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My Solace (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 11)

Page 7

by Alanea Alder

  She looked into the shop's window as they passed and felt her mouth drop. The robes on display were nothing short of works of art. "Oron, I can't afford this," she whispered.

  He grinned down at her. "But I can."

  In front of them she noticed Meryn pointing and followed her line of sight. "What are those?"

  Oron looked over. "Those are our version of streetlamps. Amber stones have been bespelled to flicker like fireflies. They are truly exquisite during the dim."

  When Oron chuckled beside her, she looked up. "What?"

  He nodded over to the stately looking wall coming up on their right. "That's the wall I pinned Molvan to when Darian was little."

  She eyed the wall smiling at the memory of the story. The interspacing segments in front of the long, imposing wall, created immaculately designed flowerbeds that acted as a fragrant barrier between the street and the wall. At first, she thought her eyes were playing tricks on her, but soon she figured out that the slight movements amongst the flowers and bushes were sprites frolicking.

  "Oron," she whispered under her breath.

  Without looking, he simply nodded. "I know."

  All too quickly, their magical stroll was over, and they now stood outside of some imposing gates. Oron led her to the front of their group to stand with Darian.

  A fae in burnished armor stepped forward. "Prince Darian, hail and well met."

  Darian nodded. "Malcom, I have the honor of escorting the Unit Commander, Aiden McKenzie, and company to meet with the queen."

  Malcom gave one nod and eyed their group. When he saw her; he frowned. "That woman was not on the expected guest list."

  Oron stepped in front of her. "She is Isabelle Campbell and my mate."

  Malcom shook his head. "She's not on the approved list."

  Izzy watched as Oron straightened. He simply led her past the guard and shoved the gate open. "Take it up with the queen," he said flippantly.

  Behind them, she heard him stuttering. "Prince Darian," he began.

  "You heard him, take it up with the queen," Darian answered.

  When Izzy peeked back everyone was following behind them. Meryn met her eye. "Bzzzzz," she whispered.

  Izzy nodded. "Totally."

  Aiden looked down at his mate fear in his eyes. "Meryn, no."

  Meryn smiled up at him. "What?"

  Aiden looked over at Darian. "How far is it to the queen's chambers?" he asked desperately.

  Darian grinned down at Meryn. "Not far. But just so you know, Malcom almost decapitated me during our last visit, so if Meryn is feeling buzzy, you won't hear a word of censure from me."

  Amelia nodded. "Damn, right."

  Aiden's shoulders sagged. "As long as we're not kicked out of the city; I guess it's okay."

  Oron clapped his commander on the back. "No worries, sir, the queen already adores Meryn, so it's highly unlikely she'll kick us out."

  "There you are! We were expecting you this morning." A tall fae female walked up to them. "Did you forget how to tell time living amongst the shifters?" she asked.

  "Wonderful to see you again, Portia. Everyone, this is Portia Kilardin, the amazing palace manager I was telling you about." Darian said, greeting the extremely rigid woman and introducing her to the group.

  She eyed his uniform and sighed before turning to look at the group. When she got to Meryn, she raised an eyebrow. "At least she's dressed appropriately, from the stories I heard I half expected to see her in demolition gear."

  Meryn's expression flattened. Suddenly the air around her shimmered again and she was now sporting Pikachu pajamas. Izzy barely managed to suppress her giggles.

  Portia's eyebrows raised to her hairline. "A sense of humor I see." She turned her attention to Izzy and Oron. "I hear congratulations are in order." She looked her up and down. "I understand you have lost most of your belongings." She unrolled a scroll. "I took the liberty of arranging for our local tailors to come to the palace to fit you for proper attire. Cord will let you know the times." She rolled up the scroll and turned on her heel. "If you all would please follow me."

  Meryn sighed, and her clothes went back to her golden robes. "She's like a squire, and Beth, and Kari rolled into one."

  "Portia, does mother know?" Oron asked.

  Portia turned back to them and her icy demeanor melted a bit. "No Oron, I made sure that no one spoiled your surprise."

  Izzy stared. The stuffy older fae liked her mate, maybe he had more allies than he thought. She brought his hand up and kissed it. He looked down at her surprised before returning the gesture.

