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BY CHANCE NOT CHOICE: Marco's Choice - Moretti Brothers Series Book Two

Page 13

by Sage Young


  Takeo awoke very early with a slight headache. He immediately called Kiyomi after talking with Suri. He knew that she had stayed the night with Monica and that Marco was in one of the vacant condominium. He got dressed and headed to Monica’s to pick up clothes for Marco. “If he’s only two floors down I can take him a change of clothes,” Monica convinced Takeo. He gave her the key and the condominium number. Monica walked into the condominium excited about something she just discovered and wanted to share it with him. She noticed his jacket on the chair and began to undress; she was going to surprise him. She stepped out of her skirt and unbuttoned her blouse and placed both garments on the chair next to his jacket. Now in her bra and panties only, she walked towards the bedroom.


  Muri was jarred out of her sleep with the closing of a door. She could feel the American’s body still against hers. Within seconds he flipped her over as he spoke. “You missed me, baby?” he asked as he pulled her on top of him. She placed her hand over her mouth to keep from screaming as Marco noticed that the woman in the bed with him was not Monica. He pushed her to the side as he yelled, “What the fuck?” He quickly stood putting distance between him and the mystery woman.

  Just as Marco stood, Monica appeared at the bedroom doorway frozen in shock. Tears began to spring from her eyes but she didn’t move. “Baby,” Marco said as he started to walk towards her. She put her hand up to halt his progress as she looked at his semi-erect penis making him painfully aware that he was nude. He reached for the sheet, yanking it off the bed to cover himself. In doing so, he completely exposed Muri who was in her bra and panties. They both stared at Muri who was too ashamed to say anything. Monica turned her attention back to Marco. “We are done!” She pulled the engagement ring off her finger and threw it at him. “Stay the fuck away from Marco,” she screamed at him as she ran into the living room realizing that she also was in her bra and panties. She snatched her clothes from the chair and began to quickly dress as Marco came behind her still wrapped in a sheet.

  “Monica, I don’t know what the hell is going on but I don’t know who that woman is.” She looked at him with a combination of hurt, betrayal, and hate. “Oh please, save it,” she said as she continued to dress. “You are a cheating son of a bitch. I trusted you. I slept with you unprotected.” She partly buttoned her blouse as she headed out the door when Marco reached for her arm. “Fuck you. I never want to see you again,” she yelled as she yanked her arm from his grasp and ran out the door. He started to run after her but looked down and decided to put on clothes. He also needed to find out who the woman was and why she was in his bed.

  Marco walked in the bedroom to find Muri completely dressed. “Lady, you need to start talking.” Muri immediately got defensive. “I don’t have to explain anything to you, I own this building. Maybe you need to explain why are you hear,” she asked as she stood with her arms folded in front of her. Marco was quickly losing his patience. “Fine, then you won’t mind waiting here while I call Takeo and he can explain why I’m here and verify that I was here first.” He looked at her with confusion and anger. “So you came in here and decided that it was a good idea to climb in bed with a total stranger.”

  "I don’t have to stand here and listen to this. I’m leaving,” she said feeling a little ashamed.

  “Like hell you are,” he was furious that she put him in this situation and was acting as if this was no big deal.

  Muri picked up her cell phone and said, “I have a situation in the condominium, and I need you here immediately.” Not knowing what to expect, he also picked up his cell phone to call Takeo. Muri tried to leave and Marco grabbed her arm as Takeo was answering the phone. “You’re not going anywhere until we get this straightened out, so have a seat,” he said as he placed her in a chair next to the bed. “Takeo, I need to speak with you. There is a serious problem here.” Marco immediately began to dress. He straightened his collar and he buttoned up his shirt as she sat there with a smirk on her face.

  Within minutes, there were two armed men coming through the door. She stood and walked towards the men when Marco reached for her arm and both men drew their guns and aimed them at Marco. Marco was furious, but knew this was a battle he was not going to win today. “It was nice to finally meet you, Mr. Moretti,” she said as she seductively looked him up and down before smiling and walking out the door with her security team.

