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Page 12

by W L Knightly

“He has a sister,” Max said. “She’s been notified. We asked her to come down. She might have information on the pedophile ring and anything else that might lead us to the guy.”

  “What if this was a setup?” Darek asked.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Lizzy’s voice grabbed his attention. “This is our guy. He’s the one. You know, Darek. I can’t believe you’d even think otherwise.”

  “I’m just throwing out all the possibilities. That’s what we’re here to do, right? Detect?”

  “Yeah, and you should learn how to recognize evidence when it comes out and shakes your hand. This is the guy. I don’t know why you can’t accept that.” She shook her head and then plopped down in her chair and pulled up to the desk.

  Max nodded. “I agree with her, buddy. I think this is it. You should be glad since this is your big chance.”

  Darek hated to agree with them but didn’t want to protest the situation so much. “You’re right. I guess I just can’t believe it. We’ve got a suspect with a motive. We need to make sure he doesn’t have a strong alibi, and we’re as good as gold.”

  “I’d question any kind of alibi he did have.” Lizzy shook her head. “This guy isn’t going to have shit. I promise.”

  “I like your confidence.” Darek wanted to bet against it, knowing that when he did show up with a fucking hospital record, it would show Tad had been there the entire time.

  An officer walked in and crossed the room. “Hey, we got a witness from that crime scene that came in to talk to you.”

  “Who is it?”

  “A boy. His name is Kyler.” The officer held his hand as if to show the boy’s height.

  “Bring him back to questioning.” Lizzy got to her feet so quickly, Darek knew to act fast and stay on her heels. He wasn’t letting her have a minute alone with the kid.

  They went into the room with the boy, who was looking around at the walls and windows. “Is there a camera on me?”

  “We do have cameras overhead, and there is an observation window, but I can promise you that no one is there right now.” Lizzy’s voice had taken on a sweeter tone, far sweeter than twenty minutes before when she was trying to get her point across.

  Darek found it hard to balance between solving the case and being one of the guilty parties. As he looked at the boy, he couldn’t help but notice how much he looked like Tad had as a kid. The old man must have had a type.

  “How well did you know Mr. Halston?” Lizzy asked.

  “I never called him Mr. Halston. He liked me to call him Roddy.”

  She nodded. “That’s a nice man to treat you like an equal. I mean, most older men don’t get on a first-name basis with a kid your age.”

  “I’m fourteen. He said that I’m mature for my age.”

  “Yeah?” Darek asked. “That was nice of him. Is he a friend of your parents?”

  “No, sir. My dad is gone, and my mother is busy a lot. I spent a couple of hours a day at Roddy’s just for something to do.”

  Lizzy leaned in closer. “Did Roddy take you through his house? Show you things?”

  The little boy lifted his chin as if to make a declaration. “I know you probably found the basement. I wanted you to know he never touched me.”

  Darek and Lizzy exchanged a look. “You mean in a sexual way?” Lizzy asked.

  “Yeah, he wasn’t like that.”

  “Did he take photographs of you like the other boys?” she asked.

  “It wasn’t like that. He paid me to take a few pictures, and I did it because I needed the money, but Roddy was a good guy. He was my friend. He didn’t make me do anything I didn’t want to.”

  Lizzy flattened her palms on the table and took a deep breath. “What he was having you do is illegal. Do you realize that?” She was losing her patience, and Darek knew how frustrating it was hearing the kid and how brainwashed he was. Darek knew that Tad had the same mindfuck done on him.

  “It was just pictures,” Ky said.

  Lizzy’s tone deepened. “It doesn’t matter. You’re underage. I know you don’t really understand how you’re a victim but what he did to you was wrong.”

  “But I didn’t care. I gave him permission.” The boy was adamant, and Lizzy’s chest was heaving, she was so upset.

  Darek couldn’t believe it. The kid was all but standing up for the guy. “You’re not of an age where you can give someone permission to do those kinds of things.”

  “He’s not a bad guy, though. He took pictures of lots of things.”

