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BY CHANCE NOT CHOICE: Marco's Choice - Moretti Brothers Series Book Two

Page 3

by Sage Young

  “So did our guest arrive?”

  “Yes sir, she arrived last night.”

  “And Kiyomi is sure that her company is the best one to help us move into the US market?”

  “Kiyomi has done her research and this company has all of the tools to help this company move into the US.”

  “Uh uhh, and how is Kiyomi dealing with the news of her father’s health status?”

  “She’s understandably upset but she’s dealing with it.”

  “Good. Make sure you keep a close eye on her. If all goes well she will be my daughter-in-law shortly,” Yoshio said with a smirk on his face. Takeo used all of his restraint not to jump across the desk and kill him with his bare hands.

  “Is there anything else you need Sir?”

  “No, that will be all, just make sure you keep me updated on where Kiyomi goes and who she sees,” Yoshio said as he once again used his hand to dismiss him. Takeo walked out of the office trying to keep his emotions in check. He needed to make sure that no one suspected anything if their plan was going to work.

  Yoshio Yamada sat back in his chair and thought about Takeo. He got the feeling that his nephew was not completely forthcoming with information regarding Kiyomi. In order to gain full control over the company he would need to have a hold over his friend and business partner’s shares, which he was leaving to his two daughters, Kiyomi and Muri. Muri was the youngest and strong willed; her shares would be more difficult to acquire. His best chance of dominating the company was to control Kiyomi‘s shares. Although his relationship had become strained with her father, he believed Kiyomi trusted him; he just needed to convince her that it would be in her best interest to marry his son, Jun, so that they could keep the business in the family and they would be able to protect her from her father’s enemies. He picked up his desk phone. “Tell my son I need to see him right away,” he said then hung up the phone. His son needed to start pulling his weight and do what was best for the family. Yoshio needed to get his son to convince Kiyomi to marry him.

  He looked back down at the documents on his desk when he heard a knock at his door. His son, Jun, walked into the office and sat in a chair in front of the desk. Yoshio looked at his son and wished he were more like Takeo. Takeo was his oldest brother’s only son. From a very young age Takeo showed strength and character and as a man he is a fierce competitor, nothing like his weak father. Yoshio was still angry with his older brother, Taro, for choosing love and a farmer’s life over joining him in business. Takeo was just like his father, Taro, a fierce warrior with amazing business sense and would have been the addition Yoshio needed to take this company to the top and maybe he would not have depended on his friend, Ken, so much.

  Yoshio looked up at his son, “It’s about time you begin to take responsibility for this family and the business. I need to ask something of you and you need to do it without question, this company depends on you succeeding.” Jun looked at his father, trying to understand. Jun was a very handsome young man who never had a problem with women, and that was the biggest problem. Yoshio always thought his son was too busy chasing women and fast cars that he neglected his responsibilities to his family. “Jun, I need you to listen closely to what I have to say and then you will do exactly as I tell you to save our family’s business. What I’m about to tell you stays between us.” Jun looked at his father, a little confused, but waited to hear what his father had to say. Yoshio handed him a folder. He opened the folder and began to read the documents.

  Jun was unable to believe what he was reading. His family no longer owned this company that his father created and built into the empire it is now. Ken Sato was now the majority shareholder. His father’s business partner and friend, Ken Sato, owned the company.

  “Father, how is this possible? This is our company. How could Ken own the majority of the company? This makes no sense.”

  Yoshio looked at his son and began to explain, “Years ago I owed some extremely dangerous people a lot of money. Ken paid off my debt in exchange for shares in the company. Years later I ran into another situation and Ken again helped out in exchange for more shares in the company. When I tried to buy the shares back from him he refused. This has caused a strain in our relationship. As you know, Ken is very ill and in order to gain control of this company again I need you to marry Kiyomi.” Jun looked at his father hoping that this was a joke. When his father’s expression remained solemn. He knew his father was serious. He stood swiftly as he ran his fingers through his hair with frustration. “You can’t be serious father, I can’t marry her. I can’t believe you would ask me to do such a thing.” Jun openly protested, but in his heart he would love to be Kiyomi’s husband. He knew Kiyomi did not feel the same way; she loved his cousin Takeo. They tried to hide it, but he could tell by the way they looked at each other how overly protective Takeo was of her.

  “You can and you will. You’ve done nothing honorable for this family but you will marry Kiyomi.”


  “Enough! The decision has been made; you will marry her so that we can gain control of our family company again. You will need to make sure that you are married within the next six months.”

  Jun flopped back down in the seat frustrated. “So how do you propose I make that happen in the next six months when she can barely stand the sight of me?”

  “You figure it out, just make it happen. Now leave me I have work to do.”

  Jun was so furious that he yanked his body out of the chair and walked out the door without saying goodbye. As he briskly walked passed his father’s security heading for the elevator, he ran into Kiyomi. “Good morning Jun. Is everything okay?” she asked in a soft voice.

  “Everything is fine,” he said curtly.