  A few minutes later Takeo and Suri showed up. “What happened? What was the serious situation? Takeo asked. “I woke up to find a woman in my bed that I thought was Monica. Then Monica walks in as soon as I realize the woman in the bed was not her,” Marco said with frustration as he ran his hand through his hair.

  “What do you mean you thought it was her?” Marco caught the implication.

  “Yes, Takeo, she was an African American woman,” Marco responded.

  Takeo only knew of two African American women who would have total access to this building and he was in love with one, the other was her sister.

  “I know who it is and we will get this issue resolved,” Takeo said, trying to comfort Marco.

  “I need to talk to Monica and explain what happened,” Marco said.

  “And how are you going to do that when you don’t have the full story? Let me talk to her security team, the building security, and more importantly, Muri, and find out how this mix up happened. Stay here. Let me check out what happened and I will be back.” Marco refused. He needed to see Monica.


  Monica came back to the condominium looking disheveled and crying. Kiyomi was instantly alarmed.

  “What happened? Are you alright? Did someone hurt you?” Kiyomi asked concerned.

  “Yes, but it’s not what you think. I need a few minutes,” she said as she continued to walk into the bedroom and close the door.

  Shortly after Monica arrived, Takeo and Marco entered the condominium. “What the hell happened to Monica?” Kiyomi asked both men. Marco did not respond, instead he walked over to the closed bedroom door and knocked on it. “Monica, I need to talk to you,” he said calmly through the door. There was no response. Marco banged on the door. “Monica, it’s not what you think. I don’t know who she is and how she got into my bed.”

  “Marco please go away,” she sobbed.

  “Can someone please explain what the hell is going on?” Kiyomi asked again.

  “Monica, open this damn door!” Marco demanded.

  “I will…” Takeo was interrupted when everyone turned to see Monica come out of the room.

  “Baby….” Marco started but Monica put her hand up.

  “There is nothing you can say to me unless you are going to try and tell me my eyes were lying to me. You are fucking unbelievable. You confess your love to me, and you aren’t here a week, and you have another woman in your bed. Well at least you are consistent in who you love. I guess you have a fondness for black women, huhh? And how in the hell did you manage to find one in Tokyo in such a short time?” she spat. “The sight of you makes me sick. Now either you are leaving or I’m leaving.”

  Marco moved towards her wanting to comfort her. His heart broke that she thought he could ever cheat on her. She quickly backed up. “Mo please…” his voice softened which caused her to pause. Why was she feeling bad for him? He was a cheating bastard. “I guess I’m leaving,” she said walking towards the door. Marco now knew she needed to calm down before she would even hear anything he was saying. “No, I will leave,” Marco said as he walked around Monica and out the door.

  Takeo turned to Kiyomi and said, “I better go with him.” He kissed her on the forehead. “Talk to your sister. She is the root of this problem,” he said in Japanese. Kiyomi gave him a surprised look but it was all making sense to her now. “I will. Call me when things calm down with Marco,” she responded in Japanese. Takeo quickly followed Marco. Monica assured Kiyomi she was fine before she left to see her father in the hospital.


  The doctors were preparing her father to travel to the US tomorrow. Kiyomi had just finished finalizing the arrangements with the doctors when Yoshio Yamada walked in. She and the doctors agreed that it was best that no one knew about the trip to the US because they still didn’t know who tried to kill him. Kiyomi released a statement that her father was in a coma and not going to wake up. None of his business partners were aware that Ken was on the road to recovery or being moved, including his oldest friend, Yoshio Yamada.

  Yoshio had gotten word that his friend was gravely ill and would not be around much longer. Yoshio decided to visit his friend in the hospital for what he hoped would be the last time. Yoshio’s car pulled up in front of the hospital and he told his driver to keep the car running; he would not be long. Flanked with security, he walked into the hospital and headed to his old friend’s room. It was reported to him that his friend was in a coma and was not going to wake up.