  Lizzy cleared her throat. “Was the other man around a lot? The one with the Mustang?”

  “Just that one day. He didn’t stay long after I showed up. He seemed a bit jealous, kind of. Roddy went out to talk to him, and I listened at the door.”

  “And what did you hear?” Lizzy asked.

  “Just that Roddy asked him to shoot some pics with me.”

  “And you would have been okay with that?” Darek asked, wondering how much control the old man had over his victims.

  “It’s not like I would have to do it. But if I could make enough money for a sweet car like that Mustang, I’d consider it.”

  “Do you know where those pictures of you end up?” Lizzy slapped the table, and the little boy jumped back a bit. “They end up in the hands of sleazy men who hurt children and have no trouble hurting little boys like you to get off. Doesn’t that bother you?”

  He shrugged. “It’s not like I’m hurting anyone. I’m just standing there, getting paid.”

  Darek grabbed hold of Lizzy’s shoulder and pulled her back from the table, which she was practically laying on to get in the kid’s face.

  “Come on, let’s take a minute.” Darek got Lizzy to her feet, and then the little boy sat back in his chair as they walked into the observation room.

  Lizzy paced the floor. “The little shit likes it? Really? This is what this world’s coming to?”

  “The sick fuck did his homework. He found kids with little to no family life, and he groomed them. We’ve seen this before. And kids Kyler’s age, they think they know it all. He’s a teenager who comes from a broken home. To him, the guy was a businessman and a hero.”

  “He was scum.”

  “Well, I guess it’s a good thing he’s dead then.” Darek knew the kid was wasting their time, but hopefully, he was giving Tad a head start.

  “Right, and while this kid is here telling us what a fucking hero this dirty bastard was, his killer, Victor’s killer, Alicia’s killer, is getting away.”

  Darek looked over to see the kid looked bored. “Let’s get this kid to social services and get back to work. He doesn’t have anything.”

  They walked back into the room, and Kyler was kicked back and rocking in his chair. “Is there anything else you wanted to say, Kyler?” Darek took the lead with the questions and let Lizzy sit and stew.

  “Yeah, I wanted to know if there was any money found. He still owed me twenty bucks, and I want my pictures.”

  “Are you for fucking real?” Lizzy got up and left the room, and Darek turned to watch her go while Kyler continued.

  “Hey, I earned it fair and square.”

  “Your days of doing this kind of thing are done, Ky. You can’t go around posing nude.”

  The boy’s eyes widened. “I wasn’t nude.”

  “Wait, what?” Darek did a double-take.

  “Heck no, I wasn’t nude. Like I said, he didn’t make me do anything I didn’t want to. He paid me a little to take some shots of me on my skateboard, and a few more of me in my gear, but that’s it.”

  Darek realized the kid hadn’t been used the way Tad had been used, although Darek had no doubt Roddy planned to take things in that direction eventually. “But you know about the basement and what kind of things he had there? What he did there?”

  “Yeah, I’ve been down there the days he took my picture. We watched some TV, and he showed me some of his work. He takes pictures of all kinds of things, and he said that mine might
make it into a skating magazine someday. So, do you think I can get that twenty?”

  “What do you need that money for?”

  The kid shrugged. “Roddy usually let me take a few pictures, and then he’d give me money so I could buy food. My mom works a lot, and she doesn’t always have time to shop or the money to leave for me to do it.”

  “Here kid, take this.” Darek opened up his wallet and handed the kid a twenty. “That’s for groceries. Try to make some friends your own age.”


  Darek called an officer in to lead the boy out of the station. When Darek walked back into the observation room, Lizzy let out a breath where she stood at the window.

  “He would have probably been his next victim, you know?”

  Darek nodded. “Probably. Thankfully, we’ll never know. Whoever killed that asshole saved this kid from going through hell.”

  “Now, I guess we should go find some justice for that asshole.” She turned and pushed past him on the way out the door, but he caught her arm.

  “Are you okay? You’re taking this a bit hard, and your mood isn’t like I’ve ever seen it.”