  She continued to walk because she wasn’t in the mood for one of his adolescent tantrums. He stopped short of the elevator and turned around and walked back towards Kiyomi. “I’m sorry Ki. Father and I just had words and you know how he gets to me.” Kiyomi recognized when Jun wanted something from her because he always called her by her nickname, Ki. “It’s fine,” she said as she continued to walk. Jun reached out and touched her arm halting her progress. She looked down at his hand then in his eyes. “Did you need something else Jun?” She asked. “Yes. I need to talk to you about something, but not here. Can you meet me for dinner?”

  “Not tonight Jun I have….” He interrupted her. “It’s important Ki.” She noticed a desperate childlike expression.

  “Okay, but it will have to be late. I have several meetings and the American representative is here; we have several issues to work through before she leaves.”

  “I know. Later is fine. I will meet you at our usual spot about 8:00 pm.”

  “Okay I will see you there.” She turned and walked towards her office.


  Marco walked through the door of his brother’s home. The housekeeper indicated that Dominic was in his office.

  “Hey big bro, how are things going?”

  “Busy as usual. What are you doing here in the middle of the day?” Dominic asked with a smile; he was always happy to see his brother.

  “Can’t I come by to see my big brother without they’re being an ulterior motive?” Marco said with a smile. Dominic knew his brother too well; he sat back in his chair and looked at Marco.

  “Marc you know I love when you come over to visit but if you’re here in the middle of the day there’s a reason.”

  “Okay, I really need to talk to you about something. It’s about me and Monica.”

  Dominic smiled, “You mean the fact that you two have been seeing each other for months and you think no one knows.”

  Marco gave his brother a half smile, “Yeah I guess you could say that. I’m still not sure why she wants to keep it a secret. Anyway, you know she’s currently in Japan and I cleared my calendar so that I could surprise her and spend the next week and a half with her. I just wanted you to know where I was going to be and what was
going on.”

  “That sounds great and you could use a vacation. You’ve been working way too hard, too long. So am I allowed to tell anyone where you are?”

  “No, not yet, I need to talk to Monica about moving forward with our relationship. I’m leaving tonight, so can I get a lift to the airport?”

  “Do you even have to ask… of course… what time?”

  “My flight leaves at seven this evening.”

  “No problem. I will pick you up and make sure you’re there in time for your flight.” The two brothers continued to talk about what was going on with the two families before Marco left to prepare for his flight


  Monica had been hard at work preparing for her presentation. She took a moment to get coffee and her mind instantly thought of Marco. She missed him so much. Once her work in Tokyo was completed, she would be back at home with her man. Monica continued to work for several more hours and needed a break. She thought this would be a good time to have her assistant give her a tour of the office. She was anxious to see the conference room where she would be presenting over the next couple of weeks. Monica called for her into the office. Her assistant was not only her assistant but was also a translator and guide through the huge company.

  “Lin, I would like to see the layout of the conference room that will be used for my presentations.”

  “No problem Ms. Thomas, when you are ready, I will show you the room.”

  “I’m ready now if you are not too busy.”

  “Not at all, right this way,” Lin said as she waved her hand indicating for Monica to go ahead of her.

  They took the elevator up a few floors. The doors opened. The space was amazing; there were beautiful marble floors and expensive art hung on the walls. The assistant described the architect of the building along with the artwork displayed. She also pointed out that this was the floor that housed all the executives as they were walking towards the conference room. Monica saw the glimpse of the beautiful woman walking into an office and she wondered if there were other companies vying for the same contract. “So are there other companies also presenting?” The assistant gave her strange look and replied, “No. It is my understanding that your company already received the contract and that you were here to explain your company’s services that you would set up for Takahashi.” “I saw a woman walking into the office and I thought she might be from another company.” The assistant glanced down the hall in the direction that Monica was looking, “Oh no, that’s Ms. Kiyomi Sato, the Vice President in charge of International Affairs and is actually the one who hired your company. You will get to meet her tomorrow before your presentation. Ms. Sato’s calendar is full today, but I’m sure she’s excited to meet you. Interesting, Monica thought as they walked into the conference room.

  The room was much larger than Monica had anticipated. A huge mahogany table stretched almost as long as the room with leather chairs surrounding it. The view from the room was amazing with floor-to-ceiling windows. The assistant showed Monica around the entire room and explained the technology that was already in place to make her presentation much easier. After spending about another hour in the conference room familiarizing herself with the lay of the room and the technology, they both headed back downstairs to Monica’s temporary office.

  Monica continued to work a few more hours before her assistant came in to ask her if she needed anything else before she left. Monica looked at her watch and realized that she had worked straight through lunch and it was now six in the evening.

  “No I’m fine Lin. I’m actually going to head out in a few minutes myself.”

  “Very well Ms. Thomas. I will call for the car; it will be waiting for you when you get downstairs. Have a great evening and I will see you in the morning.”

  “Thank you and good night.” Monica responded.

  Lin closed the door behind herself and Monica walked back to her seat when she heard her stomach rumble. “I guess I need to get some dinner,” she said softly to herself. She packed up all of her paperwork and computer and headed for the elevator.