  If she thought that the fae city was impressive, she was sorely mistaken. The elegant cream and gold streets they walked seemed dull when compared to the understated, yet detailed splendor that was the royal palace.

  It was golden without being gaudy. The hallway where they strolled opened on one side to a magical garden. As they walked, they passed stately marble pillars where the sprites waved and played peek-a-boo. Izzy was suddenly overwhelmed and felt tears sting her eyes. She was walking in a place more dazzling than her dreams.

  Oron looked down and was smiling until he saw her expression. He stopped and pulled her off to one side. Darian, seeing his brother stop halted their progress. Oron waved him on. Darian nodded, and the group continued.

  He stared down at her for a moment before she saw a look of understanding on his face. He pulled her close for a hug. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" he asked quietly.

  She sniffled and nodded. "I can't believe something like this is real and I'm lucky enough to see it."

  Oron rubbed his cheek along the top of her head. "When I followed Darian to Lycaonia, it almost hurt to live there. Everything seemed dull, lifeless, and dark in comparison. It took nearly a decade for me to adjust to living outside of Éire Danu. How the warriors in Noctem Falls don't lose their minds is a miracle to me." He pulled back and looked down at her. "Never lose that sense of wonder and amazement, my love. It doesn't make you silly or weak, it proves you are alive."

  She wiped her cheeks. "Come on, your mom is waiting."

  His eyes lit up. "You're right. Let's go."

  They managed to catch up to the group as Portia was rapping on a massive wooden door. She turned back to them. "The Queen insisted on meeting with everyone in her chambers as opposed to the throne room."

  The door swung open and a scowling fae stood in the doorway. "That's because it's family visiting Portia." He looked at them and stepped to one side. "You may want to hurry along, Aleks is wearing a hole in the floor."

  "I am not Brennus! Stop telling them that!" An irate female voice demanded from behind him. Brennus gave them a slow wink as Darian and Oron began to chuckle.

  Darian stepped through the door leading them in. "It's wonderful to see you again, mother."

  Once inside, Izzy could see that although the term private chambers had been used, it was more like a large family room. An opulent family room, but a family room none the less.

  Instead of hard wooden chairs, there were plush looking sofas and loungers. Off to one side of the room, a round table and chairs sported linen napkins and fresh flowers, that softly beckoned them to sit and enjoy a brunch.

  "Oron!" Izzy barely had time to step to one side before a tall woman practically plowed into her mate.

  "Mother," Oron said softly, wrapping his arms around her.

  This was his mother? She was gorgeous and didn't look a day over twenty-five.

  Oron chuckled and stepped back, putting his mother at arm's reach. "Mother, I have someone I want you to meet." He snaked his hand around and pulled her into the nook of his arm. "This is my mate, Isabelle Campbell.

  The ethereal looking woman in front of her suddenly burst into tears shocking both her sons and her own mate. "Oh! I prayed you would find mate soon, my little warrior! I hated the idea of you being alone."

  Oron looked down at her, a panicked look on his face. She gently pushed him toward the overwhelmed queen. Oron too
k his cue from her and once again held his mother. With his free hand, he accepted the handkerchief Portia held out to him and dabbed at his mother's cheeks. "This is a happy occasion, so no more tears," he insisted. He beckoned Meryn to step closer. "Besides, I brought the little human you've been enamored with."

  The queen sniffed and took the handkerchief from him to wipe her eyes. She looked over and saw Meryn hesitantly edging closer. "Oh, my dear, I am so sorry to go all to pieces on you." She held out her hand. "Let me see you." Meryn blushed and took the queen's hand. The queen looked her up and down. Izzy noticed that her eyes lingered on Meryn's cuffs. She tilted her head. "If I didn't know better, I would say that the gown is showing you off. It feels like it is having fun."

  Meryn brightened. "I taught her about graphic tee shirts. I think I may have given her an addiction."

  The queen nodded. "I may have to have the craftsmen start on another gown to give to Lady Fairfax. I'm certain that this particular gown won't work for anyone but you. It's almost as if you've imprinted on it."

  Meryn's eyes widened. "I get to keep her?"

  The queen nodded. "I think that may be best."

  Meryn threw her arm in the air. "Yes!" She grinned then spotted Izzy. "Izzy, my Coffee Goddess, needs some clothes too. All her stuff burned up."