  She shook her head. “The world is just an ugly place sometimes, Darek. You probably know that as well as anyone. What are you going to do, though? We can only catch these fuckers as they come along, after they’ve committed these horrible crimes.”

  “Yeah, but look what we avoided. Kyler gets to live his life thinking Roddy was a good guy, and he’ll never be a victim. That’s the best we can do sometimes. We solve crimes, not prevent them.”

  Max stormed into the room. “There’s a house on Bentley Avenue. It’s where the sister of the suspect lives, and we think that’s where the guy is, or has been, living. There’s a chance that he’s there, so we have a unit on the way. They’re ready for anything.”

  Darek imagined Tad in a stand-off, holed up in his house as police surrounded him. “I guess we better get down there.”

  “I’ll drive.”

  “Wait a minute,” Max said. “The sister is supposed to be on her way here, too. Shouldn’t someone be here to meet with her?”

  “I’ll stay and talk to the woman,” Darek offered.

  Lizzy frowned at him. “Are you sure? You don’t want to come down and see this fucker arrested?”

  He had to think fast. “No, I’d rather stay here and make sure that when we bring him in, it’s going to stick.” He also needed the time alone so he could warn Tad and Bay.



  Tad raced around his sister’s house, looking for the things he needed most. He had his cell charger, his money, and a few clothes, but it seemed like he was forgetting something. And he didn’t know what to grab for his sister or how to convince her that she needed to go with him. He finally threw it all in a bag and left, thinking he’d have her go and buy anything she needed when they got to where they were going.

  He ran out to his car, not bothering with his seatbelt. He backed out of the driveway and headed down the road. He noticed a line of cops heading his way once he got onto the freeway, and sure enough, they took the next exit toward his house. He had to keep going, and as he glanced down at his phone, he thought about he was doing.

  Maybe he shouldn’t run. He could just turn himself in and ask for help. It wasn’t like he’d committed a crime, and most likely, he’d been in the hospital while any crime occurred. Unfortunately, he wasn’t a hundred percent sure about that. If the crime had taken place before he had a solid alibi, he was toast.

  He hoped to get to the hospital to get his sister before anyone would notice, but then his phone rang, and it was his sister again. He decided it was best to go ahead and tell her he was on his way and why.


  “Yeah, where the hell are you?”

  “I’m on my way to get you.”

  “To get me from where? Look, I’m on my way to the police station. I don’t know how to tell you this, but Uncle Roddy is dead. I’ve been trying to call you.”

  “You know about Roddy?” Tad’s voice cracked.

  “Yeah, they told me, and they asked about you. I’m supposed to go down and sign some papers or something. I’m not sure.”

  “Hannah, don’t go down there.” He shifted and hit the gas, hoping to make it to the hotel room in a hurry. “I’ve got a safe place we can go. Meet me there.”

  “A safe place? What the hell are you talking about? You sound scared to death, Tad. What the hell is happening?”

  “Uncle Roddy was murdered, Hannah. You need to come to where I am.” He didn’t have time to go find her. He felt like he was running out of time.

  “Murdered? Tad, how do you know that?”

  “Because they threatened me, okay. They threatened you. I need to know you’re safe. Just hang up, and I’ll give you the address.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. I’m going to the police. I am going to tell them what’s going on.”

  “They think I did it.”

  “That’s ridiculous, Tad. You’re not thinking clearly. Have you been using?”

  The accusation infuriated him. “Fuck no! I am perfectly sober, for fuck’s sake. Hannah, listen. I need you to come with me. Please. Trust me.”

  “You’re scaring me, Tad. Who is after you? Does it have something to do with drugs? Are you in some kind of debt?”

  “No, look, I have to go. I need to leave the country. Bay’s made all the arrangements.”

  “Bay? I should have known that asshole was wrapped up in this. He’s gotten you into something, hasn’t he? It’s drugs or something worse. You’ve been dealing?” Hannah had always had an overactive imagination. “When you got that mark at camp, you joined some kind of cult, didn’t you? Did you kill Uncle Roddy?”