  Yoshio walked into the room and saw Ken hooked up to several machines. He sat in the seat closest to Ken and began to speak to him in Japanese. “Well old friend, it looks like we have come to the end the road. I have loved you like a brother, and even when you refused to sell me back the shares in the company, I still loved you. Now that you will not be around much longer, I cannot have a black woman running my company. How would that look? I did what I had to do. The first step was getting rid of you, and then your two daughters will be next. You should have sold me my shares and it would not have ended like this,” he said with a smirk on his face as he stood to leave. “I will pray for your soul.”

  He exited the room and walked over to Kiyomi. “I am so sorry, Kiyomi. Your father is like a brother to me. I’m still praying he pulls through.” Kiyomi nodded. He kissed her on the cheek and walked out with his security close behind. He told the head of his security to notify him once Ken Sato is dead. Takeo walked into the hospital shortly after Yoshio left. Everything had been arranged for transporting her father in the morning. She had already prepared her office for her absence. Now she needed to let Muri know that she would have to travel with them and then find out what the hell happened last night between her and Marco.


  Takeo had given Marco the all clear to go into Monica’s condominium to pack his belongings because they were leaving tomorrow. She was at the office finalizing plans before her trip back to the US. Takeo also explained that he had spoken with Muri’s security team. They explained to him how she ended up at the condominium. “After a night of drinking, Muri didn’t want to go to the home she shared with her father, so they put her in, what they thought was an empty condominium. They normally do a security check in every room before leaving the room but she had already begun to undress in the bedroom so they checked every room but the bedroom. She was also intoxicated when they left her alone.” Takeo paused thinking that if he had not drank so much this situation would have never happened. He looked at Marco and continued. “She had to have known you were asleep in the bed before she laid down. Kiyomi agreed to talk to her later and get this resolved.”

  Marco shook his hand and thanked him for the information as he placed his suitcase by the door. “Normally I would stay in a hotel but I don’t want to be too far away from Monica before we leave and…” Takeo interrupted Marco. “It’s already taken care of. I have a condominium in the building and you can stay there tonight.” Marco thanked Takeo again. “I need to meet up with Kiyomi but you can make yourself comfortable and I will be back later with all the flight arrangements. I assume you will be riding with us on the Takahashi jet.” “I will let you know this afternoon after I speak with my brother. I know he had a plane available, but we were unaware of the issues with Kiyomi’s father and having to transport him back to the US. I will talk to him, but it appears we won’t need his plane because I will be wherever Monica is.” Takeo nodded and showed Marco where he would be sleeping tonight.


  Yoshio was angry as he stood, looking out his office window. He had all of his secret security staff in his office. He used these men when he wanted situations handled discreetly and under the legal radar. “It has come to my attention that not only is my dear friend not dying but he is on the fucking road to recovery!” he yelled as he spoke in Japanese. “I want this issue resolved before that plane gets off the ground. I understand that my friend and both his children are going to be on that plane heading to the US. I not only want to make sure that plane never takes off, but I also want to make sure that none of them get off that plane alive.” After calming down, Yoshio realized that all of his problems would go away if everyone on that plane ceased to exist. He looked at his team. “I need to make sure this issue is resolved tomorrow.” He sat at his desk and his team knew the discussion was over. They all exited the office knowing what had to be done.

  Yoshio buzzed his assistant. “Get my son in here now.” Within minutes Jun was in his father’s office. “After tomorrow I will need you to take more responsibility with the company.”

  “Why what’s happening tomorrow?”

  “I have recently been informed that Kiyomi and Muri are traveling to the US and may not be returning.”

  “What do you mean not returning? Why? I just spoke with both Kiyomi and Muri and neither one mentioned a trip to the US, and even if they were going it would not be permanent, especially with their father being so ill.”

  “Actually, they are taking their father with them, maybe to bury him there. Who knows?” Yoshio said non-chalantly as he stared directly at his son.

  “I would think you would know father, since that is your friend.”