  The queen's head whipped around to her. "Are you okay?" She hurried over and started to inspect her.

  Izzy squirmed. "I'm good, but I lost most of my stuff, and what I do have smells like smoke."

  "Cord!" the queen bellowed.

  "I am right here, Aleks," a tenor voice said. Izzy looked at the man walking up to them. Unlike Darian and Oron, who had golden blond hair, Cord's was a fiery, warm hue. The undertones leaned more toward brown than blond, and he wore it well. He saw her staring and smiled. "Welcome to the family," he said, before placing his hand on his heart and giving a slight bow. "My name is Cord Danual, I am the squire for Her Majesty. If there is anything at all you need, please do not hesitate to let me know. Portia has already arranged for the city's tailors to come to the palace for your fittings."

  The queen's eyes narrowed. "That means you knew he had a mate."

  Cord simply smiled, then turned to the group. "Who would like some tea?" he asked as he began ushering them toward the dining table.

  They walked over and Meryn turned to Cord. "Umm, your table is too small."

  Izzy nodded. It looked like it was meant more for a small family than entertaining a large group.

  Cord winked at Meryn then rapped on the table twice. Before their very eyes, the table expanded, and chairs popped up out of nowhere. The place settings changed from the elegant gold linen to a more serviceable cream.

  "Whoa," both she and Meryn said in unison.

  Cord chuckled. "I still have few tricks up my sleeves. Now, I got quite the earful from Sebastian on how you should be fed," he rolled his eyes. "I think he forgot I was a squire before he drew his first breath, but he was so worried for you, I humored him." He steered the little Meryn over to a chair. "I heard that you adore Sebastian's Vanilla parfait..."

  "Magic Pudding," Meryn corrected.

  Cord smiled. "Of course, Magic Pudding. Would you be interested in trying my cinnamon scones with clotted cream?"

  Meryn licked her lips. "Now, you're speaking my language."

  Cord turned to Ryuu. "I could show you the kitchen so you can get acclimated to the layout for your stay," he offered.

  Ryuu gave a half bow. "That would be most appreciated."

  Once everyone was seated, the squires headed toward the kitchen to prepare tea.

  Oron took her hand under the table. She was clenching her fists again. "Mother, maybe some introductions are in order? Meryn may recognize Doran and Celyn, but my mate is new to our world."

  Brennus stood. "Allow me, my dear." The queen just smiled and he continued. "I know it may be somewhat hard to believe due to her unusual display of hysterics, but this amazing woman to my right is Queen Aleksandra...ow!" He scowled down at his mate.

  She gave him a flat look. "Hysterics?"

  He kept going. "The two gentlemen to my left are my younger brothers Doran Ri'Eirlea and Celyn Vi'Ailean. Doran serves in Her Majesty's Personal Guard, and Celyn is the fae Elder in Lycaonia." He barely paused before going on. "The stunning woman sitting next to Celyn has the unfortunate luck to be my brother's mate, her name is Vivian. Evidently, when they learned you were visiting, they insisted on coming as well."

  "I'll give you unfortunate..." Celyn muttered.

  Vivian laughed. "When I heard that Celyn was returning to Éire Danu to visit with Meryn, of course, I had to tag along." She looked over and beamed at her brightly. "And I wanted to see Felix again."

  Izzy nodded absently. "I can understand that; he is freaking adorable."

  The queen looked at her. "You can see him?"

  Izzy froze. Had she said something wrong?

  Oron squeezed her hand. "Yes, my mate can see sprites as well."

  The queen puffed out her chest. "Both of my son's mates can see sprites! That will go a long way to still wagging tongues."

  Meryn held up a long, skinny stick. "Let them talk smack, I'll shock the shit outta them."

  Amelia and Izzy giggled and said "Bzzzzz" at the same time.

  The queen looked absolutely shocked but surprised them all by bursting out into laughter. "It is going to be so much fun having you girls visit."

  Aiden looked a bit ill, and Darian stared down at his mate a worried expression on his face.

  Izzy snuck a look up at Oron to find he was simply grinning. "What? I want to have fun too," he admitted.

  Micah chuckled. "Game on."

  "Gods above give me strength," Aiden muttered.


