shrugged and slowly, oh so slowly, smiled. Picking up his cup he took a slow sip, dragging out the moment.

  “Eat, Luna. He’s toying with you and will only tell you when he’s good and ready,” Kristjan said. Chuckling he chewed on a piece of bacon. “Just tell her, Volker, for the love of the Gods, she won’t eat until you do.”

  Up went a brow and he lowered the cup again. “I’m just surprised she hasn’t yet guessed. She’s usually pretty good with guessing such things.” Leaning forward he picked up her hand and rubbed his thumb over her fingers. “I’ll give you a couple of hints to see if you can get it, darling. Think naked. Think of your mouth. Think of one of us staring down at you as you have your lips wrapped around it.” Placing her hand on his thigh he drew it up toward his crotch but stopped just before he got to his…

  Luna grinned and leaned in closer. She allowed her hand to slide closer to his crotch and lightly brushed her hand over the hard bulge there. “Are you saying that you want to place this into my mouth? I would do it. Right here. Right now. I would totally drop to my knees and get us all started but I think that Kris might be a little upset with me if I did that.”

  “Kris would be a little upset,” Kristjan muttered. “Especially since I’m eating, and there is food on the table so that would just be fully and totally unsanitary. Besides, you need to eat before we get into anything of the sort. And do the mating before all the real fun things he’s got cooking inside that brain of his get played out.”

  “Well we will eat and then eventually we will get to the mating part, right?” She certainly hoped so because she wanted and needed for them to do that. She wanted to be with these men a great deal. She had to have their bond solidified and only when that was done she would feel more at ease.

  “After we finish the meal, we can go upstairs and do the mating part.” He grinned at her. Shaking his head he sipped his coffee. “But you will need a little patience, you do know that right? It’s not a wham-bam, thank-you ma’am sort of deal. There is some preparation required before we can all come together.”

  Luna began to sulk slightly but then smiled. “I know, Kris,” she told him softly. “Believe me I know. It’s all good. I look forward to every single momen
t in time that we will have together. I look forward to being with you both in every way possible too.”

  “Good,” he said and waved a finger at her plate with a pointed look. Then he dug into his food while Volker rolled his eyes when she looked his way and drank his coffee. She too dug into her food. It seemed to be the only way she’d be getting naked with her guys.

  Luna did just that. She began to eat, her eyes on her men and without hesitation and pause she did just as she should, she ate. When her plate was clean she leaned back and closed her eyes. “That was very, very good.” And it had been surprisingly good.

  Kristjan snorted as he got up and began to clear the table. “You don’t have to sound so surprised, Luna. I do know how to cook, to an extent. We’ll have to talk Volker into making his chicken parmesan one night, to die for,” he told her.

  Luna looked at Volker and smiled. “That is one of my favorite dishes. If you can make it to die for then I am totally going to keep you.” She was keeping him forever anyway and they both knew that.

  “You’re keeping me anyway,” he said, with a smug look. Getting to his feet he took his cup to the sink where Kristjan was stacking the dishes. Then he came back and pulled her up to her feet. “Come on, Kristjan won’t be long, so let’s get you upstairs and I’ll let you know what we’re up to.”

  “Yes I am going to keep you,” she teased with a smile. “I am keeping the both of you for the rest of time and you darn tootin’ well know it.” She moved with Volker, she was worried. “What do you mean you will let me know what you are up to?”

  “So you are not surprised by anything we’re about to get up to?” He smiled at her. Wrapping his arm around her shoulders he hugged her close. “Don’t worry, it’s nothing major, but you need to know so that you can relax and enjoy instead of being overly tense.”

  “Okay. I trust you both.” And she did. Luna trusted both men completely. If they told her that they would be telling her what to expect then she wanted to know just what to expect. She needed to know because she had no idea to be perfectly honest. “I hope you know what to expect from me and my people’s mating practices.” Because Gods only knew she didn’t.


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