  He couldn’t believe the words had come out of her mouth. “No. Fuck this, Hannah. You know me. I’m still your brother. I’m still Tad. Trust me, and know I’m trying to save us both.”

  “No, I don’t know you. Not after the stunt you pulled. I got you a modeling job, and you turned it into another excuse to party. Now, you’re telling me some wild shit, little brother. I knew you had gotten yourself into something the minute you brought Bay Collins back into your life. Do you think I don’t know what a snake he is? I’ve heard how he is in the courtroom isn’t much different than how he is in real life. He’s a destroyer, Tad. He’s going to destroy you.”

  “He’s trying to save me. You just can’t see it.” Bay had always been trying to save him, hadn’t he? From the moment he’d met him? He knew better, yet couldn’t face the truth. The truth made him weak.

  “Save you from what?”

  “Maybe if you had been around all those years instead of being gone with your friends, you’d know. And maybe if you’d been around, none of it would have happened.”

  “What the hell are you talking about? I couldn’t go to camp with you. I couldn’t be around to stop whatever that little shit brainwashed you with. You think we didn’t see a change when you came back?”

  “I mean before that, with Uncle Roddy. I mean the fact that he was taking advantage of me, and you just let it happen. You and Mom, you were both so busy living your own life to notice me going through hell.”

  “You mean, he molested you? What are you saying? You worshipped him like a he was a God.” Hannah’s voice broke. He and his sister had never had a more emotional discussion.

  Tad couldn’t deny that he had come back from camp talking up his new friend. He had worshipped Bay the very same way he’d worshipped his uncle. They were the only two people in his life who had ever given a damn, even if it was in their own special ways. Maybe that was his problem. He’d always searched for approval; for one person to think he was special, and it didn’t matter how unhealthy that approval was. He’d blinded himself and turned the cheek on what Roddy had done to him. He had no one to blame but himself.

  Hannah cleared her throat, and from the sounds through the phone, she was deal
ing with tears. “Did you kill him because he abused you?”

  “I swear to you, Hannah, I didn’t kill him. I’m not that kind of monster.” With that, he hung up the phone, tears rolling down his own cheeks for the first time in years. His own sister had lost faith in him, and he didn’t know what he was going to do when he got to where he was going.

  He pulled up at the hotel and was upset that there were no spaces in the garage. He left his car in the open, but it wouldn’t matter. He was going to abandon it anyway, and hopefully, nothing horrible would happen to it until he got back. The gorgeous hunk of metal made him feel like someone special, and considering how things were going, it was all he had.

  He tried to walk as calmly as possible into the hotel, but there was a little extra pep in his step as he went up to the desk and got his key.

  “There should be a room waiting for me. P.B. Halston.” He rolled his eyes. Bay and his sick humor.

  “Here you are, Mr. Halston. Enjoy your stay.” The beautiful woman gave him a smile, and he turned and made tracks to the elevator where he tapped his foot as he waited for it to open its doors. Once it did, he walked into the little space as others got off, and he rode the thing all the way up to his floor.

  He wasted no time leaving the elevator, and since there wasn’t anyone around, he hurried his pace even more down the hall to his room and quickly put the keycard in the door.

  The place was decent, and there was a nice view of the city through the window. He paced the floor and then sat on the bed to collect his thoughts. He looked at his phone and noticed that while he was on with his sister, he missed one of Bay’s messages.

  His phone went off while he was holding it, and he answered, hoping it was Bay.

  “Hey, Halston,” Lewis, his boss at Bakes, said. “I need you to come in tonight and cover for Wes. You can make up some time for that fucking stunt you pulled earlier. You might have Mr. Collins fooled, but you don’t have me.”

  Tad had waited weeks for the opportunity to tell him off, and considering the circumstances, he thought, what the hell? “No, I can’t come in. And as for you and that fucking job, shove it up your ass.” He wanted to add, How’s that for a stunt, but he left it at that and ended the call.


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