  Once everyone was introduced, Portia left to tend to the day to day activities of the palace. As the door was shutting Ryuu and Cord returned ready to serve tea. The queen lifted her cup. "So, Izzy, Meryn, what do you think of the city so far?"

  Izzy exchanged glances with Meryn and spoke first. "I think it's magical. I can't wait to go exploring."

  Meryn nodded. "After my coffee though," she eyed her.

  Izzy couldn't help but laugh. "Of course."

  Serenity coughed into her balled up fist. "Limits, Meryn."

  Meryn turned back to Ryuu and held up her hand. He walked behind her and gently took her wrist between his thumb and forefinger as if he were taking her pulse. "Do you have a tattoo?" Izzy asked, eyeing the blue dragon.

  Meryn bobbed her head. "It's Ryuu's turkey popper for me."

  Ryuu released her wrist. "Have milk instead of tea, then you can have coffee later for exploring."

  Meryn nodded and held out her cup. Ryuu walked over to the serving cart and retrieved the glass carafe of milk.

  Izzy turned to Oron. "Turkey popper?"

  The queen also looked bewildered. "Yes, please explain."

  Oron pointed to Ryuu. "Ryuu gave Meryn that tattoo. From my understanding, it helps him gauge her emotions and tracks her health."

  The queen became thoughtful. "I do not believe I would like that." She looked back at her own squire. "Though I've never had to worry about it, Cord is practically a mind reader, he's always anticipating me."

  Meryn shrugged. "I have the emotional IQ of a termite, so it was kinda needed to keep me fed and alive."

  Ryuu exhaled. "You have no idea."

  Cord clapped him on the back. "She's glowing, and that babe looks to be thriving, so I would say you're doing a fine job."

  Ryuu's cheeks tinted slightly. "She's really not that much trouble."

  Meryn nodded again. "Especially now that I'm wearing Dani all the time, he doesn't even have to remind me to change clothes anymore."

  Vivian giggled behind her napkin. "I have so missed you in Lycaonia."

  Meryn grinned evilly. "How's Bow-wow Bowers?"

  Vivian, who had just taken a sip of tea sputtered in her cup causing tea to splash up on her nos
e. Celyn chuckled as his mate wiped at her face with a napkin. "Meryn! You can't do that to me while I'm drinking."

  Meryn shrugged. "So, did she get over the whole vaginoplasty thing?"

  The queen gasped. "That was you?" she demanded.

  "I neither confirm nor deny those allegations."

  Even Law looked shocked. "That column has to be one of the best-kept secrets in our world, how on earth did you influence it?"

  Meryn wiggled her fingers at him. "Maaagggiiccc."

  Izzy leaned forward. "What did you allegedly do?" she asked, dying to know.

  Meryn gave a recap of what happened in something she called the Sewing Circle from Hell a few months ago. Izzy held up her hand. "They have a column called 'Dear Gentle Reader', like something from a Regency novel?"

  Amelia smiled. "Yes, and if Meryn did what Daphne is accusing her of, then it was an ingenious power play, and it effectively shut down Daphne's barrage of hateful gossip."

  Meryn poked her big sister-cousin in the arm. "Says the woman who nearly choked Daphne out."

  Darian's eyes widened. "That's what happened! You said you may have to go to tribunal for an attack on a matriarch, but you never said you choked her out."

  Amelia shrugged. "She was threatening my baby sister-cousin. Ryuu stopped me before she passed out," she explained.

  Brennus leaned back in his chair. "I'm not sure we're ready for three spunky little ladies like this."

  The queen patted his leg. "We'll be just fine. I think our people need a little shaking up and who better to do it than my new daughters."

  Meryn blinked. "Me too?"

  The queen nodded. "Amelia and Isabelle are my daughters given to me by Fate when they mated my sons, but I have a feeling you're more a daughter of the heart."

  Meryn kinda slumped forward. "But I don't want to embarrass you," she whispered.

  The queen sat up straighter. "Meryn, there is nothing you can do that would make me too embarrassed to love you."

  Aiden bumped her shoulder gently with his own. "That goes triple for me, baby."

  Law grinned. "Me too, but I wouldn't test the limits on that pipsqueak." She glared at him, and he held his hands up. "I've not only known you the longest, but I've also worked with you. You can be downright destructive and scary when you put your mind to it."


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