  Once back at her temporary apartment, Monica showered and changed into a nightshirt that barely covered her hips. It was short, but so comfortable. With her hair still damp from her shower, she decided to let it air dry. She began to look over the room service menu when the phone rang. “Ms. Thomas there is a gentleman down here who says he has a delivery for you and that you need to sign for it.” “Really? Okay send him up.” It must be a welcome gift from the company. She thought, when she heard a knock at the door.

  Reaching for her wallet, she grabbed money for a tip, swung the door open, and was greeted with a huge bouquet of gardenias. She was unable to see the deliveryman because the bouquet was so huge. “They are beautiful,” she said as she reached for the flowers. They were her absolute favorite. With flowers in hand, she began to hand the deliveryman a tip when she looked up and saw that it was Marco. She instantly screamed, almost dropping the flowers but Marco was able to grab them with one hand while reaching for her around her waist with the other hand. He instantly began to passionately kiss her as he guided her into the apartment and closing the door behind him without breaking contact with their lips.

  “Baby what are you doing here? I mean I’m happy you’re here…” she screamed again, “I don’t know what I’m saying, I’m so confused and happy that you are here.” He placed the flowers on the closest table and scooped her up in his arms and squeezed tightly as he swung her around. He inhaled deeply taking in the most beautiful scent that he had missed over the last couple of days. “I haven’t taken a vacation in a really long time and I thought this would be a perfect time to take…” He paused when his hand slid down her back and could feel her bare ass. He noticed what she was wearing, a very shirt nightshirt with only a thong underneath. “Are you in the habit of answering the door half naked? She looked down at her nightshirt, which she forgot she was wearing. “Baby, I was... He slammed his lips against hers and began to kiss her passionately. He was upset and turned on at the same time.

  Marco picked her up and she instantly wrapped her legs around his hips as she had done many times before. He backed her up against the floor to ceiling windows. She could feel the coolness from the glass on her back. Monica pulled her lips away so that she could get air into her lungs. Marco placed his face in the base of her neck and inhaled deeply. “What are you doing to me?” he whispered. She used both hands to cup his face as she stared into his beautiful gray eyes that were so dark now. She could feel his manhood against her inner thigh. “I need to be inside you now baby,” he said in a raspy low tone.

  She began to kiss him passionately again. He moved her thong to the side as he slid his finger into her heat. He moaned loudly in her mouth when he felt how wet she was. He began to undo his pants and let them fall to the floor and he released his dick and placed it at her entrance. With one hard swift thrust his was inside her. He stilled himself because he didn’t want the party to be over before it started. Monica was so tight and wet. He began to move with slow hard thrusts. She moved her hips trying to get him to go faster but his was controlling this show and he wanted it to last.

  Monica’s ass was pressed against the glass as he tried to go deeper with every thrust. Her body began to shake as her orgasm slammed into her. The feel of her pussy tightening around him as she came caused him to move fast as he began to feverously pound her until his body began to shake as he unloaded deep inside her walls. His body was firmly pressed against hers as he balanced both their weight. “I guess you did miss me baby,” she said in a soft breathless tone. “You have no idea,” he said as he pulled her in tightly against his body allowing her to lower her legs to the floor. “I want you again so bad right now Mo.” She squirmed as he ran his hands along the side of her stomach down to her hips. “Have you eaten, because you are going to need your strength to keep up with me tonight?” Monica’s entire body shivered at the thought of Marco taking her all night. />
  I was just about to order something but who can think about food right now.” “Mo if we order room service we will never get to the food. No, I’m taking you out to dinner. On my way here I asked my driver to recommend a really good restaurant and he suggested a place called Tapas Molecular Bar. I think you will like it. Now get dressed so I can take the woman I love to dinner,” he said as he tapped her lightly on the butt. She pulled from his embrace and seductively walked away she looked back at him. “The way you’re paying special attention to my ass, I’m beginning to believe you missed it more than me,” she said with a seductive smile. “Oh baby I’ve missed all of you.” “Give me a few minutes and I’ll be ready,” she said as she walked into the bedroom without closing the door.

  Marco adjusted his clothes and walked over to the bar; he needed a drink because it was going to take all of the willpower he could muster not to go into the bedroom and rip that nightshirt off and take her again. He poured a glass of scotch and swallowed the first glass in one gulp, then poured another before taking a seat on the sofa and waited for Monica. It had only been a few days but he missed the hell out of her. In just those few short days he realized that he didn’t want to be without her and that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.

  Marco was in such deep thought about the relationship and how he felt about her that he didn’t notice when she walked into the room again. “Huh umm,” she cleared her throat. He opened his eyes and raised his head to see one of the most beautiful sites he has ever seen. He stood and looked at the beautiful lavender dress she wore that fit snug against her entire body. “Wow, you look amazing,” he said with lust in his eyes. “I didn’t think it was possible for you to get any more beautiful,” he said as he closed the gap pulling her softly into an embrace and kissing her lightly on her lips. “We better go because if we stand here a second longer you won’t still be in that dress.” She smiled as she grabbed her purse. “Then I guess we better go.”


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