  Yoshio began to become irritated with Jun. “All you need to know is that Ken Sato and his daughters will be a non-factor after tomorrow and I need you to take on a bigger role here at the company. You will be running it someday, if you can prove yourself worthy.” Yoshio changed the subject as he looked down at papers on his desk.

  “Where are you with the reports I asked you for?” he asked as Jun looked on in frustration.


  Kiyomi waited at the hospital for Muri to arrive. She finalized the arrangements for secretly transporting her father by booking the company jet under the guise of having to travel to the US to finalize the contract with their US partner. The flight was leaving at nine o’clock in the morning and now she needed to let her sister know what was happening with their father and to find out what happened at the condominium with Marco. Muri walked into the hospital and began to walk directly to her father’s room.

  “Muri, I need to speak with you.” Kiyomi said halting her sister’s progress.

  “I need to see father. We can talk later,” Muri said wanting to temporarily avoid the conversation that was inevitable.

  “No. We will talk now.”

  Muri knew by the tone that Kiyomi was not going to take no for an answer. She turned to look at her sister. “What is it, Ki?”

  “Not out here.” Kiyomi began to walk towards the small private room next to their father’s room. Muri hated hospitals. She had spent an excessive amount of time in them when her mother was ill.

  “What do you want to say that’s more important than seeing our dying father?” Kiyomi glared at her and Muri flinched slightly.

  “Lose the attitude. I’m not in the mood to deal with it, not today, and not after what you did.” “What are you…” Kiyomi interrupted her, “save it, Muri. I will deal with that in a few minutes. What I need to talk to you about right now is father. What I’m about to tell you, you can’t repeat to anyone, not even your ex-fiancé, Jun. Do you understand me?” Muri sighed in irritation. Kiyomi grabbed her arm. “Look, I don’t have time for one of your drama moments. This is about father and making sure we keep him safe.” Muri looked at her as fear crept in her eyes. “What do you mean father’s safety? What’s going on?”

  They both sat as Kiyomi explained about the poisoning, the new doctors, and traveling to the US. “But why would anyone want to poison fa
ther? This makes no sense.”

  “I’m sure father will find out once he is well,” Kiyomi proclaimed.

  Muri‘s eyes began to water. “So father isn’t going to die?”

  “No, Muri. He is recovering as we speak, but they are keeping him in a coma-like state until we get to the US.” Muri jumped up and hugged her sister. “Ki, I’m so happy. I thought we were going to lose him.” Kiyomi hugged her sister back for a few seconds then stepped back. “Muri, you need to visit with father then return home to pack for our trip.

  Muri was about to walk out when Kiyomi spoke again. “I don’t know what happened in that condominium last night, but it resulted in the breakup of a couple that is very much in love. They will both be traveling with us tomorrow. You need to fix the mess you made.” Kiyomi gently grabbed her face with her hand so that they were looking directly into each other’s eyes. “Do you understand me, Muri? Fix it!” Muri nodded as she shed a tear. Kiyomi released her face and allowed her to go visit with their father alone as she remained in the room alone to calm her nerves. Muri did as her sister instructed. She visited with her father and returned home to pack. She had just finished packing when her cell phone buzzed. She looked at the caller ID. “Jun,” she said softly. She answered, “What do you want Jun?” “Muri, I am concerned about you. I want to make sure you are okay. Father said that you and Kiyomi were traveling tomorrow to the US and if it is true that you are taking your father, why would you move him in his fragile state?”

  Muri was momentarily stunned. How did uncle Yoshio know so much about their plans? Kiyomi assured her it was confidential and only a few people knew that they were taking her father with them. “You should tell your father to stop spreading rumors. I am going with Kiyomi to finalize the deal with the US Company, which you should already know about, considering you are one of the VPs.” She paused before continuing, “I have to go. Is there anything else you want?” There was silence on the other end. “No, I want to make sure you were okay and to say I’m sorry again. I never meant to hurt you.” “Too late for that Jun, hurt was already received. Good bye, Jun,” she said before she hung up. She immediately called Kiyomi to tell her about the conversation.


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